HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/12/2001 SC minutes Viii age Engineer ~~~
Mount Prospect Public Works Department
1700 W. Central Road, Mount Prospect; Illinois 800[55-2229
Phone 847/870-5640 Fax 847/253-8377 TDD 84-7/382-1235
The Regular Meeting o£the Mount Prospect Safety Commission was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
on Monday, February 12, 2001.
Present upon roll call: Chuck Bencic Commissioner
Joan Bjork Commissioner
John Keane Commissioner
Andy Mitchell Commissioner
John Dahlberg Police Department
Buz Livingston Fire Department
Paul Bures Public Works
Matt Lawrie Public Works/Engineering Division
Absent: Lee Beening Chairman
Nancy Bobikewicz Commissioner
Others in Attendance: See Attached Attendance Sheet.
Commissioner Mitchell, seconded by Commissioner Keane, moved to approve the minutes o£the
regular meeting of the Safety Commission held on December 18, 2000. The minutes were
approved by a vote of 7-0.
No citizens came forth at this time to discuss any topics that were not on the current agenda.
Recycled Paper - Printed with Soy Ink
1) Background Information
During the summer of 2000, Route 83 between Prospect Avenue and Golf Road was under
reconstruction. Only southbound traffic was allowed to use this stretch of Route 83; Central
Road was part of the detour route for northbound traffic. Due to anticipated increase in traffic,
various mm and weight restrictions were enacted by the Village Board prior to the start of the
project. The purpose of the ordinances was to enhance safety, maintain acceptable traffic
movement and protect the integrity of our streets. One of the signs installed was "No Left Turn"
from westbound Central Road to southbound Wa-Pella Avenue at all times..
At the end of the 2000 construction season, the Village Board of Trus[ees repealed all of the turn
and weight restrictions related to the Route 83 Reconstruction Project except the left turn
prohibition at Central Road and Wa-Pella Avenue. The Village Board recently remanded this
issue back to the Safety Commission to review and provide them your recommendations.
2) Existing Conditions
Central Road is under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). It is
an east-west arterial route that carries over 22,000 vehicles per day. At Wa-Pella Avenue,
Central Road is a four lane cross-section and has asphalt pavement. According to records, it
appears the road was last reconstructed in 1958. In 1971, the Central Road / Northwest H!ghway
intersection was reconfigured and resurface& Today, the road is in a deteriorated state with
cracking and potholes.
Wa-Pella Avenue is a north-south residential street under the jurisdiction of the Village. The
road begins at Central Road and continues south. The north side of Central Road is the driveway
to 500 W. Central Road. At Central Road, Wa-Pella Avenue is 46' wide. Parking is allowed on
both sides of the street in front of the commercial buildings. Approximately 150' south of
Central Road, the street narrows to 26' wide as the residential neighborhood begins. Parking is
prohibited on the west side of the street from this point to Busse Avenue.
Behind 601 W. Central Road, a 15' wide alley connects the commercial property, 6 Wa-Pella
Avenue and the Central Village Apartments to Wa-Pella AVenue. This alley is owned by the
Approximately 350' east of the Central Road / Wa-Pella Avenue intersection are the Union
Pacific railroad tracks. Prospect Avenue Originates at Central Road and parallels the near side of
the tracks. Northwest Highway parallels the far side of the tracks.
Approximately 1000' west of the Central Road / Wa-Pella Avenue intersection is Cathy Lane,
the next opportunity to enter or exit the neighborhood south of Central Road as you travel west.
3) Observations
Staff observed the traffic patterns in the vicinity of the Central Road / Wa-Pella Avenue
intersection during peak travel times of the day. With the left turn prohibition currently in effect,
westbound Central Road traffic moved efficiently with little congestion. On occasion, a vehicle
would turn left into the commercial property at 60t W. Central Road. This would lead to a back-
up until the vehicle could complete the turn. The same situation would be seen for a vehicle
turning left into the Central Village Apartments property.
On occasion, vehicles that entered the commercial building property or the Central Village
Apartments property would cut through the parking lots to the alley, travel east down the alley
and torn right to go southbound on Wa-Pella Avenue.
The presence of railroad tracks lead to occasional back-ups for eastbound Central Road traffic
near Wa-Pella Avenue. This is compounded by vehicles turning left into the commercial
property at 500 W. Central Road.
Staff also observed the traffic patterns in the vicinity of the Central Road / Cathy Lane
intersection during peak travel times of the day. Staff believed Cathy Lane may be carrying
more traffic with the left turn prohibition at Wa-Pella Avenue. Traffic counts were obtained in
t998 and manual counts were done on Tuesday, January 16~. The data revealed that the amount
of northbound traffic dropped slightly while southbound traffic increased three-fold (82 vehicles
in 1998 vs. 260 vehicles in 2001 during the peak 4 hours of the day).
Observations at Cathy Lane during the peak hours of the day showed that vehicles waiting to
mm left onto Cathy Lane from Central Road Or vehicles waiting to mm left onto Central Road
from Cathy Lane did not'have to wait a significant amount of time to complete the mm. On
most occasions, a turning vehicle did not have to wait. The most a vehicle had to wait to turn
left was approximately 60 seconds.
Based. on Staff's observations during the manual counts at Central l~oad and Cathy Lane,
approximately 10% of the southbound vehicles turned right or left onto Whitegate Drive. 40%
turned left (eastbound) at Busse Avenue. 10% turned right (westbound) at Busse Avenue. 40%
continued south past Busse Avenue.
Accident report data was obtained for the intersections of Prospect Avenue, Wa~Pella Avenue
and Cathy Lane with Central Road over the past five years. The report show accidents have
dropped along Central Road at Wa-Pella Avenue and Prospect Avenue since the left mm
prohibition went into effect. Accidents at Cathy Lane have not changed significantly.
4) Written Comments
Letters were sent to those properties that reside within 200' of the Central Road / Wa-Pella
Avenue intersection per the Notification Policy. A sign was also erected at the intersection
providing an opportunity for anyone interested to send written comments on this issue to the
Village. Half the comments supported the:left turn prohibition citing safety concern because of
the railroad tracks and less traffic on Wa-Pella Avenue. Others opposed the left turn prohibition
citing an inconvenience of having to go to Cathy Lane and commercial properties experiencing
cut through traffic. Some of the comments supported time specific restrictions rather than the
current all day restriction.
Both the Police and Fire Departments support the left turn prohibition. Eliminating the potential
for vehicles stopped on the railroad tracks and the reduction of accidents were a couple of
reasons for supporting the left mm prohibition. Representatives of the Police and Fire
Departments will be in attendance at the meeting.
5) Conclusions
Three issues appear to influence the decision on whether or not to maintain or repeal the left turn
prohibition. Safety of motorists, efficient movement of traffic and resident convenience of
accessing the neighborhood are ali to be taken into account.
/With our history of train/vehicle accidents, the Village is'very concerned with situations that
cause any vehicle to be stopped on railroad tracks. Prior to the left turn prohibition, a vehicle
waiting to turn left from westbound Central Road to southbound Wa-Pella Avenue would cause a
back-up of other vehicles. Due to the close proximity of the mikoad tracks to Wa-Pella Avenue,
it only takes approximately 10-12 vehicles to be stopped behind the turning vehicle to reach the
raikoad tracks. While this situation is most likely to occur during peak travel times, the potential
for this occurrence is possible at any time because of the fluctuation in the amount of traffic
throughout the day. The current left turn prohibition is posted for all times in order to eliminate
the potential for vehicles stopped on the railroad trackS. Staffhas received comments suggesting
only restricting the left turn during peak travel times. While this may be thought of as an
acceptable compromise, it does not eliminate the potential of a dangerous situation not to
mention the need for a high level of Police enforcement.
With the presence of railroad tracks, Central Road can experience greater than normal traffic
congestion. The multiple ~xaffic movements at Prospect Avenue and Northwest Highway at
Central Road leads to a long traffic signal cycle. For westbound Central Road traffic, congestion
is heightened with vehicles turning Ieft at Wa-Pella Avenue because of its close proximity to the
railroad tracks and other intersections. Traffic congestion should be alleviated to the greatest
extent possible.
By prohibiting the left turn movement from westbound Central Road to southbound Wa-Pella
Avenue, many residents who live in the neighborhood south of Central Road must now travel
four additional blocks by using Cathy Lane rather than Wa-Pella Avenue. Cathy Lane
experiences more traff~c now than prior to the left turn prohibition at Wa-Pella Avenue. While
data has not been obtained, greater speeds may also be experienced since motorists feel the need
to make up "lost" time. Some Wa-Pella Avenue residents, on the other hand, have commented
they enjoy the reduction in the amount of traffic on their street. The change in traffic patterns
has inconvenienced some motorists and residents while benefitting others.
Staff has also received comments from the management companies at 60I and 603 W. Central
Road that some motorists use their parking lots as a cut through. We have also observed this
situation in the field. With the' assistance of the Village, signs have been installed at the
driveway entrances to the properties stating "No Thru Traffic" and '2qo Trespassing". However
this still occurs and compromises the safety of pedestrians and other motorists. Additional
measures should be considered to address this cut through concern.
Based on Staff observations, collected data and comments received from residents, motorists and Village
The Village Traffic Engineer recommends to leave in place the current left turn prohibition from
westbound Central Road to southbound Wa-Pella Avenue at all times.
Furthem~ore, the Village Traffic Engineer recommends:
1. The Village pursue discussions with IDOT on improving the condition of Central Road. A new
pavement surface will be less damaging to vehicles and improve the efficiency of traffic movemenT.
2. The Village pursue discussions with IDOT on widening and reconfiguring Central Road to provide a
left turn lane at Wa-Pella Avenue. By providing a separate turning lane, the potential for westbound
vehicles stopped on the railroad tracks would be eliminated. If this work were to be completed, the
Village Traffic Engineer would support repealing the left mm prohibition.
3. The Village provide some assistance to those properties that are experienmng cut through traffic.
Some suggestions would be additional signing and use of a drone squad car supplied by the Police
Department in order to reduce the amount of cut through traffic.
Traffic Engineer Lawrie provided a 10-minute presentation of the study that was performed as
part of this issue. He touched on the history, observations, written comments, conclusions and
recommendations associated with the left turn prohibition.
Commissioner Bencic asked for comments/questions from the Commission.
Commissioner Bjork wondered when IDOT plans on reconstructing Central Road. Traffic
Engineer Lawrie was nor sure but believed it was not planned within the next five years. He
anticipated the Village writing a letter to 1DOT in the near future requesting Central Road be
reconstructed as soon as possible.
Commissioner Mitchell commented that Central Road will be getting street lights between
Arlington Heights Road and Northwest Highway this year.
Commissioner Bencic asked if additional right-of-way would be needed in order to widen
Central Road for a left turn lane. Traffic Engineer Lawhe believed there was enough right-of-
way to widen the road.
Commissioner Bencic then opened the discussion to the public.
Mr. John Swider, 8 Wa-Pella Avenue, believes it is always difficult to turn left on a four-lane
road. By prohibiting the turn at Wa-Pella Avenue, the problem is only moving to Cathy Lane.
He believes it is even a more dangerous situation at C~thy Lane because of the higher speeds
along Central Road in this area.
Mr. Lester Fleming, 105 Wa-Pella Avenue, asked why have accidents decreased at Central &
Wa-Pella over the past five years and whether restricting the left turn only during rush hour was
considered. Traffic Engineer Lawrie explained that limiting the left turn prohibition to certain
hours was considered. However, the combination of the fluctuation of traffic and the close
proximity of the railroad tracks allows the potential for vehicles to be stopped on the tracks.
Time specific restrictions may also lead to confusion for motorists and could increase accidents.
Safety reasons lead to the recommendation.
Mr. Tom Nowak, 300 W. Central Road, commented that the new Park District building was
going to generate more pedestrian activity around Central & Cathy. He also commented that the
lighting along Central Road was a ~vaste of money when the road needs to be repaired. He, too,
believes the problem is only going to be moved from Wa-Pella to Cathy.
Mr. Joe Novelle, 601 W. Central Road, is concerned for the safety of his tenants in the office
building. Vehicles are cutting through his property as a result of the left turn prohibition at Wa-
Mr. Bill Ewerling, 609 W. Central Road, represented the Central Village Apartments. He is also
concerned about the cut through traffic on his property. Commission Bencic asked if there has
been any difference in the amount of cut through traffic when Route 83 was under construction
verses now. Mr. Ewerling responded there was not a significant change.
Ms. Carol Novelle, 601 W. Central Road, said that the cut through problem goes on all day and
believes sbmeone is going to get hurt.
Traffic Engineer Lawrie responded to Mr. Nowak's earlier concerns about the street lighting and
Park District building. The money for the street lighting was from a State grant and little, if any,
Village money was going to be used. Also, while IDOT did not approve a traffic signal at
Central & Cathy, pedestrian safety improvements are to be done in the area of the building.
Mr. Paul Snead, 121 Wa-Pella Avenue, believes a compromise ought to be considered as time
restrictive turns are throughout the Village.
Ms. Carol Tortorello, 223 S. Elmhurst Avenue, identified another potential problem at Northwest
Highway and Central Road. The eastbound left turn lane is short and creates congestion. She
believes Central Road needs to be widened to provide a longer turn lane at Northwest Highway
and new turn lanes at Wa-Pella and at Cathy. Traffic Engineer Lawrie responded that the
Village plans on bringing up all these issues with IDOT during a future meeting. The Village is
aware of the congestion at Northwest Highway as a result of the short eastbound left turn lane.
Sergeant Dahlberg responded to an earlier question regarding a reduction in accidents over the
past ftve years at Wa-Pella and Central. The sample number of accidents is rather small,
therefore, it is difficult to determine the effect of the left turn prohibition. However, traffic
movement has improved tremendously. Since the Route 83 project, an additional 15 seconds of
green time has been given to central Road at Northwest Highway. Westbound Central Road
traffic moves many more vehicles since the left turn prohibition. Sergeant Dahlberg also
explained the poor sight line makes it difficult for westbound Central Road traffic to see over the
railroad tracks. As a result, vehicles have a difficult time moving from the through lane to the
curb lane to avoid a turning vehicle. Vehicles then back up to the tracks and into the Northwest
Highway intersection. With the additional green time from the traffic signal and the left turn
prohibition, Sergeant Dahlberg believes Central Road has never moved better. He is aware of
the inconvenience this causes to residents but he is very concerned for the safety of the motorists.
Mr. Nowak added thal he believes the area west of Route 83 and south of Central Road is
becoming isolated with the turn prohibitions along Route 83. He too believes restricting the turn
prohibition to specific times would be a good compromise since a left mm lane cannot be
installed right away. Commissioner Bencic acknowledged Mr. Nowak's position but also said
anyone that drives by the intersection is affected.
Sergeant Dahlberg reiterated the issue of traffic movement. A vast majority of left turners from
westbound Central Road attempt to turn while eastbound traffic has a green light. This causes
westbound traffic to back-up until eastbound traffic gets a red light and motorists allow space for
the turning vehicle to complete the mm. Only then can westbound traffic proceed
Commissioner Bencic then brought the issue back to the Commission.
Commissioner Bjork asked if the speed limit along Central Road is enforced by the Village.
Sergeant Dahlberg said that it is. She also commented that being hit by a tram is worse that
being hit a vehicle travelling 35mph.
Commissioner Keane commented that he witnessed a near accident ~vith a vehicle stopped on the
tracks as a result of a vehicle waiting to turn left onto Wa-Pella. Fortunately, the inbound train
was on another track as it w~nt by. He would be inclined to find a compromise if there was a
way to guarantee a vehicle would not be stopped on the tracks.
With no further discussion, Commissioner Bencic asked if there was a motion.
Commissioner Keane, seconded by Mr. Bures, moved to leave in place the current left turn
prohibition from westbound Central Road to southbound Wa-Pella Avenue at all times.
The motion was approved by a vote of 6-1. Commissioner Mitchell apposed the motion.
Ms. Novelle asked what additional measures could be done to reduce the amount of cut through
traffic. Traffic Engineer Lawrie said that he would look at installing additional s~gns in the area.
Sergeant Dahtberg said they would provide Police presence immediately to deter motorists from
cutting through private property by providing warnings and possibly citations.
Mr. Bures pointed out m the audience that no matter what changes are made, accidents may still
occur. The decision was based on which one was the safest option. If changes are made m the
road to improve safety, the Safety Commission would review the issue again.
Mr. Swider asked if the alley behind the medical building is public or private. Mr. Bures stated
the alley is public. Ms. Novelle asked if the alley would then be plowed by the Village. Mr.
Bures stated it would.
With no further business to discuss, the Safety Commission voted 7~0 to adjourn at 9:10 p.m.
upon the motion of Commissioner Keane. Mr. Bures seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Traffic Engineer
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