HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/1962 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1962 President Schlaver called the meeting to order at 8:18 P.M. roll call with the following members of the Board present: Casterline Absent: Phillips Ekren Bruhl Bickley Both trust~es Joined the 'Gaw meeting later. Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Ekr~en, moved for minutes approval of the minutes of May 1 as submitted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren Gaw Casterline Motion carried. Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Oasterline, moved for approval of the bills for the week of May 8th as follows: bills General $11, B74.80 Library 363.95 Water operations 5,318.24 $17,05~. 99 Upon roll call: Ayes: Casterline Ekren Bickley Gaw Motion carried. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that the Zoning Village Clerk be instructed to ch?nge certain property .shown on P.. 17-N of the Zbning BoOklet from B-2, Ye B-3, s~id property'lying between Rand and Foundry Roads, and to 'indicate on the face of the booklet that the letter-number Combination refers to the appropriate zoning district. Upon roll call: Ayes: Casterline Ekren Bickley Gaw Motion carried. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved for the passage of Ord. ~825 as follows: Ord. #825 Zoning Maps AMENDING SEC. 3 of the ZONING ORDINANCES and ADOPTING A BOOKLET OF ZONING MAPS AS OFFICIAL ZONING PLAN OF THE VILLAGE, AS OF DECEMBER 3!, 1961 Upon roll call: Ayes: Caste~line, Ekren, Gaw, Bickley Absent: Bruh! and Phillips Motion carried. Discussion was held between members of the Board and Mr. Sal- Di Mucci vatore-DJ Mncci concerning protection of the Village .against ~ossible property non-completion of public improvement of his property at Golf Road public liabilit.~ and Rte. 83 and also concerning hold harmless agreement in case of damage or accident while work is being done across Golf Road. Trustee Ekren, ~econded by Trustee Bickley, moved that the Village Attorney be directed' to examine two insurance policies held by Mr~ dY Mucci, p~b~ic liability policy and Comprehensive liability policy, and if in his opinion the policy coverage protects the Village adequately, he shall so state in a letter to the Village Manager and ghe Manager shall be authorized to sign an amendment to the existing agreement between the VilTage and Mr.'di Mucci; this amendment shall show the Village of Mount Prospect as additional insureds on above-mentioned p~licies. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ekren, Casterline, Gaw, Bickley Absent: Br~hl and Phillips Motion carried. May 8, 1962 tarck prefab Trustee Oasterline raferred to the Starck property chimney mentioned in previous minutes during the past month, and gave opinion of the Architectural Committee, who recommended approval of the prefabricated chimney because thereis hardship 'involved, it would not change the charaster of the neighborhood, its fire rating was satisfactory, it has been fully inspected and is not used. for open fireplace use. Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Gaw, moved that variation of the building code be allowed to permit the erection of a prefabricated chimney at 4B7 West Prospect Avenue, Upon roll call: Ayes: Ekren, Casterline, Gaw, Biekley Absent~ Bruhl and Phillips Motion carried. : Signs Trustee Casterline read letter from Robert W. Starck Starck dated May 8th requesting variation for sign to be attached to 4BY West Prospect .Avenue; these signs meet the requirements for erection in B-2 .district but not for R-B district; Trustee Oasterline reported ~that sketches for these signs had been reviewed .by the Architectural Committee and approved. Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Gaw, moved that variatBn be allowed from Sec. 9.BO? of Ord. 810 regulating signs and awnings to permit erection cf signs as shown in drawing submitted to the Building Committee. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Gaw Ekren Casterline Absent: Bruhl and Phillips Motion carried. Drains behind Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the Landaster Village Manager be authorized to sign,' on behalf of the Village, the agreement and release in, connection with the drain to be ~laid between Lancaster and Waverly Avenues, .which is also to be .signed by the homeowners affected. This motion carried by acclamation. Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that Sam Cermiglia be hired to install drain pipe along the rear of the lots between Lancaster and Waverly as. shown on layout, prepared by- - Consoer, Tuff, send & Associates extended to include Lots 188, 189, 196 and 197 at his quoted price cf $1,461..00, ,the work to start as soon as re]uses for damages to lawns and .shrubs are signed and filed by all the !property owners affected. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickle, y Casterline Gaw Ekren Absent: Bruhl and Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Bickley asked that. the following be placed on the Traffic agenda: The possible hiring of a traffic engineer to 'make a survey,. engineer results te be given to .the.Police Committee, for.study of traffic problems, with the advice also cf the Chief of Police. This matter was referred by the President to-the Police Committee. Safety Committee Trustee Bickley also asked that co~ideraticn of setting up of a permanent Safety Committee-be referred to his committee, and stated that .any recommendations for members sf this pemmane~t corn-. mittee wsuld be welcomed. This matter ~as, referred ~to the Police -- Committee by the President. Trustee Bickley reported that the Bicycle 'prngram was ~n its way, booklets are being ~distributed to the schools, and bicyte licenses are being issued. May 8~ 1962 Trustee Biekley, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved for Ord. 826 passage of Ord. 826: 2-hr. parking AMENDING SEC. 18.510 (2-hr. parking) TO INCLUDE PART~ OF WILLIAM and LOUIS STREETS Upon roll call: Ayes: .Bickley Gaw Ekren Casterline Absent: .Bruhl and Phillips Motion carried. Trustee .Ekren read the following report from the Zoning Zoning Case Board of Appeals re Case 62-9: 62-9 Re: Zoning Case 62-9, heard April 27, 1~62 Petitioner,Charlotte Jones, sole Beneficiary of Trust #24221, La Salle National Bank as trustee This petition is a request for rezening from R-1 to R-2 of a lot with a frontage of 100 feet on the West side of'SOUth Pine Street, east of the Di Mucci duplexes and directly. west of '411 South Pine Street. The petitioner wishes to build a two-apartment bi-level for sale. There were about eight neighbors present who objected to the rezoning to R-2 but were agreeable to the erection of the building that the petitioner states he is prepared to build. The Board of-Appeals voted ?-0 te reject the petitioner's request for the reZoning as it was requested. s/ E. F. Martin, Chairman' G.E. Jacobsmeyer, Acting Sec'y This matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Trustee' Bruhl and Phillips Joined the meeting at g:2§ P.M. Trustee Ekren read report from the Zoning Board of Appeals as follows re Case 82-10: RE P 0 R T Zoning Case 62-10 Re: Zoning Case 82-10, heard April'2?, lg62 Petitionerr Illinois Range West Central Road This is a petition for variation of front line set-back in I-1 zone to permit petitioner to erect ~n addition to Present building, located on West Central Road. This variation, if granted, Would allow petitioner to build within one foot of property line. There were ne objectors present except ~r. Carney of the Building Department, who stated that his department and the Architectural Committee (No~represen~tive present) were not in favor of granting ef the variation. The Zoning Board of Appeals voted 4-3't0 reject the request for variation, as stated. s% E. F. Martin, Chairman G. E. Jacobsmeyer, Acting Secretary Case 62-10~:was referred to the JudiciarY ¢ommitteeo Trustee Ekren read report fro~ the Zoning Board re Case 62-11 Zoning Case as follows: 62-11 R E P 0 R T Re:Zoning Case 62-11, heard April 2?, 1962 Petitioner: Henry and Christiana, Blume A~torney: Paul Homer of Koven, ~oven, Salzman & Homer This petition 'is for the ~equest to B-B, contingent upon annexation, of Property on Rand Read' located to the west of the property to be occupied by Shoppers World. May 8, 1962 oning There were no objectors present, although a resident Case of Prospect Meadows did ask' for recognition and%alked about 62-11 · . the sewerage problem. ~ . · The Zoning Board'of Appeals voted 7-0 to approve of the rezoning to B-B after ar~nexation of the property to the Village. s/rE. 'F. Martin, ~Chairman G. E. Jaccbsmeyer, Acting Sec'y This matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Ha~len Trustee Ekren, ~sec~nded by Trustee Br~hl, moved that the Annexation Village Attorney be asked to prepare :an ordinance annexing Hatlen Heights Subdivision to our Village. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline Ekren ' Gaw Phillips Motion carried. Fire protection Atturne~ Hofert informed representatives from Prospect Prospect Hts. heights that our Fire Department will continue to offer fire pro- tection on a stand-by basis until Chief Haberkamp 'is able to' establish fees. Trustee Bruhl read-the followin~ statement: Budget "President Schlaver has ~oug been an advocate of open meetings and the publTc' s right' to know'. ~Weekly public board meetings attest to his convictions of th~s principle-. -During h~s first year as ~Vttlage President, this principle has beem expanded to include the public's right to advise in v.ill.age .affairs. Citizens advisory com~ittees on such subjects as .ins.urance, safety, youth and engineering will continue to prove the wisdom of accepting public opinion. win line with this principle of public participation, President $chlaver would like to effect the potential economies inherent with P~BLIC HEARINGS ON THE VILLAGE BUDGET. This, in my opinion, is a most healthy attitude and has, my wholehearted support~ We are, in fact, charged with the responsibility of public funds. I believe ' that the public should have a voice in the expenditures. ,The village continues tc grow, and at the presen't financial level, we are now well over the size efa million dollar business." Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved that pmblic hearings on the .1962-85 village' budget be authorized to be held no later than the second week in June of this year, and that-the procedures for such hearings adhere to. the following steps: Step 1: That the Board, in Joint committee meeting (or meetings, as requ~Lred),~ will draw up a preliminary budget 'and appro- priations in accordance with'the Board's best judgment~ The Village Ma~mger will attend all such meetings and the department heads will be called on for attendance if, in the discretion' of any trmstee or the president, such attendance will clarify any item or items in the budget. · ' Step 2: Upon completion of .the Preliminary budget and appropriations, that a legal notice, b~ placed in the local publication calling attention to a public hearing on the budget to be held not less than ten. days from the date of sue~ ~bli- catiun. The notice to state also that the preliminary budget will ~e on file with the village clerk-and open for public inspection for the period elapsing between the,.da%e of the notice and the date of the public hearing. Step B: The public hearing will heccnducted before the village : president, the beard of trustees, the village ciera'and the village mamager, with the village president presiding: Any person may be heard upon recognition from the president. The public will be heard under the spirit that-all comments will be taken under advisement by the entire board~ '~- After recognition, the person will advance to the public miorophone May 8, 1962 will state his or her name and address, announcing the page Budget and item of the budget to which the remarks will be directed. The village clerk will arrange to obtain a f~ll transcript cf all of the person's remarks. The president and trustees will ~e limited only to questions which are necessary to clarify the remarks of the speaker. The remarks of the speaker will be term- inated by the president when, in his opinion, the point has been clearly made. Step 4: A full transcript ~f'all of the remarks advanced by all persons will be distributed to each board member for their study and consideration no less than two days prior to final budget con- sideratioz and action. Step 5: The b~ard will take under full considerati6n all such rm~arks of advice included in the above transcript during the combined committee meetins in which the 'budget and appropriations are finalized and prepared for the appropriation ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes~ Blckley Bruhl Casterline Ekren Gaw .' Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Bruhl cOntin~ed fu.rther to state, "Publle heatings on V'il!age budget requ~re a well-informed board, ~formed as to all details and supporting schedules which has been used to determine the preliminary budgeted items. The .budget forms and budget procedures d~agram submitted to the board on April 24, 1962, are the tools 'by which such information is collected." Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the board authorize the budget forms and budget procedures submitted 'on April 24th last with the modification that the responsible trustee will participate in the preparation of the budget at the department head level and will offer the department head such council as required. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Gaw Ekren Phillips Nay: Casterline Motion carried~ Village Manager Appleby read letter dated May Brd from Beverly signs ~utdoor Advertising Co~pany, 8035 So. Halsted,'Chicago, asking for a variation in our sign ordinance~ signed by Mike Torbik. This metter was referred to the Building Committee. Mr. Appleby read.aloud letter dated May 1st from Klein Town Builders addressed to him as follows: Building "In reference, te our telephone conversation of this P.M., I wish to Dept. inform you that the old shed on Busse Avenue Where it resets WeGo Trail, as well as the small construction~ shanty, will be demolished at the earliest possible date. ~hen doing so we will call the Fire Chief as agreed. ~I further wish to callyour attention to the fact that this shanty was always secured and in good condition, but was broken int~ by children in the area who have no regard for personal ~ property. I a~ going on record that-the green shed on the rear of the lot is in good condition and secured. If children molest er ~ause damage, I will hold them responsible and that if the need ever arises for removal prior to our desire, it wit1 be the responsibility of the people within~th~ area. s/~Julian F. Tuber" Mr. Appleby sh~wed the Board a plat showing proposed sidewalk sidewalks running along West Central Road. This plat was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that plat of Colonial Hts Colonial ~eights Third Addition be referred to the Plan Commission for Brd Ad~'n study and recommendation. This ~otion carried by a=clamatioh. May 8, 1962 President $chlaver read the following letter of appointment: Appointment of Electrical Commission Nay 8, 1962 Honorable Trustees of~ ¥illage of Mount-Prospect Gentlemen: Under the terms of Article VIII, Section 5.801, recently passed by this board establishing an electrical commission, the president is empowered te appoint members of said commission with the advise and consent of the Board cf Trustees. After consultation with the Building.Department and the trustee Chairman of Building, I am happy to recommend the appointment of an Electrical Commission composed of the following: Douglas Carney, Chief Electrical Inspector George Zadravet~., 1 E. Berkshire Lane, Electrical Contractor. Robert Mitchell, 106 8. Edward, Jcurneymam electrician. Edwin Haberkamp, Chief ~of Fire Department. John Weber, 415 $c. Hi Lusi, electricity supply company, representative. It is my understanding that electr£eal inspection will he under'the direction ef Douglas Carney bu% not ~necessarily performed by h~m~ and that this 'E~_ectrical Commission shall make recommecdations ~to the Building Committee Chairman and t-hat ~rustee to the board ~relative te possible changes tn the .Noun~-Prospect electrical code as 'may deemed necessary for public health and safety. Your concurrence in these-appointments is respectfully requested. Sincerely, Clarence O. Schlaver, President Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that the Board of Trustees concur in the appointments as requested i~ the' president's letter above. Upon roll call: · Ayes: Bruhl Casterline Ekren ·Gaw Phillips ' Bickley Motion carried. app%. plan President'Schlaver.read letter re-appointing Messrs. Louis Commission Capron and Philip Jeuck, Sr. to'the Plan'Commissiou. Trustee Bruhl, .seconded by Trustee-~kren, moved to concur in the recommendation cf President ~chlaver to re-appoint Louis Capron and Philip Jeuck, Sr. to the Plan Commission for a' four-year term. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bmmhl Casterline Ekren Gaw -Phillips Bickley Motinn carried; Presiden~ Sehlaver ~read letter of re-appointment of James ' appt. to Hurray to the Fire,& Police Commission. Fire & Police Commission Trustee ,Phillips, ,secOnded'-'by Trustee Bickley, moved to- concur in the recommendation of President Schlaver to re-appoint James Murray to the Fire "&~,Police Commission for the next three years. Upon 'roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Ekren Casterline Gaw PhilIips Motion carried. charity President $chlaver read letter from Illinois Missionary Children's Home ~tn Lake Zurich asking to hold their regular annual tag day in the Village. May 8, 1962 Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Oaw, moved that the above Children' s Home be allowed to tag in the Village on June first of this year. T~is motion carried by acclamation. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that the Open House afternoon of May 2?th, from 2.'00 P.M. to 6..00 P.M. be set for Open House. This motion carried by acclamation. The Board adjourned by acclamation at lO:B5 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Wilson, Clerk May 8, 1962