President Schlaver called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M. roll call
with the following members of the Board present:
Gaw Bickley Bruhl
Phillips Cast4rlin~ Ekren
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that the minutes
minutes of April lYth be approved as corrected.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Ekren Casterline
~ Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the minutes
of April 24th be approved as submitted:
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Bickley Casterline Ekren
Pass: Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that the
hills of the week of May 1 be approved as follows:
General $17,758.34
Garbage 6,555.79
Parkin~ System Revenue 787.12
Library 547.55
Water, operations 4,565.64
Water, Bond & Int. 787.50
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Gaw
Phillips Ekren Casterline
Motion carried.
A large group of residents from Prospect Heights were in the Rural Fire
hall asking that our Fire Department furnish them protection until protection
affairs with their own department could be straightened out. Prospect Hts.
Trustee Phillips, secndded by Trustee Bickley, moved that the Fire Department
of Mount Prospect provide fire protection that is necessary in the Prospect
Heights Rural Fire Protection District previously served by the Prospect
Heights Volunteer Fire Department, until such time as a formal contract
is entered into.
Upon rol~ call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Gaw
.P~illips Ekren Casterline
Motion carried.
Chief Haberkamp stated tB~t Mr. Austin of the Illinois Inspection Bureau
had given assurance that their insurance rates would not be changed as
long as Mount Prospect provided this protection.
Trustee Bruhl announced that the auditors are with the auditors
Treasurer's Office as this time.
Trustee Bruhl. repbrted that the Community.Achievement Association Weller
is holding a meeting Nay 7th at the Country Club regarding Weller Creek, Creek
and he would like the W~ller Creek Committee to attend.
Attorney Rofert spoke regarding possible annexation of Hatlen Hatlen
Reights, reaffirming Trustee Ekren's statement that Judge Adesko had Heights
entered an order certifying Hatlen Heights for annexation to the annexation
Village. Mr.Mofert continued to explain that there is opposition from
a firm of real estate operators, Seegin & Carlin, and that the chairman
of the Judiciary Committee would probably wish to attend this cou~t
hearing. Trustee Ekren replied that he would like another engineering
appraisal of the Cook County Water & Sewer Company (who serve Hatlen Heights)
from an outside firm, and read letter from the firm of Greely &Hansen,
Nay 1, 1962
E~ineers, who proposed the following:
That they would give the following services:
a. Review of the water and sewer systems te· determine
adequacy and condition and to disclose any
deficiencies and obsolesence.
b. Appraisal of the present value cf water and sewer
systems, consideration being given to the .original ~-~
cost'and te the replacement costs less depreciation
and obsolescence. ~
Further, that they would accept a lump sum of $2,500, provided:
a. The Cook County Mater & Sewer Company will co-operate
in these studies and all records, plans and reports
on the systems will be made available to us.
b. The inventory of the systems can be agreed to by both
th~ Village and the Cook ~Cennty Mater & Sewer Company
as the basis for making the appraisal.
c.No appearances at court or at special hearings will
be required.
Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that the Village
proceed with securing appraisal of the water and sewer system in
Hatlen Heights no~ .owned by the Cook County Mater & Sewer ~B~pany
from the engineering firm of Greeley &Hansen.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried. ~
S~ Trustee Ekren read the following letter from the Plan
~ dedication Com~missiun:
Elmhurst & Central
April 27, 1962
President and Board of Trustees
Mount Prospect, Illinois
The Mount Prospect Plan Commission recommends that the plat
of dedication for pcb!lc street Of a Y-fOot strip .along the east
side of Elmburst Avenue from Central Road north §10 feet be accepted.
Respectfully submitted,
A. C. Dresser, Chairman
H. G. Appleby, Secretary
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Cast~rline, moved that the Board
accept this plat~,§f dedication for street and that the President be
directed to sign this plat. This motion carried by acclamation.
Fire Dept. Trustee Phillips read letter from the Des Platnes Fire
Department which expressed thanks for the help of our Fire Department
in recent sewer cave-in wherein one of their men died, and added his ~
own wurd of appreciation tc Bob Haberkamp for his brave action, at this
time. President Schlaver read letter from Mayor Behrel of Des Plaines
also giving thanks for c~r Fire Department's assistance at this
Monmouth court Village Manager Appleby m e~tiuned receiving letter from the
case re City cf~Menmouth asking for $~00 donation for their court action
wage law appealing the prevailing wage law of the State. The law regulates
wages of laborers, etc. emPloyed in p~blic works ~by any public body.
The Board decided this did not apply to this Village.
May 1, 1982
Village Manager Appleby ~read letter from Shoppers World Signs
asking for erection of their no~nrConforming sign at their new business
establishment on Rand Road. This matter was referred to the Building
Committee and the Village Attorney..
President Schlaver read letters of re-appointment for Village
Treasurer, Chairman and two members of the Board ef .Appeals, three appointments
members of the Architectural Committee and a member of the Police Pension
Board, and asked the concurrence of the Board in these appointments.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved that James C. King appointment
be re-appointed as Treasurer-~ollector of the Village for one more of
year. treasurer
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Ekren
Gaw Phillips Casterline
Notion carried.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Ca.sterlin~e, m~ved that appointment of
Eugene Martin be re-appointed as ehairman and Malcolm Young and Zoning Board
Norbert Gcrny as members of the Board of Appeals° members
Upon roll call: Ayes: Biekley Br~hl Gaw
Ekren Phillips Casterline
Motinn carried.
Trustee Bickley, secended by. Trustee Ekren, moved that Robert L. Stan%~noappt. of
having completed the unexpired term of E. Glaeser, be re- Solice Pension Board
appointed to the Police Pension Board for two years, member
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Gaw Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
President Schlaver reported that he had conferred with Central Road
Mr. Quinlan of the County Nighway Department and was told that the widening
widening of Central Road in the Village would be deferred until 19~S,
1964 er 1985, as it was felt that there were mere pressing areas in the
County and the funds were needed for expressways; he further pointed out
that the State is responsible for the maintenance, not the County.
Attorney Nofer~ gave report regarding issuance of .liquor license Liquor -
to Paul Caltagirene as requested by the Beard at the meeting of Paul Caltagirone
April l?th. He stated that there appears to be two questions, liquor
and zoning of the property~ Re~arding liquor, no evidence has been uncovered
to sh~w that liqaer was ever ~erved on the premises prior te this date, nor
violation of amy kind. Ne could find no fraud in procurement or issuance
of the liquer license; letter of application for license signed by Paul
Caltagirone indicated liquor would be dispensed from a service bar only.
Plans were submitted showing that the dispensing of liquor was to be in a
bar with Stools, which plans were submitted to the Building Department and
the Beard. It was ~Nr. Caltagirone's understandin~ at all times that liquor
was to be dispensed from a bar. but not in the restaurant portion of the area.
Any act of issuance or revocation lies with the Liquor~ Commissioner and
Mr. Schlaver is satisfied that Mro Caltagirone has met the conditions.
In regard to the building permit; The area is zoned Industrial, and resta-
raunts are not a permitted use under that zoning. The existing usage is
non-conforming and cannot be enlarged upon; therefore before the liquor
license is utilized it would be necessary to have a rezoning or a variation
of the ordinance to permit an extension of this building.
Trustee Bickley stated that he did not recall seeing plans with 14 bar
stoolsand had~ n~ver been under the impression that there'wo~ld be a bar
of that type; a service bar only; that he would n~t have~ voted to allow
this liquor license .fera bar With 14' stools. Trustee' Bruhi concurred in
this upinien, that he did not like exposure of liquor to the teen-age
element. Trustee Phillips pointed out that such exposure might also occur
in the bowling alleys that were being taken into the Village.
May 1, 1952
iquor Trustee Casterlime revealed copy of liquor license ordinance
Continued used by anothe~ municipality (Rcl!!ng Meadows) and asked that ~.-~
its A-1 type be studied by the Judiciary ~Ccmmittee; it was so ~
referred by the President. Trustee Casterline also asked that ....
decision regarding building permit be held in abeyance until
plans can be gone o~er, and when appeal for re~aning ur variance
is referred from the Board of Appeals that all committees ~ ~ .... ~ ,.
review this petition. This request was granted.. ~ ~, ~
T~ustee Oaw, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved t~at~
Res. 6-62 be adopted as follows: .~..~
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley~ Bruhl Phillips ....
Ekren Gaw Casterline : · ·
Motion carried.
Trustee Gaw,~ seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved for the
passage of Ord; #824:
Ord. #824
Upon roll Call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl- Ekren
Casterline Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Starck President Schlaver read letter from Robert W. Starck,
prefab ~14 $0. ~Wille, appealing decision refusing him the use~ of a prefab-
chimney ricated chimney in a professional building he is erecting at
4B? West Prospect, and asked him if he cared to speak to the Boar~
in_his own behalf. Mr. Starck did so, stating he was not aware
that~the chimney was not allewed~in R-.~ soning, even though this
was a business and profession, al building, until recently, and
it 'would be very costly to him to recall his subcontractors to re-do
this portion of the building; that the Building Co~missioner had
allowed him tc proceed with the rest o~ the work at his own risk~
until the chi~ey matter was settled. Trustee Casterline ~replied
that h~ would prefer to have the ~reccmmend~aticn cf the Archi~ec,turat
Committee before going further on this; that this will be su'bmittmd
to ~them the next Monday night and reply will be~ forthcoming a~ the
next Board meeting.
fence Trustee Casterline referred to letter, of request from
Sutton John D, Sutton of ~00 $. Candota for 80~ fence (min. April 17) and
stated that he had received letters of approval from neighbors on
both sides, Arthur C. Johnson of BO1 S. Nawata and R.E. Gerrard
cf §04 Candcta.
Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Gaw, moved that
building permit be issned, for erection· cf fence at 500 Sc. Candota
as applied for in letter' of April 16th signed by John Sutton.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekrem Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Paving on Mr. K. ~Raensel, tll North School Street, inquired about the
E. Thayer status of paving tc be done on East Thayer Street and explaine~ there
Was some confusion ever the pa~ing agreement. Mr. Appleby. asked
be allowed to help straighten.cut the*matter the next day.
Adjournment was.by acclamation at 10~57 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth C. Wilson, Clerk
May 1, 1~2