HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/1961 VB minutes 385
The meeting was called to order by President Schlaver at roll call
8:23 P.M. and upon roll call all trustees answered Present as follows:
Bic kley Ekren
Bruhl Gaw
'" Casterline Phillips
Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that the
minutes of the previous meeting of November 8th be approved as submitted.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruhl Gaw
Pass: Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Brubl, seconded ~y Trustee Gaw, moved that the following
bills be approved for payment as follows:
~Z~ General $12,85t.94
Library 2,773.78
LibraryBldg. Con- bills
struction, lg61 1,200.00
Municipal Bldg. Con-
struction, 1961 35,555.05
Motor Fuel Tax 68.75
Water operations 8,~30.00
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruhl Gaw
Phillips Casterline
Notion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that October
the financial report for the month of October, 1961 be approved and report
placed on file.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruht Gaw
Phillips Casterline
Motion carried.
Mr. Jacob Courshon, attorney for Golfhurst Subdivision, Golfhurst
addressed the Board, asking for reductio~ in coverage for comp- completion
lotion bond on this subdivision inasmuch as there was only about bond
$32,000 worth cf work (mostly on sidewalks and bituminous streets) left
to be done. The bond is due for renewal for the.neat year, original
amount $180,000; work on remaining 10 or 12 houses will be finished in
the spring, then the paving can be done. Mr~ Courshsn felt it wasteful
to pay premium on original bond when a far smaller amount of coverage
was all that was needed. Mr. Cadigan of Consoer, Townsend advised that
bond reduction is a very common practices on large projects. The
Attorney asked the Board if it wished to Change its precedent in this
regard, inasmuch as this would be a departure in village policy. Trustee
Casterline asked if it were the intent of the Village to reduce each
bond as work is carried out; the consensus was to deal with each case
Trustee Bickley, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that
Subdivision Bond For Golfhurst Subdivision be acceptable to the Village
if reduced to $70,000.00.
November 21, 1961
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruhl Gaw
Casterline Phillips
Motion carried.
Bldg. Code - Trustee Casterline, supported by Fire Chief Haberkamp,
re recommended installation of ventilating fans in buildings only to
Ventilating be vented to the outside because of trouble with fire.
Trustee Casterline seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that Chapter 6,
Sec. 26.1 of the Building Code be amended to provide that any
hoods with circulating fans be vented to the outside.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruhl Gaw
Casterline Phillips
Motion carried.
Village-owned Trustee Bruhl gave report from Finance Committee, stating
property - that in view of the minimal nature of the one and only bid received
Lot 4, Maplecrest for Village-owned Lot m Maplecrest, this~ committee is of the
opinion that the bid should be rejected and that this matter should
be allowed to remain in committee for further study and recommendation.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that bid deposit
check from Joseph A. Miller in the amount of $2,800 for purchase of
Maplecr~est, Lot 4 be returned to the bidder,~ together with appro-
priate letter stating that the Village Board does not see fit to
accept this bid.
Upon roll call:~ Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruhl Gaw
Phillips Casterline
Motion carried.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved for
adoption of Res. 28-61:
Res. 28-61
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Brubl Gaw
Phillips Casterline
Motion carried.
Trustee Ekren brsnght up the Zoning Case 61-35 of Paul
Zoning Case Caltagirone, giving motion to allow this variation. Trustee Ca~ster-
61-35 line asked for short recess to discuss the case and the meeting was
Caltagirone recessed at 9:08 by acclamation. The Board reconvened at. 9:B5 and
roll was again called with all present. Trustee Bickley asked the
petitioner if he had asked his neighbors' opinion regarding the porch
addition and he replied he did and none objected.
Trustee Ekren re-stated his previous motion, seconded by Trustee
Phillips, to allow the petitioner this variation and to ask the
Village Attorney to draw up the ordinance, that the owner be ordered
to comply immediately with the specifications he has submitted for
the variation.
Upon roll call: Ayes Nays
Bruhl Bickley
Ekren Casterline
Phillips Gaw
President Schlaver thereupon declared the motion defeated.
November 21, 1961
Trustee Phillips gave r~ort of Water Committee as follows:
The Water Committee met last Saturday morning, No~ember 1Sth, at Committee
the Village Hall. There were present in addition to the Committee Report
members, President Schlaver, Village Manager Appleby, Water Superintendent
Creamer and Village Treasurer Jim King.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss current needs and future
projections as relates to our existing wa~r~facilities.
A review of the Comparative Statement of Water Pumped for fiscal periods
ended 4-B0-60~61, the Water Revenue received and the operating expenses
incurred clearly demonstrates the close margin under which the Department
is operating and the need for careful analysis of our present position
and future needs.
The circumstances and future uncertainties that evolved from the establ-
lishment of Well No. 6 raises the question as to the possibility of the
crumbling of the dry well portion of the St. Peter sandstone formation
as the water level drops. If this be a possibility, it would appear that
in order to protect existing facilities, Well Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 should be
recased. Furthermore, that since the pump on No. 5 Well is due for pulling
and routine check, that this be done immediately in order toinsure the
availability for service at the appropriate time. In line with this, the
need for an engineering sur~ey from C. T. & A. was discussed, concerning
future needs and projections as related to area growth and usage, and the
most suitable site for a new well to help meet future demand.
In addition, a financial projection concerning the costs needed to meet
the demand and the amount of revenue needed to meet the costs.
The Committee ~nd those in attendance also reviewed the proposal by
C. T. & A. concerning the securing of additional equipment for the Water
Works System - - - Autocon Controls, not previously available at a
reasonable cost when the system was designed and installed some 6 years
ago. It was agreed that this added equipment will eliminate the need for
manual controlling of pump operation in terms of demand conditions and
will allow for automatic control and knowledge of the water level in the
elevated tank at all times.
Then Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that
the Village Manager be authorized to have Autocon equipment installed
at the elevated tank and Well #5 as listed in Autocon Industries, Inc.
quotation of October BO, 1961, and Consoer, Townsend & Associates' letter
of November 9, 1961, for a ~rice of $2,589.00.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bnuhl Phillips
Gaw Casterline
Motion carried.
Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Cas~erline, moved that
the Village Manager be authorized to have Well #5 pulled for examin- Well #5
etlon and any necessary maintenance.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruhl Phillips
Gaw Casterline
Motion carried.
Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved to authorize
and direct Consoer, Townsend & Associates to make studies and financial Wells
projections, including rate studies, for an additional well and rehabili~ N~ter
tation of present wells. Dept.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruhl Phillips
Gaw Casterline
Motion carried.
November 21, 1961
Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved for
the adoptinn of Res. 29-61~as follows:
Res. 29-61
This motion carried by acclamation.
Trustee Bickley read letter from Prospect High School
as follows:
Police Dept. October 19, 1~61
re Mr. George Whittenberg, Chief of Police
High School Village Hall
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear Chief Whittenberg:
I would like to express my appreciation for the co-
operation we have received from the Mt. Prospect Police during this
school year. We have received wonderful assistance from the police
department in returning students to us that have been truant for the
day. This is particularly helpful to us by puttiB~ more teeth in
our regular attendance regulations here at school.
I would particularly like-to commend Lieutenant Kranz,
Sergeamt'Esmond, Officer Mucciante and Officer Glascock, with whom
it has been my pleasure to work with so far this year.
We have also enjoyed any contacts we have had with ~ou in
regard to some of your other cases where it was necessary for one of
the officers to talk with a.~studento I would like to say that we
have not received one single reproabh from the parents of any of~the
students involveS. This alone is a credit to the police officers
who have dealt with us.
If we can be of any further help to you at any time,
please feel free to call us.
Very truly yours,
H. Louis Schultz, Dean
Prospect High School
Traffic Matter of traffic signal at Central and Hi Lusi suggested by West Central Civic Association was referred to Police Committee.
Trustee Bickley, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved
Ord. #803 for the passage of Ord. #803:
This ordinance prohibits parking of vehicle on any street between
2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. except physicians on emergency calls.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Bruhl Gaw
Casterline Phillips
Motion carried.
November 21, 1961
Village Manager Appleby opened bids from automobile dealers Police Cars
for four new police cars as follows: bids
Geo. Poole - 4 - 4 dr. Galaxies $ 8,859.44
Allowance of $1300 for trade-ins
Des Plaines Motor Sales
m - Chevrolet Model 1259
Allowance of $1700 for trade-ins $ 7,692.52
(Later withdrawn, See min. of Dec. 5)
Northwest Plymouth Valiant
~ - V8 Plymouth Police Specials
Allowance of $1600 for trade-ins $ 8,834.24
Grand-Central Plymouth, Chicago
4 - 4 dr. Specials
Allowance of $2500 for trade-ins $ 8,544.92
Busse Motor Sale~, Inc.
4 - 4 dr. Buick Sedans, #44~9
Allowance of $1400 for trade-ins $11,329.48
Mark Motors, Inc.
4 - #393 Plymouth Patrollers
Allowance of $2000 for trade-ins $ 8,774.04
Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved that this
matter be referred to the Police Committee for study and recommendation.
This motion carried by acclamation.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that
there be no Board meeting held on November 28th, due to the fact that
there will not be a quorum.
Upon roll call: Ayes:
Bickley Casterline
Bruhl Phillips
Gaw Ekren
Motion carried.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that LiquoK
the Village Attorney be directed to prepare ordinance increasing the
number of Class B liquor licenses to two and number of Class C liquor
licenses to five.
Upon roll call: Ayes:
Bickley Casterline
Bruht Phillips
Gaw Ekren
Motion carried.
This increases the Class B and Class C liquor licenses by one each.
Mr. Applebyannounced that Herbert Weeks of the Water Water Dept. &
Department has been released from the hospital and that the water tower
tower has been chlorinated and filled and is back in service.
Mr. Richard Airey inquired about the status of paving on
East Thayer and was told that it was on the program for next year.
The meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 10:34 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth C. Wilson, Village Clerk
November 21, 1961