HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/1951 VB minutes
The meeting was called to order by President
Pendleton at 8:10 P.M. and the Clerk was then directed to
call the roll.
On roll call the following Trustees answered
"Present:" Bayne, Brown, Ibbotson, Lams, ard Viger.
Absent: None. Vacancy, one.
The Clerk then read the following communication:
Sept. 10, 1951
Honorable Members, Board of Trustees
Village of Mt. Prospect
r" Mt. Prospect, Illinois
To fill a vacancy on the Board of Trustees
occasioned by the illness and resignation of
Mr. Russell Hartwig, I take pleasure in
nominating for your consideration Mr. Edwin A.
Mr. Lange is a long time resident of our Village
and I am confident that he will give his best
efforts as a Trustee as he has in numerous other
civic events. Thanking you for your consideration,
I am
M.B. Pendleton, Pres.
Village of Mt. Prospect
A motion was then made by Trustee Lams, seconded
by Viger, to concur in the nomination and to appoint
Mr. Lange as Trustee to serve the balance of Mr. Hartwig's
term. The President put the question and the Clerk
called the•roll with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereuron the President declared the motion
611 Mr. Lange then came forward, took the oath of
office, was sworn in by President Pendleton, and took
his place on the Board.
The meeting was then recessed in order that the
Trustees could act as the Board of Local Improvement.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:.40 Y.M.
The Clerk then rend the minutes' of the regular
meeting held August 14. The motion was made by Trustee
Bayne, seconded by Brown, that the minutes be approved
as corrected. The President put the question and the
September 11, 1951
2 5 4 Clerk called the roll with the following results: Ayes
all; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared
the motion carried.
The Clerk then read the minutes of the
meeting of September 4th. The Clerk was instructed
to show the minutes as read.
The Treasurer's report for the period ending
August 31, 1951 was then read. A motion was made by
Trustee Lams, seconded by Bayne, that the report be approved
and placed on file. The President put the question and the
Clerk called the roll with the following results: Ayes:
all; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the
motion carried. _
A motion was made by Trustee Lange, seconded awl
by Lams, that the Special Assessments Report be arrroved
and placed on file. The motion was voted upon by
acclamation, whereupon the President declared the
motion carried.
The Clerk then reed the following communication:
President and Board of Trustees Sept. 11, 1951
Vi11te7e of Mt. Prospect
In Re: Real Estate - Mt. Prospect, Ill
NW Cor. Northwest Hwy. & Emerson
In accordance with the Mt. Prospect Building Code
Ordinance, the Texas Company on June.25, 1951
filed with the Superintendent of Buildings its
application for a permit to erect a service station
structure at the intersection of Northwest Highway
and Emerson Street in Mt. Prospect.
Although the ordinance provides that the Super-
intendent shell accept or reject such an applica-
tion within fifteen (15) days of filing, it was
only on the evening of September 4th that we
received informal verbal advice from the super-
intendent that our application had been rejected.
Furthermore, the ordinarce requires the
Superintendent to give the applicant general
reasons for refusing to issue a permit. No reasons
have been given to us for the rejection of our
We ask that our application be brought before the
Board. of Trustees, acting as a Board of Appeals,
in order that they may review the action of the
Superintendent of Buildings. Since Superintendent
of Buildings has failed to assert grounds for his
rejection, it is our opinion that we should receive
the requested permit immediately. e are aware
that the Superintendent and the President and the
Board of Trustees have received objections to the
issuance of this permit from citizens of Mt.
Prospect. We have been advised of these objections
and have riven them careful consideration.
Without here discussing the merits of these
objections, we believe that they are such as fall ,••4
within the purview of the Zoning Ordinance and
are not the Building Code Ordinance. The Premises
involved are properly 'oned for use as a service
In conclusion, it is our opinion that the Texas
Company is entitled to a permit to build the
service station, that the Superintendent of
buildings has shown no grounds for refusing is
an unconstitutional deprivation of the use of the
property. Therefore, we respectfully renuest the
September 11, 1951
President to present this matter to the Board of
Trustees and that Board of Trustees direct the
Superintendent of Buildings to issue the permit
in accordance with the appropriate provisions of
the Building Code Ordinance.
Very truly yours,
The Texas Company
By George A. Bender
This matter was referred to the Judiciary
Committee for further study.
A motion was then _r-^ade by Trustee Lams, seconded
by Brown, that the bills for the month of August, 1951
6r as approved: by the Finance Committee be errroved for
payment. The President put the question and the Clerk
celled the roll with the following response: Ayes: All
Nays: None. Thereupon the president declared the motion
The motion was then nade by Trustee Viger,
seconded by Lams, that in accordance with the amended
Water Ordinance the 95.00 refund be given to qualified
consumers as listed by the Water hate Collector, nugust
31. The President put the question and the Clerk celled
the roll with the following response. Ayes: All.; Nays:
Ue none. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
The Clerk then rend Resolution No. 14 -51,
1i motion was then made by Trustee Lams, sec ended
by Brown, that the resolution be adornted. The President
put the ouestion end the Clerk culled the roll with the
foil owing response: Aves: All; Nays: None. Thereupon
the President declared the notion cerrie& end resolution
paged and approved.
A motior, was Made by Trustee Viper, seconded
by Bayne, to Huthor.ize the Chicer'o Bridge end Iron Co.
to inspect the water tank for the sure of 4100.00 as per
their letter of August 21, end submit n detailed report.
The President nut the ouestion find the Clerk called the
roll with the following results: Ayes: All; Nevs: None.
Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
The Clerk then read the forlowire. letter:
Mount Prospect Village Board Sept. q, 1951
Dear Sirs:
I wish to renuest that the following described
properties be rezoned from residential to business:
Lots 13, 14, find 15 in Mornir.gside Gardens Sub-
division in Mount Fro; -iect, Illinois.
Lots 10 end 11 in the resubdiv slop of Lot 7 in
[: Block 21 etc., In Busse's Eastern Aedition sub-
division in Mount Prospect, Illinois.
Enclosed please find rnv check for 435.00.
Thanking you for Your coopere on, I remain
Yours very truly,
Donald L. Besander.
A motion was then made by `Trustee Bayne, seconded
by Brown, that this matter be referred to the Zioning
Commission for their study end recommendeti ons. l'he motion
was voted upon by acclonetion, whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
September 11, 1951
256 A motion MS then made by Trustee Lams,
seconded by Brown, to approve, if and when made, the
renuest from the Library Board for the use of the
Community Room in the Municiral Building on the First
F of each month, fora ?Emily Night 1roprarn. The
motion was voted upon by acclt'mati on, whereuron the
President declared the motion carried.
Summons Nn. 51C 7569, Circuit Court of Look
County was then read. A motion was made by Trustee
Bayne, seconded by Lams, that the Ville e A±torrev
be authorized end instructed to file an appearance or
behalf of the Village. The motion was voted upon by
acclamation.., whereupon the president declared the
motion carried.
The Clerk then read ordinance No. 349 entitled imird
ZONING ORDINANCE AS AMEND D." A notion was made by
Trustee Ibhotson, seconded by Bnvne, that the ordinance
be passed. T he President rut the nuestion and the Clerk
called the roll with the followinp results: AVes: All;
Neva: Nnne. Thereupon the President declared the motion
carried and said ordinance passed and arpr.oved.
The Clerk then read the fo' 1 owi np letter:
Mr. Frank N. Opeke August 2e, 1951
Viliape A +torney for Mt. Prospect
Dear Mr. Opeke :
Pursuant to nur phone conversation, I would like
to foreclose in the name of the VillaPe of Mt.
Prospect, vierrant Number 9 for water mains
Installments Number 7 to 10 in the principal
amount of x'45.76, or the following described
rr. orerty :
Lot 1 in Block 17 in Prospect Manor being
a sub. of part of the S. 4 of the a. * of !""'I
Sec. 34- 42 -11.
There -ire also Feehanville srecial assessments
against this property.
Yours very truly,
Robert Irmiper
This letter was referred to the Judiciary
Committee for study.
The Clerk then read the fol]owinn communication:
M.B. Pendleton, Mayor, Villap►e of Mt. Prospect
Dear Mayor:
This letter is heinp written to you on behalf of
the owners of the Mnnnt Prospect Park and Shop.
Our attention has been called to the fact that the
parkway on Prospect A venue, in its present condition
constitutes n hazard to drivers of automobiles
using Prospect Avenue. Y„u have supPested to us
that we improve Prospect Avenue by widenirp that
portion of the street whieh carries the traffic.
It is our rositi.on that it is the duty of the
Vi11epe to maintain the streets of the Vi 11aPe.
However, we d arrreci ate the condition of the
Village budget and the hazard presently presented.
For that reason the owners have authorized me to
offer the Villene n donation of 41,000.00 to be
used by the Vi 11 a e for the rurrose of improving
the condition on Prospect Avenue to the best
satisfaction of the. Vil1ape.
Vpry truly yours,
Ralph M. Schwer. t?bera
September 11, 1951
A motion was then made by Trustee Bayne 257
seconded by Lange, to accept the offer �s outlined in
the letter and the Clerk was instructed to so advise
Mr. Schwnrt.berp. The lresident rut the euestion and
the Clerk celled the roll with the foi l owi r *, results:
Ayes: All; Nays: N„ne. Therieuron the President a ecle .red
the motion carried.
A Motion was node by Trustee Bayne, seconded
by Brown to authorize the renews +l of lease and r.eying
of X1.00 rental fee to Cllicego rnd Nortbwestern R ilwav
Company for the use of the prorerty in front of the
station.. The motor was voted upon by acclamation,
whereupon the P'resider.t declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Bayne, seconded
by Viper, to renuest the Mount Prospect Zoning Cimmission
to hold a public hearing to re -one from B (Business) to
R -2 classification, lots 22, 2:2, and 24 in Block 20 in
Mount Prospect being a Subdivision in Section 12, Township
41 North, ienge 11, Last of the third principal meridian,
in Cook County. The motior was voted uron by acclamation
whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
There being no further business to come before
the meeting, the Motion was rwie by Trustee Lens, seconded
by Brown, that the meetin? be adjourned. The motion was
voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President
,,, declared the motion carried and meeting regularly ed.iourred.