HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/02/1951 VB minutes
The meeting was called to order by President
Pendleton at 8:10 P.M. and the Clerk was Mien directed
to call the roll. On roll caul the following, Trustees
answered "Present "; Bayne, Ibbotson, Lams, Lame &
Viper. Absent: Trustee Brown.
The Clerk then read the minutes of the meeting,
held September 11. The motion was made by Trustee Lams,
seconded by Lanpe, that the minutes be aprroved ns read
The President put the question and the Clerk called the
roll with the following, results: Ayes: All; Nays: None.
'I'hereuror the }-resident declared the motion_ carried.
The Clerk then read the minutes of the special
Pm meetinp held Sertemhpr 19.
Trustee Brown arrived at 8:25 P.M. and took
his rlece.
A motion Ties made by Trustee Ihhotson, seconded
by Earns, that the minutes be aprroved ns read. The
President rut the question and the Clerk called the roll
with the following resronse: Ayes: All; Nays: None,
Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
The Clerk then read the following, letter:
October 2, 1951
260 Frank Orr'i -a, Esn. Sept. 2F, 1951
Vi 11 age Attorney of Mt. Prospect
10 S. LeSa11e Street
C>-' capo 7, I1linots
Dra r Mr. peke:
I an desirous of foreclosing the speciel
tssessr'ents covering Lot 256 in H. lioy Berry, & Co.'s
olonial Manor, being a subdivision of the 14 of the
NE *, (except the South 15 acres thereof and except
the right of way of the Illinois end Nisconsin
Railroad, and except that pert North of Hailroed),
of Section 11, Towrshir 41 North, RnnPe 11, Le et of
the Third I'rincirel Meridinn.
Title is in the Pioneer Trust and Savings Berk, ', vio
PS T,.ust,ee under Trust #4835 Meted November 28, 1941.
1 nm PIP() telrint ere of the ern.erel taxes
covering this vecent Trorerty. I spree to ray all
of the costs in this rroceedinp, es well as the charges
mndr' by the V, hope of Mt. Frosrect for distribution.
Very truly yours,
Andrew lett_i.nrer.
This matter was referred to the Judiciary
The following comr"unicetion wns then read:
Sept. 24, 1951
Mrs. Stephen G. Kline
112 S. v'a -belle
Mt. 1rospect, Illinois
Deer Mrc . Kline:
The study on the eutbreek of rpli o at Mt. t rospect
has been completed. Ir making thie study we gethered
e11 of the aVailar.le facts principally from a nedie61 mit
end senitation viewpoint and then correlated nil of
these findi nas through f1 chronolor?ice1 day to day report r.
exterdtnp from June 14th to September. Zollowing this
wP went threuph the most recent 1 i_tereture on the
cub,iect of ro1io. This completed rerort is pvei lehle
in our office if Brou should wish to see it at any time.
Rather then send you this large emount of Meta
I thr upht you would he more interested in the p_ener01
conclusions rend findings.
All of the femili.es trvolved with the excertion of
ore, showed many direct contacts amore femily members
end in four of the families irvolvinp silt cases there
was a definite findinp of interchange of food end drink
among some of the family members. Also, most of those
femi 1v members who did not have roll o pave n story of
havirP been ill rrior to the diapnosi-s of rolio in
another member of the family. The story w8s 11SUP11y
one of having been ill for e f'e1v nays with such
symptoms es fever, sore throat, and ehdominal discomfort.
It could be that these other fnrni lv momhers
had mild ceses of rol n rut in the ebserce of more
definite findings this must remain nuestionehle
until there is some sirup le method of determining the
rresence of Tolio virus.
v. oil
Poliomyelitis is not a highly cortnpeous
diseese end the evidence points to the feet that more
than rersonal contract is necessary for its spread. It
seems that i.ntermingli_np of Food end drink i_s en
important factor in its spread.
Strict nuarenti.ne of contacts, closing of
public schools, etc. have not, in the rast been effec-
tive to preventing the srr_ead of this disePse end the
preeeding evidence indicntes why.
October 2, 1951
The sanitation investi.ation included obtainirp
information or weter surrly, seane:disrosel, milk
surely, parbnpe and refuse, storage and collection
and general environmental sanitation. All the findings
showed that the community rret the standor.ds recommended
for good sanitation practice.
de have been rind nd to investigate this concentrated
outbreak and we are also glad of your interest in
your community's health.
If at any time in the future we can he of service to
You, do rot hesitate to call ur.on us.
Sincerely Yrurs,
John B. H1111, M.D. ,M.P.H.
The motion. 'vas made by Trustee Lonpe, seconded
by Bvyne, to grant permission to Mr. v1alter Carlson to
pave the north half of Gregory Street e'tendi.rp west from
Elmhurst Avenue to the r.resent end of Gr.epory Street
Pavement with the understanding thnt Mr. Corlsor is to
assume 011 costs incurred, including enpinPerinp' fees and
inspection Fees, and that the work will be done in confor-
mance with the Villope - plans and srecifi cations:
further, Provided that Mr. 'orison will deposit with the
Village Treasurer. an .amount surf; cient to coves enpi near; nfi
„ costs and inspection fees. TT1P Iresident rut the nu -stion
end the Clerk celled the roll pith the following results:
Ayes: A11; Nays: hone. Thereupon the President declared
kJ"% the motion carried.
The Clerk then read n letter dated September 27,
from Schwart?berp & Barnett, Attorneys, to which was
attached check for 01,000 for work to be none on rP rkwoy
in front of the Mount Prospect Park & Shop. The 'clerk was
instructed to acknowledge the letter with thanks from
the Village Board.
The Clerk then read P letter dated September 28
ir..r Prom Krause & Hehe, Realtors, regarding debris that was
dumped on their rrorerty directl;V north of East IIiph1<and
Avenue by the contractor who is rutting in the streets
in the Bluett Subdivision Past of Main Street. The Clerk
was instructed to o cknowledpe the letter end in form
Mr. Krause that the contractor would be instructed to
remove the debris.
A rroposel dated October 1, from John F. Beasley
Construction Comrnry for painting of the steel writer
tower and tank for the sum of $1,750 was then read. A
motion was made by Trustee Viper, seconded by Lams,
that the Troposo]. be accepted and that the President
and Clerk be authorized to execute the contract on behalf
of the Village. The President rut the question end the
Clerk called the roll with the following response: Ayes:
all; Noys: None. Thereuron the President declared the
motion carried.
The Clerk then read the "ollowinR communication:
Mr. Reht. Milligan
Sept. 24, 1951
VillspP Clerk
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear Mr. Mil 1 i en :
t, e wish to thank the members n the Vi11ap.e Board
for their co- operation t god. assignment of the
Community Room, fora r�amily Night ProprP►n.
However, we now find thnt the rerson who rroposed
the plan, nnd on who we depended for comrlete
sronsorship, does not went to assume the responsibility.
At this time, the Library Board Members are unable
to undertake the Project. eye had only two resrorses
from the article published in the local rnror,
October 2, 1951
262 anti one stated Friday night was rot very
desirable, i.nosmueh as the I.T.A. meets the 1st.
Thursday nf' each month. It is also \'roman's Club
Week, and seems a busy one.
Therefore, for the time he nr,, nrd until
we can find someone who will "chairman" the iob
rrorerly we shall let the matter_ rest. vie are
willirp to co- orernte, but cannot take over all.
the details envolved to make the rropram a
success. Yte certainly °errr.eciate the ready
resrorse of your board, end wish this had material-
ized differently. For the present, release of
the 1st Friday oP the month seems advisable.
Yours truly,
Huth T. Carlson
The Clerk was instructed to eckrowledpe this
There beirp no further business to come
before the me.etirt?, the motion was mnde by Trustee
Brown, seconded by Ibbotson, that the meeting be
adjrurred. The motion was voted upon by ecelemation
whereuron the President declared the motion carried
raid the meetirp regularly adjourned.