HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/1964 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES
HELD JUNE 23, 196~
Clerk Ruth Wilson called the meeting to order at 8:q2 P.M.
and uPonroll call The following ~embers were present: roll call
Busse Bruhl Bergen
Casterline Ekren
Absent: TrUstee Phillipsand President Schlaver
Trustee Bi~uhl, seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved that
Trustee Parker EkTen act as p~esident Pro Tem for The meeting. This
motion carried by acclamation.
T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved :~To' approve
The minutes of June 16Th as submitted, minutes
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bruhi Bergen
Casterline Ekren
Absent: Phfllips P~esident Schlaver
'Motion carried.
T~usTee B~uhl, secondedby T~ustee Casterline, moved for
approval of the following bills: ' bills
General : $32,369.99
Parking System 1,397.86
Library 2~548,~6
Waterworks & Sewerage 5,507.63
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bruhl Bergen
Casterline Ek~en
Absent: Phillips President Schlaver
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved that the
amount of $800 be Temporarily advanced from The Water Deposit Fund Finance
to Parking System Revenue Fund To cover The amounts necessary for
payment of the bills submitted this week and subsequent end of The
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse B=uhl Bergen
Casterline Ekren
Absent: Phillips P~esidenT Schiaver
Motion ca~ried.
Trustee Bruhl explained that This had been brought about because of
The insurance costs on The expansion of The parking lots.
Trustee Bergen, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved To
allow variation for erection of fence at 1722 Klm Ave. in accord- fence
ance with diagram furnished by resident, Mymon M. Senn, of basket
weave construction, ~0 feet long and five feet high, on the west
June 23, 196~
property line, contingent upon meceipT of lettem from neighbor,
Donald Nussay at 172~ Klm, giving no objection.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bemgen Bmuhl Busse
Casterline Ekmen
Absent: Phillips Pmesident Schlavem
Motion camried.
Trustee Bergen, seconded by Tmustee CasTerline, moved
to allow variation for emection of fence at 920 South Ememson,
Joseph Fletcher, on a line r~nning nomthwest along the property
- - ~0 feet of 6-foo% high basket weave~ the mes~ to be megulam
3-1/2 foot steel cyclone fencing, contingent upon receipt of let-
=em fmom neighbor au 918 South ~memson.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Cas~emline Ekren
Absent: Phillips P~esident Schlaver
Motion carried.
Tmustee Bergen, seconded by Tmustee Casterline, moved
fence to allow variation rom emection of fence at ~13 Ioka, Dm. Homer
S. Pamker, 6-ft. stockade fence 2~ feet long in conformance with
drawing. T~us~ee Bemgen mead letter showing no objection from
Edward J. McMahon, ne!ghbom aT ~15 Ioka.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en
Absent: Phillips President Schlavem
Motion cax~ied.
Bldg. Code varl- Tmustee Bergen, seconded~byT~ustee Castemline, moved
ation - Thulin that Fmedemick Thulin of ~ South Owe~ be gmanted variation fmom
Chapter 6~ Pamagmaph 19 of the Building Code to cons~muct ~oom
additions in basement of their home in accordance with plans sub-
mi~ted. This is a do~mitomy fom boys, den and sewing room.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bemgen B~uhl Busse
Casterline Ekren
Absent: Phillips Pmesident Schlaver
Mo%ion carmied.
Polle & Fire Trustee Busse meported that ~he Police & Fire Commission
convention held in the Village ~he previous Satumday had been a
great success; that everyone concerned was vemy pleased.
Lions Club Trustee Busse read letter from the Lions Club asking per-
mission =o use loudspeakem system during ~he annual Village Faim
to be held July 2, 3, ~ and:5. T~ustee Busse, seconded by T~ustee
Bruhl~ moved To allow the Lions Club To use loudspeakems on those
Upon moll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Cas=erline Ekmen
Absent: Phillips President Schlaver
Motion carmied.
June 23, 1964
T~ustee Bergen took up the matter of extending build- Tally Ho Apts.
ing per, it :o aligw construction of Tally Ho apart~nents at Bldg. pePmit
Busse and Algonquin Roads; the building pez~nit (6-month ex-
tension) ran out as of June 19th, but meanwhile the property
was sold by John Hayes and Betty Stone to Vina~ Building Corp.,
partners, David Saviola and Peter Pe~nice.
T~ustee Bergen read the assignmen~ of financing commi~men~ from
Hayes and Stone ~o Messrs. Saviola and Pernice; he also read
parts of letter from Marshall SavinEs & Loan in regard to exten-
sion of loan for this project. Said loan covers Building Nos.
1, 2, 3 and ~ as shown in diaEram. Marshall Savings' commitment
is valid until one year f~om date of March 28, 196~. Mr. Saviola
stated that he is willing to deposi~ sufficient monies in escrow
with Chicago Title & Trust Co. to pay'off all sub-contractors.
Building Inspector Joe Pecoraro sta~ed that there had been
granted to the former owners permit for building 150, 2-bedroom
units and 1B0~ 1-bedroom units at the 1~00 sq. ft. size allowed
under the old R-4 ordinance. The ordinance now calls for 2500
sq. ft. for 2 bedrooms or less; to build under the pmesent code
it would be necessary to eliminate about 30 units. Other build-
ings on the property which have foundations only, have been
designed =o come under the 24-foot height allowance, bu~ with
more g~ound area, and will have 288 units as opposed to 261 units
formerly planned~ these unit~ will averaEe ou~ 1950 square feet,
which is more than under the old code bu~. less than under the
new code. In order to build under the new code it would be neces-
sary to eliminate about $0 units or secure a variation.
The fqllowing memo and addendum was used as basis for a~reemen~
and motion that follows:
June 22, 196~
~inan Building Co~p.
Messrs.~avld Sav~ola and Peter Pernice
This is to inform you of the Mount P~ospect Building
requirements at the Tally-Ho Apartments project on Busse Road
south of Algonquin Road.
1. Renew buildi~ pez~nit at 50% of original cost of $5,575.00,
or $2,793.00.
2. Clean up all rubbish around buildings and on property.
3. Backfill a~ound ~undatio~s on buildings ~o. 5, 6 and 7.
(See attached sketch).
Pump water out of foundations No. 5, S, 7 and 8 and also out
of two deep holes.
5. Hook-up ~o sewer and water lines to provide sanitary facili-
ties and fire protection.
6. Complete buildSn$ No. 1 and 2 within a reasonable time.
7. Support balconies properly.
8. Reinforce bearing walls in basement of Bldgs. $ and 4.
9. Fi~estop walls and floors in Bld~s. 3 and 4,
June 23, 1964
ally Ho Apts. 10. Complete or remove foundation walls on B/~g. 8.
11. Blacktop driveway and paz, king area before occupancy of
.Bldgs. 1 and 2.
12. Old farm house to be removed or properly secured by
orde~ of the Mt. Prospect Fire Department.
13. Furnish financial statement or mo~'tgage commitment to
.prove financial stability.
If there is any change in a~hltectural or structural design
in any proposed building, new plans and specifications must be
Submitted to the building department .for approval.
A meeTin~ was held Monday, June 22 in The Bldg. Dept~ with David
Saviola and Peter Psrnice of Vinan Bldg. Corp. Also present
were Chief Haberkamp and David Creamer.
Ail the items were agreed upon.
Item #1 - They agTeed to the fee, except-they would like a~dex-
Tension of time until Bldgs. land 2 are completed
and before Bldg. 8 is started.
ITem ~ - Pumping will be started T~esday, June 23, 1964.
ITem #6 - They will have Bldgs. 1 and 2 completed in 30 days.
ITem ~ 10 - They plan To start Bldg. 8 in 60 days.
Item #12 - The farm house will be removed by Plaza Excavating Co,
ITem gl3 - The Bldg. Dept. has a Thermofax copy Of the mortgage conm~iTment s.
Trustee Bergen, seconded by T~ustee CasTsrline, moved That the
Building Department be authorized to issue .to The Vinan Building
Corporation, 2901 Vinan Drive, Melrose Pa~k, a building permit
for a period of six months in order to complete Btdgs. 1, 2, 3 and
~ (as shown in diagram) of The development at Algonqu. in and Busse
Roads refemred To as the Tally Ho Apartments, at a building permit
cost of $931, which is one-third of the requi~ed cost; also That
all other conditions in The foregoing memo and addendum be com-
plied wi.Th by the Vi~an Building Corp.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Ekrsn Bergen Casterline B~uhl
Absent~ Phillips President Schlaver
Trustee Busse ~eported that the Police Department is once
Police again in full strength with the addi. tion of Patrolman PatrickJ.-
T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~usTee CasTerlina, moved to
Finance cancel The followi~E war~ant~ drawn on The funds indicated as they
June 23, 1964
JUN 1,964
Painted & trimmed out.
No plumbing fixtures
Electrical wires pulled a~d most fixtures installed
Stairways and handrails installed in rear
No stairways in front
No electric service (ready for drop)
No water or sewer
No heating plant
Balconies need footings under supports
Some apartment painted & trimmed out
No plumbing fixtures
Electrical wires pulled - some fixtures installed
Stairways & h~ndrails installed in rear
No stairways in front
No electric service (ready for drop)
No water or sewer
No heating pla~t
Balconies need footings under supports
NOTE - If a large enough crew started working buildings I & 2 could be completed
in less than 30 days.
Roughed in but bearing walls in basement must be reinforced and floor joist must
be leveled. Buildings h~ve set for 2 years and must be reinspected before walls
are rocked.
Anyshere from 2 to 5 feet of water in low spots. Foundation walls seem to be in
good condition ~nd structurall~r able to support a building. Not backfilledo
Dotted lines on attached plot show foundztion walls not installed. Approximately
~ ~ 3 feet of water in basement. Not backfilled.
Water in holes in center of plot. Construction rubbish around buildings and on
South portion of plot near creek.
have been lost, authorizing the Village T~easurer to issue new Finance
warrants to cover them:
C-8703 dated 5-18-64 payable to Per~c & pretty, Inc.
in amount of $6.00, Sewer Petty Cash Fund
C-86~ dated 5-18-64, payable to Pert & Pmetty, Inc.
in amount of $9.00, WateDworks & Sewerage Fund
Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Busse Ekren BeDgen
Casterline Bruhl
Absent: Phillips t~esident S¢~aver
Motion carmied.
Tmustee Bmuhl explained that the Finance Committee had Finance re
fop some time been considering survey of job classifications Salaries
held by Village employees to aid in future pay plans.
Trustee Bmuhl, seconded by T~ustee Casterline, moved that the
Village Manager be authoDized to seek a responsible, independent
organization dealing in pemsonnel surveys and to Decommend his
selection to this Board.
Upon moll call: Ayes: Busse Ekven Bergen
Casterline Bz~lhl
~, Absent: Phillips P~esident SchlaveD
Motion caDried.
Mr. Appleby immediately Deported that the Public Administration
L ~ Service was well-known and experienced in this field.
Question of ~aturn, of $160 to Sal Di Mucci in connection Di Mucci
with electDicalcoDmection deposit was defended to next meeting.
TDustee BDuhl reported that the matter of possible Iversen
purchase of tDiangle of land at Lincoln and ~lmhurst Roads had trianEle
been in Committee fop a period of time waiting fop a Deply fDom
the owneD's attorney. Trustee B~uhl~ seconded by TDustee BeDgen,
movedthat the Village Manager be instDucted to notify Mr. RobeDt
Stanton, attorney fop the owned of this pDopeDty, that inasmuch as
the Village has had no reply it is presumed the offem is not ac-
oepted~ therefoDe said offer to purchase is withdrawn.
Upon moll call: Ayes: Bmuhl Bergen Busse
Casterline ~kren
Absent: Phillips President Schlave~
Motion caz~0ied.
T~ustee BDuhl, seconded by T~ustee CasteDline, moved that
the Insurance Committee be authorized to inteDview and Decommend Insurance
~'~ appraisers to the FinanceCommit~ee so that the Village may have a
i complete appraisal of all its p~operty and equipment for insuDance
purposes. Mr. Bruhl explained that this is actually an inventory
of the~ysical assets of the Village~ that he estimated the cost
to come to about $1500 for the first year, with $250 for upkeep
every year thereafter.
Upon ~oll call: Ayes:, Bruhl Bergen Busse
CasteDline Ek~en
Absent: Phillips P~esident Schlaver
Motion carried.
June 23, 1964
T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Casterline, moved
that when specifications for the Village's insurance
are being prepared, the following wording be included: "The
Village intends to place this insurance coverage with ~he suc-
cessful bidder for a period of three yea~s."
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Bergen Busse
Caste~line Ek~en
Absent:' Phillips President Schlaver
Motion ca~ied.
Ord. 988 Trustee Busse, seconded by T~ustee Bruhl, moved for
ZoninK passage of O~d. 988:
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Bergen Busse
Caste~line Ekren
Absent: Phillips' President Schlaver
Motion ca~ried.
This ~efers to Zoning Case 6~-21, Goldblatt Bros.
Trustee B~uhl, seconded by Trustee Busse~ moved
Res. 1~-6~ the adoption of Res. 1~-6~:
County Zonin~
Upon roll call: Ayes: B~uhl Bergen Busse
Ekre~ Caste~line
Absent: Phillips P~esident Schlave~
Motion carried.
T~us~ee Ekmen read the following letter fmcm Rober~
Babbin, Architect, dated June 22ndL
Case 63-21 Dear Mr. Hofert:
I deeply appreciate your effor=s of last Tuesday night in connec-
tiom with the resolu=ion of the Villa§e Board ~egarding ~15
P~ospec= St. Noun= Prospect, Illinois.
Seldom, if every~ in my Ten yea~s of practice in the Chicago-
Metropolitan region have I expePienced co-operation, service an'd
sincerity from the elected and appointed officials that I have
found in the Village of Mount P~ospect.
If there is ever]- any way in which I may ~ of help to you, per-
sonally or to the Village of Mount Prospec=, please call me.
Very trul~ yours,
Rober~ Babbin
June 23, 1964
Trustee Ekren read the following letter from Attorney
June 23, 1964 Drainage Distr.
President and Board of T~ustees
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Gentlemen: Re: Detachment of land from the Feehanville
Drainage District
Enclosed is a copy of the Notic~ of Hearing on the peti-
tion to detach land from the Feehanville Drainage District, said
hea~ing to be on 4~ly 15, 1964 at 11 o-clock A.M., in Court Room
No. 603 of {he County Building.
Edward C. Mofert
by Joseph L. Grant
Attorney Hofert explained that there is a ditch draining eastward
toward the Des Plaines River, which drains certain areas formerly
detached fro~ this district and added to the Village; that Feeban-
ville Drainage District is asking l/~e Village to contribute their
share toward maintenance of this ditch, figuring the Village's
share to be about ~0%. Mr. Hofert thought this was a fair figure
considering the amount of land detached; estimating from past
costs to come to about $2000 for Village's share; this job of
cleaning and dredging to be oontrao~out, bill to be submitted to
the Village.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Casterline, moved that the Vil-
lage Attorney be directed to prepare an' agreement with the Feehan-
ville Drainage District, which agreement will provide for consent
on the part of the'Village to share in the cost of maintaining this
ditch running easterly toward the river; wherein the Village pays
~0% and the Dist-~ict 60%, provided that the District shall request
further pezvaission from the Village at any time in order to expend
in excess of $2000 in any ~-year period.
Upon ~oll call: ~yes: B~uhl Busse Bergen
Ekren Casterline
Absent: Phillips President Schlaver
Motion carried.
Manager Appleby repo~ted that the 196~ census is now be- census
g inn lng,
Mr. Appleby reminded the Board that agreement between Fire Dept. g
ou~ Fire Department and Mt. P~ospeot Rural Fire League expires Rural League
July 1st, and there will be no meeting before that date.
T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Casterline, moved to extend the
Time of this contract to the next regular Board meeting of July 7th.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Bergen
Ekren Casterline
Absent: Phillips President Schlaver
~' Motion ca~ried.
June 23, 1964
T~ustee Caste~line, seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved
Water Dept.
To accept proposal of Badger Metem Company to extend contract
for purchase of small disc meters at no increase in price for
the next year.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Br, uhl Bemgen Busse
Casterline Ekren
Absent: Phillips President ~chiaver
Motion carried.
Water-engineers Referred to Finance Committee: Bill from Sreeley &
Hansen, Engineers,' ~'egarding purchase of Chicago water.
Attorney Hofert gave opinion regarding conTracT with
garbage Barrington T~ucking Company re garbage pick-up; The Village is
obligated to pick up refuse and garbage f~om any and all apart-
manT buildings; the user may decide not to accept this service,
but the Village is obligafed to pay the trucking company - -
in this case, Barrington - -whether om not the apartment house
hires an outside firm. Mr. Hofert went on further to sTaTe
that for complete control (same days of the week, etc.)
Village would have To pass an ordinance restricting the
of scavenger licenses to one for residential pick-up. However,
this cannot be done until nex~ year because au the present ti~e
Two other companies have paid for and have been issued business
licenses good until next May.
"Tropic of Cancer~ourt Chief Whittenberg reported that the Illinois Supreme
suit had ruled that the book, "T~opic of Cancer" was indeed ~an
obscene book; giving opinion in the revel-se of the one handed
down in suit of G~ove P~ess vs Geomge Whittenberg and the Village.
Adjournment by acclamation at 10:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth C. Wilson, Clerk
June 23, 1964