HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/28/1964 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING
HELD ON APRIL 28, 196~
President Schlaver called the meeting to order at
8:11 P.M. with the following members presenti roll call
~Busse Bergen Bvuhl
Ek~en Casterline Phillips
Trustee Casterline~ seconded by T~ustee Bruhl, moved
to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of A~ril 21st
as submitted, minutes
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bergen Bruhl
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Motion ca~ied.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by T~stee Ek~en~ moved for
approval of the following bills: bills
General $25~332.10
Parking System 6.92
Library 1~3~0.31
Library Bldg. Const. 1961 20.6~
Fire Sra. Corse. 196~ ~98.~5
Fi~e Equip. 1964 288.32
Public Works Bldg. 375.56
Waterworks & Sewerage 20,608.52
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bergen Bruhl
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bergen .read letter dated April 2~th from fence
C. D. MoPeely of 808 East Central Road asking for variation of
fence.ordinance in.order to erect a 6-foot stockade fence along
the rear of his property~ giving reasons. Trustee Bergen ex-
plained that his committee had considered this request and recom-
mended allowing the fence.
T~ustee Bergen, seconded by T~ustee Casterline, moved that Mr.
McFeely be allowed to construct a 6-foot stockade fence along
the rear 120 feet of his property to extend 25 feet along each
side from the rear on the eas~ and wes~ boundamies of his prop-
arty at 808 East Central Road.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bergen Bruhl
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
T~ustee Bergen read letter from James R. Wolf of 523 femce
South Hi Lusi requesting 5-foot stockade fence along Busse Avenue,
stating that the Committee recommended not granting ~his request.
No motion was made.
T~ustee Bruhl read repor~ f~om the Citizens Insurance Insurance
Committee, copy of which has been given to each trustee, and
thanked the members of this committee for their work and effort.
April 28, 196~
The Committee recommended purchase of Tax Revenue Insurance
(Business Interruption) at Randhurst and Mount Prospect Plaza
Shopping Centers at a cost of $115.80, which insures an
amount of $270,000 in revenue. The Committee recom~nended the
acceptance of the bid of Rollins Bt~dick Hunter Co. with the
exception of Item G~ The Committee suggested that the Village. ~
Board consider bids for appraisal of all Village property'and
this appraisal be perpetuated by annual reviews. The Commit-
tee recommended that the insurance be secured on a three-year
basis to a company or agent, beginning May 1, 1965.
Trustee Bru~l, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved to concu~
with the recommendations of the Insurance Committee to employ
the facilities of Rollins Burdick Hunter Company as shown in
the/m report, beginning May 1, 1964.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl read letter from Mr. Le~nhaz~t of St.
Street Dept. John's Episcopal Church complaining that parkway along church
had been ruined by Sewer cont-~actor, and asking thatthis area
be re-sodded instead of re-seeded. P~esident Schlaver stated
that he would work this matter out himself.
Trustee Busse, seconded by T~ustee Ek~en, moved for
Ord. 979 the passage of 0~d. 979t
traffic .--~
THE HOURS.OF 6t30 A.M. AND 1:30 P.M. ON PINE ST. :
Upon roll call: Ayes~ Bergen Bruhl Busse
Cas~erline Ek~en Phillips
Motion camried.
Fire Station Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved
No. 2 that bids for const-~uction of Fire Station No. 2 be opened.
This motion carried by acclamation,.and.the bids were opened
as follows~
CONTRACTOR Base Bid ASr. 1 Alt. 2 AI~. 3 Alt. 4
John Lindstrom, Inc. $163,938 170 2,110 2,300 350
Fleetwood Contrs. 164,999 170 700 1,500 100
Custer Cons'c~. Co. 163,900 300 2,500 '1,400 500
Edw. Eks~om 165,680 170 2,245 1,575 350
Warchol Constr. Co. 168,936 · 190 1,200 1,550 350
Kenneth P. Johnson 168,753 200 900 1,100 450
Paul Sayad Co. 169,432 In base 3,000 1,846 820
Egyptian Constr. Co. 169,135 200 860 1,111 247
Ragnar & Olson 170,000 200 2,500 2,000 500
Duggan-Karasik Constr. 170,733 190' 2,415 1,500 385 -~i
Apollo Assoc. Inc. 174,738 187 2,320 2,200 490
Wm. C. Kuhlman'Co. 180,055 220 900 1,250 550
A. W. Heinsohn & Co. 180,181 ~80 800 2,000 380
'Burnside Constr. Co. 184,500 200 500 1,000 375
Oman &Giden 192~000 350 '270 2,500 390
Jos. A. Schiller, Inc. 194,365 400 298 2,000 350
B~ton-Lipmmn Co. 195,900 190 500 .1,700 500
Stade Constr. Co. 195,554 465 390 2,370 474
Otto A. Schultz 198,569 170 1,300 no charge 675
April 28, 196~
~ustee Phillips, seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved that these
bids be turned oven to the Wate~ Committee and that the deposits
be turned ovez~ to ~he Finance D~ec~o~. This motion ca~ied by
~us~ee Phillips, seconded b~ ~us~ee Cas~&~line, Fi~e
moved ~o approve ~he specifica~ioms fo~ a 1250 ~ p~pe~ ~uck Equipment
~d a 90 fT. a~ial pla~fo~ ~uck as s~i~=ed by Chief ~b~k~p.
Upon ~oll call: Ayes: E~en B~hl
Busse Phillips
T~s~ee Phillips, seoonded by ~us~ee Cas~e~line, moved
=~ d~ect ~he Village M~a~em :o ~ive invi~a~io~l bids ~o cwo
~nufao~e~s, ~he S~ave Compoma~ion and ~he ~ican ~ F~ance
Upon ~oll oall ~ Ayes: E~en B~hl Be~en
Busse Phillips Cas%e~line
MoTion =a~i~,
~ustee Phillip~ mead ~epo~ f~ Wa~e~ Sup~. Dave C~e~e~ da~ed
~ch 9~ 19~: Wate~
Re~ P~o~se ~f New Chlorination Equipmen=
A pmo~ision fo~ ~he p~o~se of new chlorination equ~pmen= was
included ~ =he omi~inal Division E Wa~e~womks Imp~ov~sn~ ~o~m~.
Because ~he en&ineems ~ CT&A and I co~d not a~ee on
ohlo~a~ machine ~o pu~c~se~ ~he equi~en~ ~s dele%ed
~he p~o~am~
The ~e maohines ~dem oonside~a%ion a~e manufao~u~ed by (1)
Wallace & Tie.nan, (2) Fishe~ and Pom~e~, ~d (3) ~he Advice
Chlo~e ~chine Co. The chlo~i~=~ machines =o be meplaced
by %he Village a~e ma=hines man.ack.ed by the Wallace & Tie~
and Fishem 6 Pom~e~ c~panies. I have no~ been satisfied wi~h
these ~chines. The Wa~ace 6 Tiemnan maohine a~ Well ~5 has n~
worked p~ope~ly s~oe ~he ~y of ins~al~ion and now ~. ~ewis
is ~eomm~din~ ~he pure. se of ~he s~e ~ype of mach~e.
Lewis ~s ~old me %~ he is ~e~in~ p~essume f~om a supe~io~
his o~a~tion who has a de~ided pmefe~ence, fora a pam~icu~
uni~ ~ he wan~s i~s~alled. On ~he oThe~ ~nd. ~. Lewis has
no objeo~ion ~o ~he ove~-all p~fo~oe of the Advance mach~e,
The oos~ of ~eplacemen~ by Fishe~ & Po~e~ o~ Wal~ce & Tie~
is es~Ted =o ~an~e f~ $1,950 ~o $3~000. The~e would
addi%ional oos~ fo~ pipin~ =~n~es and eleo~i~l installation,
These ~=hines have au~a~i~ ~a~e adjustments, mo~le ~s
and eleo~i= mo~o~s which a~e s~je~ ~o failure.
would ~ve =o be done by fao=o~y-~a~ned ~epaim men. Thesm
machines ~ve 9~oved' cos~ly ~o us ~ ~he past and I have ~ason
~o ~lieve t~ we oould anticline =~ouble wi~h this =~e machine
in the fu~u~.
On =he ~sis of uni~ =ons~uo~ion~ ~intenance aspen=s,
p~i=e and s~ months of field =~ials I offe~ ~he follow~ ~easons
why I ~e~mmen4 the pu~ohase of ~he Advance Chlo~e ~Ghine fo~
April 28~ 196~
1. The unit is compact and simply designedt
2. The~e are no power operated mechanical parts
in the unit. '
3. Elec~ical power is not necessary to operate ~
The chlorinator.
~. The cost of the unit is only $650 per application.
(Estimated cost for Well ~$ improvements is $1950 for
~he entire ins=allatlo~ plus piping and other installa-
Tion costs which would bring The total To about $2100.
5. If the chlorinator should .fail the manufacturer
will replace the unit for a flat charge of $30. The
new or rebuilt unit that replaced The original machine
would continue to,carry the same replacement warranty.
6. Advance will sell i~s machine to the Village under
a pe~orTaance bond or on the basis of a money-back
guarantee. : :
7. An Advance machine has been in use at Well ~ on
a field trial basis for six months. We have experience
no difficulty with it during this ~ime.
8. Ail the Advance units are identieal - - therefore
in2erchangeable in case of an emergency.
9. I~ is the policy of the Advance Company To provide
their salesmen with an extra unit to he'carried with .-
them in case of an emergency.
Competitors of ~he Advance Companyare aware of my choice of machines
and are using devious and unethical methods ~o influence my opinion.
Although my recommendation is in conflict with Consoer, Townsend
and Associates I am convinced The Advance. machine is ~he best machine
for ~he Village of ~oun~ P~ospec~.
T~ustee Phillips, seconded by T~ustee Ek~en, moved To pumchase
Advance' Chlori~a=ion Equipment as shown in repor~ of Water Superin-
tendent Dave Creamer dated March 9, 196~ for use at Well #5 a~ a
~otal cost of $2,100.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en Phillips
Motion ca,tied.
T~ustes Casterline, seconded by T~us~ee Ekren, moved to
Public Works release ~0 bidders on Public Works Building all bid bonds and checks
Building except for ~he iowes~ five bidders. This motion carried by aoclama-
Zoning Case T~us~ee~asterline, seconded by T~ustee Bruhl, moved.that
6~-1~ Village'sappeal ~o Zoning Board ~6~-1~ be wi=hdrawn and that new
appeal fo~ special use with setback variation on South Pine §a~age
si~e be ~de for May 15th.
Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Mo=ion carried.
April 28, 1964
Mattem of me-negotiaTing fmanchise w£th Illinois Bell Telephone
Telephone Company was refemmed To the Judiclamy Com~itteeo franchise
Further study of the pa~king pmoblem on Memory Lane traffic
between Dale and Fomest was refemmed to the Police Committee.
Chief Whittenbemg will check out the pmoblem and repomT his find-
ings to this committee.
Mr. Appleby repo~ted that a statewide Industmial ~evel-
opment Conference will be held in Peomia on May
Mr. Appleby announced that onMay l~th in Niles, the Courts
Hon. Hemhemt Stoffels of the Third Dis%~ict Coumt will hold a
meeting of ~epmesenTaTives of all municipalities in this distmict.
President Schlave~ mead the following letter of appoint- Appointments
Apmil 28,
Honorable Boamd of Trustees
The temm of Frank Biemmann as a membem of the Board of
Police & Fi~e Commissionems is now expiring. It is my pleasure
~e-appoint Mr. Bio,mann, long a faithful membem of the board and a
fo~mem fi~e chief, rom a te~m of Three yeams. The concummence of.
the Board of TrusTees in thisre-appointment is =espectfully
Clamence O. $chlavem
Tmustee Bmuhl, seconded by T~ustee Castemline, moved To concu~
with Thefomegoing appoimTment. This motion tax, led by acclamation.
President $chlavem announced that on Satumday, Ju~e 20th, Fire & Polic~
the Village will be host at a State meeTi~ of the Illinois Board
of Fime & Police Co~issionems, beginning aT 9:30 A.M.
Refemred to Police CommiTtee: Repomt of Fi~e & Police
Commission on examination rom a membem of the Police Fomce to be
sent to FBI School.
Pmesident Schlave~ mead the following statement naming
the committee seT-up fox. the coming yea~: Committee
It is in the pmovince of the Village President, as
tailed by o~dinance, to name all commitTeesof the Village Board.
As I stated befome in setting up the p~esenT t~ustees' committees
I would meview Them fmom time to time, usually evemy six months,
and make changes whichweme ~eemed-advisable fo~ the bette~ edu-
ca=ion in village details of new membems of the boamd. In
-that our newest members can have this womking ~elationship I have
made some changes, effective fora ~he new fiscal yea~
May 1. These changes do no= involve the.chairmen of the present
oomm£ttees but do change the make-up of some of the ~oups.
April 28, 196~
The new committees are as follows:
Committee Chairman Members
JUDICIARY Ekren Busse and Phillips
BUILDING Bergen Casterline and Ekren
STREETS Casterline Bergen and Ek~en
FINANCE Bruhl Phillips and Casterline
FIRE~ WATER Phillipsm Busse and Bruhl
POLICE Busse Bergen and Bruhl
P~esident S~hlaver read the following statement:
Finance - Budget"The working out of the new budget and appropriation ordinance for
Pres. Schlaver the Village of Mount Prospect involves close co-operation between
-- the finance director, the village mana~e~, the president, the t~ustees'
committee and ultimately the majority decision on disputed items by
the members of the board and president. IT must be a team effort
because the budget involves in many of its decisions the majority
policy of the board in respect to Village services, personnel and
the =ax levy for the following year.
Because the village manager is intrusted by ordinance with administra-
tive duties of the village, I ask, as was announced at the village
· V°
board meeting several weeks ago~ that he be in ired to attend all
preliminary sessions.of the trustees' committee, along with the
finance director whose dutiesin' regard to the budget and appropria-
tion are also detailed by ordinance.
I respectfully ask that preliminary details be completed.as soon as
possible in order that discussions with all trustees can proceed
and that the budget.and appropriation ordinance be ready for pas-
sage by June
T~us~ee Bruhl stated that he considered the ~udget hearings to be
an investigation by the Committee into the needs of each
and did not think it appropriate that the ~anager should bepresent
when the Committee is interviewing the Department Heads. P~esident
$chlaver ~eplied that the ordinance mequired Consultation including
the Managar at budget hearings.
T~ustee Casterline, seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved to approve the
recommendation of ~he Presiden~ regarding budget hearings.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Casterline
Ek~en Phillips
Nays: Bruhl Bergen
Motion carried.
Court case ~ Charles Ba~tlnann, plaintiff in court case
63-S-315~6 Village arose and askedpe~mission to address the Boar~. The Board
Bartmann made it plain that cou~t cases are not to be discussed at public
meetings of the Board~ but Ba~tmann. was finally given per~isslon
to read his statement, which proved ~o be aparsonal attackupon
Attorney Hofe~t, Copy of same will be dittoed separately and given
~o each trustee. President Schlaver replied that he ~esented this
personal attack upon Mm. Hofe~t, who acts under the di~ectlonof
the Board-and has carried the case.chat their directions and
further pointed out that the law provides that the Villages are
April 28, 1964
ot to bold public meetings in ~,aga~d to cases in litigation. Atty. Hofert
M~. Hofemt £nfo~med ~he E~ ~ he desired neve~ to
h~mself involv~ pemso~lly ~n an~ co~T cases~ ~t Ea~n~s
~em~ks weme of a mos~ sou~ilous nature but shall not la=
them affect his se~ce ~o the ~o~. He went on to 9oin~ out
~ appel ~d been filed ~o p~ese~ve the V~llage~s ~gh~ ~o
Adjou~en~ by acc~a~ion a~ 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth C. Wilson~ Cla~k
April 28, 1964