HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/17/1964 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD MARCH 17~ 195% P~esident Schlavar called the meeting 8:12 P.M. wi~h the following members present: roll call Bruhl Buses Casterline Absent: Phillips Bergen, who arrived later. T~ustee Casterline, seconded by T~ustee Ekren, moved for approval of the mi~u~es of March l0 as' submitted, minutes · Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Buses Casterline Ekren Motioncarried. Mrs. George Hanson, Campfire Gi~l leader, informed the Flag Board ~hat it was the Campfire Girls' 54~h birthday in the United States and ~he 38th in Mount P~ospect, and that their project for this year was to present the Village wi~h a Village flag. Members of the g~oup then marched forward with a white nylon flag trimmed in gold fringe, with the seal of Mount Prospect in gold, an4 black lettering, and.presented the flag =o =he Village. President $¢hlaver thanked the Campfire Gi~ls on behalf of:the citizens, congratulating them upon their $ath anniversary and upon ~hei~ good citizenship. M~s. Hanson asked that the flag be used in parades, and promised that the Campfire Girls would see that it was cleaned annually. T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Ek~en, moved for the payment of =he following bills: bills General $15,007.78 Pamkir~ System 10.50 Waterworks & Sewerage Waterworks ~ Sewerage Aoquis. $21,182.~5 Upon.roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Caste~line Ek~en Buses Mo~fon carried. T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~stee Ekren, moved to =amp- Finance orarily advance the amount of $537,50 from Water Deposit Fund Municipal Building (Fima ~tati~n) CQnstruction, 1964 for the pay- men: of the following invoices: An:on J. Adams, plat of vacation of access road on Golf Road property $85.00 An:on J. Adams, topographic survey of new Fire Station proper~y ~0100 "The Bond Buyer", bond sale notice 73.50 Twentieth Century Press, Inc. printing official s~atemen~ & notice of sale 889.00 $537.50 Ma~ch 17, 196~ Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Casterline Ek~en Busse Motion carried. Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that Financial Report the Financial Report for the month of February be filed pending --I audit. Upon roll call: Ayes: B~uhl Casterline Ekren Busse Motion cmmried. Trustee Busse, seconded by T~usteeCasterline, moved Trees that the Village Manager contact the landowners on ~he east side of Emerson Street between ~usse Avenue and Cen~al Road asking for permission to plant ~rees just inside ~he property line, at a sui=able time of year after the proposed MFT improvemen~ is finished. Upon roll call: Ayes: Brmhl Casterline Ekren Busse Motion carried. Trustee Busse s=ated he was pleased with the way the Police Department had handled themselves in :he bank robbery of Police the day before (Plaza Bank); Chief Whit~enberg stated he was glad no one was hur~ and ~he thief apprehended. Traffic Trustee Busse, seconded by T~ustee Casterline~ moved to pay Mr. Gross of Consolidated Traffic Engineering the remainder of monies due him. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl.. Casterline Ekren Busse Motion carried. Mn. Wm. J. Obal of S21 North Main Street objected to ins=allation of s:op ligh= on Main Street at Gregory, and to the traf£ic survey and i~s being put into effect generally. Zoning Trustee Ekren re-read report of the zoning board shown Case 64-~ in minutes of February 18, Zoning Case 64-~, Ben Miner (see Miner petition for annexation in minu~es of January 14) and read sup- plemental report as follows: Feb. 14, 1964 Case 64-4, heard Jan. 31, 1964 Peri=loner: Benjamin F. Miner This case is a request =o change certain property from R-1 to B-3 Con=ingent upon annexation. The 1o: is a 140' x 500' area at ~07 East Foundry Road. In connection with this property the peZitioner proposes to erec~ a store building suitable for four different tenants. Present arrangements ave to provide for a professional type drug s=ore also having the ren~al of hospital and medical equipmen=, a beauty salon, a gift and cosmetic shop and a children's nursery. The building unit would be located on the southerly par~ of the 140 ft. '~ 500 ft. lot, thus providing some 40,000 square feet of parking area adjacent to Foundry Road. Also~ space for service March 17, 1964 ~ads will be allowed on each side of ~he s=oz, e building in such a way ~haT ~rucks could reach =he ~a~ of the building ~o unload supplies, The consensus of =he Zon~ Scald ~s ~ha= ~he ~s bet=~ adapted fo~ bus~aess usage =hah fo~ single f~l~ ~esi- d~oe, and ~he~efo~e vo~ed in favo~ of ~he peri,ion. The ~on~ stated =hat an existin~ old f~ame bu~ldin~ would be ~o~n do~ and ~oved a= ~he =~e of-~nexation. I~ m~h~ be consi- d~ed desirable =o have =~ pe~iTionem pos= a bond to insure ~he V~lla~e ~ %he p~esen~ house w~ll be ~emoved o~ tomn do~ by a ¢e~ain da~e. As s~a~ed in =he ~epom~ %here were no objectors E. F. N~tin, Cha~an . P. T. Li~et~, Ac~in~ Sec'y Trustee E~en~ seconded by ~us~ee Busse, moved, ~o concuv w~h ~he repor~ of ~he Zo~in~ B~d of Appeals =o allow %bls ~ezonin~, and =o d~ec~ ~he Village At=o~ney %o ~aw up o~d~ces of annex- ation and ~ezonin~. Upon moll call= Ayes: Busse Ekren . Cas~t~line B~hl ~oTion Tmus~ee B~ a~ived a= 9=10 T~s~ee Ekren i~ed of'A~ney Hofev~ ve~a~in~ ~he Atty. Hofe~ need fo~ ch~ges ~o ~ ~e ~ o~dinances ~ve~in~ doo~-~o~o~ selling and delivery&, a~o~ney Hof~= ~eplied %~ p~esen= o~- nantes could ~deed ~ ,~re&=ly improved ~on, bu~ =~t as f~ as books, news~pe~s and~ ~=ical ~d religious ~roups are con- ce~ned ~he~e is no ~ck~ f~Dm, ~he S=ate~ ~here would be no ob- jection =o a nominal fee fora b~ deposi= ~d mequ~emen~ for i~s we~. Presiden~ .S~lavs~ asked tha= this ma==e~ be kept in Judiciary Commi=~ee fo~ discussi~ wi=h Chief WhiT~enber~ and The a~o~ey. ~ustee Be~ seconded by ~us=ee B~uhl, moved ~he a=~orney be ~irec=ed ~o draw up amendmen= =o o~dinance ~e pub- lic add~ess systems so as no= =o allow p~nen~ public address sys~s within 1000 fee~ of ~esidences'excep%in~ non-co~e~cial use at holiday ~imes. etc. Upon ~oll call~ Ayes= Be~en Busse B~hl E~en Cas~erline Absent= Phillips Motion A~torney Hofe~ ~ead le~Te~ fmom Paul Spee~ ~e ~ene~al bonds obligation bonds for municipal buildings as sho~ .on hex= pa~e. ~s=ee E~en, seconded by ~us~ee ~s~erline~ moved =o the bid of Shearson, Ha~ill 6 Co. & Associates in accord~ce wi=h said le=~e~ of Paul Speed. Upon ~oll call: Ayes~ Bem~en B~hl Busse Casterline E~en Absen~ = Phillips Notion carried. March 17, 196~ /oi '7 Municipal This bid was actually made by syndicate composed of Shearson, bonds for Hammill & Company as manage~ and Kenowe~,MacAmthum & Co. and Village-owned Allan Blaim & Co. as membems. Official bid for~ gave infom- property marion as shown below tSe following Lette~ f~om Paul D. Spse~ ~ Associates, Inc., dated MaDch 17, 196~ as follows: Gentlemen: Bids weme ~eceived today =oyez. lng the $5~5,000 Village of Mount Pmospect General Obligation Bonds. Theme were 8 bids ~eceived which a~e listed at the botto~ of this lette~ in accordance with the attached si~ned bids. Upon examination it is ou~ opinion that the bid of Sheamson, Hammill & Co. and Associates is the best bid received and it is fu~the~ omm opinion that it is favorable to the Vil- lage and should~ be a¢~p~ed. We ~he~efo~e ~ecommend that the bonds be awarded to that bidde~ at pa~ and accrued intemest plus a p~emium of $11.23. Bidders Net Interest Rate Halsey, Stuart & Co., Chicago . . . . · . . 3·30508 % Continental Illinois Nat'l Bank :& Tmust: Co., C~go ..... · . ~ . . . 3.~762 % Pimst Natlonal Bank of Chicago [ [ . . 3.377597 Ha~is T~ust and Savings Bank, Chicago . no bid The No~themn Tmust Company, Chicago . . . 3.32112 ~% National Boulevard Bank o~ Chicago . . . no bid Bache 6 Company, New Yomk ..... . . no bid McDougal and Condon, Inc., Chicago . . . 3.~121 % Kidde~, Peabody & Co., Chicago . ..... no bid P. I. DuPont & Co., Chicago . . . ..... no bid Shearson, Hammill & Co., Chicago ..... 3.29329 % Bamous, Kind, ed & Company, Chicago ... no bid Hemphill, Hoyes & Co., New Yo~k ...... no bid Goldman, Sachs & Co~, Chicago . . . . . . . 3.310157 % Mullansy, Wells & Company, Chicago · . . . 3.3722 % Youms PAUL ~. SPEER & ASSOCIATES, Inc. /s/ Paul D. Speed, P~esident Payment of pam plus pmemiumof $11.23 plus accmued interest fo~ bonds of each designated maturity beaning intemest as follows: $15,000 196~ 3-1/2% $20,000 1971 3-1/24: $80,000 1978 3-1/~% $1fi,000 1956 3-1/24 $20,000 1972 3-1/~% $30,000 1979 3-t/~% $15,000 1967 3-1/24 $25,000 1973 3-1/~% $35,000 1980 $1S,000 1968 3-1/2% $25,000 197~ 3-1/~% $$0,000 1981 3~30 $15,000 1969 3-1/24 $25,000 1975 3-1/~% $65,000 1982 3.30 $20,000 1970 3-1/2% $25,000 1976 3-1/~% . $70,000 1983 3.30 $30,000 1977 3-1/~% Submitted by Thomas J. O'Connom, Shearson, Hammill & Co., 111 West Street, Chicago, with ~e~tified Cashiem's Check #073773 date~ Ma~ch 196~ in amount of $11,000, ~z-awn on Continental Illinois Nat'l Bank & T~st Co. March 17, 1964 alculaTion of interest cost from The preceding figures is: Total Interest $238,061.57 Less P~emium 11.23 Ne~ Interest 238~050.3~ Net Interest Rate 3.29329 % T~usTee Ekrea, seconded by ~sTee C~sTerliae, moved. £or The passage of 0~. 967~ Ord. 96? Bonds - Pi~e ~OVIDIN~ PO~ ~ BO~OWIN~ OP ~ONEY ~D Equippmen~ ISSUING OP P~OSPECT ~N THE ANO~T OP $~30,000 PO~ THE PU~OSE OP PO~ ITS PI~ DEPT. AND P~OVIDZNG P0B LEVY BONDS. Upon ro~Z ce~ Ayes: Ber~ B~b~ B~sse Ek~en Cas~er~iae T~stee Busse, seconded ~y ~us~ee Cas~er~iae, moved Bonds - Pire s~a~io PROVIDING PON BO~OWING OP ~ONEY ~D ISSUI~ OP BONDS BY T~ A~0ON~ OP $200,000 PON THE. PO~OSEOP CONS~UCTIN~ AN~ EQU~PP~G A P~ STATIO~ C~PAL ~. ~N~S~ OP SAID BONDS Upon rol~ ca~ Ayes~ Be~en B~u~.B~sse E~en Cas~er~ine A~sen~= P~ips T~us~ee C~s~e~Z~ne, seconded by Bergen, moved ~or ~e Bonds - passage o~ 0~. 969: 0~8. ~969 P~ic Works PBOVIDING POB OP BONDS BY THE VILLAGE 0P N~. PNOSPEC~ ~N Pine S~ree~ ~E A~OUN~ CONSTBUCT~N~ AND E~U~PP~N~ A PUBLIC ~OBKS BUILDIN~ ON P~OPEBTY OWNED BY SAI~ VIL~GE C~PAL ~D I~TE~S~ OP SAID BONDS. Ek~en Ces~er~ine March 17, 196~ President Schlaver and Finanoa Direotor King pointed out that The Village bzs an "A" raring with Moody's and with STandard & Poor's; a similar :rating will also apply To any bonds issued by The Park Distrizt and The School DisTricT No. 57, meaning possible savings ~ Letters Villag~anager Applehy read afew. leTters addressed to The Village expressing gratitude for various services rendered, such as prompt action by The Fire Department end snow removal. OneeleTter was from Judge Stoffels, head of Third DisTrict Circuit Court expressing ~hanks To theVillage for Their help and co-operaTion since The first of The yearin ge=Ting The court set up Zoning - Manager Appleby readnotices of hearings by Cook Cook CounTy CounTy Zoning Board Dockets 705 and 706, Gerald and Clara Schroader, retail sales of farm equipment and multi-family dwellings, Wheeling Township. The Board decided this location was Too far away to affect %he Village. Docke~ 713 applied for gas station on northwest corner of Foundry~Road and Wolf ~oad~ Docket 71~ asked for General Service DistricT, cocktail lounge on'The norTheasT corner of ElmhursT Road and Camp McDonald Road. The Board asked Mr. Appleby to appear at These Two hearings on April 3, in ArlingTom HeighTs, as an observer. Ill. Commerce The Board requested Finance DirecTor James King ~o Commission appear on behalf of the Village aT Illinois Commerce Commission rate case hearing re UtiliTy Sewer & WaTer Company on March 19 aT 2:00 he is To ask for Time to decide whether The Village will oppose ~-~ the petition. Trustee Cas~erline, seconded by. TrusTeeEkren, moved Resolution 8-64 for The adoption of Res. 8-64: MFT S~PPLEMENTAL P~SOLD'rION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY M~NICI- PALITY ~NDER THE MOTOR FUEL TAX LAW This is construction of a storm sewer, drainage s~ructures and resurfacing of existing pavemen~ on Prospect Avenue from Emerson Street to 300 feet west of Maple STreeT and from Maple To 300 feet west Thereof. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse CasTerline Ekren AbsenT: Phillips MoTion carried. President Schlaver-pointedoutThaTThe Village's Finance - portion of sales tax for The month of Dec,her, 1963 came to Taxes $~2,164.66, about Ten thousanddollars higher Than =heprevious December. Highway DepT. President ~chlaver read a copy of a letter from Floyd ~raffic Fulle ~f the CounTy Board To Andrew V. Pluwmer, Supt~ of High- ways of Cook¢ounTy, asking why ~propoeed widening of CenTral Road to 4 lanes between Northwest Highway and Rand had been dropped from a previous program. Atty. Hofert Attorney Hofert gave his report, showing a full case load of Court cases for the Village, poinTin~ out regarding ~he CiTizens ~tility rate case that the Village contends tha~ original acquisition cost of properties is~rTinent to the March 17, 1964 0 7- o 2--0 water and sewer rates and may possibly be considered so by the hearing body. Mr. Howard Borde, attorney for petitioners owning Zonin~ Case property in Wedgewood Terrace along Hwy. 85 across the highway 64-3 from Randhurst Shopping Center (Zoning Case 6~-3) arose and Wed~ewood Terr. ~=' discussed pre-annexation agreement with ~he Board, asking them to ~ ask the Zoning Boaz~ =o put off their hearing now continued to March ~ 20%h~ to the iast Friday in April~ to give them more time to prepare B-3 uses a~d traffic pattern for ~his prope~y. The Boaz~ asked Chairman Eugene Martin of the Zoning Board if he would be agreeable to continuing hearing Case 6~-3 in April instead of ~he following Friday, and he indicated tha= if i= would serve the Board, his ~-~oup would be willing. After furthe~ discussion, motion was put before the Boa/.d by T~ustee Ekren, seconded by T~ustee Busse~ as follows= To request Chairman Eugene Mar~in of the Zoning Board to receive pez~ission from the members of ~he Zoning Board to hear ~he con- tinuance of Case 64-3 a~ thei~ ~egulamApril 2~ hearing instead of ~he scheduled ~arch 20 date. Upon roll call= Ayes= Busse Ekren Nays: Bergen Bruhl Casterline Motion declared defeated. Mr. Borde thereupon asked leave to withch~aw both the petition for a~nexation and the petition for rezoning~ this was noted by =he Clerk, to so notify the Zoning Board. Adjournment by acclamation a~ 11=07 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ruth C. Wilson, Clerk March 17, 1964