HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/25/1964 VB minutes MINUTgS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 25~ P~esiden= Schlaver opened the meeting a= 8:12 with the following members present: roll call · Bergen Bruhl Casterline Busse Ekren Absent: Phillips Trustee Casterline, seconded by T~ustee Ek~en, moved for approval of :he minu~es of February 18th as submitted. minutes Upo~ ~oll ~all: Ayes: B~en B~hl Busse E~en Cas=~line Mo~ion ca~ied. ~us~ee B~uhl, seconded by T~us~ee Cas~e~line, moved for approval of ~he following bills: bills General $22,3~9.33 Pa~kin~ System ~55.82 Libbey 1,108.39 ~ni~i~al Bldg. S~a~ion~ 196q 2,355.00 Wa~e~wo~ks & Sw~e. ~ Wa~e~wo~ks & Sewe~ Acquis. 6 Co~s~. 1~,779.96 ~ $~8,2~1.93 Upon moll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse Ek~en Cast,line Absen~ Phillips Mo=ion ca~ied. ~ustee B~uhl~ seconded by ~ustee Be~g~ moved =empo~amily advance the amo~: of $2~77 f~om Wat~ Deposi~ Fund Finance ~o M~ioipal Building (Fi~e S~a~ion) Cons~uc~ion 196~ fo~ pay- men= of '=he followinE ~voioes~ Anton J. Adams Pla% of ~nexa=ion $ 35.00 Kobe~ Blaski Photos 35.00 ~'i-R Signs Signs 52.00 Rob%. C. Swanson ~ohiteo~ fees $2,~77.00 Upon ~oll ~all~ Ayes~ Bergen B~hl Busse Cast,line E~en Absent: Phillips Motion ~us=ees Cas=emline and Busse s=a%ed ~= ~hey had had Village-owned second thoughts abou~ hi~ing of ~. Swanson, a~chi~ec~, =o look pmope~ty ov~ %he plans of p~oposed municipal~a~e~ i~ was pointed ou= that Engineem Ben H~me=e~ is also an a~chitec~, tha= ~he build- inE ~s of a s~ple ~e planned mainly fo~ space~ and %hey did no~ see the need fo~ an additional expe~=. ~us~ees B~uhl and Feb. 25, 1964 Bergen did not a~ee, feeli~ that an opinion f~om N~. Swanson would be worthwhile. T~ustee Caster!in~, seconded :by T~us~ee Busse, moved ~ha~ ~chi~ec= R. C. Swanson be con=ac~ed =o clarify his as- sig~en= =o reco~end =o =he Village the Bes~ possible u~ili~- ~ion. of ~he building space provided for by ~he presen~ plan. Upon roll call~ Ayes: Busse Cas~erline Ekren Nays: Bruhl Bergen Absen~: Phillips Mo~ion carried. Water Mr. Paul Jonson ~epo~ted on his findings Ill. Commerce the Citizens Utility ~te Case; stating: ~hat he could find no Commission valid reason fo~ objecting to this ~ate ~crease, in this case, $3 per month~ or $86 p~ year pe~ house. Mr. Jonson explained that the average bill ~ Mount Prospect, ~uns ~o $66 per but sur~o~di~ unincorporated ~eas pay about $168 p~ year per house. ~e higher figure for priva=e water complies show their costs in pa~t fo~ mains, ~axes and executive salaries, as well as hi~he~, Unsubsidized pow~ bills. ~. Johnson fu~the~ stated that the only way he ~uld possibly show unreaso~ble ch~es would be if he could obtain the omiginal costs of the equipment and p~ove u~easonable oh~ges based thereon in the Illinois Supr~e Court. This ~uld come to at least $15,000 fo~ la~ems fees and costs. ~esiden~ Schlave~ t~nked ~. Jonson fo~ his ~es~ch and comprehensive ~ustee E~en, second~ by ~us~e BePgen~ moved for the ~ssage of O~d. 956: Ord. 956 Zoning ~ O~INANCE ~DING THE TEXT OF THE VIL~GE 0F Case 6~-6 MOUNT PROSPECT ZONING ORDIN~ - B-3 DISTRICT This ref~s to ~se ~-6, Pe~itione~, Village of Mount Upon ~oll call: Ayes: B~n B~uhl Busse Casterline Ekren Motion c~ried. ~us~ee E~en, seconded by ~ustee ~Ste~line, moved 0rd. 957 for the passa&e of Ord. 957: Zonin~ Case 6~-7 AN O~INAN~ A~NDING T~ TEXT OF TNE MOUNT PROSPECT ZONING 0~INAN~ ~GARDING THE R-~ DISTRICT This ~efers %o Case 6~-7, Petitioner, Village of Mount ~ospect. Upo~ ~o~ callt Ayes~ Be~en B~hl Busse Caste~line Motion ca~ied. Attorney Horst ~ead the followin~ le%te~ ~om Tec- Zoning Sea~h, Inc. dated February 25 addressed to Eug~e Martin, Chai~- man of Zoning "In drafting the final text for action by the Board of ~ustees, M~. Hofert has asked ou~ rec~mendation as to the floor a~ea ~atio in the R-~ District as i% would relate to the new s%~da~s u~e~ consideration. Feb. 25, 196~ "We feel that the ra=io should be ohanged from .5 =o .?S in Zoning order T.o encourage better design of structures with one-story or Sgl~-level cons~cTio~'~"~''~me cases. Since ~he s=~- ~=ds have be~ incmeased and ~h~e is a pe~l~y on ~he ~oun~ of lo~ a~ea' ~equi~ed fo~ s~uc~es w~h ~ee bedecks mo~e~ i~ would raqu~e as much as $000 squ~e fee= on ~he ~' lieu of ~he lo,em 1~00 square foo~ "We feel ~ha~ be~er d~si~ can ~ acc~lish~d wi~h a ~a~io. ~ny oPdinances' u~'ili~e a F.A.R. of ~om 1.0' =o 1.5 fo~ a simXl~ zonin~ classifi~Tion and we feel ~ha~ a .75 ~a=io would pmeven= h~dshXp ~ desi~ and a= The s~e p~ov~de limi=a~ions s~il~ ~o w~ has been in exis=ence wi~h ~he .5 ra~io u=ilized alon~ wi%h ~he 1~00 squa~ foo~ lo= am~ "As =he o~din~ce now s~nds~ no dwelling un~= will be in- s=ailed ~ =he R-~ Dis~icT wi=h less ~n 2000 squ~e fee= peru dwelling ~i~ and =hose dwell~ units which have bed~oms and $000 or mome squame fee~ o~ lo~ a~ea ~ be Respect~lly yours, Tec-Seamch~ Inc. M. Eugene Bau~h~n, T~s~ee Ek~n ~d peri=ion fo~ ann--=ion of described as follows= Annexa~io~ petition The No~h 5.5~ A~es (~ep~ ~he Wes~ 2~0 fe~ ~h~eof) of ~he S~h ~0.5~ A~es of the So~heas~ q~e~ (S~i/~) of ~ ~as~ qua~e~ (N~ 1/~) of Sma:ion 22, T~. ~1 No~h, R-11 ~s~ of 3~d P.M. ~ C~k County signed by: Wilbur T. D~on and ~ace L. D~n. The North 5 Acres (~cep~ The Wes~ 210 fee~ ~of) of ~he Sou=h 35 Ac~es of =he Sou~h- eas= qu~er (SE 1/~) of %he N~r~heas= (NE 1/~) of Sec. 22, Twp, ~1 N, ~nge 11 ~s~ of 3~d P.M., ih Cook Coun=y signed by: Lucille J. Has,an and ~be~t E. Haseman. The signetics were no~ized and da~ed ~ch 2, Trus=ee E~en ~hen ~ead le~Te~ da=ed Fe~ary 22, 196~ as follows ~ "The undersigned are the o~ers of ~he following' described premises, which are ~he ~jec~ of ~i~ions f~ n~a~ion ~d rezoning to R-~ Dis~ic~ now pending before you: (Then was inse~ed ~he ab~e-sho~ legal descriptions) "The undersigned, E. L. T~endel i Associates, Inc., is 2he con~ac~ purc~se~ of :he above-descried ~cels of ~eal "Ail of =he undersigned a~ee t~= ~wi~hs=anding lhe fac= T~ said pe=i~ions fo~ annexa=ion and rezoning were filed before ~he adoption of ~d~ance ~957, being an ~endmen~ 2o the R-~ Dis~ic~ of =he Moun~ ~ospec= Zoning Ordinances all of %he undersigned nonetheless a~ree =o be ~und by and ~o comply wi~h ~he Moun~ Prospec= Zoning Ordinance al=er its ~endmen~ by O~di- hence No, 957. Feb. 25, 1964 "The uhde~signed do hemeby cemtify that they a~e still the ownems of The above-de$c~ibedpmopemty and that the Titles ThePeto have no% changed since the filing of the tions fo~ an~exa~i0n and ~ezoning by the undersigned. Dale R. Dixon and Ha~iet Dixon, O~ale~s of Pa~ce~ WilbuP T. Dixon and C~ace L. Dixon, Owners of Pamcel 2. Robert E. Hassman and Luoille J. Haseman, Owners of E. L. T~endel, P~esident, E. L. T~endel & Asso¢iaTes~ Inc." T~ustee Ekrsn, seconded by T~ustee Castemline~ moved Ord. 958 fop the passage of O~dinancs No. 958: . Annexation T~endel p~opePty AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTY TO THE VILLAGE 0F MOUNT PROSPECT, WHICH PROPERTY IS SOUTH OF ALGONQUIN ROAD AND WEST OF BUSSE ROAD, COMMONLY KNOWN AS TRENDEL PROPERTY' Upon moll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse Cast,line Ek~sn PPesident Schlav~m Absent: Phillips ~ Motion ca,Tied. O~d. 959 T~us%es Ek~en~ seconded by Tr%lsTee Caste~li/le, moved Zoning TPendel fop the passage of Ord. 959: p~opePty TPendel AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ~OUNT PROSPECT ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO PROPERTY WHICH IS SOUTH OF ALGONQUIN ROAD AND WEST OF BUSSE ROAD~; COMMONLY KNOWN AS TRENDEL PROPERTY Upon moll call: Ayes: BePgan B~uhl Busse Caste~line EkPen Absent: Phillips Motion cam~ied. This gives the T~ehdel p~pem~y an R-~ zoning. Tmustee EkPen mead petition=fo~ annexation by Colonial Petition fop Heights fop a~ea noPTh of Estates D~ivs, and moved, seconded by annexation Trustee Busse, that the Village Attorney be diPected to pPepaPe Colonial Heights oPdinance of annexation fop above Units 8 & 9 Upon Poll call: Ayes: Bemgen BP~hl Busse CasTe~line Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion ¢a~mied. Petitions fo~ annexation by Colonial Heights a~e on the nex~ Two pages. FebPua~y 25, 196~ Petition rom STATE OF ILLINOIS) Annexation - COUNTY OF COOK ) SS. Colonial Hts. Units 8 & 9 PETITION ¥OR~ TO THE PRESIDENT ~ND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT~ Youm petitioner, COLONIAL HEIGHTS, INC., an Illinois corpomation, mespectfullymepmesents as follows: 1. That it i~ the ownem of record of all the land within the following dsscmibed termitomy, to wit~ That pa~t of lot 7 in Ownem's Division, a Subdivision of the southeast 1/4 (except the west 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 thereofl of Section 10, Township 41 North, Range 11 East of the 3md P~incipal Memidian, which lies southerly of the southemly line of Estates D~ive as dedicated Septembem 14th, 1962 as Document No, 2055414 and which lies weatemly of the westemly line of Crestwood Lane as pe~ plat of Colonial Heights registemed in the office of the Registu~ar of Titles of Cook County, Illinois on May 27th, 1960 as Document No. 1923990 and which lies westerly of the westerly line of Crestwood Lane as pe~ plat of Colonial Heights 1st Addition as regi- stered in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Cook County~ Illinois on ~ay 16, 1961 as Document No. 1977989 and which lies nomtherl~ and eastemly of the following described lines; beginning at a point on a line drawn at might angles to the south line of said lot 7 from a point 630;0 feet east of the southwest comnem of said lot 7 and 635.0 feet north of the south line of said lot 7 also being the southwest corner of said Colonial Heights lstAddition, Thence southwesterly along a line which fo~ms an angle of 83 degrees 09 minutes 26 seconds (measured fmom south =o southwest) with the last described line t~ a point on the easterly line of pmopemty descmibed in D. ocument No. 1964453; said point being 617.0 feet nomth of the south line of said Lot 7; Thence northeml~ along the easterly line of pmoperty described in Document No. 1964453 to the southemly line of said Estates Dmive in Cook County, Illinois. 2. That there ama no electDrsresiding within said territory and said termitory is not within the -corporate limits of any munici- pality. 3. That said te~mitomy is adjacent and contiguous ~o Estates Drive as dedicated by Plat of Dedication megistered in the Toz-~ens Office of Cook County, Illinois on September 14, 1962 as Document No. 2055414; that Estates D~ive as dedicated by said DocUment No. 2055414 is not within thecorpomate limits of any municipality but is adjacent and contiguous to.the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. WHEREFORE, the undersigned hereby requests and petitions that all of said temmitomy, being the land described in Paragraph 1 and Estates Drive~ as described in Paragraph 3 he, eof, be annexed to the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook~ County, Illinois. COLONIAL HEIGHTS, INC. /s/ Neal L. Huntem, P~esident Attest: Nick Gagliano~ Secretamy Dated this 24th day of February, 1964. Febmua~y 25, 1964 STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF COOK ) SS. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT: Your petitioner, COLONIAL HEIGHTS, INC., an Illinois corpora- tion respectfully represent as follows: 1. That it is the owner of record of all the land within the following describedterritory, to wit: That part of lots 2 and 7 (taken as a tract) in Owner's Division, a subdivision of the southeast 1/q (except the wes= 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 thereof) of Section 10, Township 41 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, which lies northerly of the northerly line of Estates Drive as dedicated September 14th, A.D. 1962 as Dooumen= No. 2055~1~ and which lies south of a line 2035.76 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said lot 7 and which lies westerly of the westerly line of C~estwood lane as per plat of Colonial Heights as registered in the office of the Regis~arof-Titles of Cook County, Itli~ois on May 27, 1960 as Document No. 1925990 and which lies westerly of the westerly line of Cmastwood Lane as per plat of Colonial Heights lst'Addi- tion as registered in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Cook County, Illinois on May 16th, 1961, as Document No. 19779895 -- also The East 1/2 of that part of Lot 1 lying North of the south 5 acres of said Lot i in Meier Brothers Subdivision of parts of Section 10 and 15 in Township 41 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal ~eridian; all of the above in Cook County, Illinois. 2. That there are no electors residing within said territory. @. That sai~ territory hereinabove described is not within the corporate limits of any municipality hut is adjacen= and contigu- ous =o the Village of Mount P~ospect, Cook County, Illinois, a muni- cipality organized and sxisting under the laws of the State of Illi- nois. ~. That it hereby petitions that said te~itory be annexed to the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. WHEREFORE, tbs undersigned hereby requests and petitions that said territory be annexed to tha Village of Hount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. COLONIAL HEIGHTS, INCo /sJ Neal L~ Hunter President /s~ Nick Gagliano Dated this 2~h day of February, A.D. 1@64. February 25, 1964 ?76 Trustee Ekren read petition for annexation for a~ea south of W-states Drive, and moved, seconded by T~us=ee Busse, %ha~ the V~lla~e A~o~ey be di~ec~ed ~o p~pa~e o~d~nance of ann~a= ion. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Cas=erline . E~n ~sen=: Phillips Mo=ion ca~ied. Peri=ion sho~ on previous, p~e. Mr. Appleby read ~he followi~ loc=er f~m Sch~l School District Dis~ric~ ~59: ~59, inten~ ~o annex certain Feb~y 21, 196~ school areas B~rd of Trustees Moun= ~ospec~, Illinois The Bo~d of ~uca~ion of School Dis~ric~ ~9 approved ~he fol- lowing resolu~ion in order ~o focally indicate our in~en~ion =o ~ v~ious school si~es~o Mo~ P~osp. ec~: BE IT ~SOLVED: Tha~ =he Adminis=ra~ion be authorized =o ~i=e a letter =o ~he B~rd of ~us=ees of ~he Village of Moun~ advising =hem ~ i~ is =he in=on, ion of ~his Bo~d of Education =o ~ve ann~ed Moun~ ~ospec~ ~he Demps=~ Junior High School si=e, ~he Fores~ View Elementary School si~e, ~d ~he si~e for =he new sch~l in ~he Elk Ridge Villa ~ea. If ~u ~ve any fur=her quos=ions, please do no~ hesi~a=e ~o con- · a~% me~ Sincerely William J. Bus.ess Trus%ee E~en repor=~ ~ha~ ~. Jerry Chez is willinE Zoning Case =o se= up plans for projec=ed buildings in acco~nce with new 8~-27 R-~ requiremen=s, ~d referred Zoning Case $S-27 back =o ~he Zoni~ B~rd for ~he~ further reco~enda~ions. T~s~ee Bergen, seconded by ~s~ee ~s~erline, moved Zoning - R-~ ~ha~ ~he Zoning Bo~d be directed %o p~lish =en~a%ive ordin~ce dele~i~ s=airways a~ ves~ib~es in c~pu~a=iun of F.A.R. R-~ dis=ric~s. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Cas=~line Ekren Absen=: Phillips MoTion c~ried. February 25, 196~ Building - Trustee Bergen stated that he was looking into the Elk Ridge Villa question of the-number of house models of one kind in Elk Ridge Villa and would report when his findings were complete. Building - President Schlaver read letter from Colonial Heights ColonialHts. addressed to the Board asking for variation to allow erection of house containing 925 sq. ft., which ~is.smaller than the quired 1000 sq. ft. This matter was referred to the Attorney and the Building Committee. President Schlaver read the following letter of Appointments appointments Insurance Committee February 25, 196~ "It is my ~easumeto appoint as memhars of the Citizens' Advisory Co~m~ittee on Village insurance the followir~ men who have evidenced a willingness to serve and who have the quali- fications to be of assistance To the Villa&e Finance Director and ~he t~usteest Finance Committee: Stanley Peterson 615 See Gwun Paul Revere Insurance Co. Roy Swenson 511 C~estwood Lane General Adjustment Bureau Stanley T. Shaw Regional director of Casualty-Fire 913 S. Maple Agency Dept., Travelers Ins. Co. Tom Lynam 112 We Go Prudential Life Insurance Co. Clement V. Ward 222 N. Wills Illinois Farm Bureau Federation Proclamations: P~esident Schlaver proclaimed the week of March 1-7 as Save Your Vision Save You~ Vision Week. Mt. Prospect Lions P~esident Schlaver proclaimed :he month of March as Club Mt. P~ospect Lions Club month. The Lions Club will obse~ve thei~ thirthisth anniversary. M~. Delbert Birr, representative of County Club Terrace Traffic Homeowners Association, formally requested that immediate priority be given to erection of Stop Light at Lonnquist and Hwy. 83 and that the exit fadilities from Lonnquist on to 83 be improved. The Board informed M~. Birr that Sunset Heights Homeowners and Sunset PTA have also made the same request, and that this must be done by the State Highway Commission. Recess was called at 10:~0 P.M. and reconvened at 10558 P.M. .Roll was called again, with T~ustees Bergen, Bruhl, Busse, Casterline and Ekren p~esent. Building - T~ustee Bergen, seconded by T~ustee Ek~en, moved that the Trieger Apts. superintendent of the Building Department be directed to issue a building per, nit to Robert Babbin & Associates on the property at ~15 East Pmospect Avenue in accordance with the plans submitted, upon final approval of the plan by the A~chitectural Committee. This motion carried by acclamation. February 25~ 196~ ~esiden~ Schlaver announced tha~ ~he Board was now Weller Creek mee~g wi%h mambos of %he Wel~ C~eek~a~age Dis=~ic~ ~o Dmainage Distr. discuss poss~le assassmen~ of $$0,000 l~p sum as Village's s~e of ~oposed s~o~ sewe~ ~cili~ies. ~esen~ were: Chiles Pa~e, F~ T~lin, ~¢h~d Dowdle, A1 ~ezicki, F~ed Wille and Ha~ey Klemo As i~ was expec=ed ~ =~ discussions would ~s~ fo~ some %ime, ~us=ee B~uhl, second~ by T~s~ee Ek~en, moved ~ Harold Appleby be named as Clerk ho Tem~ allowi~ Misses Wilsonand Ga~e~ ~o ~e~ime. This mo%ion carried by acclam~a~ion. No fu~=he~ mo~ions weme ma~, ~he discussion continued. Ad~ou~en~ by accel=ion a~ 12:@0 P.M. Respec%~lly suSie=ed, Ru~h C. Wilson, Vil~ge Clerk February 25, 196~