HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/15/1964 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD SEPTEHBER 15~ 1964 President Schlaver called the meeting to order at roll call 8:30 P.M. with the following members present: Busse Ekren Bergen Casterline Bruhl Absent: Phillips Trustee Bruhl, seconded Dy Trustee Ekren, moved for the approval of the minutes of September 8th. minutes Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Ekren Pass: Casterline Absent: Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved for the approval of The following bills: bills General $13,695.57 Pa~king System 5.25 Motor Fuel Tax 52,670.90 Public Works Bldg. 173.23 Waterworks & Sewerage 8,295.76 Waterworks & Sewerage Acquis. & Constr. 413.30 $75,254.01 Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion ca~ied. The Board discussed the plans of the State Highway Com- Traffic mission regarding Routes83 and 14, and T~ustee Casterline read Parking on the following proposal fro~ the Board members: State Hwys 1. That parking be permitted on shoulders at all times on the north side of Northwest Highway from Mt. Prospect Road To Owen STreet except from ~:30 P.M. to 6~00 P.M.~ AND that the light exchange time beshortened for the traffic signal at Mt. Prospect Road and Railroad in order to keep t-~affic flow- ing. 2. That on-street parking be permitted on the Northwest Highway from Evergreen to Wille StPeet on the north side of the street except between 4i30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. 3. That parking on the west side of Main St. between Northwest Highway and Central Road (changed to Busse Avenue) be vacated and that parallel parking be allowed on the east side at any time except between ~:30 P.M. And 6:00 P.M. 4. That parking be permitted on shoulders on the north side of Northw3st Highway from Central Road to Waterman at all times except from 4:30 P.M. to B:00 P.M. September 15, 1964 5. That while The Village of Mount Prospect is aTTempTing To solve its pa~king p~oblems, it does not wish To commit itself for a 2ryea~ pe~i°d of abandoning all parking on The subject streets. P~esidenT Schlave~ asked Engineer Ben HemmeTem To info~ The STate of The above suggestions, adding That this plan will also be p~essnTed to the Chambe~ of Commerce. TmusTee Bruhl, seconded by T~usTee Busse, moved That The Village Manager be diPecTed To proceed with The blacktopping and sTmiplng of The pamking lot at The southwest corner of Main and Busse, with installation of new sidewalk a~ound This lo~ payment to be made fa, om Pa~king Revenue Fund. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse CasTemline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion camried. District Courts T~usTee'Bruhl stated That he was quiTe dissatisfied with Finance The accounting methods of the District Cou~Ts~ That The Village faced a la~geloss of ~evenue because of This. T~usTee Busse promised ~haT his coamitTee and Finance Director King will range a mee~in§ with Judge SToffels and Clerk of The Court McDonough to T~y To work something ouT~ P~esidenT Schlave~ intends To bring This maTTe~ To the attention of The NomThwesT Municipal Conference, as it affects all Villages. TmusTee Busse, seconded by T~usTee Bergen, moved That Police LT. John Homola of The Police Department he sent To The United STates FBI Academy at Chsm~y Point, NomTh ~arolina, fo~ Training, subject To acceptance by The FBI. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Busse Bergen B~uhl Castsrline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion carried. Manager Appleby reported for T~usTee Phillips That Fire Dept. Chief Hab~kamp of The Fi~e Dept. had ~ecommended The o~eaTion of a fourth lieuTenancy~ his duties To be That of full-Time Fire Inspector. Employment of a full-Time Fi~e Inspector will greatly improve The Village's fi~e ~aTing. 'T~us=ee Buss6, seconded by Trustee CasTemline, moved Res. 22-6~ for The adoption of Res. 22-6~: Fire Dept. appointment of lieutenant A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF ONE ADDITIONAL FIRE LIEUTENANT FOR THE VILLAGE Upon roll call: Ayes~ Bemgen Busse B~uhl -- Ekren CasTerline Absent: Phillips Motion carried. This appointment is To be made by The Police & Fi~e Commission; Chief Habe~kamp informed the Boamd That Fireman Gerald Foi has passed all examinations for This post. Septmeber 15, 196~ Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Bergen, Trees moved That specifications for Tree spraying be approved and Spray bids that the Village Manager be directed To advertise for bids for this service, bids To be opened on October 6th. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Busse Bruhl Ekren Casterline Absent: Phillips Motion ca~ied. T~ustee Ekren mead the following letter f~om the Gnarled Oaks Sub Plan Commission re subdivision outside Village limits: "The Mount P~ospecT Plan Commission recommends To the Village Board That the attached revised plat of Gnarled Oaks Subdivision be approved. Respectfully submitted, Lloyd Norris, Chairman pro Tem H. G. Appleby~ Secretary" Trustee Ek~en, seconded by T~usTee Busse, moved for approval of ~narled Oaks Subdivision, in Wheeling Township north of Prospect Heights. This motion carried by acclamation. T~usTee Ekren ~ead letter of September 15 from the ZoninE Case Plan Commission re plat of survey referred ~c them by Loy 63-30 White, petitioner in Zoning Case 63-30, property on Rand Road. Loy White "The attached Plat of Survey, which is not a subdivision plat, was considered by the Plan Commission. It was the consensus of ~he Commission That the survey does not re~resent good plan- ning~ one of the lots is land-locked except for what appears to be a private 10' easement. There was no indication as To how public improvements would be provided for the rear lot. "inasmuch as this was not a formal plat of subdivision, The Plan Commission did not take for~alacTion on it, but it was the consensus That what appea~s to be proposed was no~ desirable. Respectfully submitted, Lloyd Norris, Chairman pro Tem H. G. Appleby, Secretary" T~usTee Ekren as chairman of The Judiciary~Co~iTTee suggested that the Plan Commission meet with the attorneys for Loy ~hite · o try To work out something amenable~ this use is at present illegal in the County. T~ustee Ekren read annexation agreemen~ between ~he Anvan V~llage and Anvan Corporation, petitioners in Zoning Case 6~-$0, Annexation as follows: ANNEXATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made-and entered into This llth day of September, 1~6~, by and between CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, not individually but solely as T~ustee under The provisions of a Trust Agreement dated The 2~Th day of June, 19~, and known as T~usT No. ~021 (Hereinafter referred ~o as "Owner") and VILLAGE OF MT. PROSPECT, Cook County, Illinois, a Municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Village")~ September 15, 196~ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the owne~ is the successom in title of the ~eal estate hemeinaftem desomibed fmomLaSalle National Bank as Tmustee undem T~u~t No. 31~6, and is the pmesent title holde~ of the following descmlbed meal estate: The East 582 feet as measumed at might angles to the East line themeof of that pamt of Lot 2, in Edwamd Busse's Division of pamt of the Southeast Quamtem (1/4) of Section 15, and the N~mtheast Quamtem (1/4) of Section 22, Township 41 Nomth, P~ange 11, East of the third ?~incipal Memidian, as~pe~ plat mecomded in the Recomdem's Office of Cook County, Illinois, Decembem 17, 1919, as Document Numbe~ 6696216, lyin~ South of the NOrth 759.5~ feet themeof, as measumed on the East and West lines of said Lot 2, and lying Nomthemly of a line d~awn fmom a point on the West line of the East Half (1/2) of the Southeast Quamtem (SE 1/4) of said Sec- tion 15, 335.56 feet North of the Southwest comnem of said East Half (E 1/2) of the South- east Quamtem (SE 1/4) to a point on the East Line of said Lot 2, 539.80 feet NomTh of the South line of said Section 15 (as measumed along the East line of said Lot 2), in CoOk :~ County, State of Illinois, and WHEREAS said La Salle National Bank aS T~ustee, as afomesaid, is the petitlonem in the petitions rom mezoning in and annexation to the Village} which petitions have been ~anted -- and which o~dinances pemtaining thereto were passe~ by The Vil-~ lags Board of Tmustees of the Village on SePtembem 1, 1964, as O~dinance ~o~;:';996 and 995, ~espeCti~ely, and WHEREAS, the Village-desires that as a condition to the signing and approval of said o~dinances by the Village Pmesident, that The Ownem covenant and a~mee in w~iting that said p~ope~ty will not be developed with mo~e than 168 dwelling units, and then substantially in compliance with the final building plans now on file with the Village Buildin~ Depam%1aent. NOW, THEREFORE, in considemation of the pmemises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the sufficiency of which is hemeby acknowledged, it is hemeby mutually agmeed by and between the pa~ties, hemeto, as follows~ 1~ Chicago Title and T~ust Company, as T~ustee undem TmusT No~ 47021,.on behalf of itself, its gmantees, successoms and assigns, hemeby covenants and agmees that the meal estate hemein- above descmibed shall not be developed with mome Than 168 dwelling units, all of which units shall be constmucted substantially in accordance with the final building plans dated June 22~ 1964, now on file with the BuildinE Depam~ment of the Village of Mt. l~ospect, which ~ans have mst all the mequimements of the building Code of __ the Village of Mt. P~ospect and which plans ams acceptable to it. It is undemstood and a~"mee~ tha~ all construction on the subject pmemises shall be in complete accomdance with all building megu- lations and' mequi~ements of the Vitlage of MT. Pz'ospect. 2. It is undemstood and a~eed that upon the execution of this Agmeement by the Ownem and the appmoval themeof by the Village Attorney, the Village President of MT. l~ospeot shall sign and appmove zoning and annexation omdinances aforesaid, and that publication themeof shall be made by the Village in the usual form1. September 15, 1964 S. It iS understood and, agreed by The parties That The Village of Mount Prospect shall not be under an obligation To issue a building permit until and unless~ A - The. owners of The property described herein provide said Village with a sanitary dis- tricT permit ~ssaed by the. Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago. B - An executed copy of an agreement between the Utility Sewe~ and Water Company and The owner agreeing to supply water service to The prop- erty herein described. 4. IT is understood and agreed that this Agreement may be recorded in The office of the Registrar of Titles of Cook County, Illinois. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have hereunto set Theim hands and seals This llth day of September, 1964. CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, not individually, but solely as Trustee under The provisions of a Trust Agreement dated the 24th day of June, 1964, and known as Trust No. 47021. By VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, A Municipal Corporation By President ATTEST: Village Clerk Copies of letters To the Anvan Corporation from.the Utility Sewer & Water Company and from the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago are as follows: UTILITY SEWER & WATER C0. 1000 E. Northwest Highway Mt. Prospect, Ill. September 14, 196~ Anvan CorporaTion 650 Roosevelt Building Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60157 Gentlemen: You a~e hereby authorized To connect To our water and sewer system To serve the St. John apartments located on the fol- lowing described'property: "East 582 feet as measured at right angles To the East line thereof, of That part of lot 2 in Edward Busse's Div. of part of the $.E. quarter (1/~) of Sec. 15 and N.E. quarter (1/4) of Sec. 22, Twp. 41 N~ R. 11, East of The ird Principal Meridian, lying South of September 15, 1964 the NorTh 759.5~ feet Thereof, as mea- sured on the East and West line of said lot 2, and lying northly of a line drawn from a point on the West line of the East half (1/2) of the S.E. quarter __ of said Sec% 15, 335.56 feet North of The S.N. corner of said'East half of said lot 2, 539.80 feet North of the South line of said Sec. 15 (as measured along The East line of said lot 2) in Cook CoUnty, Illinois .~" Yours very truly, UTILITY SEWER & WATER CO. Salvatore Di Hucci P~esident The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago LO0 East E~ie STree= Chicago, Ill. September 11, 196~ Anvan Corporation 650 Roosevelt Glen Ellyn, Illinois Gentlemen: An "Application for a sanitary sewer permit," Together with plans and specifications, for a private sanitary sewer sys- Tem to serve St. Johns Apartments, has been received f~om Consoer, Townsen~ & Associates, Consulting Engineers. Permit No. 198~ - 288, covering said work has been ap~ proved by the Engineering Department and will be submitted to The Board of T~ustees for approval, subject to the following condi- Tions: 1. The storm sewer system and retention lake be completed before the sanitary sewer system is placed in service. 2. That the 0.86 acre/ft, retention lake be main- rained in service permanently, unless addition- al downstream capacity is provided. Construction of said private sanitary sewer system, prior to the issuance of a permit is at the sole risk of the Anvan Cor- poration. The pe~mittee's contractor must make arrangements with -- the Metropolitan Sanitary District Engineer at (296-6231) for the method of procedure and inspection prior to the beginning of con- struction. , Very Truly yours, No~val E. Anderson Chief Engineer Fo~est ¢. Nell Assistant Chief~Englneer September 15, 1964 TrusTee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved that the Presi- Anvan agree- dent be authorized to sign and the Clerk attest To above-men- menT tioned annexation agreement with Ordinances 995 and 996 (annex- ation and zoning to R-~) previously passed by the Board on September 1st. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Casterline Pres. Schlaver Nays: Bergen Absent: Phillips MoTion carried. Trustee Ekren re-read report from the Zoning Board re Zoning Case Case $~-33,~petitioner Richard Georgen, as shown in m~n~tes of 6~-33 September 1st, wherein the Zoning, Board recommended denial of Georgen this petition, for use as a retail outlet for pre-cut lumber and building materials. John Kathrein, contract pumchaser of this property, arose and defended his case as being a clean, attractive business opera- tion all under one roof, pointing out that residential zoning along Rand Road is no~ a logical zoning. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved to concur in the recommendation of the Zoning Board to deny peti- tion in Case 6~-33. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Ekren Nays: Casterline Absent: Phillips Motion carried. ATtorney HoferT sTaTed that he had sent letters to the Attorney - Board members advising Them That the business ordinances need a ordinances drastic revision, and recommended that this be done as early as possible. Trustee Ekren referred to report from the Zoning. Board Zoning Case re Case 6~-32, D. A. Koets, asking for paved parking on this odd- 5~-32 shaped lot. Report andmemo are shown in minutes of August 6th. Koets Trustee Ek~en pointed out that this lot is too small to be used for building purposes wLThout a zoning variation, and recommended that the Village Engineer help with solving the problem of drain- 'age and fencing. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board to allow P-l, asking that the Village Attorney d~aft ordinance for such rezoning. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Bergen Busse Casteiine Ekren Absent: Phillips · Motion carried. Trustee Bkren~ seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved for the passag~ of Res. 23-6~: Res. 23-6~ September 15, 196~ //77 Annexation of A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FUTUR~ ANNEXATION Wed&n~wood Terrace OF WEDGEWOOD TERRACE SUBDIVISION Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Bergen Busse Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion carried. T~ttstee Ekren brought up again the subject of screen- fence type fence put up by Mr. Gordon Wilson of 109 S. Albert, to which his nei hbor objected, infoz~ming the Board that Mr. Wilson was bringing his case to the local cou~t. Trustee Ekren moved to rescind the vote of the previous meeting denying Mr. Wilson the right to keep the fence and to vote on this matter once more. This motion was not seconded. T~ustee Casterline, seconded by ,T~stee Bergen, moved to table this matter, referring the problem to the ~uilding Committee. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Bergen Busse Casterline Nays: Bmuhl Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion carried. T~ustee Casterline, seconded by T~ustee B~uhl, moved to Streets - direct the Village Attorney, to draw up ordinance renamin~ Foundry Foundry :o Road :o Kensington Road, in accordance with request of Northern -- KenslnEton Illinois Gas Co. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Busse Casterline B~uhl Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion ca,tied. Trustee Castertine. seconded by T~ustee Bruhl, moved that ~eso- lution be drawn asking the co-ope~ation of A~lington Heights and Cook bounty in :his name change. This motion carried by acclama- tion. Village Manage~ Appleby was ~equested to d~aw up this resolution. Mr. Gox. don Wilson of 109 South Albez~c a~ose and addressed fence, the Board, explaining his feelings regarding e~ection of fence mentioned earlier in these minutes.- T~ustee Bergen set up a meet- ing between Mr. Wilson, any intemes:ed parties and the Building Committee, to meet F~iday, September 18th in the Village Hall at B:O0 P.M. Adjournment by acclamation at 10:42 P.M. Respectfully submitted. -- Ruth C. Wilson, ~lerk September 15, 1964