President Schlaver called the meeting to order with
the following members present:
roll call
Bruhl Busse Bergen
Ekren Phillips
Absent: Casterline
The time,was 8:10 P.M.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved minutes
to approve the minutes of September 1st as submitted.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Bergen
Ekren Phillips
Absent: Casterline
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl~ seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved for
approval of the following bills:
General $3~,336.85
Parking System Revenue 1,201.68
Library 2,17~.35
Waterworks & Sewerage 5,930.~0
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Bergen
Ekren Phillips
Absent: Casterline
Motion carried.
President Schlaver read the following letter from Joseph
Pecoraro, superintendent of Building as follows: Rand Auto
September 8, 1964
To the President and Members
of the Board of Trustees:
Ben Hemmeter, our Village Engineer, Peter Retten, our Electrical
Inspector, and I made a final inspection at the Rand Auto Wash and
found tha~ it meets the building code of Mount Prospect. The only
thing needed is the "No Left Turn" sign on Rand Road into the car
wash. Mr. Pecora told me the sign wouldbe installed Tuesday after-
noon (9-8-64).
On advice of Mr. Hofe~, our Village Attorney, I request that you
as trustees direct me to issue a Certificate of Occupancy or with-
hold it as you desire.
I have sent this memo to your home in the event you may wish to
see the site before the Board meeting.
Joseph Pecoraro
September 8, 1964
After discussion, the Board declined to make a motion on giving
direction, stating that this was regular administrative duty,
but wished to show direction by them (the Board) for the Build-
ing Superintendent to go ahead and issue cdrtificate of occu-
pancy as soon as all fees were paid as required.
Mr. Harold Ricklefs read aloud complaint regarding
Alleys alley abutting his mesidenl~l property at 23 South Ioka, stating
that it was ill-kept and noisy, with delivery trucks causing
damage to their-fences. Mr. Ricklefs asked for slow signs and
erection of a high fence to screen out the noise and dirt. The
~rustees suggested possibility of erection of 1-way sign. This
matter was referred to the Village Manager. Mr. Ricklefs'~state-
ment is as follows:
"A petition for ~redress to the Mount Prospect Village Board.
"Inasmuch as the Mount Prospect Village Board has granted zoning
variations in the block Elmhurst Ave. to Ioka Ave. on Prospect
Ave. to allow various medical buildings and an office building,
we as owners of the only single-family residence in the entire
b~ock bounded by Elmhurst,~Ioka~and~B~sse Avenues, present this
· petition to seek some redress for the hardships put upon us by
these aforesaid variations.
"(1) There is not sufficient parking areas surrounding and in
the rear of these buildings and many tenants of them are forced
to park for lone periods on Prospect Ave. (both sides), Ioka
Ave. (both sldes) and at times on Busse Ave.
(2) The situation has created a dangerous thoroughfare and some-
times speedway through the 20-ft. alley behind our garage and
the 14-ft. alley abutting our property from Ioka to the 20-ft.
alley in the ~ear.
(3) There are'many day and night deliveries of supplies to the
office buildings to say nothing of garbage collectors early in
the morning. Many of these truck drivers leave their noisy en-
gines running and cause noxious fumes to envelop our home and
(~S These trucks asd cars have on occasion bashed our fences and
caused us to spend time and money to repair same~ The Niede~t
Trucking Co. broke a fence post today and tore the fencinE loose.
(5) Cleaners employed in the office buildings bang their utensils
about before and after working after office hours o6ten after
ll P.M.
(6) Many times people and workmen visiting the office buildings
eat lunch in thei~ cars and throw their debrls, paper cups, beer
cans and even partial eatensandwiohes in the alleys.
(7) We are informed a member of the Village Board who has Space
in an officebuilding had ordered ~il'lage wor~ers without consul-
ration with us or asking us to do the job ourselves to trim
severely screening shrubbery and trees which we had planted ou our
property along the l~~ft, alley many yea~s ago to prevent noise
and dust from the railroad in vading our hosehold.
These were trimmed so severely as to kill a number of bushes and
Therefore, in view of the extreme hardships caused by the granting
of the above-mentioned variations by the Village Board and since
some of these abuses have mitigated against our selling our prop-
erty at 23 S. Ioka Ave., Mt. Prospect, we petition the Board to
-order the following ameliorating steps:
September 8, 1964
(1) Place signs warning against speeding in the alleys sur-
rounding our home;
(2) See that truck drivers use more care
(8) Order the office building owners Fo whom the variations
are granted To build without delay e six-board fen~c~a~ong
.%he~J~_~.~-a~ley~north of our property to screen out some of
the dirt, noise and confusion caused by granting them such
variations of the Village .zoning laws. Similar fences have
been built in various sections of the Village by offenders
under similar circumstances.
Respectfully submitted,
Harold Ricklefs
Rose E. Ricklefs
Trustee Bergen mentioned that Mack Cadillac on Streets
Rand Road had gone ahead and blacktopped the parkway, although Mack Cadilla~
the Village had been about to advise him not to do so. Manager
Appleby stated_that it now was a bit late To do anything about
this unless the Board wanted them to rip it all out, but that
the Village should insist on placement of concrete bumpers to
prevent parking of cars on public roadway.
Trustee Busse reported that the Village had lost a Police
crossing guard of 12 years due to death; Mr. Wm. Streetz had
passed away. T~ustee Busse also reported that officers of the
force were attending different pol£ce schools for further in-
struction in various fields et this time.
Trustee Phillips reported that the Water Committee D.A.M.P,
will meet on the 24th of September in Mayor Behrel's office in City water
Des Plaines with representatives from Des Plaines and with mem-
bers of the firm of Greeley & Hansen, Engineers, to discuss
joint venture cf bringing water to the two towns from Lake Mich-
Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved for
~he adoption of Res. 19-64= Res. 19~64
This agreement consents to detacP~ent of areas.within The Village
from the Feehanville Drainage District; the Village &grees'to pay
a proportionate share of.maintaining the Feehanville Drainage
. Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Phillips Ekren Bergen Bruhl
Absent: Casterline
Trustee Phillips~ seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that Water main:
the Village Manager heauthorized to advertise for bids to install Rand Road
a 12" water line along Foundry Road, bids to be received September
29th. This motion carried by acclamation.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved for
passage of the following ordinance, No. 997: Ord. 997
September 8, 1964
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Ekren
Phillips Pres. Schlaver
Pass: Busse
Absent: Casterline
Motion carried.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Phitlips,~ved for
Ord, 998 passage of the following Ord. #998:
Zoning Sunbeam
This ordinance rezonea above property to B-3.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Ekren
Phillips Pres. Schlaver
Pass: Busse
~bsent: Casterline
Motion carried. __~
Zonin~ Case Trustee Ekren r~ad report and memo re Zoning Case
6~-26 6~-26 as follows:
Arthur and Emily Reese, heard June 19:
This is a request for rezoning from R-1 to B-3 of
the property located between Thayer, ~ouis and Rand, except
for that parcel known as the Bulko Service Station.
The Board of Appeals c&st a 3~3 vote. There were
several objectors present.
By an opinion of Our Village Attorney, members who
were absent at the hearing may vote upon reading the Trans-
cript. The absent member did, and voted in favor of the
This area now comprises 95,000 sq. ft. or approxi-
mately 2-1/2 acres. Dedications reduce the usable land to
70,000 sq. ft.
This is a request for rezoning from R-1 to B-3.
Petitioner proposes to build a restaurant and separate retail
store (use unknown) with traffic ingress and egress-on bo~h
Rand and Thayer. Louis Street is a section line requiring
100 fee~ of right-of-way; Thayer is no~ and requires 66 feet
of rlgh~=cf=way.
Testimony and cross examination reveals:
September 8, 196q
l, ~Petitioner agrees to dedicate his 33' of Theyer
and 50' of Louis and install street paving, curb, gutter and
sidewalks, all to meet Village specifications.
2. Proposed fences for The frontage of Louis Street
and portions of Thayer Street would be in violation of our or-
dinance. The petitioner was so informed, and he agreed to con-
form to our o~dinance.
· ' 3. Bulko station on the north and the property across
'Rand are soned business. The prop6rty on the west and part of
the south is residential. The remaining property on the south
is in the County and undeveloped.
4. Petitioner claimed he gasinformed by Village of-
ficials of Mount Prospect that they would not permit multi-family
residences on the property.
The seven objectors present protested against further
encroac~m~ent of business use of residential property. They
stated a nearby restaurant (Scot's) on Rand Road is a hangout for
youths and a constant problem to =he Mount Prospect Police Depart-
ment. No police representative was present to verify this prob-
lem. Other objections included late hour business operations with
objectionable floodlighting and the use of Thayer Street for busi-
ness ingress and egress.
Three members of the Zon£ng Board voted business zoning
could not be denied because of present commercial uses on Rand
Three members voted nay, giving as reason the fact that
a proposed traffic hazard could be created, and =here would be
further encroachment on the residential comfort and welfare.
BecauSe of the t~& vote of the Board of Appeals, ~be
member who was not present at the hearing was given the Transcript
fo~ review. The opinion of the absent member, after reviewing
the =ranscript, was to approve the petition because of the present
commercial complexion of the Rand Road per;phew.7
Discussion followed; Mr. Ben Miner, representative for
petitioner, spoke on their behalf; Hr. Louis Velasco, whose home
x~ close to this proparty, objected =o erection of a res=auran=.
Trustee Ek~en, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved that
the Board concur in the report of the Zoning Board =o allow this re-
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ekren Phillips
Nays: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Absent: Casterline
Motion declared defeated.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved for a~op- Res. 20-64
... tion of Res. 20-6~: MFT Arteria~
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ekren Phillips Busse
Bergen Bruhl
Absent: Casterline
Motion carried.
September 8, 1964
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved
Res. 21-6~ rom adoption of Res. 21-64:
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ekren Phillips Busse
Bergen Bz~uhl
Absent: C~ste~line
Motion ca~ied.
Trustee Bergen, seconded 'by T~ustee Bruhl~-m6ved'to
Building pez~nit former Building Sup6rin~ehdent Douglas Carney to continue
wi~h the Village's hospitalization program at his own expense.
This motion carried by'accla~a~6n.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Ekren, moved to
Zoning - pmoperty direct the Board of Appeals to hold a hearing on rezoning to
on Central Rd. I-1 of American Legion propez,ty on West Cen~a~ Road, whose
zoning at present is in sc~e doubt.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ekren Phillips Busse
Bergen Bmuhl
Absent: 'Caste~lifie
Motion carried.
Mr. Appleby recommended hi~ing of the P~blic Administration
Village employee Service to make position classification and pay plans for Village
employees~ and submitted thei~ w~itten p~oposal as follows:
"In keeping wi~h ~ou~ request, I 'am pleased to submit this propo-
sal for assistance in the development and installation of position,
classification and pay plans for the municipal service.
"Public Administration Service prdposes to provide the following
1. Analyze' all established positions with respect to rheim duties,
responsibilities and qualification ~equirements.
2. P~epare, on the basis of ~he above analysis, class specifica-
tions describing in some detail the nature and r~quirements of
the work of each class of positions.
Assign each established position to the appropriate claes in
the classification plan.
Sumvey and Study existing Fates of pay and pay melated benefits
of the positions classified, in private industry in the general
area, and in appropriate public jurisdictions and, on the basis
of the date collected, p~epa~e a comprehensive pay plan. The
salary study would take into considemation, in addition, the
requirements of each class of positions, local financial
sources and policies 'and such other special circumstances as
may be relevant.
5. Prepame appropriate rules and procedures for the installation
and continuing administration of the classification and pay
6. Prepare and submit a report se~ting forth the proposed pay plan,
Septe~e~ 8, 196q
summarizing the data and other factors considered in
' its development, and presenting estimates of budget
effects of installing the pay plan.
?. Present and explain the proposed classification and pay
plans in the period immediately following their submis-
sion to the officers and agencies having authority to
act with respect to such matters.
In keeping with our usual practice as an organization established
to provide technical services to governments on a cost basis, we
estimate the maximum cost Of the work outlined above at not to
exceed $1,750, and we will agree to complete it within ~his amount.
We would bill, however, only for time devoted to the project by
ou~ staff at established per diem rates, for transportation costs
incurred and for other direct project costs. If possible, we
would complete the work for less than our maximum estimate and in
no case for a larger amount. An invoice setting forth our charges
would be submitted on completion of the work and would be payable
within 30 days.
Our maxim~'estimate assumes that the work would extend to approx-
imately 90 positions and further assumes that the Village would:
1. Arrange for employees and supervisors to complete position
descriptions on quest~nnaire forms which, with appropriate
~ inst-~uctions, will be furnished by us.
2. Provide necessary local office space, facilities, supplies and
equipment for our staff and assign such stenographic and
clerical assistance as may be necessary to the expeditious and
economical conduct of the project.
3. Arrange for full cooperation by local officials and employees,
including access to such records and other information needed
by our staff to carry out the work set forth above, and prompt
decisions on matters affecting the progress of the work.
We could make questionnaires available for completion by employees
and supervisors within a few days of the Village's acceptance, and
we would expect to complete the work within nc more than five to
six weeks from the date on which completed questbnnaires are avail-
able for substantially all included positions.
This letter together with a letter of a~c~ptance from an appropriate
officer of the Village will constitute a sufficient agreement for
our purposes. It would be a privilege to aSSiSt Mount Prospect in
this important undertaking.
Sincerely yours,
E. F. Ricketts
Associate Director
Trustee Bruhl asked that the Finance Committee he allowed to review
this proposal, promising that prompt action would be taken.
President Schlaver proclaimed the week of September 13-19
as League of Women Voters Week.
September 8, 196~
illage Hall
property Trustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Bergen, moved
parking That all Reserved signs be removed from the parking lot behind
the Village Hall except for those used by the Police Dept.,
two for the Building Dept. and one for the staff car. Trustee
Busse, seconded By Trustee Phillips, moved To table this motion.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Ekren Phillips __
Nays: Bergen Bruhl
Absent: Casterline
Motion carried to table.
Adjournment by acclamation aT 10:OS P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth C. Wilson, Clerk
September 8, 196q