HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1964 VB minutes MINUTES OF MF~TING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD SEPTEMBER iF 196q Pmesident Schlavem called the meeting to omdem at 8:38 P.M. with the following membems pmesent: roll call Phillips Busse Ekmen Bergen Castemline Bmuhl T~ustee Caste~line, seconded by T~ustee B~uhl, moved fom approval of the minutes of the p~evious meeting of August minutes 25th as submitted. Upon moll call: Ayes: Busse Phillips Ek~en Bergen Caste~line B~uhl Motion ca~mied. T~ustee Bmuhl, seconded by T~ustee Castemline, moved fom the appmoval of the following bills: bills Genemal $2,915.58 Fi~e Station Constm. '6~ 25.00 Watemwo~ks & Sewemage 3,100.01 Watemwo~ks & Sewema~e Acquis. & Constm. 731.03 $6,771.62 Upon moll call: Ayes: Busse Phillips Ek~en Bergen Caste~line B~uhl Motion ca~ied. Tmustee Castemline, seconded by Tx'ustee B~uhl, moved Sidewalks to accep~ the following bid f~om Gosch's Numsemy: Streets Sod pamkway along Thayem Ail g~ound to be mo~otilled and femtilized befome sod put in place. 2 y~.-old Me, ion Blue - except in vacant lots at 200 N. Maple and. 201 N. Russell ....... , ..... ,$2,1fi2.05 Seed vacant lots .............. 271.75 $2,~33.82 Ns. Gosch assumed the Board that he will guamantee his sod, riding the homeowners will keep i~ watemed. T~ustee Busse asked if we were establishing a p~ecedent by using sod along Thaye~ Avenue. T~ustee Caste~line ~eplied that he would not ca~e to establish a p~ecedent, but this is a special case, as the asea had been seeded twice with poo~ ~esults. Upon ~oll call: AYes: Phillips Busse Ekmen Bergen Caste~line B~uhl Motion carmied. TDustee Casterline mead memo fDom EngineeP Hemmetem Public Works asking fom cemtain items to be included in the new Public Womks Building Building that weme not included in the contmact: (garage) September 1, 196~ Street Sweeping Bin $1,150.00 Sprinkler System, ls: Floor Store Ro~s 572.00 Underground Work for T~uck Exhaust 425.00 Apply Floom Hardener to Concrete Slab (protection from salt) 400.00 $2,647°00 Reduced size of water main service - c~edit 592.00 $2,055.00 Trustee Casterline, seconded by T~ustee Phillips, moved to approve the above changes as shown. Upon Poll call: Ayes: Phillips Busse EkPen Bergen Caste=line B~uhl Motion ca~ied. PaPking PPesident Schlaver asked the Board membePs to convene at 7:15 P.M. the'following Tuesday to discuss pa~kin~ problem on State Highways that were going to be either widened or faced. StPeets Trustee Casterline brought attention to the fact that FoundPy to the Amnar-Stone LaboPatories and Northern Illinois Gas Co. ape Kensington asking that Foundry Road be known as Kensington all along its length to Wolf Road, as a p~. of it is So known in Arlington HeiEhts. PPesident SchlaveP Pead the following letteP of appoint- Health ment: Appointment of Dr. Ruane Honorable Board of T~ustees Gentlemen: I~ is my pleasure to appoint Dr. Michael L. Ruane, 101 South Pine S~eet, as Health Officer to fill the unexpired te~m of the late DP. Homer PaPker who served faithfully and well in this position. As Health OfficeP D~. Ruane will act as technical ad- viseP for the Board of Health and be a member of that commission. His appointment, also, is ~ecommended by the pPesent members of the Boaz~ of Health. The concurrence of the Board of Trustees in this appoint- ment is ~espec~fully-~equested~ - Sincerely, ClarenCe O. Schlaver, PPesident T~ustee CastePline, seconded by T~ustee ~uhl, moved to concur with the above appointment of Dr. Ruane to the Board of Health. Upon roll call: Ayes: Phillips Busse Ek~en Bergen C~StePline Motion T~ustee Casterline remarked that the Village is fortunate to have a man of this calibep willing to serve the Village in ~his capa- city. Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee BPuhl, moved to Fire Station #2 appPove Change OrdeP ~1 Pe FiPe Station #2, which is to Pe-~oute chan~e oPdeP seweP line, at a cost of $50.00. SeptembeP 1~ 196~ Upon roll call: Ayes: Phillips Busse Ek~en Bergen Casterline Bruhl Motion carried. Trustee Phillips, seconded by T~ustee Busse, moTed Fire Station to approve Change Order ~2 re Fire Station ~2, installing change order fi%tings, etc. for wall hung water closets. Upon roll call: Ayes: Phillips Busse Ek~en Bergen Casterline Bruhl Motion Mr. Herbert Weekes, assistant to Water Superintendent, Water explained that Well 8 is jammed and needs repair. Well 8 T~ustee Phillips, seconded by Tmustee B~hl, moved to pull and ~eplace pump o~ make ~he necessary ~epaims a~ Well 8, cos~ ~o be appmoxima~ely $~,500. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Phillips Busse Ekre~ Bergen ~s~line B~uhl Mo~ion ca~ied. ~ustee B~uhl, seconded b~ T~us~ee~Cas~e~line, moved fo~ passage of O~d. 99~: Ord. 993 Taxes AUTHORIZING ~E ~VY ~D COL~CTION OF TA~S FOR ~E CO~O~ ~D MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF ~Z VIL~ OF MO~T PROSPECT FOR ~E FISCAL YEAR BEGINNIN~ MAY 1, 196~ ~D ENDING ~L 30, 1965 Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~en B~uhl Busse ~k~en Cas~e~line ~hillips Mo~ion ca~ied. T~us%ee Bmuhl~ seconded by ~stee Phillips, moved for Ord. 99~ passage of Ord. 99~: Tax levy ~ROVIDING FOR ~ ~VY OF ~ ADDITIONAL TAX FOR ST~ET ~ND BRIDGE PU~OSES ~OR THE FI~0AL YEAR COERCING ~Y 1, 196~, ~D ENDING APRIL 30, 196S FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK CO~TY Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~en B~uhl Busse Ek~eB ~s~emli~e Phillips Mo~ion ca~ied. ~us%ee B~hl me~ wi~h ~ep~esenta~ives of Citizens Utility C~p~y ~e~in~ Water Co. possible purchase of wa~e~ system servin~ Blue~'s Subdivision. T~s~ee Ek~en ~ead ~he followin~ ~pomt fmom ~he ~nin~ September 1, 1964 oning Re: Zoning Case 6~-33, heard August 1~, 1964 Case 64-33 ' ' · Petztloner. Richard Georgen This petition requested re~oning of property at the northwest ¢o~ner of Rand Road and Golf Lane f~om R-1 to B'3. There were approximately 40 objectors4 of Zhese, at least 15 were legal objectors. The Zoning Board of Ap- Peals voted 6-0 to deny this petition for B-3. E. F. Martin, Chaiz~nan N. L.. Go,ny, Acting Sec'y This matter was ~efermed to the Judiciary Committee fop studyand ~ecommendation. Briarwood T~ustee Ek~en explained that Messrs. Lindquist and Lake petition T~endel of B~iarwood bake pmoperty lying between the Tollway for annexation and Dempste~ had ~equested annexation a~d rezoning of a small portion of this a~ea~ that due to pmior litigation and p~io~ objections of the Village to this zoning, the Judiciary Committee ~ecommended not accepting this annexation. Trustee Ek~en, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved that petition for annexation of Meas~s. Lindquist and T~endel be denied. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: B~uhl Bergen Busse Caste~line Ekren Phillips Motion ca~mied. Zoning Board Trustee Ekmen read the following repomt from the Case 64-30 Zoning Board of Appeals ~e the following: Anvan Corp. Case 64-30, heard July 15, 1964 Petitioners: La Salle Nat%onalBank as T~ustee Contmact Pu~chase~: Anvan Co~poration Attorney: Robert J. Di Leona~di This case was a request fo~ ~ezoning contingent upon annexation, from R-1 to R-~ of p~operty located on the west side of Busse Road noPth of Algonquin Road (no,th of and adjacent to the Commonwealth Edison right of way). The Znning Board voted 2-2 on this request. No objectors were pmesent. By anopinion given by ou~ ¥illage Attorney, members who were absent atthe hearing may vote upon reading the tmans- cript. Two members did, and voted in favor of the p~esentation. E. F. Martin, Chairman See minutes cf August 6s 196~ fo~ complete memorandum. Attorney Hcfert explained that the petitioners were willing to sign an annexation agreement limiting the number of apartments to 168 units~ the purpose is to prevent building anything g~eater than that allowed in the County. Tmustee Ek~en also added that the Village is asking rom signed copies of petitioner's agree- ment with Utility Wate~ Company (DJ Mu¢¢i's p~ivate firm, who is supplier), and a signed copy of Utility's agreement with the Metropolitan Sanitary System. September Z, 1964 Mr. Robert Di Leonardi, attorney for the petitioners, stated that his clients were a~eeable to complying with the foregoing and the Village code. Mr. Joe Pecoraro brought forward the plans'for this apartment complex, showing minor changes required by ou~ Building Department such as lsmge~ water intake, extra fi~e hydrant, electrical connections, etc. Mr. Anthony A. Antoniou .-- of the Anvan Corporation initialled 'these changes. T~ustee Ekren, seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved for Ord. 995 the passage of O~d. 995 instructing the P~esident and Clerk to Annexation sign same upon receipt of annexation agreement signed by the Anvan petitione~, which a&~meement would include the above ter~s. ANNEXING PROPERTY TO THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, WHICH PROPERTY IS ON THE WEST SIDE OF BUSSE ROAD, NORTH OF ALGONQUIN ROAD, JUST NORTH OF AND ADJACENT TO THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON RIGHT OF WAY Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Ek~en Phillips Sohlave~ Nays: Bergen Casterline Motion was declared carried. T~ustee Ekren, seconded by T~ustee Bruhl, moved for Ord. 996:3 the passage, of O~d. 996, instructing the P~esident and Clerk to Zonln~ sign after the foregoing agreement was'received, as in annexation Anvan o~inance: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO PROPERTY LOCATED 0N THE'WEST SIDE OF BUSSE' ROAD, NORTH OF ALGONQUIN ROAD, JUST NORTH OF AND ADJACENT TO THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON RIGHT OF WAY This Pefers to Zoning Case 6~-$0, rezoning from R-1 to R-~. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Ekren Phillips Nays: Bergen Casterline Motion ca~ied. Trustee Ekren read repor~ frem Board of Appeals ~e ZoninK Case Case 6~-29, George F.-Burgess,'as shovm p~eviouslyin minu~es 6~-29 of August 6, 19S~, wherein the Zoning Board voted 5-0 against mezoning of area at the southwest corner of P~ospec= Avenue and Mt. P~ospec= Road. Trustee Ek~en, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved to concur in the recommendation of the'Zoning Board ~o deny this appeal. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Ekren Casterline Phillips Motion carried. Manager Appleby advised the Board that the specifi- Water mains cations for water.in =o ~un along Band and Foundry Roads are ~eady, bids to be received as of September 22nd. However, this bid date has been postponed pending further investigation. Mr. Appleby ~ported that the State is agreeable to MFT using Our n~ census figure of 27,3~9 in distribution of MFT funds, starting with September. September 1, 196~ resident's Proclamation President $chlaver proclaimed the week of August 30- September 7 as Labor Safety Week. Street President Schlaver read'letter from the Rev. Leo P. cog&ins praising the members of the Street Department for their~ prompt ~a~d efficient labor after the series of storms, in clearing the streets. __ President Schlaver read statement regarding tree Trees replacement program as follows: Replacement program September l, 1964 The Honorable Boar~ of Trustees Gentlemen: I am sure that it is a matter of concern to my fel- low board members, as it is to me, that the frequent occu~ence of crippling s:orms has caused extreme damage to ou~ elm trees on the parkways of the Village of Mount Prospect. We have been fortunate that these storms have caused no loss of life as they did in A~lington Heights this summer which led to the removal of trees along Northwest Heighway by that municipality. These storms have pointed up the fact, it occurs to me, that expenditures of money in the future should be directed as much toward the replacement of parkway trees as it whould be towards saving those now standing. In cutting down ~rees badly damaged by the wind it has been revealed that many of the older trees are rotten, are afflicted with other diseases than Dutch Elm, and we will surely lose m~y of the elms in the future. -- Thus I ask that consideration of this board, and particularly of the s~reets committee headed by Trustee Caster- line, be given to a replacement program which may for the pur- poses of the present fiscal year drain off some of the money which had been set aside for pruning and spraying. It is m~ thoughtful consideration ~hat Mount Prospect, either alone or in combination with other villages in a program which well could be established through the Northwest Municipal Conference, embark in a reforestation program starting essen- tially with the leasing of p~operty for the purpose of planting small ~rees which would be ready for moving into our parkways in a few yea~s. Such a p~ogram, I believe, would save ~his and other municipalities money and we would be acting wisely for the future. I hope that the streets' committee will gi~e this project every consideration to determine if it is feasible~ Sincerely, Village of Mount Prospect Presiden~ Appointments Presidmmt Sohlaver read l~tter from Manager Appleby Pecoraro to asking for concurrence of the Board in his appointment of Mr. Buildin§ Supt. Peco~amo as superintendent of Building~ August 18, 196~ ~ear ~r. Schlaver: ~r. Douglas Ca.ney has indicated his desire to retire September 1, 1964 rom Village serVice because of disabi.lity not later than Buildin~ Supt. October 15th, 196~. It is sincerely regretted that his Appointment physical condition is such that he deems it necessary ~o give up his position as Superintendent of building. In order that his health may not be jeopardized by physicalexertion or by nervous tensions it is recommended that he be relieved of his responsibilities as Superintendent of Building as of August 18, 196~ but that he continue making such building inspections and doing such special studies as he can. At the same time, by virtue of his years of experience, he can help his successo~ in becoming acquainted with his duties. When Mr. Carney leaves the Village employ, he would like to be permitted to continue with the Village's hospitali- zation program at his own expense. Without establishing a precedent, because each such request should be considered in- dividually, it is reco=mended that his ~equest be granted. It is recommended that Joseph Pecouaro be named to the office of Superintendent of Building effective August at ~he salary of $8~00 per year. Mr. Pecoraro is a graduate of Chicago Technical College building construction department. He was a brick layer for six=een years. He served for approxi- mately two years as assistant superintendent and inspector for Herzog Construction Company at Waycindin Park and in a similar capacity for A1 Prank of Buffalo Grove superivising all con- st~uctlon work in these developments. Mr. Pecoraro has served as Building Inspector since April, 1959 and to the exten~ of his ability as Electrical Inspector from March, 1962 to July, 196~. He is well qualified by his expe~ience and his knowkedge of Mount P~ospec~ construc- tion codes to handle the technical aspectsof this office. His character and reputation a~e above reproach. He has the ability to secure voluntary compliance with the codes and the forceful- ness to insist on compliance if that is necessary. He was cently honored with a resolution of com~aendation by the Northwest Municipal Conference Building Officials which he served as secre- tary 1962-3 and as President 1963-~. Sincerely yours, H. Ge Appleby Village Manager Trustee Bergen asked for a ~ecess to discuss this matter. The Board recessed at 10:23 P.M. and re-convened at 11:08 P.M. T~ustee Casterline, seconded by T~ustee Phillips, moved to concur in the appointment of Mr. Joseph Pecoraro as Building Superintendent. Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Casterline Ek~en Phillips Nays: Bergen Bruhl Motion ca~ied. Septembe~ 1~ 196~ President $chlave~ announced ~hatthe offices of the Village Hall wall be closed fo~ the Labom Day weekend as of Satu~day~ Septembe~ 5th. Adjournment by acclamation a~ 11:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted Ruth C. Wilson. Cle~,k September 1, 196~