HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1963 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES
President Schlaver called the meeting to ordem at 8:~
P.M. with the following members present:
roll call
Bergen Bickley Bruhl
Casterline Ek~en Phillips
T~us~ee Cas=erline, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved for
approval of the minutes of November 12th as corrected.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen, Bruhl Casterline
Pass: Bickley Phillips
Motion ca~ried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved for ap-
proval of the following bills: bills
General $ 1,~89.87
Municipal Bldg. Bond &
Interest, 1961 8,~33.10
Library Bldg. Bond &
Interest, 19~9 2,232.92
Waterworks & Sewerage 2,715.19
Waterworks & Sewerage
Acquis. & Construction 537.~B
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Bickley
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Ekren, moved that
Financial Repor=s as of October 31, 1963 be accepted and filed for Finance
future fiscal audi=. This motion carried by acclamation.
Trustee Bruhl inquired if a man had been hired to look Parking
after the parking me=ers, and was told that the man was hired .and
would be starting =he nex~ day.
Trustee Bruhl inquired as :o progress of survey for
telephone needs of the municipal offices. The reply was that in Telephone
conference on this subject the previous Friday, =wo a~eas had been Munic. Bldg.
omitted from their Peport; that when survey is complete, copies
will be distributed to the trustees.
Trustee Bruhl proffered petition from the residantsof
Centralwobd Subdivision requesting that islands no~ be removed
under the MFT work To be donee au The cor~e~s of Lancaster and
Cenl~al. and ~averly and Central. stating that they felt that the
s~ubs contributed to the beau~ of the landscape and also slowed
traffic enterin~ from CentraZ Road. T~stee Cast,flirt, explained
that previous experience with these islands entering from well-..
traveled highways showed that the new. wide low-slung cars ran
over the edges cf these islands, leaving ruts~ also that there
was difficulty with snow plows~ tb~ in all previous cases excep~ one
the neighbering inhabitan~swere happy ~o see the islands removed.
November 19, 1963
FT for 196~ Trustee Bruhl,seconded by T~ustee Casterline, moved to amend the
Centralwood Shb MFT program so as to delete portion requiring removal of islands
at Waverly and Central, and Lancaster and Central. This motion
carried by acclamation.
Truatee Bruhl suggested that when the Village contemplates any
change in the physical structure of any portion of the Village,. --
the residents therein should be notified. The Boamd decided that
these islands should be curbed.
Trustee Ek~en read the following repoPt from the Zoning
Zoning Board of Appeals re Case 63-22t
Case 63-22
Haberkamp R E P 0 R T
Sept. 16, 1963
To: Board of T~ustees
From: Zoning Board of Appeals
Re: CASE 63-22, Haberkamp P~operty
Contract Purchasers: John A. Minardi and Ronald M. Mansen
Attorney: Robert J. Di Leona~di
Heard September 13, 1963
This case involves the property at the northeast portion
of Central Road and Elmhurst Avenue. Most of the property is now
zoned B-3, a portion is now zoned R-1. It is proposed for an
apartment development under the R-q 'Resident ial Planned District.
The Zoning Board of Appeals voted q-2 to deny the petition.
Eugene F. Martin, Chairman
Trustee Ek~en stated that this case had been turned over To the
fi~m of Gene Baughmann, professional city planners, for their advice, --
and it was thought that a better layout could be negotiated.
Baughmann addressed the assembly and explained that his preliminary
findings showed that the area allowed for private street should be
removed from the FAR ratio and treated area-wise in the same fashion
as a public street; also that a well-laid-out R-~ zoning would
ceive greater consideration from the courts than the present business
Various citizens arose and voiced objections to this rezoning as fol-
703 Sunset Rd.: Is against apartments in general as he feel they in-
crease the tax burden.
Alex Dressel
28 M. Pine ~ Implied that this delay was for the benefit of the
petitioners only, asked for immediate action; stated
he would prefer a nice business building, as for
insurance. Was told that this comes under B-2
ton ing.
Ethel Kolerus
9 N. Pine : Stated that the neighbors could not tell the pr~per:y
owner what he must use his property for, but didob- --
ject to the great increase in density of population
at this one spot.
Gary Wllies
112 N. Russell: State he saw no plans for storage of large amounts
of garbage which would accumulate; that garbage a%
similar buildings a= Main and Central is carelessly
stored at one building~ taking up needed car parking
Roland Becket
119 N. Emerson: (Letter read by T~ustee Casterlinm). Objected to erection
November 19, 1963
of apartments on grounds of tmaffic hazards, Zoning Case
transients not car%~ying their share of tax load. 63-22
Me ~o Paterson
12~ N. Russell:Noted that each apartment had but one in,ess and
egress and thought that this did not come undem
the safety and fi~e laws of the state.
T~ustee Caste~line proposed that this zoning appeal be denied in
view of the meeommendation of ~ of the 6 Zoning Board membems and
the objections of the citizens. T~ustee Phillips stated that he
lived near this a~aa and w~uld like to heat further views from
~. Bau~nn. M~. Bau~ann came forward a~ain and pointed out
that the petitione~ could~ if he so desi~ed~ call his R-~ a~t=
mentbuildin~ a hotel o~ ~oomin~house and emac: it ~d~ the
existin~ B-3.
M~. Di Leona~di, atto~ey fo~ the :petitione~, stated that they
~d no new evidence meady at this t~e and t~nked ~. BauE~ann
fo~ his work up to this date.
~ustee Bickley, seconded by T~ustee Caste~line, moved that the
B~ of ~stees accept the decision of the Zonin~ B~d and deny
this appeal.
Upon moll call: .Ayes: Bickley BeP~en B~hl
~ste~line E~en Phillips
Motion c~ied.
Pmesident Schlave~ called a ~e=ess a~ 10:03, and the
me~tin~ was ~es~ed at 10:12 P.M.
- ~ustee E~en~ seconded by T~stee Be~Een, moved fo~
the passage of ~d. 9~: O~d.
Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Bickley Be~en B~uhl
~ste~line Ek~en Phillips
Motion ca~ied.
Mm. Marvin Met&e, atto~ey fo~ the ~esid~nts of the Bluet: a~ea
in this case, thanked the Bo~d fo~ thei~ excellent co-operation
and ~ndl~& of this annexation. ~. Lloyd Schuster, ~eas~em
of the Lou-E~ Homeo~e~s, also thanked the
Tmustee E~en mead the followin& lette~ dated Novembem
19th fmom the Plan Commission: Colonial Helshts
7th Addition
"The Plan C~ission ~e~o~ends t~t the ~equest of
Colonel Hei~hts~ Inc. be ~manted ~e~a~din~ plat of Colonial
Heights 7th Addition p~eviously submitted and appPoved. It f~-
the~ ~ecommends that the attached plat of Colonial Heights 7th
Addition, as ~ewised, be approved.
A. C~ D~esse~ Chai~n
H. G. Apple~y
Novembe~ 19, 1963
Trustee Ek~en, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved for approval
of Colonial Heights 7th Addition plat as revised and asked the
President and Clerk to sign said plat.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bergen Bmuhi
Phillips Casterline Ekren
Motion carried.
Fire Department Trustee Phillips read proposedArticles of Agreement
iAgreement w. between the Elk Grove Rural Fire P~.otection District and the
iRuraI~.Fire Dept Village. This may be read on page 924.
Trustee Phillips, seconded by T~ustee Ekren, moved that the ?
President and Clerk be authorized t0 sign the above-mentioned
Articles of Agreement.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bergen Bruhl
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
iWater Dept. T~ustee Phillips, seconded byT~ustee Bickley, moved
!vehicle to allow expenditure of $2,750 for purchase of auto-crane for
the Water Department as described in memorandum dated November
llth from Water Superintendent Creamer. ~
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bergen Bruhl
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bergen commended Water Superintendent Dave
Water Dept. Creamer on his foresight and judgment in providing for effidient
operation of his department. Trustee PhiLlips .said that the
Board members should place greater reliance on the judgment of
the employe'es who work with the job every day.
Trustee Biekley, seconded by T~ustee Ekren, moved for
the adoption of Res. 40-63:
!Re. 40=63
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bergen Bruhl -
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Casterlinet seconded by T~ustee Bergen, moved
Salt to award contract for street salt to International Salt Co. at
$12.00 per ton.
Upon roll ~all: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Bickley
Casterline Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
T~ustee Caste~"line, seconded by Trustee Bergent moved
Res. 41=63 for the adoption of Res. 41-63:
Vehicle ta~
November 19, 1963
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bmuhl Bickley
Casterline Ek-oen Phillips
Motion carried.
Village Managsm Appleby read the following letter from
owners of propemty on Rand Road who intend =o construct a can wash~
October 29, 1963 Easements
Village of Mount Pmospeo= Conoco and
Mount Prospect, Illinois Ricketts
We hereby request pemmission =o cons=run= =he public impmovements
consisting of wa=er main as shown on plans perpamed by Robert Boles,
Archi=sc=, da=ed April 1, 1963 and identified as #62-247 a~ cum ow~
expense to the Village of Mount Pmospec=.
When these impmovemen=s a~e completed and accepted by the Village of
Mount P~ospec~, =hey shall become the property of said Village wi=h-
out cos~ or expense ~o said Village.
A check in the amount of $75.00 is enclosed for wa=em hook-on fee.
(Three. lots ~ $25.00.)
Also, a check in =he amount of $4500 payable to =he Village of Mount
Prospect is at=ached to be se= up as an escmow rom payment to =he
con=mac=or installing =he above wa=er main. Payment is to be made
a= the direction of Rand Auto Wash, Inc. and dimection and accept-
ance of =he main by =he Village of Mount Prospec~ when completed.
We request, too, that any pemson or firm, except Mm. Ricks=ts-who has
gmanted =he e&semen= on his proper~y, connecting to water main ex-
tending fmom Main St. To the hydrant on the west side of Rand Road,
=o pay 1/3md of =he cost of said main, and any pemson om firm connnect-
ing to =he main a= the valve basin on the west side of Rand pay 1/3 of the
cost of said main. Rand Auto Wash will assume the remaining thimd of =he
nos= of the wa=er main.
Very truly yourss
Rand Auto Wash, Inc.
By: Robert E. Boles, Sec'y
Trustee Bickley, seconded by T~ustee Phillips, moved to grant meques=
of ~and Auto Wash, Inc. as shown in foregoing letter.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Biokley Bruhl Bergen
Ekren Casterline Phillips
Mo=ion carried.
T~ustee Phillips asked that the Wa=em Committee meet on Mondays
December 3rd.
Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Ek~en, moved =hat =he sewers
Village sngineem make a study and give cost estimate regarding possible
ins=alia=ion of sewer running south along Busse Road from Central Road
to accommodate Village residents on the west side of Busse, who would
like a direct sewer connection in lieu of keeping up septic tanks.
This motion carTied by acclamation.
November 19, 1963
iquor TrusTee Casterline, seconded by Trus:ee Bickley, moved
Bowling alleys, To instruct The Village Attorney To amend The Village code re-
Pool halls garding hours for opera~ion of bowlin~ alleys, making Them cor-
respond To the hours for serving of liquor.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Bergen
Ekren Casterline Phillips
Motion carried.
ATtorney HoferT referred To request of Trustee Bergen
Tally-Ho a~ previous meeting regarding The zoning and building of Tally-Ho
property Courts a~ Algonquin and Busse Roads; This property had been zoned
ZoninE Case by Cook County To allow erection of apartments of 4-story height;
63-9 upon its annexation by The Village building permits were issued
by The Villages it was given R-4 zoning classification, but no
speoific variation for he-ighT.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that
Colonial if annexation of certain parts of Colonial Heights (one side of
Heights KLm and Martha Lane) should b~ effected before their hex= regular
water billing period (in ~his case, February 1), The same water rates
used for The rest of The Village will be applied to Their bills,
giving Them the benefit of the lower rate from November lsT. This
motion carried by acclamation.
Adjournment by acclamation at 11:~5 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth C. Wilson, Clerk
November 19, 1963
ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made and entered into this
day of , 1963 by and between the Elk
Grove Rural Fire Protection District, a Municipal Corporation,
Elk Grove Township, Cook County, Illinois, (hereinafter
ferred to as "said District") and the Village of Mount Prospect,
a Municipal Corporation, Mount Prospect, Illinois, (hereinafter
referred to as "said Village"); and
WHEREAS, the said District is a municipal corporation
organized under the statutes of the State of Illinois for the
purpose of prevention and control of fires in an area shown on
Exhibit A attached hereto; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect is a municipal
corpoPation organized undeP the statutes, of the State of Illinois;
WHEP. EAS, said DistPict and the Village are desiPous of
entering into a contPact fop the furnishing of fire fighting and
fire pPevention services to the terPitory outlined in Ped on
Ex~mbit A attached, which tePmitoPy constitutes the whole of the
aPea to be sePvic.ed by said district. Said contract to cover a
pePiod commencing July 1, 1963 and ending January
being undePstood that for Peasons of faiPness toward the tax
payers of said Village, the arPangements herein provided should
have retPoactive effect to July 1, 1963.
between the parties hereto:
ARTICLE I. That for the pePiod beginning July 1, 1963
and expiring on midnight, Januamy 1, 1~65, the Village shall fum-
nish fire fighting and ripe protection services by Paid on Call
and RegulaP firemen employed by the Village, as the Fire Chief
of the Village may determine, to said District for the area out-
lined in red on Exhibit A attached (which territory constitutes
the whole territory to be served by said District).
ARTICLE II. That for the pePiod of time during which
this contract shall be in full force and effect said District
agPees to pay said Village fop any and all fire fighting and lime
pPotection services the sum of SiXtY ThoUsand Dollars ($60,000.00),
payment of which shall be made as follows:
A - $ 5,000 upon the signing of this contract.
B - 5,000 on or before January 1, 196~.
C - 20,000 on or before May 1, 196g.
D - 30,000 on or before November 1, 196~.
ARTICLE III. That the Fire Chief of the Village of
Mount PPospect~shall have sole and exclusive right and responsi-
bility to prescribe the manner and method of giving the alarm for
fire or other emergency in the territory to be served by Said
ARTICLE IV. The Fire Chief designated by said Village
shall immediately upon arriving at the scene of any alarm
emergency, or such other officers as may be designated by said
Village or by said Fire Chief, from time to time, have the sole
and exclusive responsibility and authority to direct and contmol
any and all fire fighting and/or fire prevention activi~s and
November 19, 1963
emergency operations at such scene or scenes, and fumther, that
any and all officers and/or firemen appointed by said District
shall be subject to the orders of the Fire Chief designated by
said Village.
ARTICLE V. That all fi~e fighting and fire preven-
tion activities carried on under the provisions of these
A~ticles shallbe under and in accordance with the regulations
and ordinances of said Village.
ARTICLE VI. That all expenses of maintaining equip-
ment, apparatus, salaries, insurance premiums~ and any and all
other items of expense connected with the services to be per-
formed by said Village under this agreement shall be at the
Village's expense and that the only expense falling upon said
District should be the payments set forth in Article II.
ARTICLE VII. That all equipment presently owned or
possessed by said District, or any and all equipment to be
acquired by said District, shall be leased to the Village for
the sum of $1.00 for the period of this contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these
Articles to be executed by their respective officers and caused
their corporate seals to be affixed hereunto.
These articles have been executed on behalf of the
said Village pursuant to adoption thereof by a resolution of
the Board of Trustees ~f said Village on the day of
, A.D., 1963.
These A~ticles have been executed on behalf of the
said District pursuant to adoption thereof by a resolution of
the Board of Trustees of said District on Che ' day of
, A.D., ~1963.
(A Municipal Corporation)
President of Board of Trustees
· Village Clerk
(A Municipal Corporation, Elk Grove Twp.~
President of Board of Trustees
November 19, 1963