Pmesident Schlave~ called the meeting to o~de~ aT Poll call
8512 P.M. with the following members pmesent:
Bergen Busse Bruhl
Casterllne Ek~en Phillips
T~ustee Phillips, seconded by T~ustee Bergen, moved minutes
fo~ the approval of the minutes of Decembe~ 8th as cozupected.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Caste~line Ekmen Phillips
Motion carried.
T~ustee B~uhl, seconded by T~ustee Phillips, moved Finance
for approval of the Financial Report for Novembe~ 30th subject
to audit. This motion ca~mied by acclamation.
T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Phillips, moved hills
for the approvai of the following bills:
General $18~017.$8
Pa~king System 10.89
Motor Fuel Tax 15,79~.69
Fire S~ation Constr. 1964 88.80
Fi~e Equipmen~ 1964 9,819.50
Waterworks & Sewerage 1,097.$1
Waterworks & Sewerage
Imprve. & Ex~. 14,346.26
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bemgen B~uhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en Phillips
Motion ca~ied.
T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Casterline, moved Finance
that the invoice of A. H. Vixen & Sons, Inc., Paymen~ Request
#5, in the amount of $19,610.~8 for'construction of the Public
Works Building be approved for payment f~om Public Works Build-
lng Construction Fund, 1964.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en Phillips
Motion carried.
T~ustee BDuhl, seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved Finance -
that the following invoices rela~in~ to $.A. #63 be approved S.A. 63
for payment f~om the General Fund and repayment be made when
funds are available in S.A.
DecembeP 15, 1964
Raymond S. Wright Appraisal serv-
ices and appear-
ances $250.00
Paddock Publications~ Inc~Publish notices 18.00
Independent NewSpapers Publish notices 18.00
: $286,00
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en Phillips
Motion carmied.
Finance T~ustee Bruhl, seconded b~ T~ustee Casterline, moved
that the invoice of Milburn Bros., Inc. in the amount of
$1,423 for snow removal be approved for payment from the Gen-
eral Fund.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en Phillips
Motion ca~ried.
Building Code Referred to the Building Committee: l~oposed
revisions of the Building Code f~om Building Supt. Joe Peco~aro.
Zoning Code re T~us~ee Bergen stated that he had been informed ~-.
Drive Ins the~e were plans to erect a hot-~og-tyge drive-in restauraut
on or near by B~3 property on West Rand Road formerly plamned
for Villa SWeden Restaurant,'and asked if there were a way to
clarify the ~e~m "drive-in" as used in the Zoning Code. He was
told that this mat~er had been covered in over-all recommendations
to the Board but could be handled as a separate matter if de-
sired. Trustee Bemgen, seconded 'by TruStee Bruhl, moved that
the VillageAttorney be directed to prepare an ordinance in
accordance with the recommendations of Tech-Search, Inc., in
their letter of September 23, 1964, removing Drive-Ins from the
B-3 District of the Mount P~dspect Zoning Ordinance, and placing
D~ive-Ins in a separate zoning district.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en Phillips
Motion carried.
Street Dept. T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Castemline, moved
sweepem that the Board approve Lease Contract with Bruce Municipal
Equipment Co. for street sweeper, and that the l~esident and
Clerk sign this document.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse
Casterline Ek~en Phillips ~-~
Motion carmied.
T~ustee Ekren ~ seconded by T~ustee Phillips, moved
Res. 33-64 for adoption of Resolution ~33-6~
Ti~rell easement
December 15, 196~
This resolution ca. tied by acclamation. This indemnifies
Mm. Ti~rell at 212 Bobby Lane a~ainst damage to his Ea~age
if he will-&ive theVilla~e an easement for water and
sewer main across his property.
Trustee Phillips, seconded by T~ustee Casterline, Liquor
~ moved to authorize the attorney to draw up ordinance amending
Section 13 ofthe VillageCode to allow Planned Open Space
Recreational areas to have live entertainment where liquor
is served.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Phillips
Nays: Bergen
T~ustee Bergen explained that he was not a~ainst the motion
itself, but was protesting against havin~ to make a decision
upon a new matter which he had not had time to study.
President Sohlaver read the followinE letter of Plan Commission
December 15, 1964
The Honorable Board of T~ustees
Village of Mount Prospect
i ~ Gentlemen:
Inasmuch as Louis Capron has found it necessary
to resign from the Plan Co~mission because of movin~ outside
the boundaries of the Villa~e~ I am askin~ you~ concurrence
in a new appointnnent to that body which Mr. Capron served
lonE and honorably.
I respectfully ask the concurrence of the trustees
in the appointment of Frank Jantac, $19 Wapella, to fill the
unexpired terfa of Mm. Capron. M~. Jantac, an officer of the
Pure Oil Company, is a civic-minded individual who served
as fo~mer president of the Disl~ict 57 Board of Education.
He has the qualifications to make a good member of the Plan
Commiss ion.
Clarence O. Schlaver, p~esident
T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Ek~en, moved to advise
and consent to the foregoing appointment of the P~esldent.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Ek~en
Busse Casterline Phillips
Motion ca~ied.
December 15, 1964
ell 5 Managem Appleby gave interim ~epo~t on the status
of Well 5, listing cost of ~epai~s, detailing fu~the~ work
~o be done, with an estimate of two weeks time to have the __
bowls ~ebushed and mepai~ed, an ove~-all cost of about
Adjournment by acclamation at 9:31'P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth C. Wilson, Village Clerk
Decembem 15, 1964