HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/1955 VB minutes 7 0
1I LUTi , OF : RL : TUL . 1R LEl'IP?C�
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OF .�a.� P�? :��IP,�:t :YID ?-;0,�,,D OF
1R iSTEES , F11,10 Id IHL iiU 1ICIP :L
1 T'' 1 i i '� ' p �C'I ILLIIT" IS
CN TL'%�D ";Y JI,U RY le, 1955
The meeting was called to order by President Lams at
10 :10 P.r. and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll.
On roll call, tne follot in J `Irus tees answered "Present":
Ibbotson, Schlaver, Viger, 1111er•, Wilson anc Wright.
The 'I'r•ustees having pr•evi oesly received copies of the
minutes of the meeting held January L, 1955, a motion was made by
Trustee Willer, seconded by Scnlaver, that the minutes be approved
as submitted. The President out the cuestion, tne Clerk called the
roll, i the following results: :'eyes: All; lays: None. Tnereupon
the President declared the motion carried and said minutes a:_
A motion was then made ;y '1'r•ustee `;cilaver, seconded by
Viger, that the Treasurer's report for the period ending December ftmso
31, 1954, be a , : )roved and placed on file. *The President put the
question, the Clerk called the roll, with tne following response:
Ayes: All; Nays: ione. Thereupon the President declared the motion
A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wright,
teat the STecial issessment Report be approved and placed on file.
T re motion was voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
A mr tion was then _made ey Trustee Viger, seconded by
Schlaver, that in accordance with the a emended water or•d'_nance, the
45.00 water deposit be refunded to qualified consumers, as listed
en Water Rate Collector's Report of January 1e, 1955. the President
put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following
response: Ayes: All; _!ays: Toone. 'Thereupon tiie President declared
tie motion carried.
A _notion was m.de by Trustee Scnlaver•, seconded cy Wright,
to approve for payment the bills for the month of December, as
approved by the Finance Committee. Tne President put the question,
the Clerk called the roll, with the foliowin; response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon tee President declared the motion carried.
The following communication was then r ,ad: eedi
January 1e, 1955
President and eoar•d of ir•ustees
Village hall
dount Prospect, I : l inoi s
Re: Proposed 8 -Inch Storm Sewer
Northwest meadows Eubdiv sion
Gentlemen Jan. 18, 1955
In accordance with your request, we nave obtained bids from various
sewer contractors for the construction of a storm water
inlet and 246 lineal feet of P-inch storm sewer in macArthur
Drive in the subject development.
Letter were sent out to approximately eight sel contractors
requesting bids, said bids to be submitted tc our office not
later tnan Jana ry 17, 1955. The bids received are as
Gene CosenLino, 4P21 W. Adais, Chicago P25.00
Scull Bros. Contractin Co., The. 1950 N.
Latrobe, Chicago 39 P63.00
C-B ConstructInn Co., 2501 W. Superior, Chicago 899.90
D. DiOrlo Sever'-:e Works, Rt. 1 Bensenville 1,114.00
Crfei Constructin Co., 1Pln ot., 'elrose
Park 1,327.00
Joe Pezzette, 2919 N. 1`!atoma Chica,o 1 ,553.00
c)1.1 vill recall that bids were received bz us on this small
sever projedt about two m ntqs ko. At that time the low
bid as subm1LLed "y C- Constructi(n Co., in an amount of
6993.90. lt was decided a that time that no action would
be taken on tols project because the bids seemed substantially
hiLer than our estimate.
we recommend that the contract for tuis sewer project be
awarded to the lov blddef, Gene Cosentino, for a lump sum
price of 125.00. We do not feel that advertising for a
tnird time T-1.11 result in lover prices than the low bid
mentioned above. Our aril:atrial astinate of cost for this work
you will rec-11, was v714-00
Your truly yours,
Consoer, Townsend Re Assoc.
By Wm • ■ fonsend
A motion was then made by Trustee Wilson to
authorize tine expenditure of a sum not to exceed 000.00 to
p.m correct the drainage pr'bie ih Lort_iwest Teudows in the
v5c5_nity of W:thorn Lane. There was no second to this meti-
ano Trustee Wilson ased that toe rotion be witnuravn.
A motion was then made b Trustee Wilson, seconded
by Willer, to acc pt the bid of Gene Cosehtino, 4P21 .dams
treet, Chic , ih Inc kiount of w°2.Q0, as listed in
(-nsoer, 1 & Associate,t leti,er of January 18, 1955.
The President put the quesLion, the Clerk called the roll,
with the follovin,; r..sp->nse: i*es: All; Llas: aone. Inereu)on
the President declared the motion carried.
A Illation as made h i'rustee Wrin;nt, seconded by
1 -11son, to authorize the Eervice Co. to install
street liaLlts at the locations:
1. Lu. ProsnecL Rd. , Bosse 24. ElmnursGAve. Foundry Re.
2. It. Prospect Rd. Lverreen 25. Elmhurst Ave. - Moor ac
3. Moehlio, Drive 'aple 26. Russell & Foundry
4. »ocii1ing Drive Elm 27. Russell
5. Berkshire Drive R: maple 2 Russell & Highland
6. 0ersnire Drive & Elm 20. line Fo lndry
7. - 3orkshile Drive & School 39. Pina & Noeac
2. rierksoire )rive Lmerson 31. Pine R-
9. Council fruil 6 .aple 32. 1 ;ille 6 Foundry
10. Council rait , Llm
11. Council ir-il 31d.
12. Ccuocil 1.1 ills 77. M.1 :e oe ac
35. U ..in c, F
13. Berksnire Drive 6 :Yain 36. Main ?c, T'oemac
14. -elksoire'Drie 37. ihaer T
15. ,3usse La's Court heory 6 F,)reLt
lb. Busse 6 Catny Lae 37?• Fr-pc t LancasLer
17. -..s be 6 Llmhurst Ave. 110. Pros2ect W verly
1P. Huss° 6 Can- Dota Li. Lha:er ^ Kenilworth
lg. Cathy Lane R.z C-n-Dota - Tolf
2'. Cathy L-he :Dee-Gun 43. ' la e, -.1.1set
21. Dress:,r Drive 6 Candota (1_ 00 or 5-)
22. Dresser D ve 6 E co iwun ' nsct
23. Ellourst aiinland (1 ca '
L5. I:anara at foot
Jan, 18 1955 Bridoe
46. - anava See-uwun
al.-at „ See-23-vun foot
t.e 1r• i deLt pout the question, the Clerk calledthe roll, 7 -i a.li
t e f oll r espois : ryes: :ill; Na s: .one. ±nere; upon the
Pre ,idei.t deol<<ired the ctieerl car•r':. d.
i'rustes Ir• %_fi ten it trodJced es >I.?t'_ .
" " - _ ,'311 1 ~ ,��� r t r ,,, . 'TOR 1?5,5 _FAT. ;ot1en w s A <,.
ton -lade b ?,• - 1i lit, seconded Wilson, that this
resclatl ' e ad the i're put the question, t ie
Clerk called r rolt, Td_th the follot'i.._ respc e: 4, all;
;a s: none. ihereu on the P_aside:it declare t le motion carried,
sad resolution adoi)tec:.
Summons No. 54519976, ; Court of Cook County,
.-us Len read. ti motcn was tn.>n made by 'J..:'ustee Willer, seconded.
' 1 1 , _ ; i t , that tile v Attorney f. )e a- ti1orIze i . to file an a1"),fear-
ai ce and answer on behalf of the Vi1lar_e . the P i e s zent put h �
Lice qu the Clerk called the roll, -itL the folloT -ink;
r•e ,onse: Ayes: 111; bays: sore. `bbereupcn t le rr sident dec r d
the notion carried.
A motion 1 made lru tee Echlaver, seconded by
I to authorize the expenditure of ,40. 1
for the ClEer•k's eierbership n the ..ati_. na.l :_nst _ of unicipal
Clerks. 1'ne Pr•c si_;Cent put the qu Lion, the Clerk cc.Iled the roll,
i'it l the folio 'in response; Aye:: till; bays: one. i.'nereupon
faze President declared the mocion carried.
the Clerk the r•: ad - request under date of January the
'tit, 1 955, from the Chica Federation of J god &. Adu Charitic;s,
ra s uestin permission for Ta Day on Mai, 10, 1955. motion was
tt.;en made r. trustee Viger, seconded by Schlaver, this
permission be ranted. Tne mo sior. was voted u by acclamation,
iThercupon the President declared the mc:tion carried.
There being no further business to cone before the
meeting, a motion was made h 'i'rustea' ViL seconded b Wri' ht,
that the meetins be adjourned. the motion was voted u)on by
accla�ation, Thereupon the President declared tie motion carried
and said men fir :. regularly adjourned.