HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 19-56 12/04/1956 , ..... .- Resoh~tiol1. No. /9-...% A R.ESOLUTION co:o.cu.:n:il1g in the appointments of m:::rnl),~:ra of the YO\lll..! P~os:e~~ ~1::=:.'iit.:..g ~?2?::.m~s S.~Ql1=- WHER~AS~ the Pr:esident of the ViHag;;:: ef Monnt F:rospect has" pU3."8u,ani~ to ol"dinance in. such case mad~ aud provided, appointed the follo'\rli:t'tg citizens to be member13 of the Official Plan Comr.n:ltH;ion of the V'i112~ge of lvlom1t Pro&1:1er:t: LOUIS Jo CAPRON-- for C~ two ye~i,l' term expiring December 1., 1958 PHIIJP R. j'EUCKu - for a t"'\~lO yea:;:, tel':'!:';;) expiring Oecernber 1, 1958 A~C. DRESSER------for a Iou1' yeal. tel'm ch"Pi:dng December I. 1960 RICH..~1D YOUNG----for a i\ml" Y.33.10 term eJtpii.'ing December 1. j 1960 VIRGIL l....L TOSCH.- .foX' a fOUl" Y'~ii.l.r tel'm e:Jtpi:dng Dee.ember 1 J 1960; and) ,!VREREAS, tha Board of Trustees (concur in such appointments. NOVi, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI...V1:-:D hy the Preaident and B08.rd of 'I'l''tlstees of the Villa.ge of Mount Prospect, C',)ok County) IUin.oisr- tha.t the appointm~nts of LOU.tS J <- CAPR ON - - .fox a. two year t"':rtn expiring Decelnbe:r 1~ 1958 PHILIP R~ JIDUCKu - for a two yec.r ternl e't:piring December 1, 1958 A"Co DRJ~SSER-..,....-fQr a f~ru.:!:' y'~ar term expiring December 1, 1960 R.!CIi.~RD YOUNG-_o,-fol" a. fQtl€: y'?,u' term e:.c-pirhlg Decerabe:r 1, 1960 VlRGIL M, TOi;1CH -- -for a !ou:t' year term e~;:piri.ng r)ecen1b~~ 1) 196Q be ",nd the aame is hereby (:onf1.~'xned , conCt!j;~J'cd in and approvecL ADOPTED; this _~~_. da.y of ~~D 1956, APPROVED: this .4..tP day of ~~~4z.r:._& 1956. _-.\.TTEST ~