HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 26-60 12/06/1960
RFSOLU'1~I ctl Hgec."sO
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WHEREAS, the Prasidsli1't c.nd Board Cjf Trusteee of the Village of
Mount Prospect, Cook Coun:l:.y, Illh)ois~ here';'ofore on the 25th day or
October, 1960,9 did adopt kln t))cdin:mca pro\d.dll'1g for t.he 8ubmisallm to the
lee;a1 voters of 19aid Vill~a, fat il special els<<)i"io:n duly called and held
in and for said Village on ths thi~d d~y of Decembarp 1960; the roll~~ing
Shall bonda in the am~unt of $195~OOO b~ iS3ued by tha
Village of Mount Pl'ol;;FjF~ect, Cook Cotmty-, Illinois" i~or
the purpose of paying the c08t of constructing an
add! tion to the pre~ent il'iu.ni.c ipal butlding commonly
known as the "Mount Pr.espeet Village Hall ti in order to
house and protect the :f:il's figh:ting equipmant of said
Village and repail.ir'ing ;'!.rtd :lmprovi...g said "MOu..ilt Prospect
Village Hall" so th~t ,the Sf>ffie v:d.ll m:ore eff:i.cie1"ltlJr
~ervice the requirenl€:';;'r~;w ofilia F'oliee & Administrative
Departn~nts of ~a1n Village~ said bonds to be of the
denomination of' $1:>000 Gae'h~ maturirig $5,000 on December 1,
of each of the ye.1,?:> 1.96? ~~n 1966t :tncluf35,"1a, $10j:OOO on
December 1 of each t,he YHnr;r; 1951 to 1914 inclu.sive,
and $15,000 on Deceml:;er 1 0:2 ,~aif3h the ,reaT@ 1975 to
1980, inclusive ~ an.{! be~',r:ln(? inte:rc:st, at .th'e rate of not
'co exceed four lalid 0~~G=half' pm:' c(:nt. (4!%) per .-.annml'l'i
tmEREAS" the Frelsid6::1t ,fanc;
'1'l'Ustee:;~ Df mg:V3. Village did
cause to be given by" the
m.(l!'e tZI~Ul t,hirl,y (30) d&y'~ n01"
lfi'Sl5 than fifteen (15) ,myel :,::'.}tic~ r/f;
;~pee:iid .sls(rHo:;;'I 'boy p\iblik]hiJ..1g
notice thereof onee on th:: :L7",:,h elf':}" of 3h.r~Jm~'iEi1."J 1950:> in t,he ~1ctl..nt Prospect
Herald" the t&arn-:9 being a ;nG:,~;}p.apeE'
:'1.n &md hr:nd.r.1f~ ~ g'3llE'Jrnl circu."
lation wi t.'1in Baid Village:, ':'Jhic:h
a~ ffifJ pl],bli~h.~d did !;'JpecLfY
thEl place~ whereat l.'meh eh;'cr(;~,;jliJ. 'ii;':lU
:1e1d, the 'f.iime of' clGt1i~g and
openU1g of the ~t>llsF /p.nd t,h.,,) q~;;et:Jr!.~i(m ~;,t;
'i1fli;ed <X}Jzm$) ;i. n!St<l';;;j}if:l.per clipp~,1"4!.
of Mid notice ,wi'cn 'i:.hG affidavit ~f ~\\':\!.;,l:l,,;;.s.M_(nry, ,:;.tt2;~hecl 'i;,I:i.~J.o1;.o!J baiJ,:'l.g
now on file and iilaGe e PftI''(, of the offic:!'""l recl)rds of the fresiden t ~:.nd
Board of Trustees r;f this Village .t!n& hciij'i'g ~,n W01"d8 and ri;5~Jre;~ &fli fi(111o"W's:
(In,~(;l"f; lne;::'S}'::i,pe:r K!,ot.ice)
~ and
't'ffiJEBE.AS;, th€ t~zdcl alec)jim? t:J',U'l d1.11y t:mct legal1jl" held and c(}n~'
dueted by th~ pY~p3r per2cns 8~
i,c act ,:'JlB ~il.1dges fo!" said
!!ipecil3.1 alecticn~ D\nd thG qll.Gi':rt:i.e;:: Dti,bm~U,;:t.ed at naia election was subrdtted
upon proper bl;J.llo'!:,sJ; [;),:;"id b.9-11c;t~B bv:b:::g ~n t7ordt3 cmd figures as ftlllot:m:
('++"'''h ...n,,<,' '''''T' "\~1"!",,+)
.fe.,'UvQ_ ~....,l",..} ~J~.- v..;,.f.).,....,lrIj
J and
ItJB:~:H.Ei43t '1:,he eltS'1::ti{)l1 !'(r1~m'ltI'3 have 'tH31,:rrl pret~ented to and have been
ce.nva~~ed by thlJ Pl"Zl8ident and Bo,~rd 01.' T!'u,stee~ eft $9.id Vilb.ge;
Not-I' ~:EEri11;i','ORE!, BE IT .lil,JD Iii' T;,) HEREBY J1E.SOI.'lJED BY '!'HE PRE.~IDENT
AND BOArd) tll TFtUS'fBES 01''' THE in:I,j~<J\UE OI" !!10m~1.' :PZWl3PECT, COOK ComITY", ILLmOIS
aa f'o11oW~j;:
Section 1:
That the tot~l number.> of vot~lS ca~t at sai.d special
election~ ~~ shown by the poll lhr1:.J> was:
Election Preeinc'(< Number. 1: 528
Election Prec;.nct Number 2: 366
Tota.1 896
Section 2:
That on the qt\e(~'tion or issuing bonds in the amount
of $195,000 Municip~l Buildir..g B011d!'3 for the V:Ulage of Mount Prospect, Cook
COimty, Illinoi2'3j; 'lihf,3 votea ~fl.fJt ther"O'~H'~ T'r~~:c~ .aiS fol1(Il~a:
Ballots found blank, speiled
or defectively marked and
Election '1'iJtr31
Precinct -=.~:Q@li1 .J ~~1!9_.
~~-- ~~,,~
,- 460
1 528 68
2 368 340 27
........... (r..~~~ ~~"l>> ......-",
TOTAL 896 800 95
Section 3:
That it is hereby found, determinad and decl&red of
l"ecord that t,he Ciusstion of if.lsu:tng bondZl in the amount of $195,000 tor the
purpose of paying the cost ot c0113truct.ing an addit~on to the present
HUlJ.icip~'j,l Bn:l1d:trig Ctimf.iJ.Onl}~ Immm Ei;CJ
t~Hmmt Pro!)pect Village Hall~' in
t. f) ?:(::1':~il.C~j~;;
,:~ ~ r.~
repairing and improving said "Mount Prospect Village Hall" 80 that the
laDle vUl more efficiently serve the requirements of the Police and
Adm1n1ltratlve Departments of SQid Village did rece5.ve the approval of a
majority ot the electors of the Village voting on said question at said
special election and that said question has been legally approved and
carried and that the President and Board ot Trustees of the Village of
Mount Prospect. Cook County, nlinois, have been authorb..ed by the electors
of the Village of Mount Pro&pfilet to issue $19511000 !'funicipal Building Bonds
of said Village..
Section 4: That all orders or resolutions in conflict herewith be
and the eam.e are, to the extent of wch conflict, hereby' repealed, and that
this resolution be in full force and effect imm.ediately and forthwith upon.
its adoption.
PASSED this 5th day of December, 1960d
APPROVED thi8 6th day of December, 19500
Theodore A. Lams
Village President
E. Robert Reynolds
Village Clerk
Po 3