JANUARY 25~ 1986
HELD .........
Pmesidant Congmeve called the meeting to omder at 10:05 P.M. with the
following members present:
Bergen Bruhl Golfer ~kren Grittani Teichert
Trustee Grittani, seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved the minu:es of the
meeting of ~anuary 18, 1966 be approved after correction of a typographical Minutes
error on page a of the draft minutes, showing the Village share of
MFT for 1966 to be S175,000.
%'~j Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Collar Ekren Grittani
-~ Pass: Teichert
Motion camried.
Genemal $4,342.01
Library 3,844.25
Waterworks and Sewemage- Mund 842.47
Total $8,828.73 Bills
Trustee Grittani, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved theeabove bills be
approved rom payment.
Upon moll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Collar Ekren Grittani Teichert
Motion carried.
Trustee Grittani, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved the Board approve the
Finance ReporJ
Finance Report for December 31, 1965 as submitted, subject to fu~them
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bmuhl Colfem Ekren Grittani Teichert
Motion carried.
~A~. DiMucci requested the Boamd defer consideration of an ordinance Driveways B-i~
relating to driveways on B-i, B-2, B-3 Industrial and R-1 Zoning until
B-2 B-3 g R~i
after his hearing on rezoning because at the present ~£me he would have
one driveway in v~olation. Board took this ma~ter under advisement. Zoning
The sidewalk objection Mr. DiMuc¢i hMd was referred ~o the Board of Appeals DiMucci re
meeting on February 18, 1966. The public beaming for amending the sub-
sidewalks re-
division ordinance to increase the minimum width to five (5) feet
ferred to Bd.
will be ~a~a_~d at that time. Appeals
A public hearing for amending the subdivision ordinance to make the P~blic hear om
minimum width of streets 32 feet was ehard at the Plan Commission
minimum width
meeting of January 21, 1966. streets
Letter received from ~az~vllla Academy expressing appreciation for
toys sent to children.
~y 25, 1966
Variations Variations for three radio towers were condisered prior to Board of
Radio tower~ppeals formation.
a) Petitioner: Prospect Cab Co. 13 S. Wille
Tower is now in existence. It is 80 ' high with a 20' ~nna warranteed
by Motorola Inc. for five years. The petitioner carries a one million
dolla~ liability policy. The =ower is FAA and FCC approved. The
Building Committee recommends variation be granted.
Trustee Collar moved, seconded by Trustee Bergen, that the Board
concur ~ith the recommendation of the Building Eommittee.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Collar Ekren Grittani Teichert'
Motion carried.
b) Petitioner: DiMucci Nome ~ilders, 1405 Golf Road
Tower This tower is also in existence. 100' in height, FAA and FCC approved ,
and covered by petitioner's liability insurance. The towem is
located at the rear of a model home. The surrounding property, with the
exception of a few feet =o the r~ar, is all owned by petitioner. The
building committee recommends the variation be granted.
Trustee Colfer moved, seocnded by Trustee Bergen, to concur with the
Building Committee recommendation, and grant the variation upon receiptT
of a letter f~om Mr. DiM~cci stating that if the model home is sold the
tower will be removed, and when this occurs, Mr. DiMucci must appear
before the Board of Appeals before erecting it on any other site within
the Village.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Colfer Ekren Grittani Teichert
Motion carried.
c) Petitioner: Wille Lumber ~o. 100 W. Northwest Highway.
Lumber Co. Petitioner requests a variation to erect a 200' tower on the roof of his exist-
200' ~ower ing building. FAA approval was obtained October 8, lg65. Partitioner
request states radio communications have become necessary in order tO increase the ~.
efficient use of his trucks. Buildin~ Committee feels that a tower over
200 feet in height at this location would seriously impair the safety
of large numbers of people~ and r~commends denial of vamiation.
Trustee Bruhl expressed the feeling that this was discriminatory becamse
Milbu~n Bros., a competi~ci~e firm, has an axisii~go~ower, erected
about three or four years ago.
Trustee Colfer~ seconded by Trustee Bergen~ moved to concur with the
recommendation of the Buildign ODmmit~ee to deny the petition of
Wille Lumber Co. for 200' ~ower.
Upon roll call~ Ayes: Bergen ~olfer Ekr~n Grittani Teichert
Nays: Bruhl
Motion oa~d.
Building Committee studied a request of Mr. S.M. Hoaglund~ 213 N. --
School St. for a variation f~m the swimming pool ordinance. The~
swim pool ~equest was for pez*mission to erect and use an above-ground portable
variation doughboy swimming pool 15' X 4'. The Buildi~ Committee r~commended
request denial because the pool does not conform to the code and no add-
Hoaglund itional safety precautions appear to have been instituted.
January 25, 1966
rustee Collar, seoondmd by Trustee Bergen, moved to deny the pet-
itioner's request for variation.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Collar Ek~en Grittani Teichert
Motion carried.
Building Committee r~ported on revision of Chapter III, Sec. 33.1 of the
Building Code. This sec~ion deals with the $200 deposit required
of builders To guarantee the replacement o~ ~epair of broken side-
walks, curbs, streets, etc. and the removal of all dirt and litter from S200 deposit
the public streets. Several builders have asked reconsideration of this builders
matter as it applies to those builders who have numerous houses
under construction at one time. The Building Committee felt there
was some merit to the argument as pz~sented. Therefore, the Commit-
tee r~commended that the Village ~ttorney be directed to draft an
ordinance setting the deposi% required au a maximum of $1000 wheme
a builder would have ma~y homes under construction at one lime.
Trustee Collar, seconded by Trustee T~ichert~ moved to concur ~ith
the Bui.ldi~ Committee recommendation.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Colfer Ekren Grittanl Teichert
Nays: Bergen
Motion car~d.
Because of the late hour, Trustee Bergen requested deferral of
several 'items on the agenda until the next meeting. Approved .
Under Judiciary Committee repozq, Trustee Bergen gave first reading
of an ordinance annexing 2 1/2 acres in the colonial Heights area and
Annex 2 1/2
requested the ordinance be placed on the agenda for second reading
acres Colonial
next week. Approved. Heights
Trustee Bergen gave first reading of an ordinance changing the nu~foer
of Boamd meetings ~o two per month and requested the o~dinance be
2 Board meetng
placed on the agenda for seoond ~eading nex~ week. Approved.
per mo.
Trustee Bergen gave first reading of an ordinance rezoning the Wedge-
wood Subdivision to R-X from R-1 and requested the ordinance be
Wedgewood Suk.
placed on the agenda for second reading next week, Approved. R-X
Tr-amtee Bergen reported the Acting Village Manager was directed to see
if the Building Department h~ any regulation covering enclosed public
parking areas. The basic Building Mode of the Building Officials
enclosed public
co~ference of America provides the nezessary regulation in Section gl5
which pertains to p~hlio garages. This section provides minimum con-
struction, ventilation and fire protection standards which would gov-
ern the construction of any enclosed p~lic garage.
T~ustee Bergen read the followi~ memorandum ~e Fairview Gardens FaiPview
Subdivision. Gardens
The undersigned (Frank R. Bergen, C~ai~man, Judiciary Committee) talked
to Mr. ~. Kuklinski, President of the Fairview Gardens Homeowners Ass-
ociation, on January 16th, ~o inquire as ~o the homeowner's reaction
%o the Village proposal regarding annexation to Mt. Prospect.
The ¥illa~e had advised the officer of the Homeowners Association tha~
~he ~tllage would be in~erestedin annexation if the homeowners were a-
greeable to purchasing the private water company serving their a~ea.
January 25, 1966
Mr. Kuklinski stated the association is pmeparing a report to
the homeowners outlining the conditions of annexation offered by
D~s Plaines and Mount Pmospect and this report will be submitted
to the homeowners of Fairview Gardens in the near future. He
furthe~ stated that he would advise the undersigned of the
homeowner~' ~eaction to the report."
T~ustee Colfer wished it noted in the minutes that the mesidents of
Fairview Ggrdens Subdivision appmoached the aillage fo~ annexation.
President Congreve appointed Mr. H. Louis Schultz as a member of
H. Louis Schultz the Youth'~2o~mission and the Clerk was directed to write a lette~
Youth Comm. info~ming him 9f the appointment.
The Magnus Farm was granted a zoning change from R-4 (single-
fmmily residence) to R-5 (General ~esidence). This ~ezoning
Magnus Farm zoneis subject to a 25-year covenant which restricts the use to a
to R-5 nursing home for the elderly° (County ~ning Case #960).
It was requested to temporarily advance t~e amount of $1,185.27
from Watem Deposit Fund to Public Benefit Special Assessment
S. A. #64 No. 64 for payment of the first installment due Januamy 25, 1966 ,<
to be repaid when taxes ame r~ceived. The 1965 Tax Levy rom
installments 1 and 2 which will not be ~eceived until May~
1966 when the above will be repaid. This will save the~illaEe
6% interest if the money is advanced.
Trustee Grittani, seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved the funds
be transferred as read.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruht Colfer Ekren Grittani Teichert
It was reported that to remove slu~r~ in an excavation approximately
~4illion gal. 15' x 15' and meplace it with compacted ~ranulated material there
reservoir would be an estimated additional cost of $1,650.00 for the new
million gallon reservoir. Trustee Bergen, seconded by Trustee Grittani,
moved for approval of the additional cost of $1,650.00.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Colfer Ekren Grittani
Motion carried. ~
~orthwest Municipal Conference Annual meeting -Old ~sha~ -
Januar~ 26, 1966 at 7:30 P.M.
~oa~d of Health;Meeting - ~anua~y 26, 1966 - 8:00 P.M.
Boa~ of ~ppea%s Meeting - January 28, 1966 - 8:00 PoM.
Trustee's tour of Fire and Police Department - January 29, 1966
' 8:00 P.M~
Civil Defense - talk by Col. Lazar - Feb. 8
Trustee Colfer, seconded by Trustee Grittani, moved for adjournment.
Time:. 10:~5 P.M. Unanimous approval.
Richard H. Monroe~ Clerk ,. ....
Jan~ary25~ 1966