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12/20/1965 VB minutes
MINUTES OF RE~UAAR MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD DECEMBER 20~ 1965 President Congreve called the meeting to order at ~:03 P.M. with the following members present: Bergen Colfer Ekren Grittani Teichert Trustee Bruhl arrived at 8:15 P.M. · ,. ~iNV0CATION Trustee Colfer gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Trustee Teichert, seconded by Trustee Grittani, moved the minutes of the Minutes meeting held December 7, 1965 be approved as amended. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen O~fer Ekren Grittani Tiechert Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Grittani. seconded by Trustee Teichert, moved the fell~ming bills be approved for payment: General Fund $32,321.20 Parking System Revenue 53.17 Bills Library 5,484.58 Motor Fuel Tax 20.00 Waterworks g Sewerage Fund 8,174.q9 · $~6~053.qq Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Colfer E~en Grzt~rt Motion carried. (The item on list of bills shows wrong address - amend address 208 Ever- green to 201.) FINANCIAL REPORT Trustee Grittani~ seconded by Trustee Teichert, moved the Board, ac¢~p~ the Financial Report for the month ending November, 1965 subject ~o audit. Financial Repo Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Colfer Ekren ~rittani Teichert Motion carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Colonial Heights has petitioned for~ annexation of 2-1/2 aores adjacent to the recent Broca~o annexation. This petitiOn referred to the Judiciary Broca~o Annex Committee. The Village Manager has received a request for the speed limi~ along Eas~ Prospec~ Avenue to be increased to 30 or 35 miles per hour. ~hi~. request E Prospec~ Ave was discussed Wi~h the Police Chief and in his opinion the amoun~ of time saved by .the higher limit is insignificant and the increased speed would also increase~the danger to the children that use Eas~ Prospect Avenue. The Police Chi6f and Acting Village Manager both recommend that the speed limit on East Prospect be kept at 25 miles per hour. Trustee Teichert, seconded by Trustee Gri~tani, moved to concur with the recommendation to keep the speed limit at 25 miles per hour. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Colfer Ekren ~rittani Teicher~ Motion carried. December 20, 196~ COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN REPORTS BUILDING COMMITTEE - ~r'ustee Golfer Bldg. Code~irst reading of an ordinance amending the Building Code to require insurance certificates deferred to January 4, 1965. Trustee Colfer gave first reading of an ordinance to re-establish a street Street obstruction permit fee and deposit and requested it be placed on the agenda obstruct, for the following meeting January 4, 1966 with a revision, including "right permit fee°f way", and to determine if the ordinance would allowfunlimlted violation upon paymen~ of fee. Approved. (At this point in the meeting Trustee Bruhl arrived. Time: 8:15 P.M.) Cer. of Trustee Colfer gave first reading of an ordinamce amending the Building Code occupancy making the contractor responsible for obtaining certificates of occupancy. Bldg. CodeMatter placed on the agenda for the following meeting, January 4, 1966. BidE. CodeTrustee Colfer gave first reading of an ordinance amending the Building Code to increase the maximum fine for violations from $200 to $500 and quested it be placed on the agmnda fBr January 4, 1966 for second reading. Approved. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Trustee Grittani Trustee G~ittani read for second reading ORDINANCE #1119:~ Ord. 1119 New Years Eve AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TO PROVIDE FOR EXTENDED CLOSING HOURS NEW YEARS EVE Trustee Grittani, seconded by Trustee Teichert, moved for passage, approval and publication of Ordinance #1119. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Colfer Ekren Grittani Teichert Motion carried. Trustee Grittani gave a report on the contract with the Elk Grove Rural Contract Fire D~rict. Trustee Grittani, se~nded by Trustee Bergen, moved that Elk Gr. the Village Fresidmnt be authorized to sign, and the Village Clerk to Rural Firea certain proposed contract bL~een the Village of Mount Prospect and the Contract Elk Grove Rural Fire Protection District; which is, in words and figures, as follows: The sum of $7,500.00 upon the execution and delivery of the within Ar~cicles; and - - B. The sum of $10,000.00 upon April l~ 1966 C. The s~u~ of $10,000.00 on or ~efore July 1, 1966 D. The s%an of $10,000.00 on or before October I, 1966, the same being the final installment payment. The above amounts, are ~o be r~=eived from the Elk Grove Rural Fire Protection District in return for the Village of Mount Prospect's Fire Depar%Tuent ser- vicing that area of Elk Grove ~wnship indicated on a map deposited in the Village Clerk's Office for the year 1966, commencing January 1 through and including Decmeber ~1, 1966. Upon roll call:' Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Colfer Ekren ~ittani Teichert Motion carried. FIRE AND POLZCE~COMMITTEE - TrusteeTeichert The Police Chief recotm~ended a new radar unit be purchased. The following Radar quotations were received: purchase December 20, 196~ Ray O'Herron Co. $1140 leas $50 Central Police Equipment $1140 leas $50 John A. Gr~go~e $1140 A new unit is needed To replace The obsolete one. The new uni~lwill be more binding in court because of greater accuracy. The Police. Chief recom- mends the Board authorize purchase of a new radar unit from Ray O'Herron Radar purchas Co. for $1090 net. Thia unit ia hand-wired. Trustee Teichert, aeconded by Trustee Colfer, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Police Chief and approve purchase of a new radar unit from Ray O'Herron Co. for $1090 net. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl .~lfer Ekren G~ittani Teichert Motion carried. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE - Trustee Bergen Trustee Bergen gave second reading To ORDINANCE #1120: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MOUNT PROSPECT MUNICIPAL CO~E TO REQUIRE THE REGISTRATION OF OPERATORS OF TAXICABS Registration ~. operators of C~ Mr. Ostrom, owner of Prospect Cab, addressed the Board, and questioned taxicabs ~ That the Chief of Police would he sole judge of "good moral character" and as auch could usurp the prerogatives of the Prospect Cab management. ~ Also, he thought the $5.00 fee exhorbitant. However, ~r, Ostrom did feel that investigations were warranted. Trustee Teichert suggeated that appeal from the decision of the Chief of Police should be provided. Attorney Smith conc~ed and suggested the President and Board of Trustees could hear appeals from adverse rulings, and the ordinance should specify what standards should be used for judgment. ,.. Trustee Teichert, seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved to table the taxicab ordinance until satisfactory legal language to aocomplish these points is incorporated into proposed Text. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Colfer Ekren Grittani Telchert Motion carried. Trustee Bergen read for first reading an ordinance Ordinance (Case No. 65-30 Leased Stations, Inc. SE corner Algonquin g Zone Case 65- Dempster) rezoning from R-1 To B-$ for an existing service station. 30 Ordinance placed on agenda for a second reading January 4, 1966~ gas station Trustee Bergen read for first reading an ordinances~nend~ng Section 5.~0~ of The Mount Prospect Municipal Code which deletes the Village Manager as Delete Village Secretary of the Plan Commission and to permit that body To organize as Mgr. as Secy. deemed necessary under Village and State laws. Trustee Bergen requested Plan Comm. this' ordinance be scheduled for a seconded reading on January 4, 19B5. 'Trustee Bergen read Judiciary Committee Report on Case 65-29 - William G. Kleiner, Agent for National Bank of Austin, Trustee. Request is for ap- proval of plan of develop~nT in a residential planned development district Trendel now zone~ R-~ at 3012-14-20 Busse Rd. immediately south of Tally-Ho Courts. 3012-14-20 Zoning Board recommended approval of plan of development and issuance of a Busse Rd. Special Use permit for 2 indoor swimming pools included as part of plan, subject ~o the following conditions: Planned Deve 1. Change the 12 foot 2-way lanes a~ the north and at the south Swimming Poo end of the development To a mini~mwidth of 20 feet. December 20, 1965 2. The West end of the above lanes terminate each in a cul-de-sac of Trendel unknown r~dius. The said radius is to be a minimum of 50 feet or as (Contd.) formally approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. Th~s for~aal approval'is to be filed with the Architectural Commission. 3. The planned pool at the far west end of the property is to serve as a flood water retention basin. ~. Since the entrances to the covered parking areas make no provision for vehicles to turn around, s cul-de-sac of 25 foot radius (minimum) is to be provided. 5. Busse Road is to be dedicated to the full 50 feet measured from the center line of Busse Road. T~is dedication is To apply~to the entire Busse Road frontage. 6. Curb and gutter and sidewalks as required by Mount Prospect or the County of Cook is to be provided. This is a new plan of developmen~ providing less apartment units than originally specified when zoning to R-~ was granted. Underground parking would be provided. ~resident Congreve cha~ged the M~aager and Building Department to Encl. publlcinvestiga~e whether the Millage Building ~epartment has regulations parkln~ governing enclosed public parking. Trustee Bergen, seconded by Trustee Teichert, moved that the Board ap- prove~'~he planned d~velopment of-p~operty at3~12-301~-SO~8~B~sse~Rd., Approval of subject ~o-the si~conditions cited by the Zoning Board of Appeals in Planned Der.their report on this case, and that the ~la~ submitted be mmrked "Exhibit Busse Rd. A"'and sai~ approval be authenticated.~by the Village President and Village Clerk, and that confirma~io- be further evidenced by the P~titioner sign- ing "Exhibit A". Upon~,rol~ ca~l: Ayes: Bergen.-.~Bruhl~eolfer Ekren GrittaRi~-~Teichert -- Mo~ion carried. Trustee-Be~gen~ seconded by Trustee Te~cher~, moved that the Village Spec. Use Attorney, be directed to prepare an ordinance for Special Use asa,required pool in this development. Upon.,rolt call: Ayes: Bergen ~B~uht (~olfer Ekren Grittani Teichert Moiion carried. PUBLIC WORKS~ COMMITTEE - Trustee-~olfer Trustee Colfer read for first, reading an ordinance providing'for~a 32' street minimum~of~S2 ft. for s~ree= widths and the-~itlage Clerk was instruc- widths ted to schedule a public hearing before the Plan Commission, upon mo~ion of Trustee Colfer, seconded.by Trustee Teichert, Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Collar Ekren Grittani Teichert Motion carried. ~.~. Storm drsin-OTHERBUSINESS age 900 bl.The storm water drainage has been installed ~n the 900 block of S©uth S. Louis Louis, The-Department of Public, Works.will resod the ditches~nexT Spring, At'the Board~Meeting of October 26. 1985 the Police and Fire Corm~ittee Fire g Poi. recormnended that for a.trial.period no parking would be permitted on Comm. no the eastside of Maple between Northwest Highway and Busse during the park Maple hours of 8~00 A.M. To Noon (except.Sundays) and that the Village E between Manager and Police Chief observe the.situation and report theirobserva- NW Hwy. g tions~to this Board. ~Th~ "no parking" has been a great improvement in Busse the flow of traffic. The Poliae Chief and the Acting Village Manager recommended these "no parking"signs ~e ~la~e permanent. Trustee Teichert moved, seconded by Trus~eecGrittant. zo direct the attorney to draft an ordinance making the "no parking" permanent. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen -Bruhl ~olfer Ekren Grittani Teichert Mo~ion carried. December 20, 196~ The following change to the Building Code was r~-f6rred To the Building Committee for consideration: BOCA Paragraph 2.1 (a) of Chapter I of the Mount Prospect Building Code adopts the 1960 Edition of the Basic Building Code, recommended by the Building OFFicials Conference of America. This paragraph should be amended to adopt the latest Edition of the Basic Building Code. It will not be necessary to revise our ordinances each time the Basic Code is updated by adopting the latest edition. The Following change To the subdivision Regulations was referred to the Public Works Uommittee For consideration: The present subdivision regulation permits subdividers to Sidewalks - Min. install four (4) feet wide sidewalks and Four (~) inches width 6 thicknes: thick. It would he desirable to have the si~walks five ($) Feet wide, the width of mus~ of the sidewalks in the Village, Section 8 of Arti'cleIt of the Village Plan shou~x~ be amended to make all sidewalks in, the ?il~age a minimum width of five (5) feet and a minimum thickness of five (5) inches. At driveways the sidewalks should have a minimum thickness ,of six (6) inches. Ordinance No, 1117 places the Regulation of Fire lanes in Sectlon 2~.~10. Since there is-already a Section 2~,~10~ one or the other section should be renumbered. Trustee Teichert. seconded by Trustee Bergen. moved Fire lanes Section number assigned to the amendment to the Mount Prospect Municipal Code of 1957 effected by Ordinance No. 1117~ adopted December 7, 1965. be amended sot-hat it shall hereafter be renumbered Section Upon roll call:~ Ayes: Bergen Bruhl ,Co~fer Ekren Grittani Teichert Motion carried,.,~ Trsutee,Teichert gave first reading of. an~ordinanoe providing for~traffic Traffic violat: violation citations and fines and theCterk was ~irected to place,onthe Citations Agenda for the-meeting January 4. 1966 for~second reading. Trustee Teichert, seconded by Trustee Bergen. moved to take from table- proposed0rdinance #1120 REQUIRING REGISTRATION OF OPERATORS OF-TAXICABS. Registration o~ Taxi drivers Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Colfer Ekren Grittani~Teichert Motion car~d. Trustee Bergen read the following amendments To Ordinance No. 1120: *~' Ord. 1120 (d) Uponrecmi~t of an ~hO1Acation for registration pursuant to this Section 15.1918, the Chief of Police of the ~llage shall make, or cause to he made by,some person designated by him, an investigation into~the~ character and reputation of the applicant for such registration card. No such registration card shall he issued ~o any person who has been con- victed of a~ felony or who shall otherwisem be determined by the~Chief of Police mo boa person who is no~ of good~mo~al character. In determining whether an applicant is of good moral character the Chief of Police shall take into consideration: (1)Whether the applicant has been convicted of any crime or misdemeanor opposed todeoency and morality; (2) Whether the applicant has been convicted of any crime or misdemeanor involving a breach of the pea~e or an offense ~ , against the person or property of another; ($) Whether the applicant has been convicted of a violation of any Federal or State lawconcerning possession or sale of alcoholic beverages or narcotics; December 20, 196~ (~) Whether the applicant has been convicted of a viola- Registration of t?~ tion of any Federal or State law prohibiting gambling taxi drivers or wagering, or the possession of records with respect to the same; (5)Whether the applicant has an arrest record and the nature and extent of the same; (6) Whether the applicant has.been declared to be a sex- ually dangerous person pursuant to Section lO5.01 through 105.12 of Chapter $8 of the Illinois Revised Statutes; __ (7)Whether the applicant is of good character and reput- ation in the community in which he resides. An appeal may be taken to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village by any person aggrieved by the decision of determination of the Chief of Police on an application for registration pursuant to this Section 15.1glS. After reading the above amendment to Paragraph (d) of the proposed taxicab ordinance Trustee Bergen moved, Trustee ~olfer se¢o~lded~ the above wording be inserted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruht ~lfer Ekren Grittani Teichert ~otion carried. Trustee Bergen read the.following amendment toSection 15,1918. Reg- istration of Operators of Taxicabs. (a) No person shall operate a hack, taxicab or public passenger vehicle for hire, for which a license is required by Section 15.1901, other than a person operating a bus on a fixed route, without first having applied for and secured a registration card~ as herein provided. It shall be ~nlawful for any person to operate a hack, taxecab or pub- lic passenger vehicle for hire, other than a bbs operated on a fixed -- route~ unless such person has in his possession a registration card as herein required. TrusteeBergen, seconded by-Trustee Teichert, moved the amendment to Ordinance No. 1120 be inserted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruht Colfer Ekren GPittani Teichert Motion carried. Trustee Berge~seconded by Trustee Teichert, moved for passage, ap- proval~and publication in pamphlet form of Ordinance No. ll~O.- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MOUNT PROSPF~T MUNICIPAL CODE ~0 REQUIRE THE REGISTRATION OF OPERATORS OF TAXICABS. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Colfer Ekren Grittani Teichert Motion. carried. Res. 1965 Trustee Teichert read Resolutio~ ~1965 re Library purchase of prop- Library purchas~rty' WHEREAS, The Board of Library Directors of the Village of Mount Pros- pect have determined that Mount Prospect ~b~!ccLibrary is in need of anadditional site for the existing library building and to pro- vide space for future expansion of the library building, and -- WHEREAS, the property hereinafter more fully described w~rov~de the Mount Prospect with additional necessary land and with asite for possible future expansion of the library building, and December 20, 196g HEREAS, the Board of Library Directors of the Village of Mount Prospect desires to purchase the said property pursuant to a contract for warranty deed at 3-1/2 per cent interest payable over a term of no more than five Library years; Resolution NOW, THEREFORE,[BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF LIBRARY DIRECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS: S~CTION ONE: That the Board of Library Directors of the Village of Mount Prospect purchase the following described proper~y: Lot 9 in Block ~ in Busse~and Wille's Resubdivision in Mount Prospect in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township ~1 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in'(~ook County, Illinois. SECTION TWO: That upon the conveyance of the aforesaid property in trust to a corporate =rustee. the Board of Library Directors of the Village of Mount Progpect execute a contract with said corporate trustee to purchase said property for a consideration of: (1) $1,000 in cash at the time of the executioncof contract$ and (2) $3~,000 in ~ash within ten (10~}days after the Seller shall have delivered to Purchaser the Certificate of Title as provided (see page 2 of Contract), and the balance of $17,500.00 at a rate of $3,500.00 per annum, commencing.on September 1, 1965, with interest at 3-1/2 per cent per annum, subject ct the right of the Board of Library Directors of the Village of Mount Prospect to accelerate the said annual payments in whole or in part without payment of any penalty. SECTlgN THREE: Tha~ the President of the Board of Library Directors of the Village of Mount Prospect .be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to execute a contract for a warranty deed for the above-des- cribed proper~y insubstantially the form and containin~ the te~ms and conditions contained in Exhibit Arc this Resolution, which Exhibit A is made a part of this Resolution by this reference, prov~de~that such contract may contain terms requiring the Board of Library Directors to keep the property insured and permitting~the Vendor, or itsassiEnees, or successors-in-interest, to assign the contract. SECTION FOUR: That this Resolution shall be transmitted to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect for~zh~ir review andapprovat. SECTION FIVE: Th~A ~esolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Board of 5ibraFy Directors of the Village of Mount Prospect and the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village in the manner provided by law. AYES: GARNER, FRIDAY, SULLIVAN, KIRCHHOFF~ CLARK, KESTER. NAYS: NONE. PASSED this-8th day of December, 1955 APPROVED this 8th day of December, 1955 MARY GARDNER PFesident ATTEST: EMILY KIRCHHOFF Secretary Trustee Telchert moved to amend the rules to allow an ordinance to be voted on for passage this night. Trustee Collar seconded. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruht Collar Ekren Grittani Teichert Motion carried, Dece,ber 20, 196~ rd. 1121 Trustee Teichert read'ORDINANCE (Repealed 1/18/66) Library AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A RESOLUTION OF LIBRARY DIRECTORS FOR PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE Trustee Grittani stated he had always felt that the purchase prJ~ze was on the high s~de but wished ~o defer ~o ~he judgment of the Library Board in this matZer. Trustee Teichert, seconded by Trustee Colfer, moved to amend the ordinance to $16,000.00~stead of $17,500.00 and re~omding "and with" ~o "as". Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen 'Bruhl Colfer Ekren Grittani Teicher~ Motion carried. Trustee Teichert moved for passage and approval of Ordinance #1121 as amended. T~rustee Colfer seconded. Upon roll cell: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Colfer Ekren Grittani Teichert Motion carried. Chicago Title and Trmstris zo be Corporate holder of title. CHRISTMMS GREETINGS Extended ~o all Village employees by the President and Board of Trustees. ADJOURNMENT Trustee ~elfer, seconded by Trustee Teiehert, moved the meeting be adjourned. Time: 9:55 P.M. Unanimous. Richa~'d H. Monroe, Clerk' December 20, 196~