HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/06/1965 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD APRIL 6~ 1965 . . President Schlave~ opened the meeting at 8:07 P.M. and asked the Girl Scout T~oop to presen~ the colors. After presentation of the colors, the Clerk called roll call the roll, with the following members present: Bergen Busse Casterline Ekren T~ustee Bruhl arrived at 8:15 P.M. Trustee Phillips was absent. Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Ekren, minutes moved for approval of the minutes of March 16th as corrected. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Casterline Ekren Pass: Busse Absent: B~uhl Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Ek~en, moved for the approval of the followir~ bills: bills General $ 82,873.72 Motor Fuel Tax $ 3,~28.61 Parking System Public Works Revenue 900.~4 Bldg. 196~ 16,627.65 Library 4,766.78 Fire Station Waterworks & Constr. 1964 ~,459.25 Sewerage 20,270.89 Fire Equipment Waterworks & 196~ 5,197.58 Sewerage Bond & $28,713.09 I~terest 6~,081.25 Waterworks & Sewerage Dept. Impr. & F~t. 29,312.43 Waterworks & Sewerage Acquis. ~ Const~. 298.70 $202,50~.21 Trustee Br~zhl, seconded by T~ustee Castemline, moved Inusra~ce to open bids for Village insurance, which in this case will cover Workmen's Compensation, Comprehensive General Liability, Auto Liability, bonds, fi~e and marine for equipment not yet covered, sales tax interruption, etc. This motion caz~ied by acclamation, and =he bids were opened from the following fi~ms: National Insurers Service Co. (Hartford Ins. Co.) F~ed S. James & Co. (Westchester Fire Ins. Co.) Rollins, Burdick, Hunter [Westchester Fire Ins. Co.) Whitcomb & Associates, Lombard (Firemen's Ins. Co. of Newark) Employees Mutual of Wausau; L. W. Lentzner, Sales Repr. Beisler Ins. A~ency, Arling=on Hts. (Continental Ins. Co.) Griffith Ins. Agency, A~i. Hts. (General Ins. Co. of America) Joyoe Ins. Co., Chgo (General Ins. Co. of America - bonds only) Alexander 7 Co. (Home Ins. Co.) B. C. Boege Ins. Co. & Assoc., Inc., Bellwood (Pacific Indemnity) Apmil 6, 1965 T~ustee B~uhl, seconded by Trustee Ek~en, moved k that these bids are to be refezm~ed to the Citizens Insurance Committee and Finance DiPector for study and reco~mendation; ig. mediately after their ~ecommendations have been given that these bids ~ith ~ecommendations be placed with the Village Clerk prior to Board action. Upon rqll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion ~arried. fence Trustee Cas'terline, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that Mrs. Grace Winkelhake of 812 South Wego be allowed to erect fence on her north lot line, 18 feet long, 6 feet high, with no ~equi~ement of signatume from adjoining neighbor. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion carried. P~esident Schlaver called upon the Building Committee to make fence recomendations for amendment to the fence ordinance to allow for patio fences and screens with regulation for placement of outside air conditions, before the outdoor season starts. Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved Weller Creek that the Village Attorney be directed to draw up legal docu- Dis~annexation ments effecting ~isannexation of Mount Prospect areas frc~ proceedings the Weller Creek~Drainage District. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekz~n Absent: Phillips Motion carried. Trus=ee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Ekren~ moved that Weller Creek the Village start an injuncti°n a~ainst the Village of Arling- =on Heights requiring them =o =ease pollution of Weller Creek. Attorney Hofert advised a more careful approach to the problem a= this ~ime~ whereupon Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trus- =es Bergen, moved to table the foregoing motion. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Busse Casterline Nays: .Br~hl Ek~en Motion carried. Weller Creek Trustee Bruhl then moved, seconded by Trustee Ekren, that the dumping Village Attorney be authorized =o investigate the possibility of an injunction against Arltng=on Heights to stop dumping of April 6, lo65 ew~/ge'into Welle= Creek. Upon moll call:. Ayes: Bergen Busse Caste~ine B~uhl Ek~en Absent: Phillips Motion ca~ied. P~esident Schlave~ mefe~ed to the Village Attorney garbage ordi- the question of o~dinance amendment fo~ licensin~ of mesiden- nance ~ial scavengers. ~ustee E~en ~ead the followin~ mepo~t and m~o ZoninE Case f~ ~he ZoninE B~md: 65-6 Kellen ZONING CASE 65-6, he~d Ma~ch 26, 1965 Pe%i~ionem: Jacob and Helen Kellen A~o~ey: Dudley Sullivan of'~wlo~ & Sullivan This was a ~equest =o gms= a v~iation so as pe~i~ cem~ain pmopem~y at ~he nomtheas~ co~n~ of Go~ Road and William S~ee~, con~ingen~ upon annexation, ~o continue conduc~in~ ~he follow~g uses the~e~: (1) Wholesale G~eenh~se (2) Retail G~enhouse (3) ~den Supply S~e The ~eques= =o ~an% the o~dinance v~ia~ion continue the pnesen~ opema~ions was approved by the B~d of Appeals with a 6-0 vote. Wi~h respec= ~o =he petitioners' ~eques~ ~o pmoceed wi~h =he cons~uo~ion of a new buildin~ =o house his p~esen~ ~den supply business,, the~e was only a 5-1 ~f~a~ive vo=e. Theme weme no objec~o~s~ p~esent. Three neighbors spoke favorably fo~ the pe%i~onems' meques~ed vam~tion. E~ene F..Ma~in~ Cha~ Philip T. Li~e~=, Ac~i~ Soy. Zonin~ Board of Appeals ~EMO~NDUM: CASE 65-6, Kellen IT appeams ~ha~ %his ~eenhouse p~ope~y a% the com- ne~ of Golf R~d and Willi~ St. is a pa~ of various ~cels %o~be invol~=a~ily annexed to ~heVi~laEe and ~hus ~he peti- ~ioae~s have ~equested ~his legal vamiation~ contin~en~ upon aanexa=ion~ =o continue the p~esenz wholesale and ~tail ~een- h~se business, as well as a ~a~den supply s~ome ~ype of busi- The p~ope~=y consists of about 3 acmes with t~ee p~esen~ E~eenhouse buildings and a h~=inE pl~ as well a ~esidence fo~ one son. Theme is a $100~000 inves~en~ on the p~ope~=y ~d the business conducted by The t~ee sons of petitioners. The~e a~e R-1 ~eas ~o the eas~, wes= ~d of =he p~ope~=y altkouEh t~= which adjoins to the no~h is o~ed by the Dis%~ic~ 57 School Board an~ is ~acant. The p~esen~ pmopem~y was ~pmoved in 1950~ when all of ~he s~moundiu~ a~ea was fa~land. In ~he ~st 8-10 yea~s =here has been ~he ;~adual sum~o~din~ of ~heim~pmope~%y with homes. However, ~he~e were =~ee nei;hbo~s and a meal estate April 6, 1965 bmoker that testified theme has been no appament lessening in value of the adjoining pmoperty because of the green2 house opemations and that they ha~e no objections to the continuance of the Kellen opePations, even though theme will be mome emphasis on :the metall business. ,~1 All of the Board of Appeals members present I agreedthatl the petitioners be permitted to continue with ~ rheim pmesenttype of opemations undeP a vamiation. However, with mespect to the petitioner's mequest to pmoceed with the construction of a new building to house his gamden supply business, theme weme membePs whofelt the~e should be no fumther building on the pmemises because of the R-1 ehaPactem of the amea, and that the building plan contract had not been signed and could be pPevented. Those members appmoving the vamiation in usage and the gmantin~ of the right to proceed with the planned building did so only on the basis of theme being this one mequested building descmibed in the testimony to be approximately S5' x 105' and provided: (1) That such building be completed in one yea~ fmom date of variation grant, (2). thatsuch buildin~ be located as stated in the testimony (bein~ at least 100' hack fPom the nomth edge of Golf P~.) and (3) That theme be compliance at such time in meeting the requested 25% pamking area fop business classification mequimements, as well as compliance with amea, setback, om bulk mequlrements, etc. which may be mequimed under the R-1 zoning classification. Eugene F. MaPtin, Chaiz~aan Philip T, Liggett~ Acting Sec'y ~-~ ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ' The foregoing zoning case was Pefemred tothe Judiciary Com- mittee for study and mecommendation.. Zoning Case T~uste~ Ek~en mead the following report f~om the 65-7 Zoning Boaxxl me Zoning Case 65-7: ~ CASE 65-7, heamd March 26, 1965. · Omdinance melating to the jurisdiction of the Boamd of Appeals in cases concemned with vamiations of Zoning O~dinance. This ordinance pmovides fop amendment to the present zoning ordinance of the Village of Mount Pmospect to specifi- cally point out that the sole authority in cases wheme pmactlcal haPdship is establishe~by Zhe petitioner shall mest with the Zoning Board of Appeals, pmovided the petitioned vamiation is not rom a~use and that it does not exceed 25% of the omdinance requiPement. It was explained by Mm. MaPtin tha~ this new or- dinance would clamify and make oePtain that which we had been doing fop some years. Theme wePe no questions om comments fmom anyonein the hearing audience. The BoaPd of Appeals voted 6-0 to appPove the omdi- Eugene Fy Martin,~ Chairman 3 Philip T. Liggett, Acting Sec'y ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TPustee Ekmen, seconded by Tnustee Castertine, moved to concur with the mecommendation of the Zoning Board and to request the Village Attomney toprepaPe the necessamy omdinance. April 6, 1965 Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved Res. 8-65 for the adoption of Resolution 8-65: County Zoning sign OBJECTING TO A REQUEST FOR ~ VARIATION BEFORE THE COOK COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, DOCKET #87~RELATING TO REQUESTED SIGN NEAR RAND AND ELMHURST ROADS. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent; Phillips Motion ca~ied. This refers to proposed erection of a Firestone P~Abber Com- pany sign to be erected 2 feet from the edge of the road and 30 feet high. Mr. C. Moser, owner of Scott's Drive In Restaurant, Traffic advised the Board that he is concerned over the traffic prob- lem around his establishment and asked for relief, as he pected it to get worse wi%h the springtime weather. Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Tr~stee Busse, moved that Village Attorney Hofert be instructed to draw up ordin~ce e~tablishing a one- way pattern on North Albert and Serafine Drive. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busee Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion carried. Attorney Hofert later returned with this ordinance prepared, Ord.10~q and T~ustee Busse, seconded bY Trustee Bruhl, moved for the Traffic passage of Ord. 10~4: 1-way PROVIDING FOR ONE-WAY TRAFFIC ON ALBERT STREET NORTH FROM CENTRAL TO HENRY, AND WESTBOUND ON SERAFINE DRIVE. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ek~en Absent: Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Ekren, seconded by ~us~ee Busse, moved to Well confix~m order of the Village Mana~ar for repair of roof at Well #~ on Waverly to the Nagle Roofing Company in the amount of $1,529.00 Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion carried. April 6, 1965 Traffic - stop g go lights Trustee Casterline~ seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved that the Village Manager be authorized to receive bids for installation of traffic signals at Gregory and Main Streets; these bids to he publicly opened at 2:00 P.M., A~mil 20th. This motion carried by acclamation. County Zoning Village Manager Applehy read County Zoning Dockets . 869, 870, 871, 872 and 873, ~o~be heard on April 2Grd. The petitioner in all cases~ iS Western' National ~Bank of Cicero, Trustee under Trust #3311, Robert E. Haskins, proposing a use of General Office Buildir~ multi-family dwellings and model homes in an area"o~thenorth ~ide Of Foundry Road west of Wolf, south side of Euclid~west of W01f and on Wolf Road south of Euclid. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee-Bruhl, moved to direct the Village Attorney to appear in opposition to all of the above requests. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Castertine Ekren M~tion carried. Court Case Attorney Hofert informed the Board that the Village 65-L-9036 was being sued by Sal Di Mucci (Case 65-L-9036) in the Kenilworth Avenue area, re denial of~ R-~ zoning by the Village. Kenilworth Ave. Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved __ paving to direct the firm of Consoer, Townsend & Associates to pre- pare plans,' etc. for the improvement of the west side of Kenilworth Avenue between'Central Road and Thayer under special -- assessment and also to prepare plans and specifications for rehabilitation of the east side of the same s~reet under MFT projecT, the street width to correspond with that of the other streets in the area. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Nays: None Absent: Phillips Motion carried. Res. 9-65 Trustee Busse, seconded by Trustee Ek~en, moved for the adoption of Res. 9-65: FHA sewers RESOLUTION REQUESTING T~E HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR TO TERMINATE AGREEMENT DATED MARCH 8, 1947, REGARDING PROJECT #ILL-ii-P-220, 'VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, STORM RELIEF SEWERS INCLUDING THE _-- WELLER CREEK INTERCEPTING SEWERS - MAIN STREET AND ELMHURST ROAD RELIEF SEWER - SCHOOL STREET Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips Motion carried. April 6, 1965 T~ustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved Elections to accept list of election judges presented by Clerk Ruth Wilson for the April 20 election. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent:. Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Busse, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved Fire Sra. #2 to approve Change Order #7, Fix~e Station #2. Change Order Prom Robert C. Swanson, A~chitect, to John Lindstrom, Inc., Under your contract, we are authorized by the Owner to here- by direct you, subject to the provisions of the above-named contract, to o~der the following changes therein and to add to the contract the sum of $682.00. 1. Additional blacktop area ~equested (Approx.155 sq. at the SE corner of building- includin~ additional excavat- ing, stone sub-base and asphalt top $770.00 2. Credit for omission'of-wire duct in basement. $78.00 Additional electrical con- duit ordered by Chief Habsrkamp for another alarm bell outlet at ceil- ing on east wall of appara- tus room. 22.00 $56.00 3. Credit for o~ssion of floor waxing 32.00 Total Credits 88.00 Total change orde~ request Add $682.00 Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Absent: Phillips . Motion carried. Reference was made to letter of February 24th from Water Works · Consoer, Townsend & Associatessigned by Amthu~ H. Lewis ~ecom- Div. E mending approval of Change Order #$, acceptance of workand Change Order 3 final payment for contract for Work, Div. E of Water Program. This includes temporary roof work for temporary connection at Well #~; additional excavation and sand fill, 16 cu. yd. of black dirt, electrical and pl~nbin~ work. April 6, 1965 T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved that Contract Supplement #3~ Water Improvements Division E, be accepted. Upon roll call:. Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse Casterline Ek~en AbSent: Phillips Motion ca~ied.. Midway Constr. Co. T~ustee B~uhl~ seconded by Tmustee Castemline, moved contmact womk that the contract work of Midway Construction Co. be accepted by the Village as mecommended by the Engineers. Upon moll call: Ayes: Bemgen B~uhl Busse Casterline Ekmen ~bsent: Phillips Motion carried. Tmustee B~uhl,.seconded by ~us~ee Busse, moved ~ha~ Midway ConsT~c~ion g Engineeming Co. be paid ~he s~ of $10,891.28 as final pa~en~ of ~he con~mac~. This is $11~109.81 less $218.53 e~gineeming fees as au~homized undem Div. E, con~ac~, Sec. 2-B~ ~ge 100-t5, I%~ 9. Upon ~11 call: Ayes: Be~en Bmuhl Busse Caste~line g~en Absent: Phillips ~otion c~ied. Zonin~ Case ~ustee Ek~n, seconded by ~ustee B~&en, moved 65-5 to concu~ in the ~eoo~en~tiom of the B~d of Appeals Case 65-5, ~equest fop special amus~ent use (m~el ca~s and ~ace~y) and.to deny th~s petition (see minutes of 16th). ~ustee Ekmen also pointed out that The te~s of the ~usement'o~inance would make this 0Pe~ation impPactical. .Upon moll call: Ayes:. Be~Een B~uhl Busse Castemline E~en Absent: Phillips Motion ca~ied. O~d. 10~5 T~ustee Ekmen, seconded by ~ustee Busse~ moved Repeal set votin~ fo~ passaEe of O~d. 10%5: pPecincts ~PEALING SEC. 8.507 VOTING P~CINCTS IN THE ~NICIPAL CODE OF THE VIL~GE OF ~OUNT PROSPECT This ~epeals p~evious ~equ~emen~ fo~ three voting p~ecinc~s, in conflic~ wi~h p~esen~ o~dinance allowin& eleven. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~en B~hl Busse Cas~emline E~en Absent: Phillips Mo=ion ca~i~d. April 6,1965 djournment by acclamation at 10:06 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ruth C. Wilson, Cl~k April 6, 1965