OCTOBER 3~ 1967
President Congreve called the meeting to order at 8:05P.M. Call to
Trustee Rogers gave the invocation. Invocat~o
~--~upon roll call: President Congrev$, Trustees Grittani, Kilroy,
Lewis, Rogers, and Teichert
Corrections: Sept. 19, 1967 - last page, regarding widening of Lonnquist, Minutes
note that this item was charged to the Manager for report. Pg. B - change
paragraph to read: "Trustee Teichert meoved to prepare an amendment to the
building code and zoning ordinance to limit the building height for all
structures except single-family residence, including an express prohibition
to habitable living quarters below grade level." Pg.4 correct typo re
Ordinance #2026.
Sept. 5, 1967 pg. 2 show "Trustee Teichert prefaced his vote by stating
he was infavor of the increased sales tax but not in favor of the decreased
tax levy.
Trustee Colfer, seconded by Trustee Teichert, moved for approval of the
Minutes of September 19, 1967 as corrected.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Colfer Grittani Kilroy Lewis Rogers Teichert
Motion carried.
TruStee Colfer, seconded by Trustee Teichert, moved the minutes be approved
as submitted.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Colfer Grittani Kilroy Teichert
Pass: Lewis, Rogers
Motion carried.
General 29,764.23 B~lls
Parking System Revenue 898.34
Motor Fuel Tax 28,279.88
Fire Equipment Fund - 1964 125.00
Watez~orks & Sewerage Depr. Imp. & Ext. 3,615.40
Waterworks & Sewerage Fund 10~55.55
Trustee Col£er, seconded by Trustee Grittani, moved the above bills be
approved as submitted.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Rogers Teichert Colfer Grittani Eilroy Lewis
Motion carried.
President Congreve proclaimed Lions Candy Day October 6th and commended Lions Candy
that organization for their work with the blind. Day
President Congreve proclaimed Fire Prevention Week October 8 - 15th. Fire Preven-
tion wee~
Attorney William Moore representing Robert A. Nelson Realty, presented ~e/sc~ Signs
sketches of a proposed brick entrance to the Village of Mount Prospect at on So~f ~ 83
Golf and Rte. 83. He requested consideration of the placement of one Both sides o:
entrance wall on Village property with '~elcome to Mount Prospect" and on Rt 83
the Nelson Property an advertising sign for Robert Nelson, Realtors. These
would be erected and mintained by the realtor. Referred to the Board of
October 3, 1967
Building Trustee Teiche~ ~ first ~adi~ 0f ~ °~ce ~end~g buildi~ heist.
Height Ce~ ~visions were s~ested ~d wo~d be ~co~orated ~ the o~ce
Ord. i st to be placed on the ne~ ~da for a sec~d readi~.
~stee ~iche~, seco~ed by ~st~ Roars, ~d to w~ve the ~!es
~q~r~g two ~a~ of ~ce ~2030:
Upon ~ll call: ~es: Roars Teiche~ Colfer Gritt~i Killy ~wis
Moti~ c~ied.
0rd 2080
Sings ~ ~stee Teiche~ ~ad ~ce ~2030:
~ ~0~4~ ~I~ S~ON 9.303 OF ~ ~ PROSPE~
~tee Teller, seconded by ~stee Roars, ~ved for pas~ ~d ~p~v~
of O~ce ~2030.
Upon ~ll call: ~es: Ro~ Teiche~ Colfer Gritt~i Killy ~s
~ti~ c~ied.
Mary Sun- ~stee Colfer ~quested M~'s S~sh~e ~ive-th~ D~f~ies be d~pped ~m
shine req. Co~ttee. ~is was a request for a beer lic~ for a p~posed bus.ess
for beer to have a beer license. ~e petitioner ~uest~ this item be ~th~
license ~ Co~ttee because the build~ at the location (Golden Po~t) on the
No~est ~way had b~ed d~. Approved.
~otations we~ received for ~ t~e vehicle lic~ses ~ follows:
Vehicle ~n Si~ Co.
license 16,500 ~ $.03800/ea $627.00
quotations ~work costs 30.00
St~d~ ~ster Co.
16,500~ $.03939/ea $6~9.9~
~e 1967 vehicle licenses we~ p~c~sed ~m ~d~ Si~ C0. ~d the
F~ce Director ~po~s~ the Vill~ has been satisfied with the p~duCt
~d se~ice. ~e quotation is $7.06 hi~er ~ tot~ th~ St~d~
Re~ster Co. ~e bud~t ~t set for this it~ is $800. ~e F~ce
Di~ctor ~d Acti~ Vill~ ~r ~c~nded the ~dLn Si~ Co. becau~
of the ~work, ~e~ St~d~ Re~ster Co. pro~s~ to copy a
~stee Colfer, seconded by ~stee ~l~y moved to conc~ ~ the
~c~n~tion ~d p~c~se ~m ~d~ Si~ Co. in the ~t of $657..
~er disc~sion, ~tee Teiche~ stat~ he felt it shoed be the policy
to t~e the l~est quotation.
Upon ~ll c~l: ~es: ~ Colfer Gritt~i Killy ~wis
Nays: Teiche~
Motion c~ied.
Ord. 20~1 ~st~ ~wis ~ad for second ~ad~g ~ce NO. 2031:
~ 0~E~ G~EG A S~ ~UE V~ATION
~A~ AT 811 ~ M~.R~, ~ PROS~, I~EoIS
~stee ~is, seconded by ~tee Colfer, ~ved for pass~ ~d ~p~v~
of ~ce No. 2031.
Upon ~il call: ~es: Ro~ ~iche~ Colfer Gritt~i ~l~y ~wis
~ti~ c~ied,
October 3, 1967
Trustee Grittani reported on Anti-freeze sprinkler systems supplied by System Back-
public water connections. The purpose of this matter in Committee was
to investigate the problems that might arise from malfunctioning sprinkle~l°w
systems requiring anti-freeze solution~ whereby they could back up into
the mains and contaminate the water supply.
According to the National Fire Code Pa~0hlet 13, the anti-freeze system
does not present any problems if it conforms to the specifications of
their code and the proper ty~ of anti-freeze l~sused. Since the National
Safety Code is already in effect in Mount Prospect, the necessary safe-
guards are provided for in the building code. Control is exercised through
the review of all conmmrcial, industrial and multi-family building plans
by the Fire Department as well as other Village departments. The Comm-
ittee requested this matter be dropped. Approved.
MFT 27CS Frank Krebs, Acting Village Engineer, presented a drawing
for modernizing and updating the existing traffic control signals, incl-
uding new controller and coordination of all signals and interoc~nections
with the Chicago & Northwestern Railway tracks - Northwest Highway at
Central Road, in the amoumt of $30,000.
Trustee Rogers read Resolution #33-67
Trustee Rogers, seconded by Trustee Colfer, moved for passage and approval
of Resolution #33-67.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Rogers Teichert Colfer Grittani Kilroy Lewis
Motion carried.
Trustee Lewis read for second reading Ordinance #2032:
Trustee Lewis, seconded by T~mstee Colfer, moved for passage and approval
of Ordinance #3032.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Rogers Teichert Colfer Grittani Kilroy Lewis
Motion carried.
Emmy' s Red-
President Congreve charged to Finance Cormnittee a request from ~m~f's wood T~vern
Redwood Tavern for liquor license for study and report back to the Board. Liquor Lic.
Trustee Lewis moved to waive the rules requiring second reading of ord~nances~
Trustee Teichert seconded the motion. Unanimous.
Trustee Lewis then read Ordinance #2033: Or~ 2~,33
Ordinance #2033 ~ertains to annexation of San Souci Apartments and other
properties - Algonquin Road.
Trustee Lewis, seconded by Trustee Colfer, moved for passage and approval of
Ordinance #2033:
Upon roll call: Ayes: Rogers Telchert Colfer Grlttani Kilroy Lewis
Motion~ carried.
OCTOBER 3, 1967
Libr. Trustee Teichert, seconded by Trustee Grittani, moved the resolution re
resolution Library Board be brought from the table.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Grittani Teichert
Nays: Colfer Kilroy Lewis Rogers Congreve
Motion failed.
Drainage & President Congreve appointed E.~. Van Huisseling, 20~ E. Berkshire Lane,
Clean Streamers a member of the Drainange and Clean Streams Commission to fill a
appointment vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Don Norwick and requested
Van Huisseli~g)ard concurrence. ~Trustee Colfer, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved ~_~
to concur in the President's appointment.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Roger~ Teichert Colfer Grittani Kilrey Lewis
Motion carried.
Manager Trustee Rogers commended the Manager Selection Comittee for the work
selection involved in interviewing candidate~ for the position of Village Manager.
Comm. He moved, seconded by Trustee Lewis, to appoint Robert F. Moore as
Appoint Village Msnager of Mount Prospect.
R. F.. Moore
as manager Under discussion, Trustee Grittani read the following statement:
"Approximately 3 months ago upon resignation of the former Village
Manager, Mayor Congreve appointed a committee consisting of
Trustees Colfer, Lewis, and myself to perform the function of
selecting a replacement."
"Applications were solicited through the City Managers News Letter,
. . and out of 25 applications received, 2 proved to be very well
qualified. After much discussion i~ was decided to bring these two
men to Mount Prospect to be interviewed by the entire Board,"
"At this point it was the opinion of one committee member that it
would be a waste of the taxpayer's money to invite the men in for an
interview at Village expense, since he had already made up his
mind that Mr. Moore was the man for the position. Perhaps I was
deluded into thinking that the screening of qualified men was the
purpose of the conEittee."
"In spite of the odds, the candidates came to Mount Prospect on
Saturday, September 30, and were interviewed in the presence of
all Board members and the Mayor."
"Both candidated proved to be well qualified, but one of the two
was outstanding in every respect. He has approximately l0 years
experience in Municipal Administration and a degree in Public
Admiuistration. This, coupled with the fact that his inter~Jiew
indicated that he is a high caliber type individual with ambition
and a desire to get ahead, I thought made him an outstanding
"Generally the other Board me~bers agreed that this was also their
opinion and that the man is definitely a professional ad~_inistrator,
"But we knew what we have, so why gamble?"
"I might agree with this philosophy, all things being equal, or at
least comparable to a reasonable degree. I fiud it difficult,
however, to waive the above qualifications for three months
experience in an acting capacity."
"If the Mayor end four other Board members felt that all this
effort was unnecessary, then why was the conmdttee appointed in
the first place?"
"Two and a half years ago when we ca~oaigned for office, we
dedicated ourselves to the proposition that hhis town would be
rt_,~ in a businesslike manner. Sound business practice now seems to
have fallen by the wayside, and as in many campaigns, the citizens
of Mount Prospect Were taken in by an empty premise."
October 3, 1967
Discusslo~ o~
Appointment o~
R.F. Moore as
Following Trustee Grittani's statement, Trustee Teichert read another. Manager
"It is always difficult when frelendship and duty cc~e into conflict...
for an elected official it can be ~isastrous. A Dreach of duty in
the name of friendship is always forgiven but a breach of friendship is
never forgotten, regardless of duty."
"TSnight I will breach many friendships, for Bob Moore and I have
many mutual friends...and yet in good conscience I cannot vote for
his appointment as Village Manager. The reasons stated simply are that
he is not qualified either by education, experience, tel~ment or
past performence."
"Our village operates under a system wherein the manager is the admin-
istrative head of govermment. This Board is co~m~itted to filling this
top post with the most qualified person available. Many applicants
present college degrees in administration (even masters degrees), 5
to 20 years of municipal administrative experience, and additional
years of experience as municipal employees or in administrative posi-
tions of business."
"Mr, Moore offers us a mere 18 months as a mnnicipal lawyer and only
B months in any administrative position whatsoever. The minimum
requirements in education and experience set by this Board apparently
applied to all applicants except Bob Moore."
"The arguments given of offset Mr. Moore's obvious lack of education
and experience were:
"We all know BOb"
"He's likable"
"He understands our problems"
'~he department heads like him"
"He lives in Mount Prospect"
"He's done flue so far"
"He's familiar with our litigation"
"He may quit if he doesn"t get the Job"
"If these are to be assepted as q,,s1 ifications for our manager then
no one in these United States could be found acceptable over Bob Moore.
Enowing this, we have clearly put on a charade for the people of
Mount Prospect and perpetrated a fraud on the applicants we interviewed.
This waste of time and money should be note~ by the citizens of Mount
"On the basis of education and experience, Bob Moore could not apply to
any other municipality and expect to be ccasidered for the post of
manager. If he is not qualified for any other municipality, why is he
qualified for Mount Prospect? I doubt if any of our citizens expected
us to hire a trainee.., that certainly isn"t what we advertised."
"Without formal education in administration, and without any ac~rdnistra-
tive experience, Bob Moore can only operate and make decisions in
accordance with the practices he has witnessed in Mount Prospect. He
cannot be expected to offer us anything new or different in administrat-
ive procedures, since he has no training and his only background is what
he has lived through here. Such a situation is a~te warning that no
independent action will be forthcoming ~rom Mr. Moore. He has, in f~act,
already enunciated the principle that he will not exercise the powers
given to him by the State Statutes if the Boar~ disapproves...this may
offer J ob security between elections but it will do little to provide
a~ministrative leadership for our village."
"With no suitable education, no meaningJ~ul experience, and no desire to
act independently, it is difficult to envision what rel~ Mr, Moore will
fill as menager...and what he can contribute to our administrative
branch of governmsnt."
"Reference has been made to Bob Moore's past perforra~nce as a factor
October 3, 1967
re: Appointment
of R. F. Moore overconmffung his lack of education and experience. Since we
as Manager
are not now considering Bob for the post of attorneyj such
reference is irrelevant and needs no detailed conment at this time...
except to point out that legal training and legal~ back4~round has
no relationship to administrative ability. We should not now
debate whether Bob Moore has .or has not done a good Job as a
lawyer...it is sufficient to note that he came to us a year and a
half aw inexperienced, but with a stated purpose of beccming a
municipal law expert. He is still a long wa~ from being an expert,
and yet it appears that he is intent on a career change. If this
is so, he should assure the people of Mount Prospec~ that this is
no~ Just a tentoorary move on his part but that he act,,~lly intends
to stay in the field of municipal administration. Obviously, since
qualified applicants dedicated to municipal management as to
profession are being by-passed, it would be a gross injustice if this
were merely a convenient and temporary change 9f career plans."
"Finally, while I must ignore my fellow Trustees' request to make
the vote unanimous as a vote of confidence for Bob Moore, I do so
for the best interests of Bob himself. He watched over the harass-
ment and ultimate demise of his predecessor and it would be most
unfair if he were misled into believing that he is to be Lmmune frem
criticism. I cannot give Bob an assurance he does not merit and lead
him ~o believe that his shortcomings and mistakes w"!ll be glossed
"Bob Moore is,not qualified for. the post of village manager and I
must say so... my obligation to the people I represent demands an
honest vote."
Trustee Rogers stated he made a~ppledge in seeking election to do what would
be for the most benefit for Mount Prospect and after interviewing the
candidates for the position of Village Manager he feels unequivocally the
right thing is being do~e.
Trustee Lewis stated there have been statements made which have been
Judgmental in cha~acter and should have included the words "in my estimation",
reflecting the opinion of the readers of the statements. Robert Moore
has done a good job and will continue to do a good job in my estimation.
Particularly at this point in time it would be to the best interests of
Board and the citizeD~ of Mount Prospec~ to hire Robert Moore, who is
familiar with the many problems with which we are faced today. In studying
the applications during the Selection Cc~mmittee meetir~, two or three of
the candidates selected by Trustees Colfer, Grittani and Lewis were identi-
cal. After further consideration, Trustee Lewis voiced the opinion not to
bring the other c~ndidates in for interview.
Trustee Colfer agreed with Trustee Lewis' last statement, but added that
both acquiesced t~ the Chairman's opinion.
Upon roil call: Ayes: Colfer Kilroy Lewis Rogers Congrev~e
Nays: Teichert
Motion carried.
Trustee Colfer, seconded by 5k~ustee Rogers, moved the salary of~ the Village
Salary of M~lagerr be fixed at $14,000 per year.
new manager
Upon roll call: Ayes: Rogers Teichert Colfer Grittani Kilroy Lewis
Motion, carried.
of Mt. Pros President Congreve appointed the following three Trustees to the Arlington
pect g Afl Heights- Mount Prospect Committee: Trustees Rogers, Kilroy, Teichert.
intron Hts ' ·
Joint Comm. Trustee T~eighert read a statement recc~m~nding certain changes to the Village Plan because by passage of Ordinance No. 2011, enacted pursuant to a
Village referendum the enforcement of our laws and ordinances become the exclusive
Plan obligation and right of the Village Manager. Psrts of the Village Plan are
Changes in conflict. Also, Article II, Sec. 6 describing '%uinimun depth" should be
studies in !ight of ambiguity, and Trustee Teichert recommended a Plan
Con~nission study. He also requested consideration of~. Article II,sec.
re streets, curbs, sidewalks in subdivisions. Therefore, Trustee T~bhert
moved the Board request the Plan Co~mission to approve and recommend
appropriate changes to Article I, Section 6, of the Village Plan, as to
October 3, 1967
place said Section into conformity with the State statutes and Village Village Plan
ordinance $2011. Trustee Lewis seconded the motion. Unanimous. Changes
Trustee Teichert moved the Board request the Plan Conmission to approve and
reconmend appropriate changes to Article II, Section 6, of the Village
Plan so as to define lot depths in a clear and enforceable manner. Trustee
Lewis seconded the mOtion. Trustees Grittani, Kilroy, Lewis, Rogers, Teichert
voiced approval, but Trustee ~olfferrt opposed. Motion carried..
Trustee Teichart mOved that the Board request the Plan Co~nission to
approve and reconmmnd appropriate changes to Article II, Section 8, of
the Village Plan so as to establish curb and sidewalk standards based on
need on the conmunity and of benefit to the con~nunity. Trustee Grittani
seconded the motion. All voted in oposition to the motion, with the exception
of Trustee Teichert. Motion failed.
Case 67-22P Pre-annexation zoning hearing - Planned Development in Briarwood 67-22?
Subdivision. Plan Conmission reccmmends denial. Referred to Judiciary Conm. to Judicia
Case 67-21~ Public hearing on proposed fl?6~d plain ordinance. Plan Co~%. 67-21P to
recomnends approval. Referred to Judiciary Committee. Judiciary
3. School District 59 request for annexation of property located near
Pheasant Trail. Referred to Judiciary Committee.
Case 67-20P Petition of Board of Appeals to amend the zoning ordinance to 67-207 to
change hearing ni~at~ Plan Conmtission recommends approval. Referred to Judiciary
Judiciary Cor~nitt ee.
Cook County Zoning Docket $1251, property located on the south side of Docket
Algonquin Road, approzimately 125' east of the intersection of Busse Road
and Algonquin Road, request zoning change from M1 to B4 for restaurant with
entertainment. Hearing Elk Grove Village Hall 3:00 P.M. October 9, 1967.
Trustee Rogers, seconded by Trustee Colfer, moved to have a representative
at the hearing to report back to the Board. Unanimous.
Letter from William Rainey Harper College inviting Board to groundbreaking ~rpar Col
ceremonies for new cantous on Roselle and Algonquin Roads, Palatine, Oct. ground
8th at P~00P.M. breakin~
Trustee Lewis reported the Judiciary Committee had received notice that the
~%~tioner in Case 67,8P (Brickman Subdivision Plat) had requested defe~-~,~nt,
as had Dr. Marquette (Case 67-18A) and these items would be considered at the
neXt regular Judiciary Cormmittee meeting on November 3rd.
Bdilding Committee meeting scheduled for Wed. Oct 4th. This would be a
consideration of the Morrison Case.
Trustee Kilroy reported Oct. 9th the Fire and Police Cc~m. would consider
parking survey.
The meeting recessed at 10:t0P.M. for an executive session, and reconven~d executive
at 10 :~SP.M. session
Roll call: Present Colfer Grittani Kilroy Lewis Rogers Teichert Congreve
Trustee Rogers mOved the Village purchase the property at 114 S. Maple through Purchase
G.L. Busse for the price tendered and direct the Village Attorney to prepare of proper~
the proper doctrnents to constmmmte the transaction, and authorize the Presidentst !~.~ ~.
and Clerk to sign the necessary legal documents. Trustee T~ichert seconded M~la
the motion.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Lewis Rogers Teichert Congreve
Nays: Colfer Grittani Kilrey
Motion carried.
Trustee Teichert, seconded by Trustee Colfer, moved the meeting be adjourned
to Thtu~day, October 5, 1967 at 8:00 P.M. Unanimous. Time: 10;50 P.M.
RICHARD H. MONROE, Village Clerk
October 3, 1967