HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/1969 VB minutes PEC~UL~W M2~ET~ING OF ~ P~ESIDENT AND BOARD OF
Jul~ 15~ 19~9
~eside~t Teiohe~ calle~ the ~eetng to ~der at 8:05 P.
~stee Kilr~v ~ve the invocation.
~esent u~n roll,call: ~e~ ~st Killy Reiter Sode~ Telche~
~bsent: Lewis
APPRO~,r~L OF M~S OF JL~Y 1, 1969 PF~[K~AR ~ING
P~. 1 chafe word~g re J~e 2~, 1969 m~utes to ~ad: "Villa~e ~- apprl, of
~eer objectively review~ both syst~s and it appee~ed tc the Public ~es
Works Co~ittee that a forc~ ~a~ type would be ~ore feasible." P~. 1
J~e 17, 1969 m~utes, ch~ge wo~ng "It ~s ~uested the ~ldlnK
Comittee be char~ with ~view of ~ltiple ooeup~cy pe~Sts." ~stee
~st seconded by ~stee Kil~y, ~v~ the minutes of the re~l~ ~etin~
of July 1, 1969 be app~ved as ~ded.
Upon roll call: Ayes: ~e~ ~rst Kllroy Feiter Sode~
Motion c~ied.
~stee Killy, seconded by ~stee Sode~an, ~ved to t~sfer $29~.19
~m ~,~ate~orks ~d S~er~e Su~lus ~.cco~t to Waterworks and S~e~e
Depr~iation, I~rovement ~d Extension Accost for the follwofng:
Li~ S~ation $ 7.38 app~ of bills
Plaza ~ater Main Ext. 286.81
Up~ roll call: ~yes: ~e~ ~st Kilroy Feiter Sode~
Motion c~ied.
T~stee Kilroy, seconded by ~stee Reiter, ~.oved for approval of the follow-
~E. bills for paint:
General ~ 87,952.04
Parkin~ System Revenue h02.30
Motor ~el Tax 5~.4~$3.00
Fire Equip. Bldg. z Int. 1959 569.36
Water works & Sewerage Depr.
I~r. & E~. 294.19
Waterworks & Sewerage ~d 14 ~621.88
$158,28~ .77
~on ~oll call: Ayes: ~he~ ~st Kil~y Pelter Sode~n
Motion c~ried.
~stee Kilroy, second~ by ~ustee Reiter, ~v~ the ~.nsncial ~po~
for June, 1969 be accept~ subject to audit.
Upon ~11 call: Ayes: ~e~ ~rst Kilroy Reiter
Mction c~ied.
~tter receiv~ ~om %,~heeli~ Di~ond Jubilee Corp. advisin~ c~a~
of approximately 10 cars ,~11 visit Plaza Shoppin~ Center and P~ndhurst ~li~
to publicize h~eel~g's Di~ Jubilee on July 26th. ~ustee Eefter, Di~d
seconded by ~ustee ~rst, ~v~ the Board app~ve the reouest pro~d~ Jubil~
the Chief of Police Is contacted to supply the cara~n route ~d other
necessary ~Fo~atlon.
July 15, 1969
ef ~r. SalvsSore ....... ~,..; lcc~ requested nn answer w~th remsrd to hi.s petition
~zoning of PsPk }~ ne~ ~e ::~. wns advised th~s m~e+~ k~ul.~ ~ considered }-~ the
anenda oe ~ .... e ~ 1969.
velo~mert ntoro ~ tke ~e~' ~ ~> c~ ~ r F mo., part
:Case 69-3A Case No. xa_~,. ~'-~*~ ~ : ~'e t ~ ~t .~ e~:~ '~ "' - lot !0h:
deep and 25' ~'~-k:~ zon{,e' : _o.;, at 215 ~}.. Prosnect /ye. Tt WaS reco~'e~-
the u ~,, r/ ,,c . c ..... ~, ~,,x.~. cf tUe
Eoard Or A~pe~ls to ~r* ~'~'e Betatron end m~,'ste¢ ~ :~n~
.............. o( ..... ~ ~ seconded
?tuftee ]{f]rq~ o.,.o,:,e , ~u, uee Ne~ter~ moved to e . , o~lon o .~ 1
~ '~ 19,
Fetich carried ~
~propria~i~ustee ~{~ !roy $~e~en+~ the ~,n~onpi~4nn nrdinance and eut!~ned some
~ epee ..... ~ rnee,,~nm and ~Peve! expense ¢oP
· '-~Z~-V-. ~a ~ ,.,~ f~.. ~ :~.,,] ..... n raw ~anager, an increase !n
outside lena! costs, in the nai!dfnn n~ .... *~ n
.... ~m e_~t and increase %r the poss'~-
hilfty of additional ~nsrectors,, public bu!d!n~s add~t~ ~, c~ir~"~ re-
..., ~ r~ ~ ~'~m e~ ~. a~ 8Dpropr!--
Fl.acenent~ ~ ccn~.,t_o.%~ system~ ere, tn fha Police n ~. ·
at!on was made for 3 ¢~onl~lOrlal Per if need~, - ir the mire Dep~tnert,
~ .......... ~'~ ~s ~nn . the feasibility
.... uo., ~.ne %unic4pa! bt~ldir~ exranaion. After first read!nc of the ~ppro-
.~ ~o of - * . .... 1969,
o., e,x.,, the sN, ecis] neet~n~ ~o be meld ,lu~,~<.~q~
,~ ....... oo .....ce~ !~m:eP l~aense ~,n]~ ~er pen
Liquor ~"ne Pinsnace C .... ~++~e ~=~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ '~ lnterrat~cnal J~r~oris ~estslur~ts, ~lsz~r , teok~ ,
lice~e , a..~. ,. uoo( ~. ,, ~ _.,
applio~ts ,<~,¢,e o ~ ~;~,~ '~ '~- St~'~ ~' C,4~ ~*~ ~*, ?orh~e for CkaNces n
~'ustee Neiter reporte~ on f,onnqu[st Blvd. extension. Ne stated there
nc easy ¢cce, ote co~,z ,t,, and W~Xm~ ,TN. t{i~h School~ ~nd th~s ~s
' - ...... a ~ ch.,~: . ~e PTA reouested the a~ . consider
i~rotre~ent oPa kc!e street.232 feet in ]eR~h. o ~'n '
~c~ o.~ D~str!ct 59
explained ~', ~ e~a~c~al $ o~.~e~ to the Act!ns Vi!lame ~ ~
,,c~~ =~-'q ...... Fanacer. "it was ~v~ e~ ~ted that Shcool D!str~ct 59 P%'o~, one-third
~ ~ ~. u:e ~.~h,~se absorb t +~ ~e School District would
O. the ~o~t ant! ~h ~r~ ~. ,, o-
Board for nrvrovsl ~le ~r'e end nol~c~ Co~!-+~,~ reco~'e~ded ~v a vote oC 3..~
July 15, 1969
i~,prove~ent of Lonnquist Blvd. extension of the half street and Trustee Beiter
seconded by Trustee Wurst. ~oved to concur with the Fire and Police
Con~ittee for improvement of 232'. one-third of the cost to be borne
by School District 59 and two-thirds by the Village of Mount Prospect.
and School District 59 would be responsible for putting in Side,~mlkS
in the area at a total cost of $7.600.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Furst Kilroy Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
A report was :g~ven on proposed bridges over Weller Creek and the es-
timated costs of each. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee t~zrst, moved t~e
Board direct the Village Man.er to prepare the necessary resolutions report ca
for the allocation of~'~k' funds to be submitted to the State for bridges bridges
at School, Csndota and William~ Street. over
Weller Creel
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Reiter Sederman
Motion carried.
Trustee Relier reported the Fire and Police Committee, by a vote of
3-0 recommer~, designation of Candota, School and Willia~ Street as designation ol
arterial streets. ~ustee Reiter, seconded by ?urstee Soderman, moved argerial
to direct the Acting Manager to draft resolutions to desi~ate as
areterial streets Candota, Schoo~snd
Upon roll call: A~ves.' ~hern ~Wurst Kilroy Reiter Soder~an
Motion carried.
There was a r~uest for 22-hour no parking re~altions on Emerson Request ~'for
Street, at the western portion from Prospect Avenue to the Creek. It 2~-hour no
was the opinion of the Committee that while the request had a sound basis, parking
rather than entertain a parking restriction for one block it would be on Emerso~
best to refer the ~atter to the Safety Co~ission for appraisal.
Trustee Ahem reported that at the ~eeting July 8th the Judiciary Annexation
Cor~?ittee recor~nended annexation of property no~h of the C~ley pro- property N.
perry and the Acting Village Manager be directed to contact a surveyor to gf the
d~aw a plat of armexation of the tract less t~sn 60 acres ~_n size. Crumley prop.
~¥ustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee ~.oderman, moved to concur in the
recor~mendation of the Judiciary Co~ittee regardmn ~ annexstion of the above
Upon roll call: ;.jes: Ahern ~st Kilroy R~ter Soder~an
Motion carried.
Trustee Reiter 'proposed ar~nexation of property south of the Crt~mley
property and the portion no~th of Lincoln, west of Weller Creek. This
matter was charged to the Judiciary Com~Xttee.
Trustee Ahern read for first reading an ordinsnce annexing 13.63 acres
lying west of Weller Creek, East of Busse Rd. ~nd south of a line
777.56 feet south of the center line of Centu~al Rd. ~e Clerk ~ras
requested to place this matter on the neXt a~nda for final reading.
Case 69-17P: Petiticn by Pesche Florists to rezone fro~ ~X to B3 property Case
on the westerly edge of the Vill~.~e which had been commonly kno%.nn prior to 69-17~
annexation as 605 E. Golf Rd. ~rlir~ton Heirhts. Plsn Corr~_isSion voted 7-0
'to recommend approval of rezon~r~ contir~ent upon 1/2 street dedication of
any ri~ht-of-way which ~uld bound this property to the west and to the
south. The Judiciary Cora~ittee recommended by a vote of 3-0 that the
Village ad~in_stratmon petition the Board of Appeals on behalf of the
Village and Pesche's Wlorists for a variation for the operation of a
~eenhouse and nursery with ihcidental parking, in addition to an ex-
isting residentail building.
Trustee Ahem, s%conded by Trust*e Reiter, moved to concur with the
July 15. 1969
ezoning Jud~c~ ....... ~ ~ C~ittee and deny the rezoning ~,et_~t~on' ' for Pesche's ~.~orzst' .
petition for
Pesche's U~on roll call: ~,yes: ~hern ~rst Y!lro~,~ Reiter Sode~an
Notion carried.
T~stee ~,he~, ~econded by T~stae ~ode~an, ~oved t~e V~!ls~e a~n~strat~o~
petition t~e Boar~ of ~ppeals on behalf of Pesche's W]or~st smd the Vil!are
of Mount Prospect for variation for ~reehouse, nursery, incidental ~rkin~
~d a residential building.
T~stee ~eiter~ seconded by 7~stee KJ]roy, rove~, for deletion of Pesche~s
Florist in the shove pet[tJon.
Upon roll call on ~endment: ~yes Ahem ~rst K~Iroy P~eter Sode~an
Motion carried.
UDo~ ~'a~n rot~on: ~yes: Ahem =urst K~lroy ~e~ter Sode~a~
~btion ca~ied.
~ "H" Pi ~,~CCI S~DZ~SION
~e Judicia~ Copr~ttee reviewed the linen hut ~ade no reco~endat~on because
there were no buld~n?s spotteg on the ]~ner. ~ne ratter re~ains char~ to
~e 69-23P Case 69-23Y - Reouest to rezone 9 lots ~rom P-I to ~3 approximately 50'
north of Central ~d, smd 290' east or El~hu~st Avenue. The ?u~ic~a~] Co~ttee
by a vote of 3-0 reco~ends to the President ap~] ~oard o~ T~stees to concur
with the recomren~tfon of the Plan Corriss~on that the yetition be ~anted
contingent upon th~s property be~ng used for the co~st~ct~on of a post
office, prov~din~ the oorstruction thereof c~ences w~th~n 30 tooths.
~rustee Aher~, seconded hy Trastee Relter~ moved to concur ~n the
rencat~or of the Judic~s~,~ Co~ttee.
Upon ~'oI! c~l!: Ayes: 4hewn ~rst M~IrrN Pe~ter gode~gn
~,'otion carr~ ed.
Trustee Ahe~ read rot first ra~d?g an o~nance arend~n~ ~rp 6W of the
Vi!]~e of Hmmt Prospect Zo~inr ~nsrce (C~ze 6~2~P) rezo~i~ flror ~o-1
toP~ for a post cff~ce, An ~'~ ~r, ~ In the '
~.~,e ..... w~s , ~,,~e or~ nsnce d~ rectin~
the V~]la~e Clerk to record ~ plat of resukdi~s~o~ pre?red by the builder.
~e Clerk rms ro~ue~ted to place the cr~n~nce on the next ~epda ~or finPl
C~e 69-1~P Case ~g-]4P ~' -~o~ 22 amc'
the Zonfny Ordinance to Troy, de adecuete par'.dn~ and wa~t!n~ ~ac~!Itles ~t
euto~obi!e ]a',m~rf~s~ to revamp after'ely t~e i-] ]~ht fnduntr~a]
district; ~d to ~rov~Se sufficient def!mit~ons respectively. ~.e Ju~-
cia~ Co~ittae racom, ended concurrenc with the Plan Co~issfon to adopt
ordinance an~ directad t~e a~fim~stratio~ to ~a~ an ordirarce to be pres-
anted at t~s ~e~%~m?~ ~Trustee Zoderra~, zeconde~ by ~m~stee Ahern~ moved
to concur wffth the U!an Cor'~ssi. on and Jud~cffary Co~ffttee concern~n~ Sec-
tions 19.2,22 ?nd ]! of tb~~ Zonffng
UFon r~]l call: ~"~es: /'}",er~ rurst Kilro? }~eiter
}%t ion carried.
19.2~22 smd 31 of the Zeninz 0~insnce and requested the tier{ to place
on the next a~er}ds for final readinC.
C~e 69-12P C~se 69-~2n ~a+~+~ b,~ Village ~n chenPe fectfons P7 and 28 of the
Zon~n~ 0rd~nence re~-a~n~ Pinin'un side ar~ front yards so they ',~ontd
co~resNgrd wltN the chsnfes proposed ~der Case 69-!4P~ and certain other
of' 3-0, reco~eNded concurrence ~,}~t~- the reco~Fendst!on e,, tbe Plsn
July 15, 1969
oved the Board concur with the Judicim~y Committee and Plan Commission
to amend Sections 27, 28 and 29.
Upon roll call: Ayes: ~lqern Furst Kilroy Reiter Soder~an
Mot for carried.
Trustee Soder~an nead for first read!r~ an ordinance a~ending Sections 27,
28 and 29 of the Zoning Ordinance and requested the Clerk to place it on
the next agenda for final reading.
Trustee Furst reported on a meeting held by Northeastern Illinois Planning
Cor~ission on June 19th. The original intent was to ~ain support fro~ Northern
the various villages Ln the concerned area. and NIPC wanted concurrence of
the Villages in the area of Hig~ins Rd. insall directions except the Plan.
east for the improvament of a four-lane hi~bway out to Meacb~. The
plans were contrary to what had origir~,!ly been submitted.
The proposal wm~ld interfere with a major shoppir~T center at Rte. 53
and Golf and was strongly opposed by the Village of Schatt~bt~rg. ?h~stee
Fui~st reported NIPC is concerned with floodin? amd flood plains and is
working with the Metropolitan Sanitary District and~ the State.
local buildin~ aJ?eas are out of the flood, plain and the water drainage
will be into Salt Creek fin the northwest area. ~t~s. ~th Harris of
Berkshfre Lane stated she was concerned with the interceptor sewer
systeF snd was advised NIPC indicated they would be vff_lling to meet
t~th the villsge Board, possibly in September.
President Teichert read Resolution No. 14-69: Resolution 1~-69
President Teichert, seconded by Trustee Eeiter, moved for passage smd
approval of Resolution No. 14-69.
Upon roll call: ~yes: Ahern Furst Kilroy Reiter Soderman Teichert
Motion carried.
President Teichert read Resolution No. 15-69: Resolution #15-69
President Teichert, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moVed for ~assage
amd approval of Resolutimn No. 15-69.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem =l~st Kilroy R$iter Soderran Teichert
Motion carried.
President Teichert read Resolution No. 16-69: Resolution #16-69
Pres~ldent Teic~ert, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved for passaf~e and
approval of Resolutlnn No. 16-69.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem P~trst Kilroy Reit er ~der~an Teichert
Motion carried.
President Teichert read Resolution No. 17-69: Resolution #17-69
July 15, 1969
President ~e!chert, seconded by Trustee neiter, moved ~cr pessaTe amd
a?proval of ~esolut~nn No, 27-69~
U~ roil call: ,~yes: Ahe~ ~rst K~!roy Pe~ter Sode~an To!chert
Mot~ on c~rrfed.
g~s E. Letter from J~res E. Burroughs of the Drainan~e ~nd C]ean Streams Cc~iss~on
~e69 tenderin~ .~s resJ~at~cn ~o take e~%ct on July
B~s dated June 19~ , .
resi~ation 1969. ~Js was accepted amd p]sced on
~ustee melter, seconded by T~stee Ki!roy~ ~oved to waive the n~les to
~nto Executive Session for the purpose of dfscussin~ lit[[intron,
Ad[o~]r~ent was at 10:05 P.
The reetSn~ reconvened at 10:20 P.
Upon roll cell: ~eseUt: Aherc Wurst KSl~oy Pe~ter S~e~%n Teichert
~3nsent: Lewis
T~stee ~e~ter, secop~ed by ~stee ~hern, moved to authorize t~e Vf2!aFe
~e ~ a,.t~,.t to the e~reerent {nvo]ved ~n
C~e ~1110 President to sl~ an~ the r~ to ~ =~
settlerer~ c~ l~ti~t~cn ~ndeDt~ed ss Case 69-CH2110 - ~e V~!i~p~ of
%%,~nt ProsDect vs. Leif Fanse~
Upon roll cs!l: ;~yes~ Ahe~ ~L~st Kilroy Re[ter So8e~an
Uot ion carr~ ed,
Trustee~mbiter, seconded by T~stee Sode~em, mov~ that im the n~tter
.~m~ P~osmect~ ~ the
C~se 6g-Cn~ .... [e~f ~ansen vs. Village oC ~% ~-
President he m~thor~d to s~fm amd the Clerk to ~ttest to e release and
UDon roll ca!l: Ayes: Aborn ~rst Yilroy melter
Mot[ er carr~e~ ~
~ustee So~et~n~ seconded b4 T~stee Ahem, moved to direct the
outside counsel te ho]~ the documents umt[i receipt of s cert~fe~ check
the amount of
II-on roll call: Ayes: ~hern ?arst Kfflroy Peffter
7otior cerrie~ ~
~ttorney Ne~ert~ ~'eDresentffmF 5~r~ ?brley~ ind~c~te~ they ~x~uld present
and file a p~t[t~on for ~r~st~on or rezorfn~ with the vf]!s~ Clerk pr~or
to August 5th Deard ~'~eet~n~ sn~] recmest~n~ de%r~ert of s~cond
the annexation c-~Nnance xnt~l that t~ne,
P?LIC VO~KS - F-et!n? 7uly
BL~LDINO - °erove ~ro~' c~Fe sheet - C~se gO-!YA
re ~mprove~e~,t of 2unsct acr'oss school
PI~!,TC ~'Y?~ - r'~,r ove '~rof committee proDosed parking' c,~t e l,onnou~ st
,IlT?iCTAPY - SFecai! :--eot?n;~ ,Tuly 2Otb and wt. PrcsFect Prate Bank July
~'r'Ustee 3odc~'r~r~ seconde(1 by "¥~xtee Flr'oy, nov~ the n:~et~nc be sd,feurRed.
D~N/,iP x~. O00m~A¥~ v~ llaf-~2 Clerk
July 15, 1969