HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/1969 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL ~ETING OF THE
~une 24~ 1969
President Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:50 P. M.
Trustee Lewis gave the invocation.
Present upon roll call: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Teichert
The Village Clerk gave the oath of office to Kenneth O'Callaghan who O'Callaghan
was appointed to the Fire and Police Commission. appted, to
Fire and
CH_~IRMEN CO~'~±'f~ RE~ORTS police Co~m.
The Fire and Police Committee reviewed the matter of a volunteer Civil De-
fense police staff. Lt. Pairitz, Civil Defense Director, has created a
new department to carry o~t police services. This system is an adminis-
trative matter and has proven adequate. The men will wear white helmets
with CD insignia when on duty and white shirts and black trousers which
will identify them as members of the corps. The Co~ittee recormmended
no further action c~ the matter and requested it be dropped from the charge
sheet. Approved.
The Fiuance Con~dttee voted ~-0 ~o appropriate ~o the Library Board theI~lbrary
sum of $17].600. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Reiter, ~oved to Board
concue with the Finance Conv~ittee's recormmendation to include in the appropratn
Village appropriation the sum of $173,600. as appropriation for the
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Sode~an
Motion carried.
The Finance Cormmittee met with representatives of Barrin~on Trucking Co.
regarding a change in Village residential pick-up and voted 3-0 not to
change the current services.
The Finanee Committee met with the representatives from the Ghamber of
Comeroe regarding a request for $500 from the Village as a contribution dop~tio~
for the July ~th celebration. The Committee voted 2-1 to advance the mone~or ~th
and Trustee Kilroy, Seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to concur with the July
Committee's recormmendation and donate $500 toward the July 4th celebra- celebrat~
tion. Trustee Reiter stated he thought the Chamber of Co,amerce should
make a concerted effort to seek funds elsewhere. Trustee Furst was in
favor of this contribution because there is not sufficient money in the
Chamber of Commerce treasury.
Roll call vote: Ayes: Furst Lewis Soderman Teichert
Nays: Ahem Kilroy Reiter
Motion carried.
Tb~ Finance Committee considered with the Industrial and Econo~ic Develop-
ment Corm~ssion the matter of rezoning the property known as Farmer rezcaing
Cooper's at 303 E. Kensington from its present R-1 category to B-e and Farmer
recommended that the Village petition the Plan Commission. Trustee Eilr~oy~ooper,s
seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved the attorney ~roceed to petition the Plan
Commission on behalf of the Vilalge ~o rezone from R-1 to B-~ property
known as Farmer Cooper's at ~03 E. Kensington.
Roll call vote: Ayes: F~rst Kilroy Lewis Soderman
Nays: Ahem Reiter
Motion carried.
June 24. 1~6~
amendment of Trustee Soder~ran read an ordinance amending Ordinance 2160 to co~ect
O~i~ce 2160 a legal description for property at 203/205 E. Rend R4. T~stee Ahern~
~*h the Judicia~ Co~ittee
seconded by ~stee Eeiter, moved to concur ~
s~ndapprove the ordin~ce amen~ent.
Upon ~!1 call: A~es. ~he~ Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Sode~
Motion c~ied.
Trustee Reiter, second~ by T~stee ~ern, mvoed to waive the rules
..... h one reading. Un~imous.
pass the o~in~ce ~
O~in~ce 2165 T~stee ~st~ seconded by ~stee Reiter, mov~ to approve
~ rd~n~ce 2160, ~. as Ordin~ce 2165.
the o~in~nce ~end~ng O
Upon ~11 call: Ayes: ~e~ Furst ~y ~wis Reiter S~e~n
Motion carried.
C~e 69-3P Trustee Sode~ requested Case 69-3P be removed from*%he
ch~ge sheet because the case was cancelled. Approved.
~se 69-4P T~stee Sode~ reposed on Case 69-4P Mack Cadillac pr~
~ne~tion zonins hearir~ and plats of ~nexation ~d resub-
division. The ~nexation is for one lot (Lot 6) a~acent to
the Mac Cadillac property presently ~ the Ville~me. ~e request
fcr zoning was for B-4 for the single lot as well as the pro~y
previously ~nexed ~nd for resubdivision of the entire p~cel.
~e Plan Commission reco~ended approval ~d the Judicia~
Co~m~e voted 2-0 to conch. Trmstee S~e~3~ second~ by
T~stee Reiter, mov~ to concur with the reco~endation of the Ple~n
~ ·
Co~_ssmon ~d Judici~ Co~ittee to ~nex property located ad-
jacent to the No~hwest of 333 West R~d Read and to zone the entire
p~cel as B-r District.
Upon roll call: Ayes: ~hern ~st Killy Lewis Reiter Sode~an
~ o~lon ca~ied.
~ ordin~ce annexing Lot 6 ~d ~ ordinance ~zonin~ all pro-
pe~y to ~ District was read for f~r~t reading ~d the Clerk
was requested to place them on the next aEenda for final reading.
Case 69-9P The Judicis~z Co~ittee conside~d Case 69-9P - ?o~t ~'ospect
Safe Deposit Corproation request to rezone from P-! to ~2 pr~
pe~y at 107-11]. South E~rson ~d 106-112 Sout~ Maple and the
Vill~e ~ f' ~denmn~ of
~.n~zneer discussed the possible ne~ for' ' '
~ , ~her ., .
Maole ~,t~et~ review of tills matter !s necessa~¢ ~d was
defer~d ~ti! the Jmne 26th Judicia~ Co~ittee Meetine.
C~e 69-11P ~eO~ 69-ii-P Cot~e~ ~ & Catino~s St, ~i~y's resubdivision ~s
co~rised of 52 lots. ~ne Judicia~ Co~ittee, by a vote of 2-0~
~co~ended to the ~'~ ~
...... ~aent amd ~oa~d of ~ustees concurrence wit~
the Plem C~ssi~n for approval of the resubd~visionp~ ~
ever~ since the ~ l~.n O0~iS~iOR approved tm~s resmb~lv!slo~ con-
raining lot sizes acceptable in the R-t zoning district, ~md since
no home o~ers havin~ an ex~ot~n~ bu~Idin~ on stay lot in Fair-
view ~ ~ m~ (wlth
~e.~o. the exception o~ certain ~er lots abutt~
ing ~<olf ~osd) can expand the home or erect a ~.ra~ or const~ct
~y ~].azn~ thereon without havine either a variation or pet-
m~zonmn~ for rezoning to [{-1, the Judmcms~ Co~Ittee f~her r~
cor~emded that the Village Atto~ey be directed to petition the
Plan Commission for rezoning to R-t of the entire parcel included
in the F~irview Gardens ~nexation. Also~ the Judicisr%~ Co~ittee,
by a vote of 2-0 rock,ended
- g~-n~ of temporize building pe~ts
for lots 1 throufh 52 of Calero & Cat]no's St. ~ily's resubdivis-
~u~=~xoe~ ~.~ postin~ of the r~]uired subdivision bon~
J~d.:~,¢r.., C~itt~e reco~ended the ~reo~d_n~ ~d Clerk not be auth-
orized to si~n the linen for Ca!le~ & Catino~s S~ ~ ~
m~ .... e~ as the
prove~nt:~ ~ etc., ?:ave been fTamted,
, ~ m ,o ~ ~ ,O~,,.~d CO. OIL~
June 2~ 1969
ith the Judiciary Committee aud spprove Callero and Catino's plat oDallero &
resubdivision for the 52 lots i~ concurrence ~i~ch the Plan Commdssion,Catino's
and authorize the President and Clerk to sig~ the linen when the ap- r~subdiv.
propriate bond for public improvements has been received and if, and 52 lots
when the R-1 zoning has taken effect.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soder~an
Motion carried.
Trustee Soder~an, seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved the.V~llage Attorney Fairview
peri%ion to have the entire parcel ~nexed with the Fairveiw Gardens Gardens
a~nexation to be rezoned as R-1 Single-fa~dly. Hearing to be before ~ezoned as
the Plan Con,mission. B-1
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem P~rst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved the President and
Board of Trustees grant temporary per,its for lots I through 52 in
Callero & Catino's resubdivision, upon the subdividers' posting of the
required subdivision bonds.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Eilroy Lewis Reiter Soderm~n
Motion carried.
Case 68-53P - !,~est~ate proper~y - Villa~e petition to rezo.~e ~or~ B-1 Case 68-53P
to ~-1. ' he Pi~ Co~m-ission, in ~vin~ the~ reco~rend~t~on, ~ailed to
include the "detailed findin~.~s of fact" relative to their concusion as
provided for by their own by-laws. The Judicia~ Cor~fttee requested
the matter be returned to the Plan Commission for ~ore detail. Sub-
sequent to this report, the Plan Co~mission did, at their study meetLug
on June ~th, give their reasons for recommendation to deny, and Trustee
Lewis, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved to concur with the Plan Com-
mission and not rezone the subject property (Westgate) to R-1.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis R~iter Sodermau
Motion carried.
Trustee Ahem reported on the Callero and Catino agreement and moved theCallero &
President an~ Clerk be authorized to sign a redraft of the agreement pre- Catino
pared by the Village Attorney, should the ov~er of Prospect Plaza sign the redraf~
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soder~an
Motion carried.
The Public ~orks Co~mittee considered the Kenroy Huntington Estates sewer
outlet and agreed that an independent eng~nee~ opinion should be ob- Kem~y
tained to intelligently determine wbic~ of the proposed sewer systems Huntington
(gravity or forced m~in) wo~ld best serve the long-range interest of the Estates
Village. The Village Engineer sewer
reviewed both systems and was of the opinion that either a forced main outlet
type or ~avity type wuld be feasible. However, the long-ran~ ~aintne-
anco of a forced main system would undoubtedly place future expense on
the ~!llage that would not be present with a gravity type sewer. It
was the recommendation that l) an opinion be elicited from our Public Works
Director relative to the comprehensive long-range cost of maintenance of
each system and 2) a reco~mendation be obtained from an outside engineer-
Lng firm as to what type of sewer system they would recommend on behalf
of the ~illage. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved to
authorize an outside enFineering firr to evaluate which system, ~ravity or
forced ma~, they vould recommend on behalf of the Village, for a su~
not to exceed $500.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter goder~an
Motion carried.
June 24, 1969
The Actin? Vi!laFe Vanager reported he hsd contacted both Greeley and
Hansen and Consoer, To~,r. sen~ and Assoc. and inasmuch as the for~er fir~
could not ass~e the project, ~e d~scussed the ~tter in depth with
Consoer, To,~mse~d.
~e ~bl~c Works Co~ittee ~et jointly with the Dra~s~e ~nd Clean
Evaluat~g Stre~s Co~ission and the Park D~strict for the pu~ose of ~ak~ a
p~posed reco~endation i~ evaluating the proposed Vest Park. ~qe Public Vorks
West Park Co~ittee felt ~t would tend to alleviate, to so~e de~ee, the flooding
proble~ ~d the preference would be to utilize the area ~nvo]ved with
more e~basis tow~ ~ood control than recreational area.
Pincer Elec ActlnS Vi!l~e Msaaser d!scuss~ Pirser Electric Co. the f~
~nte~ce ins the tra?~c s?~a!s at the Villane intersections. Ne reposed ~1110
of t~ffic w~ald be needed to ref~nish end repair ce~ain of t~e traffic controllers.
sisals ~e budget cu~e~t!y reflects an ~romnt of $7500 for contract maintenance
and other major repairs, ~nd ~t ia the feelin~ and reco~endat~on of the
adninistration that MN:':er Electric be dele~ted to ~ke these repairs
~ased on the est~nated costs they have submitted. ~ustee Lewis, seconded
by ~ustee ne!tar, moved to approve expendit~e in the s~o~t of $i110
work as outlined above, to be done by Pinner Electric fn conc~rence with
~. Z~e~ar~s reco~endation.
UF~ roil, call: Ayes: Ahern ~'~st Kilroy Lewis Peiter S~e~an
Motion carried.
Resolution Resolution No. 13-69 ~ms presenS~.
~C~ ~1573 .{}N g1578
T~stee Reiter~ seconded ~y T~stee Akern~ moved eot reaidn~~ o~ the above
resolution prepared ty the Actins V{l!a~e F%'msger opposing the a~ove re-
zonin~ as stated.
~o!! call: Ayes: Ahe~ r~st Ki!roy Lewis Neiter Soda.sm
Motion ca~i~d.
T~stee Ne!tar, seconded by ~ustee Sode~, ~ved for pssssze of
Pesolution 13-69.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahe~ ~rst Ki!ro~z Lewis Peiter Soda.an
Woti on carried.
[969 50/50 0n May 28, 1969 bids were opened for the 1969 50/ 50 sidewalk pro~sm.
~idewa~ ~;~o focal bids were submitted. VFon review, the ~ct~ng ~!ila~e
}~ to &md Director of Pnblic Works reco~ended that b~ds be rejected anc~ de-
be rabid posit checks be returned to the bidders because the cost ~,~es far in ex-
cess of ron~es apnropr!sted for the project. It was fu~ber race.ended
that the prcject be reP, id et a later date. ~ustee Neiter~ seconded by
T~stee Lewis~ norad to conc~~ inthe reco~endation and bids be ~jected
and deposit checks be retu~ed to the bidders.
Upon roll csl!: Ayes: Ahem ~'urst K~Iroy Iewfs Peiter Soda.sm
votion carried.
~lic The Act!hr V~!la~e Nnpineer ~nd Director of ~blic Works made a fins1
i~v~ Lnspect!on of all !m~roverents - sewer~ water, stop sez~ers~ curbs and
~ts ~ sidewalks in the Colonial Ne~Fhts Un, ts g4 amd 5 end reco~'ended acc-
Colo~ eptence by the President aN/] Posrd of Tn~stees, ~,~stee ueiter~ seconded
~ts by T~astee AP, e~n~ r~eved to concur ~n the ~eco~endat~on 8fYI 8cce~t the
~its 4 & 5
24, 1969
public i~provements in Colonial Heights Units #4 and 5.
Upon roll call: A ·
yes. Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis R~iter Soderman
Motion carried.
Letter of resignation ~.~as received from Pichard Podgory tendering Letter of resign
his resignation as a ~embor of the Mount Prospect Youth Commission. Richard Podgory
North ~'festern Y~. reported closing of Emerson Street from June 23
throuDb June 27 because of work to be done at the crossing.
It was reported that there was need for updating the feasibility Need for updating
study re~rding Utility Sewer and Water and the Acting Village feasibility study
Mar~ger requested authortzstion for the ad~inistration to contact
Consoer, Townsend & Assoc. for such updating. Trustee Reiter, seconded
by Trustee 5brst, moved to authorize this work to be done by Consoer,
Townsend & Essoc., the cost bo be derived from the bond isSue.
Upon roll call: ^ ·
yes. ~hern Wurst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soder~an
Motion carried.
Huecker's plat of resubdivision had been presented to the Plan CoN- Huecker's plat
rmis~ion and was approved and sigiuature affixed. Trustee Ahem, of resubdivisi~
seconded by 5hTustee Reiter, moved to concur with the Plan CommisSion
and authorize the President and Clerk to sign the linen.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
The Act~_ng Village Fn~neer's Vil~age-o~ed automobile had been in DiscmSsion of
an accident while an employee was driving it, and the frame had been Engineer's
bent. Two estL~ates had been received, one in the a~ount of $374.52,Village owned
the other $~$88.12. However, it was the opinion of the administration car
that because of the condition of the vehicle it should be replaced by
one which wo~d be capable of ts_king the hard use necessary when the
Engineering Department is making field inspections. ?ne Board directed
the Acting Village Manager to review this matter and return with a
report and reco~endation.
~h~ustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved to waive the rules
to per,_it discussion of waiver of fee for the Lions Carnival July ~th.
Unanim. ous.
Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved to waive the permitL~ons Carnival
fee - (maximum $200 or $50 per d~v) for the Lions C~rnival for the
July 4th c~lebration.
Upon roll call: A ·
yes. Ahem Furst Kilroy L~is Reiter Sode~man
Motion carried.
Huntington Estates Case 69-10P site plan was referred to Judiciary
Coramittee.~Annexation of Hunt.in~ton Estates was referred to Judiciary
Committee.~Plat of resubdivismo~ DiMucci - ~.~! corner Golf & Busse
was referre~ to Plan Commission.
Sec. 18.901 ~L) 1 Motoroycle helmet ordinance was referred to Health
& Safe~y Committee.
Business license review 0 electrical contractors was referred to
Finance C~ittee.
Kust ~mon re liquor license request was referred to Finance Committee.
Petition for no parki~ 500 bl~ck ~. Fmerson was referred to Fire and
Police Coamitt ee.
onnie's F~rzt ~ub~vis[on w{']~s ~efePred ~,o Plat. Cc~ission.
Koziol's p!st of subdSvisicn wss reee~e~ to Plam C~iss~on.
Lot N Unit 7f, - D~cci wss re?err~ to Ju.d~c~ary Co~ittee.
r~uJs ~.%~ao's 3rd Add[tlon was rePerr~ to Piam Co~issJom.
Case 69-17P - ?esche's ~]orJst request to rpzenin~ w~s refer~d to Jud~c~a~
3mproveme~ of Sunset ~cross school proper~y wes refe~ed to ~db]~c Nea!th
~nd Safety Cc~[ttee.
Z~brley property ?ms reeerred to the ~ct~E V~lla?e
!otter received frc~ Dept. of Fub!fc ?~orks & Nui!d~n~s st~m~ the
c~m proceed wftb ~he safety p~o.~ect ent[~te~, "Survey o~ Tr~e~[c Control
[?ov] ce Needs.~'
~INR}CN - chs~ed Feet~nn dote to Snip 7th. ~nenda: All spp!!cat~ons for
liquor licenses.
J[~ICIA?Y - June 26th. Yenro5 reouest for annexation.
NU!I.DINO - Ned ~ .Tuly 9
TRustee ~drst~ secePz}ed by T~mtee ~ewis~ moved the net~nm be ~dJou}~ed.
Tlme: 11:15 P. N.
~NA[O W. COOP~AN, V{llaFe Clerk --
J~me 24, 1969