HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/1992 COW minutes Minutes
October 13, 1992
I Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gerald L. Farley at 7:35 p.m. Trus!~ present were
Mark Busso, George Clowes, Tim Corooran, Leo Floros, Paul Hoefert and Irvana Wdks~ Also
present were Vdlage Manager Michael E. Janonis, Pubhc Works Director Herb Weeks, Inspection
Services Director Chuck Benoc, Deputy Public Works Director Glen Andler, Engineenng
Coordinator Jeff Wulbecker, Deputy Fire Chief Lonnie lackson, and Finance Director David Iepson.
In addition, Dick Bachhuber, Chairman of the Finance Commission, about 25 residents, several
representatives of the Ballerup Skokie OrchesUa of Ballorup, Denmark, and two members of the print
Minutes of September 22, 1992 and September 29, IN
The minutes of September 22, 1992 were accepted with the following changes:
1. The last sentence in paragraph 4 on page 3 should be replaced with the following:
'Village Manager Janonis stated that there was a difference between a commission wluch
was a recommending body only and one whose decision was final with the option to
appeal within 15 days. He questioned which authority the Board wanted to endorse All
concurred w~th the latter."
2. The last sentence on page 4 should be changed to read az follows: ' However, Trustee
Wilks urged caution because the parking spaces were also under jurisdiction of D~stnct
57 and the Vdlage should strive to maintain a good working relationship w~th that
The minutez of September 29, 1992 were accepted and filed.
Citizem to be He~u'd
Mayor Farley called upon Trustee Wdk~ to introduce the represental~ves of the Ballerup Skohe
Orchestra of Ballerup, Denmark, a suburb of Copenhagen. Trustee Wilks introduced Ole and Feen
Henriksen along with two members of the orchestra. The orchestra features ancient Damsh mustc
and performs with wind instruments that have been used for 3,000 years. After performing two
songs, Foen Henriksen thanked the many residents of the Village who provided housing during thetr
stay m Mount Prospect and for the warm hospttahty extended to the group.
No Village residents appeared before the Comnuttee.
Mayor Farley stated that he was changing the order of the agenda because of the number of
residents present regarding the Storm Water Management Project. .~)
IV Comprehensive Storm Water Management Project - Status Report
Mayor Farley stated that he was given a flyer that suggested the Village would be cancelhng the
Prospect Manor/North Main Flood Control Project. He stated that flus information was en'oneous
and that the Vdlage intended to proceed with this project.
Village Manager Sanoms smd the purpose of this meeting was to review the recommendations of staff
to move up three projects to take advantage of IEPA Iow-interest loans. The Vdlage has been
reformed that the Fiurvlew Gardens Samtary Project, the See Gwun/MLlburn Samtary Project and
the Hatlen Heights Sanitary Project are eligible for IlZ~PA loans in 1993. The loans would be issued
at an interest rate of 3.36%. These three projects were previously scheduled for the 94/95 and 95/96
fiscal years.
Mr. Janoms explained that to quahfy for the loans the proJects must be bid in 1992 with construcUon
starting by March 31, 1993. If the ViLlage proceeded at flus time it is esUmated that it would save
$50,000 per year for 20 years in interest costs. Mr. Sanoms recommended that the projects be bid
with the sUpulation that these three projects would only be undertaken at flus t~me if the Vdlage
receives the IEPA loan funds
Mr. Janonis stated that these three projects would be undertaken in 1993 in adtht~on to the Prospect ~'~
Manor/North Main (PM/NM) ProJect. The PM/NM Project Is not ehgthle for the IEPA loan ~/
program but would be financed by a general obhgation bond issue. He said this was a Win/Win
sltuaUon where the VLUage would receive Iow interest loans and some of the floo~hng problems
would be corrected sooner than had been anticipated.
George Watanabe, 607 Prospect Manor, smd he was pleased that the Village was moving ahead with
the PM/NM Project. However, he said he was concerned with the impact of drainage from Prospect
I-hgh School on the Randview Highlands sewer system. He smd he had been under the impression
that flus problem had been addressed in previous years but he found out recently that it had not been
prewously corrected. Mr. Watanabe had a number of other questaons regarding the storm water and
sanitary sewer flow from Prospect I~tgh School
Village Manager Sanoms stated that the High School is its own junsdict~on and that they do not need
to get perrmts from the Vtllage before they start building projects. He said they only need to receive
approval from the l~linois Capital Development Board He added that the Village of Mount Prospect,
the Village of Arhngton Heights and Prospect High School are currently worlong on the drmnage
problems of Prospect High School in conjunction with the PM/NM Project.
It was recommended Mr. Watanabe provide a hst of questions that he would llke answered and staff
would arrange a meeting with all the interested pames to resolve these queslaons.
In response to a quesUon, Finance Dtrector Sepson stated the revenue from the 1/4~ sales tax would
support the three adchtional projects as well as the PM/NM ProJect. Trustee W~ts said she would
like to see a debt serwce schedule showing all Village Debt.
Mayor Farley polled the Board and stated there was support to proc__~yJ_ with bidding of the PM/NM
Project along with the Fairview Gardens Sanitary ProJect, the See Owun/Milbum Sani~'y Proj~t
and the I-laflen Heights Sanitary Project.
V Building Code Review
Deputy F~re Chief Loonin Jackson reviewed the proposed changed to the Fire Prevention Code. He
said one of the changes that is being recommended is to bring all the sections dealing with FLre
ProtecUon under one chapter. He pointed out that At, cie II - Automatic Detection and/or
Extinguishment of Fire was being moved from Chapter 21 to Chapter 24 without change; Article HI -
Fu-eworks was being moved from Chapter 23 to Chapter 24 without change; and Article IV - Fire
Alarms was being moved from Chapter 23 to Chapter 24 without change.
Deputy Chief Sackson made the following comments regarding the recommended chal~ges: ~ -
'24.101.A, I - 10 Housekeeping changes only
Items 11 - 14 Codifying eyastmg practice
Item 14A The Code relating to standpipes is being amended from 75 ft
to 35 ft. This is consistent with the Building Code.
Item 15 Codifying present practice ~
Item 16 This change requires a stxobe light located above each fire
department connecuon. The requirement wdl be phased over
2-3 years and should only cost about $40 per hght.
Items 17 - 20 Co~hfymg existing practice
Item 21 This sectmn requtres a back-up power source for all exit s~gns
when a building Is occupied.
Items 22 - 28 Co~hfying present practice.
The Board discussed the poss~bthty of excepttons to the Fire Prevention Code due to new technology.
Deputy Chief Jackson smd tlus is currently provided for in the Code. Additionally, there was some
discuss~on regarding the sale and use of sparklers in the V!llage wiuch are currently prolubited. The
Board d~d not support any changes to this practice.
Trustee Willis said she received a letter from Kimball Hill Developers with several questions
regarding the proposed Building Code changes. Mr. Sanonis said the letter along vath staff responses
will be dxstnbuted to the other Trustees and that the items would be discussed when the ordinance
was presented for the first reading.
Mayor Farley questioned the training level of Village Inspectors. He said they should be cross-
trained so that different inspectors would interpret the Code in the same way. Mr. Bencic stated that
each inspector is in a trmmng program which provides cross-training. Trustee Busse said he was
concerned that the Village was discouraging improvements by requiring buildings to be brought up
to the Building Code.
VI Manager's Report
Village Manager lanonis distnbuted a map of the proposed amendment to the TIF area and reported
that the Development Plan would be available by October 15, 1992.
VII Other Business
Trustee Wilks reported that she attended a Fu-e Prevention Week program where the Mount Prospect
Fire Department received an award from the llhnois F~re Alhance. She complimented the
department on this acluevement.
Trustee Corcoran reported that he was requesUng SWANCC to adopt a resoluuon requu'mg at least
50% of the Executive Committee to be elected officials. The Mayor and Trustees unammously
supported Trustee Corcoran in this acUon. He also reported that he was not satisfied with the
matenal prowded by the SWANCC staff prior to scheduled meetings. He smd he would be
requesting more Umely information. ~
Trustee Clowes commended Cheryl Pasahc for being elected to the board of NATOA. He also said
he had been contacted by a resident regarding the berm on Thomas More Drive. Village Manager
Janoms said he would provide more information on the issue. Trustee Clowes also pointed out an
amcle in the current issue of City and State magazine by Tank Industry Consultants
VIII Ad~ou?nment
Mayor Farley said an executive session was necessary. The meeung adjourned at 10:16 p m to
executive session The meeting reconvened at 11:57 p m. and adjourned at 11:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
David C. Jepson, Finance Director ~'~