HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/04/1970 VB minutes EEGULAR ~i~I~ING OF 5/qE PRESIDENT kND BOARD OF TRUS'±'~2~S . AUGUST 4, 1970 CALL TO ORDER President Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M. Call to order INVOCATION Trustee Sodermen gave the invocation. Invocation ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Teichert Roll Call Absent: Reiter APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF Pr~¥IOUS Ivl~i~l'lNG July 21, 1970 EEGULAR ~I'±NG Approval of Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved for ~oproval of'minutes~Anutes of July 21, 1970 as submitted. July 21, 1970 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Motion carried. July 28, 1970 SPECIAL ~I'iNG Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Norris ~ moved that the minutes of the Special Meeting of July 28, 1970 be approved as submitted. July 28, 1970 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Motion ca~-~-ied. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved to ratify the action Rati~ey action taken at the meeting of July 28, 1970. taken July 28 Upon roll c~11: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Motion carried. APPROVAL OF Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Furst. moved to transfer Approval of $39,526.10 from Waterworks and Sewerage Surplus Account to Waterworks Bills and Sewerage Depreciation, Improvement and Extension Account for the following: Well Repairs #11 17,546.50 Well Construction #11 17,479.60 Well House Construction #14 4,500.00 39,526,10 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderm~ Motion ca~-~.led. Trustee Soderman~ seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved for approval of bills in the followinE amount: General $ 63,372.74 Parking System Revenue 90.15 "' Motor Fuel Tax Waterworks & Sewerage: Depreciation~ Improvement, & Extension 39,526. l0 Operation & Maintenance .41;974.56 $145,693.07 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman ~bt ion carried. CO~4UNI C~I~iONS AND PETITIONS Consideration of the pre-annexation agreement with Rob Roy Driving pre-aunexs, tion P~nge petitioners was deferred pending report from the Plan Commission. agreement with ROB ROY DF2ArIN~ August 4, 1970 RANGE The Village Manager gave a status report on Well #11. The co,any Status report doing the repair work has been in contact with the Village Manager. W~IJ J. #11 They reported they will be replacing the new parts within approximately l-l/2 weeks. The Village Clerk was requested to place this matter on hhe next agenda. Windsor Estates Public The Village Manager requested consideration of approval of public ira- Improvements provements for Windsor Estates Subdivision as specified in the Engineering WINDSOR ESTATE~lrawings submitted to the Village. "The Village Engineer reviewed the public in~orovements plans for the subdivision and found they comply with the Subdiviaion Ordinance. q/ce developer of the subdivision has agreed to over-size the water mains in his develoPment to conform with Village plans to update its water distribution system in the area. The over- sizing would coDsist of the installation of 12 inch mains instead of 6 inch mains for a distance of 3,175 feet. The over-sizing would cost $10,636.25. It was the recon~nendation of the Village Manager that the developer be reimbursed by the Village in that amount. However, this was not a budget item. It was the sense of the Board the Village would reimburse the developer with funds necessary to oversize the main in an amount not to exceed $10,636.25, procedure to be left up to the Finmuce Corm~ittee. Mr. Koop representing Windsor Estates Subdivision appeared before the Board. He requested an opportunity to work out an agreement withtthe Village whereby the developer would install the over-size mains. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Furst, n~ved to approve the public improvements in Windsor Estates Subdivision as specified in the Engineering drawings submitted to the Village. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to amend the motion indicating the over-sizing of the 6 inch mains would be at a cost not to exceed $10,636.25. Upon the motion to amend: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Motion carried. Upon the main notion as amended: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Sodermau Requested the Village Manager to examine the records to determine that the projects to be undertaken have not been omitted from the budget. Pmimbureement for the water r~n o~er-sizing in the Windsor Estates Sub- division was charged to the Finance Co~,~.~ttee. The Village Manager requested consideration of approval of the low bid of $106,824.25 by the Schless Construction Co. of Batavia, Illinois, for construction of the See-GWun Avenue Bridge (31 CS). Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved ~o approve the low SEE-~.~UN AVE. bid of $106,824.25 for construction of the See-dWun Avenue Bridge by BRIDGE the low bidder, Schless Construction C~any. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Sodermau Motion carried. Firemen work The Village Manager requested authorization to purchase firemen work uniforms uniforms consisting of pants, shirts, and caps from Kale Uniform Co. and Kohout Tailors .Inc. in the amount of $1,957.70. The uniform Jackets are to be purchased at a later date when information on style and material is available. The budget provides $6,200 for the firemen's unifo~.~. Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved to purchase firemen work u~iforms in the amount of $1,957.70. August 4, 1970 Upon roll call: A~es: ~hem Fmmt Kilroy Noz-~ls Sodern~n Motion carried. COMMI'Fr~ (/-{AIRMAN PEPORi"S JLIJI CIAHY COP~l'l'i'~:~: Trustee Ahem gave a repor~ on the meeting held July 23, 1970. The Mufich Buick committee reviewed a letter by Walter Jeske et al. requesting that l0 property feet of property lying between the rear fence of the M~fich Buick property facing Rand Road and the rear lot lines of homes facing Louis Street be divided into 8 equal parce2s and turned over to the Owners of the 8 single- fsmdly residences. It was determined, however, that only 1/2 of the l~nd could be vacated to the land owners since title to the remaining half would automatically vest in the other adjacent land owner, M~mch Buick Inc. The con~nittee recormn~nded denial of the request for the above reason ~nd alsc because such a vacation may cause increased t~s and con- siderable hardship to the land owners who may have to resubdivide their property in order to make improvements. The l0 foot wide strip is presently vacant and exists for the use of and enjoyment without taxes of these 8 land owners. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Sodermmn, moved to concur in the Judiciary Committee's recommendation to deny the request ~s outlined above. U~der discussion, Mr. Walter Jeske and Mr. Wesa of 109 North Louis appeared before the Board. They e xp~ued that their request w~s to prevent tresspassing and attempted robberies on their property and asked the Board for some other solution to their problem. The matter is to be held in the Judiciary Con~nittee to resolve. Upon roll call: Vote on the above motion to deny: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Motion carried. The Judiciary Convaittee reviewed a petition to rezone the E1 Rando EL RANDO property between Rand and Kensington Roads from H-X to B-B. The Plan property Commission recommended the rezoning subject to the condition that there R-S to B-$ would be 'no exi~ from the property to Kensington road. The Judiciary Committee a~es the property should be rezoned to B-3, but that there should be exits ~rom the subject property c~to Kensington. This would be better from the standpoint of traffic flow because of the proximity to the larEe intersection of P~nd, ElmhurSt, and Kensington. However, the reco~ndation of the Judiciary Committee is conditioned upon the resu~division of the property into one lot dedicating an additional l? £eet for the North half of Kensington Road and removing the non- confo~,~ng sig~s presently existing upon the land. The co~mmittee directed the Village Attorney to draft an ordinance containing these conditions. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trmstee Soderm~ moved to concur in the re- commendation of the Judiciary Co,,~,.~ttee and the Plan Commission to rezone the property to B-3 subject to the B stated conditions. Upon roll call: ~es: Ahem F~rst Kilroy Norris Soderm~n Motion carried. ~ Trustee Ahem read for first reading an ordinance amending m~p 2BN of M~p 2BN the Mount Prospect Zoning Ordinance and requested the Village Clerk place the ordinance on the agenda of the next regular Board meeting. Th~ Judiciary Committee considered tap-on ordinances for Huntington Estates TAP-ON outlet sewer and a storm sewer and retention ~asis located south of Golf Ordinance fo Road. The Village Attorney stated the drafting o£ these ordinances Huntin~ton would require extensive research and need~ assistance Of the Village Estates Engineer who is on vacation. He requested ~his matter be deferred For approximately 6 weeks for preparation. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to concur with the recon~endation of the Judiciary Com~nittee to prepare an ordinance £or August ~, 1970 tap-on purposes concerned with the development of a retention basis sufficient to hsndle the properties of Huntington Estates and the Kaplan & Braun area. Upon roll call: Ayes: ~hern Furst Kilroy Norris Sode~ Motion carried. Request for The Judiciary Committee requested the administration to contact Father St. Cecilia Pendergast, the Rev. Bosch and Mr. Meier to be present at the next Parish. meeting of the Committee i.e.: the request of St. Cecilia Parish. No specific date could be determined at this present time. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAF~i'Y CO~Mi'IT~ TOPICS Trustee Furst discussed a 3-way progrsm for adopting priorities for ' TOPICS as covered in the Crawfordj Bunte, Roden and Safety Reports. Trustee Furst~ seconded by Truste~ Soderman~ moved to concur with the projects reconm~ndation of the Safety Commission for first and second year projects as stated in the minutes of July 18, 1970. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Fmrst Kilroy Norris Soderman Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS COMMIT.t'~:~, Easements Trustee Furst gave a report of the work progress in the obtaining of along easements along Weller Creek on Berkshire Lane. President Teichert Weller Creek suggested alternates could be e~plored by the Drainage and Clean Strear~ Commission which might preclude ~ny further meeting with the citizens. IT.b.;l~ TOBE F~ER~ED: Report and recor~nendations of the Industrial and Economic Development Commission was received and President Teichert broke down the various subjects to assign to the following Committees: l; Special Zoning District in the downtown area charged to the Judiciary Committee and the Plan Con~mission. 2: Parking to the Public Health and Safety Committee. 3 & 5: Street lighting and two additional crossings of the Northwestern Railroad tracks to Public Health ~nd Safety Committee. 4: Municipal Revision to the Building Committee. Mr. George Flaherty, Chairman of the Industrial and Economic Development Commission stated he would make himself available when these matters ~re discussed with the various committees. COFMI'I'I'~:~: ANNOUNCEF~NTS Finance Committee will meet August 31, 1970. Trustee Sodermsn requested the Village Mammger advise the one applicant for a liquor license that the Finance Committee had post-ported their meeting. Building Committee was scheduled for August 26, 1970. Fire and Police Committee shheduled for August 10, 1970 was cancelled. E~ECUDIVE SESSION The meeting was called into Executive Session to consider a matter of E~ECUTIVE personnel at 10:00 P.M. SESSION The meeting reconvened at ll:03 P.M. Upon roll call: Present: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Teichert Absent: Reiter RESIGNATION Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to accept the resignation VIRGIL L. of the Village Mauagerj Virgil L. B~nett effective this evening. BAIRN.Mi'.t' ¥-/r ,r ,~ GE MANAGER August 4, 1970 pon roll call: Ayes: Ahem PUrst Kilroy Norris Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to appoint John J. JOHN J. Zimmermann Acting Village Manager. ZI~P~NN ACTING Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman MANAGER Motion carried. ADJO~ Trustee Kilroy~ seconded by Trustee Norris~ moved the meeting be adjourned. Time: ll:06 P.M. Urmnimous. ADJOUBNME~ DONALD W. GOODMAN, Village Clerk August 4, 1~70