HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1970 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR M~EI'ING OF THE
MAY 19; 1970
President Teicher~ called the meetiug to order at 8:15 p.m.
Trustee Reiter gave the invocation.
Present upon roll call: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
APPROVAL OF ~ OF REGULAR FF,-TING MAY 5, 1970 approval of
Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved the minutes of the minutes
regular meetiug of May 5, 1970 be approved as submitted.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahenu Furst Eilroy Norris Reiter Sode~msn
Motion carried.
Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved to transfer $~37.92approval of bil]
from Waterworks and Sewerage Surplus Account to Waterworks and Sewerage
Depreciation, Improvement and Extension Account for Construction - Well
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Relier Scderman
Motion carried.
Trustee Sodern~n, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved ~for approval of bills
in the following amounts:
General $ 51,017.08
Parking System Revenue 85.20
Motor Fuel Tax 2,616.30
Waterworks & Sewerage
Acquisition & Construction 240.57
Depr., I~., & Ext. 437.92
Operation & M~ntenance 37 ~ 879.87
$ 92,276.94
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved for approval of the
financial report for the Month of April, 1970 subject to audit, approval of financial
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
President Teichert proclaimed May 21, 1970 as Poppy Day.
M~. Robert Klovstad of th~ Drainage and Clean S~reams Commission,
appeared before the Board regarding completion of the study of the Bauer Bauer Report
Report. Basically, Bauer Engineering proposed the construction of a
900 acre feet detention basin and water reclamation plat astride Weller
Creek, north of Central Road at Busse. The Commission is convinced that
such a facility is necessary and recommends that the Village undertake
the project. Following is a digest of the findings of the Cormrdssion,
which was outlined in detail in a letter to the President and Board of
Trustees re "Repor~ on Storm Water Management":
1. Mount Prospect's flooding arises out of the fact that
the intercepter sewers of the Metropolitan Sanitary
District cannot, could not and are not intended to carry
May 19, 1970
Drainage and Clean Strea~ all of the storm water run-off in the area. It was dis- closed that approximately 50% of the Vf~age is subject
Bauer Report to repeated sewer back-up. The sewers have no outlet in
storm cc~ditions.
2. The State of Illinois, Division of Waterways, is currently
widening the creek. This will not lower the creek level
sufficiently in all normal rainfall conditions. It is
not the total answer for flooding or pollution control.
The creek would have to have three times the capacity now
planned, requiring taking of land in excess of the exist-
lng right-of-way, and the loss to abutting homeowners snd
permanent value of real estate along the creek makes fur-
ther widening ~nacceptable.
3. The Metropplitan Sanitary District's "Deep Tunnel" project
would elin~h~ate flooding, but still is in the talking stage.
The Metropolitan Sanitary District plans to censtz~ct a new
treatment facility near the Northwest Tollroad and Route 83.
This will not materially relieve the Village's situation.
4. The Conmdssion investigated the possibility of covering
Weller Creek. The cost appears prohibitive end would not
resolve the flooding problem.
5. The construction of West Park and C~xm~ey basins will ~ot
affect the requirements for a basin at Central Road.
The Commission did not evaluate the realtive sharing of costs as sugges~-
ed in the Bauer Report, and makes no recommendation at this time. The
low-flow dams for the Des Plaines River are another matter on w~dh the
Commission made no recommendation. Such structures are not related to
Mount Prospect flooding but are of general benefit to the r~gion and their
cost would presumably be underwritten by other agencies. The total cost
of the project, including the low-flow dams, is estimated at $7,200~0~00.
The Commission is investigating sources of financing and will report to
the Board at a later date.
The Drainage and Clean Stre~mm Report was referred to Trustee Furst,
Chair~n of the Public Works Co~m~ittee and liaison member of the Drainage
and Clean Streams Con,mission.
Status Report The Village Manager reported 33 homeowners along Hiawatha and Berkshire
Stage IV Welle~ad been contacted and only one easement was acquired. President Teichert
Creek stated there was the possibility of working through the center of the
creek if easen~nts could not be obtained, but he felt it was an
educational problem. Trustee Ahem suggested two alternatives ~ 1. Re-
quest assistance of Drainage and Clean Streams Cormnission, .and 2. If
necessary, obtain temporary injunctions. Mr. Klofstad expressed willing-
ness of the Corsmission to cooperators and the matter was referred to the
· Drainage and Clean Streams Commission, Trustee Furst and The Village
Manager. Mr. Richard C. Stein, 716 S. Loois, voiced disapproval to any
proposal for widening or deepening of the creek, but stressed the need
for covering the creek as a safety measure. The Village Attorney was
requested to explore the possibility of temporary injunctions.
Status Report The Village Manager reported work on Well #tl began two weeks ago, and
Well #I! pulling the casing started May 18th. There is still approximately 750
feet to be pulled and will take possibly another week.
The Clerk was requested to place this matter on the agenda of the
regular meeting of June 2, 1970.
sigualization A resolutien was presented for chang~ the signa~i~ization at the
Central & Central Road and Norhtwest Highway intersection. A resolution passed
~ Hwy in 1967 authorizing the use of MFT f~nds provided for an expenditure of
$30,000. The amending resolution allocates an additional $60,000, for
a total project cost of $90,000. It is anticipated this will be approved
for TOPICS and 75% of construction cost will be borne by those funds
as they are made available.
May 19, 1970
rustee Norris, seconded by Trustee ~hern, moved for passage of Resolution 9-70
Resolution 9-70:
(modernizing and. improving traffic signals at the intersection~
of Nor,~thwest Highway, Central Road and Prospect Avenue, desig-
nated as Sec. 27 CS, appropriating an additional sum of $60,000)
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved for passage of
Resolution 10-70: Resolution 10-70
(To participate in a Traffic Operations Program to Increase Capacity
and Safety TOPICS)
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
The Village Manager requested consideration of awarding a contract toMaple St widenir~
Milburn Brothers, Inc. Mount Prospect, for the low bid of $ 17,298.50to Milburn Bros
for the Maple Street widening work. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee
Ahem, moved to award the contract to the low bidder, Milbur~ B~others,
Inc. for $17,298.50 to widen Maple Street
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
The Village Manager requested authorizatim~ to purchase on a lease- lease purchase ¢
purchase ~a~rangement a console control center, base station and ten mobilepolice equi~
radio units from Motorola Con~ma~ications and Electronics, Inc. This would
be on a five-year purchase plan. Cost to the Village on monthly terms
would be $1,370.26 and the total cost figure projected over the five years
period would be $82,215.60, Since instal/ation of the equipment will
not be cor~oleted unitl October, cost to the Village during the curr~nt
fiscal year wo~Id total $8,221.56. The new budget provides $11,500 for
this equipment this year. Mr. Roy Grimes, Market Manager for Motorola,
was present and discussed the proposed arrangement with the Board. The
Village Manager stated the present equipment installed in the Police Dept.
would be retained for the use of the Civil Defense Corps. Mr. Grimes
estimated its trade-in Value would be $225.
During discussion, Mr. Roy Martin of Allied Leasing Co. stated he had
presented a written proposal for a lease-purchase to the Village whereby
at the end of a five-year period the equipment would be given to the Vil-
lage at no additional cost.
The matter was referred to the Police and Fire Cormmittee to be considered
on June 8, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. with Mr. M~rt~in and Mr. Grimes present.
Also to be discussed would be centralized dispatch.
Request was received from American Legion Auxiliary, Mount Prospect Unit Poppy Days
No. 525 and VFW to conduct Poppy Days on May 21st and 22nd. Trustee Furst,
seconded by Trustee Norris, moved to grant tag days to both organizations
as requested.
Upon roll call: A~es: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
The Village Manager requested authorization to purchase a Selma Man-Lift purchase Selms
from Lakeland Equipment Company~_~_c. of Chicago for the quoted priceMan-Lift from
of $3,912.35. Trustee Kilroy, ~ded by Trustee Norris, moved to auth-Lakeland Equip
orize the purchase of the Selma Man-Lift from Lakeland Equipment Co. for
May 19, 1970
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Ki~.troy Norris Reiter Sodermen
Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved for passage of
Resolution -Resolution ll-70
(This is an MFT Resolution for improvement by rsmnicipality under
the Illinois Highway Code, appropriating the sum of $175,200. for
resurfacing of existing pavement with bitumdnous concrete~ binder
course, bituminou~ surface Class I, and leveling binder as re-
quired, together with necessary pavement, curb, curb and gutter and
sidewalk replacement, drainage aud structure adjustments.)
The improvements are for parts of Henry St. School St. ELm St.
Wille St. Pine St. Walnut Aven. Thayer St. Isabella CanDota We Go
Trail Lams Court and Gregory
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy No~ris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Case 70-5A Board of Appeals Case 70-5A - James T. Johnson,510 Maple - petition for
variation for addition to existing home. Board of Appeals voted
5-1 to deny and Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Sodezmmn, moved
to concur with the recommendation and deny the petition for variation.
Under discussion, Trustee Reiter moved to defer vote on the above
motion until the next regular meeting of June 2, 1970 in order to
have time to review a similar situation. Trustee Ahem seconded the
motion o
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Sodermen
Motion carried.
Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved for passage of
Ordinance 2234:
(Tap-on fees)
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Forst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion earried.
Case 70-?A Case No. 70-7A - Judith and Donald Boggs, 1718 Robbie Lane - petition
for varistion for an above-groond raised deck redwood Futura pool with
safety falir fence. Board of Appeals voted 3-2 to deny the request.
President Teichert stated that in discussion with the Chairman of the
Board of Appeals that in making swirm~ng pools a special use it prohibits
above-ground construction. Members of the Board of Appeals will meet
with the Building Committee to discuss this problem. Case 70-7A was
referred.to Committee.
70-8A Eandhurst Shopping Center - Appeal from decision of building
?0-SA superintendent for free-standing building at ground level having actotal
area of approximately 40,000 sq. ft. for Jewel-Osco Store.
The Board of Appeals reconm~nded that the petition be granted, and
Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved to concur with the
Board of Appeals and grant the variation.
Under discussion, Trustee Reiter and. Trustee Furst stressed the importance
..... of traffic flow and parking.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Ki'~]:roy Norris Reiter Soderman Nays: Furst
Motion carried.
May 19, 1970
The Village Attorney was requested to ~draft the appropriate variation Randhurst Shop.
ordirmnce for thee Randhurst Shopping Center. Center - ordinance to be
Trustee Sodermsm reported he had disnussed with James Christie of the
Bon Ton Poultry, at 303 Kensington Rd. the request for a liquor Bon Ton Poultry
license. The petitioner had stipulated his desire to have an R calss-liquor request
ification. Trtmtee Soderman stated the Committee had no recommendation.
Mm. Chi~stie was present and discussed the type of family operation
planned for his establisb_ment and stated it could not function without
serving alchol. Trostee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved
to grant an additional Class R license for the purpose of issuing
same to Mr. Christie for the operation of a restaurant at ~03 Kensington
Upon roll call: Ayes: Kilroy Norris
Nays: - Ahem F~rst Reiter Soderman
Motion failed.
The ComTittee met on Monday, ~ay 11, 1970 to review and t~odate items Fire & Police
charged. Charge sheet items
1. Feasibility north and south streets, P~nd and Foundry, dates back
to December 20, 1966. Delete from Charge sheet.
2.Possible amendments to Chapt. 15, Art. 18 - Solicitors. ~eferred
to Village Attorney for review.
Vehiclular bridge ever Weller Creek at Wil~am, School and Can I~a.
No money available for construction. It was suggested this item be
referred to the Safety Commission for review and possible inclusion
~ an item for TOPICS.
4. Handbill Ordinance review - To be kept in Comaittee.
Overpass on Northwest Highway and Northwestern Rwy to Meadows Park.
Referred to TOPICS and Safety Commission.
Y~0rovements of Dedicated Streets. It was referred to the Village
~gineer to prepare a list of half streets and those dead end streets
which continue a half block back or two blocks away so that the
mittee can identify the problem areas.
7. ~ple Street'Improvemsnt between Moehling and Shabonee. This is
a matter now in the budget.
8. Overnight Parking ~rea ~aple and Lincoln. To remain on charge sheet.
David Grabe et al, re traffic. The Committee would like to have
a review made at this time to determine if there is still a problem
existing. The ~atter is to rew~J~a in Committee and residents re-
quested whether or not there is still the problem of congestion.
10. ~ut,,~ Aid Agreement. The Corm~ittee felt it is desirable to have
this finalized at an early date.
1~. Overnight parking ordinance review.
Trt~tee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the overr~ight
parking ordinance which prohibits parkfmg between 2:00 A.M. and 6:00
~.M. on municipal streets be endorsed.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Mst Kilroy Norris ~eiter Soderman
Motion carried.
12. Restricted ~ovias. Remains in Committee.
Tag Day Ordinance. ~ proposed ordinance ~ras presented. The Vill~ge
~anager was ~equested to supply all members with a list of tag days
approved last year for Board Study before consideration of the
May 19, 1970
The Clerk was requested to place the ordinance on the agenda of the
next regular meeting June 2nd for first reading.
14. Au Ordinance sLmilar to the S~ate Statute prohibiting the possession
by a minor of alcholic liquors and beverages was presented and read.
The Clerk was requested to place it on the June 2nd agenda for ~al
Bartmann's Bartmmmn's plat of subdivision as amended was presented. Trustee
Subdiv. Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to concur in the recom~
mendation of the Plan Cormmission and the President and Clerk be auth-
orized ~o sign and attest after it has been executed by the Ken Rand
IUOo, officers and the Plan Co~ssion Chairman and Secretary, and
after the public improvement bonds have been posted.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Shaner/Seidel plat of subdivision was presented. Trustee Ahem,
Shaner/~eidel seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved the Board authorize the President
subdiv end Clerk to execute the Shaner-Seidel plat of subdivision, after bonds
for public in~provements have beenposted.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Eilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to waive the rules
ordinance requiring two ~eadings of an ordinance vacating portion of We-Go Trail.
vacating Unanimous.
~e-Go T~ail
Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman,, moved for passage of
Ordinance 2235:
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved the President and
4e Go plat Clerk be authorized to execute the plat of easement pertaining to
signed We-Go Trail.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Sodern~n
Motion carried.
We-Go to be Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved the plat of easement
recorded be recorded.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved thePresident and Clerk
be authorized to siva the plat of vacation for a portion of~We-Go
Trail and the same be recorded.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Case 70-7P - -Petition to rezone from RX to R1 Kaplan & Braun's ?th
Case ?0-TP Addition. T~ustee Ahem, seconded by T~ustee Sodezm~u, mSved to con-
cur with the recommendation of the Plan Co~f~ission and Kaplan & Braun's
7th Addition be rezoned from EX to R1.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
May 19, 1970
he Village Attorney was requested to draft the proper zoning ordinance
for presentation at the June 2nd meeting.
The Village Manager directed a comprehensive report regarding Dutch
Elm Disease Control Measures to the Board. Research showed that therep°rt Dutch Elm
use of Bidrin was hazardous. Methoxyclor proved to be too expensive Disease
for use this year. It was determiued that the most practical measure
at this time would be to caz-ry out nor~nal sanitation procedures for
the balance of the year.
Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved to authorize the ~ ,
President and Clerk to sign and attest the plat of Lot A of Byer'soyer s Resubdivision
Resubdivisica, subject to the posting of public improvement bonds.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Y, ilroy N~rris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to waive the rules
in order to nonsider the closing of Dempster Street for construction
purposes. ~imous.
The Village Manager reported that Milburn Brothers had indicated to Dempster St
the Village one lane, and possible two lanes, of Dempster Street wo~l~l°s~d for const.
be kept open for emergency vehicles. Trustee Norris, seconded by
Trustee Furst, moved to authorize the clesing of Dempater Street
from Linnen~n to Algonquin for a period of six weeks for construction
purposes, with the provision that a lane access will be ~J_utained
for emergency purposes.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy NOrris Reiter Soderman
Motion carried.
M~T grade crossing protection procedure was referred to Public Health M~T to Public }%1
and Safety Committee. aud Safety
Trustee Furst reported on a meeting of the Noise Abatement Council Noise Abatement
regar~ O'Hare International Airport. There is a proposed grant Council regardir~
by the Federal government of 365 acres of land (the military a~rfield) O'Hare Int.
to the City of Chicago for the price of $1.,00. The property value .Airport
is $23,000,000. The Council, comprised of 30 municipalities, are
advising citizens of this grant because it would be an open door for
O'Hare to expand and to increase facilities and there would be no
control. When O'Hare was constructed the facilities called for 550,000
plane movements a year. It is estimated that in 1975 the figure would
be more like 800,000. The Council is concerned with restricting O'Hare
from expanding at will. In line with this, there will be a meeting at
the Bensenville High School on May 27th, and invitations are extended
to all people in the surrounding area to attend. A formal letter
has been directed to PreSident Nixon. The Council is hoping to get an
injunction to restrict the grant of $23,000,000 worth of land for the price
of $1.00. Citizens attendiug the meeting in Bensenville on May 27th will
be given an opportunity to sign a petition and it is hoped 2,000-3,000
nawss will be affixed.
A resolution No. 38-70 was received from Elk Grove Village urging Resolution 38-70
banning of sub-standard housing, received from Elk
Grove Village
O~JDICIARY - M~ 21, 1970
PUBLIC WORKS - May 20, 1970 Committee announce=
NOFfi/4WEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE in Barrington, May 20, 1970. ments.
Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved the meeting be
adjourned. Time: 11:58 P.M. Unanimous. adjournment -
DONALD W. GOODM~, Village Clerk