HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/24/1992 COW minutes ~ Minutes
November 24, 1992
Roll Call
The m~eting was called to order by Mayor Gerald L. ~Farley
at 7:35 p.m. Trustees present were~Mark Busse, George
Clowes, Paul Hoefert and Irvana Wilks. Also present were
Village Manager Michael E. Janonis, Police Chief Ronald
Pavlook, Fize Chief Ed Cavello, Finance Dlrector David C.
Jepson, Planning and Zoning Director David Clements, Inspec-
tion Services Director Chuck Benoit, Human Services Adminis-
trator .Nancy Morgan, Communication Division Administrator
Cheryl ,L. Pasalic, and Public Works Director 'Herbert L.
~ Weeks. In addition, Broadaere Development Company represen-
~ tative -Fldel Lopez, Supezintendent Dr. Thomas W. Many and
Board of Education member Mrs. Betty Launer o~ school Dis-
trict 57, Chairman Hal Predov~ch of the Downtown Develop-
ment ahd Redevelopment Commission, and three members of the
media were present
II Minutes of November 10, 1992
The minutes of November 10, 1992 were accepted and filed.
III citizens to be Heard
No c~tizens appeared before the Village Board.
IV Downtown Redevelopment - Broadacre and Catholic Charities
Mayor Gerald L, Farley~ introduced the topic for d~scus-
sion. Village Manager Michael E. Janonis provided back-
ground data on current redevelopment planning, and referred
to the workshop on the downtown ~redevelopment that wa~
~conduoted earlier this fall. At ~hat time, the direction
~f the ~oard appeared to be that the Pine/Wille property
,was best suited for redevelopment start-up. A public hear-
ing is scheduled for December 1, 1992 to diecuss the rede-
velopment plan, specifically extension of the TIF district,
) through Amendment %2. The comment was made that th~s TIF
project is meant to be self-supporting a~d that, as
long-range ~AV of the prc~ect should be considered. Even
though Catholic Char%ties is tax-exem~t, ~tud~es show that
there should be no adverse impact.
Planning and Zoning Director David Clements commented on
~he September 29th planning meeting and the current status
Hr. Pro~. Public ~orks ID.l-~O$-25~-g$77 DEc 04'92 LS.~ ~o.~u~ n.~
of the Broadacre proposed concept plan, specifically how it
relates to the Oa=~olic Charitiee.senior ~ous~ng
The revised plan shows that 75 livzug units for
housing coul~ ~ bullt. Planning an~ ~oning mtaff ha~
looked at alternat~ szt~s for senior h~=ing~ h~mver~ most
o~ t~es~ Snvolv~d problems w~th surro~$ng land use, cost
of ac~zsztion and remoteness. If ~pproved~
of the senior ~ousing could star~ as ~arly as next Septem-
ber or
Mr. Fide1 Lo~e~, repr~s~ntzng ~roadacre Develo~nt
~y, a~r~ss~d this planned TIF district and,stated
the ~ ~tholic Charities' project could fit ~in wiCn the
overall character of the ~ster plan and that th~ develop-
me~t was in keeping with the essence of their plan.
would be four and five-sto~ buildings that would
ment the senior houslng Dro~rty. 282 pa~king spaces are
pressed, with a lattlce trellis canopy over par= of the
parking area and some greenery such as t~ to soften" the
appearance. Their overall plan also tries to maintain the
parking and ~treet syst~s. The first-floor apar~ents
the ' four buildings in the Sroa4acre ~roJect would b~
si~ed as studio apa~ents but could later be conver=ed to
retail shops.
Trustee Paul ~ert questioned the entranc~ ~looations to
the a~r~ent buzldings. Ma~or Farley ~then went to the
audience for c~ents before going back to the Board for
their reaction. ~ ~
Dr. ~S W. Man7, Superintendent of School District 57,
was concerned about the t~-exem~t status of the Catholic
Charities senior hous~n~ project. Dr. ~ny stressed that
he was not against senior housing, and h~ agree~ with the
makeup of the ~roDosal., As a representative o~ the
district, he was concerne~ the lm;act i~ may have on the
reveB~es they derive from property t~es. School Dimtrict
57, h~ s~at~, serves 4.5 s~ar~ miles ~n the center
Mo~ Pros~ct, and 94% of their ~evenu~ ~ derived fro~
property tax. Currently, within their t~ing distrzct,
th~ already have aever~] %~w-~w~mDt properties, including
Villag~ ~11, the fire and poli~ stations, coveter park-
in~ lots, ~h~ ~n~r e~,r, and t~ public workm
Hal ~ 'Predovich, ~ chai~an of =he Business District Devel-
o~nt ~n~ ~v~lo~ment Co~i~ion, cemented ~nat he
sh~e~ Dr. M~y's concerns an~ wondered if the senior ho~-
~O buildln~ could be built and th~n converted ~o ~aDart-
ments at a later date a~ter moving =he seniors elsewhere.
~nala J. Hat--n, resident at 16 N. Willt~, m~ke before
the Board and offere~ his opinion t~t housing for the
Mt. Pros. PubIlc Works iD:l-?O$-253-g$77~ DEC 0z~'92 15:z~8 No Out P.O$
elderly should be near Randhurst or another ma]or shop~ing
oen~er, as the'downtown area may not offer needed services
for the elderly. Hc agreed with Dr. Many's objections.
Mayor Farley brough= the discuss~on back to'the ~oard. Vil-
lage Manager Janonis commented on some of Dr.'Many's con-
cerns, stating that Village-owned theater property and the
house at 17 S. Wills are trans~tlonal and should soon be
back on the tax roles. The Catholic Charities' senior hous-
ing pro3ect would be constructed with a $4~5 million grant
through H.U.D. and the Village would receive money from the
sale of the property. It is estimated that the land sale
to Catholic Charities would be approximately $300,000, but
the a~tual figure would be as appraised by H.U.D. at a
later da=e.
Ma~or Farley wanted additional information~rega~ding later
conversion of the senior housing to apartments, as suggest-
ed by the chairman of the Business District Development and
Redevelopment Commission. Planning and Zoning Director
David Clements did not think . this would be likely; as,
traditionally, senior housing units are smaller ~=han most
apartments, and H.U.D. may not be agreeable to that type of
Finance D~rector DavLd ~Jepson ~ sdgge~ted 'that the rental
units by Broadacre should generate approximately $1900 in
taxes per year per unit. At the present time, 198 rental
units are being con$idered~ Finance Director Jepson
dressed the tax issues on the EAV differences and suggested
that the Tax Increment F~nding dls=rict would ~upport it.
It was pointed out that the Catholic Charities senior hous-
ing project being financed by H.U.D. was one of f~ve state-
wide awards ....
Trustee Paul Hoefert commented that he supported additional
senior housing in the Village, but he is concerned that no
alternative site was still being consideredJ
Trustee Mark Busse was concerned about ~ fina~c~al alte~na-
tires. He wanted to know what the loss of tax would be on
the Catholic Charities property. Finance Director David
~Jepson stated that the financial projections were for all
residential units (not including retail).
Trustee Busse asked if the Centennial Apartments_ behind
Mount ~rospect ~ ~laza were also tax-exempt. He was con-
cerned about a promise made to the tax payers'that the old
public works site would be placed back on the tax role; he
feels that the Village should honor that commitment and
look for another site.~
Mt, Pros..Pub!lc Works ID:1-708-255-9577 .~ DEL_04'92 15'A8 ~o uO~ E.O~ ~
Trustee ~rvana Wilks~ questioned Broadacre representative
about the size and height of their proposed develop-
meat. There are two plans that they are considering - Plan
A and Plan B. On both plans, the building facing east
would be one story lower to allow for sunlight into the
"Trustee Wilks~ commented t~at she had reservations on the
,Catholic Charities project ,and that, when she was a member
'of the .Business District Development and Redevelopment
Commission, ~their ob~ectives did not ~-~clude projects such
as this. She feels~that~'the proposed Catholic Charities
,project is against all principles o~ TIF 'planning.
Trustee O~orge Clowes stated that he was under the impres-
sion~that there were to be other alternatives, and he
agrees with citizen Mr. ~Harmon that senior~housing should
be closcr~to~shopping centers for services. ~ '
There was some dialog on whether or not the apartments that
Broadacre ..is planning ' to construct could be converted to
'condominiums at a later date. Mr. Lopez ~rom ~roadacre
=o~ented that he did not think that would be possible
because these units would not have many of thc amenities or
s~uare footage that condominzum purchasers look for.
Ma~or Farley stated he felt there was a need for senior
housing and he thought that the citizens would support the
project for the greater good of the community. Trustee
Hoeffert commented that the individuals living in the
nior , housing would be ambulatory and the build~ng would
bring people to the downtown area. Mayor / Farley commented
that, if the senior citizens housing project is construct-
ed, there would likely be a waiting list, but Mount Pros-
pect residents would have priority on occupancy.
"The chairman of thc Business Distr~ct Development and Rede-
velo~ment Commission, Hal Petrovitch, cow, eared that he has
~had 18 , years of planning on that commission. He suggested
'~' that the plan, as submitted, ,would be a compr,omise.
Broadaore representatzve,' Mr. Lopez, was wh&t the
time table would be for the construction of their build-
ings. Mr. Lopez stated that, typically, H.U.D. has plans
a~ailable which could be adapted ,to their buildings wzth
very minor, changes. Until Broadacre receives assurance
that "the project is approved, they would defer any finaliz-
. zng of plans other than thc concept or architectural render-
~ings.' Village Manager Janonis will bring the issue back to
the Board at the next C.O.W. meeting with an update. ~
Mt Pros ~otz 1 ic Warks ID. £-708-253-9377 DSC
Mayor ~arley and Village Manager Janonls ~rcod ~hat poling
~"',of the Board with two members absent would not be desir-
ablo. They will bc looking to poi~ tho Board at ~ao Doocm-
bet 8 meeting to get a consensus from t_he trustees on wheth-
er or not thc Catholic ~Chari~ics concept ~lan should be
Mount Prospect ~2000 - RevenUe/~x~enditure ~lan
Village Manager Janonis reviewed the past meeting ,concern-
ing the proj~ct~ deficit. He put forth a spending plan
which would reduce spending increases, to, 3.5% in the
1996/97 fiscal year. The initial prus~n~ation of ~ov~%ber
10th had indicated that the elected ,,o~ficials wanted more
· n£ormation as ~£a~ as ~options
information, as given to the Board and ,briefly discussed,
provid=d seYen ~v~nu= options with ~n c~amplc of Fire and
Police Department expenditure options. It was stated ~that
the purpose of the revenue options was to g~nerate discus-
sion by the elected officials on different means to ~achieve
financial stablllty.
Finance Director Jepson wen: thAough =he seven options and
explained each briefly.. He commented that option 3 showed
a ,Z5% sales ~ax and that, if :his option were approved,
there would be a reduction of .25% in the food and beverage~
tax. ;ull options l~cl~ded wa=er fun~ :ransfer, property
taxes, .25% sales tax, an ~an~bulance fee, and a gasoline
tax. un=er oD=ion ~, as presented, there wools be a recom-
mended property tax reduction of $528,400. .~It was stated
that t~e BOard needs to have a secona reaaang on the tax
levy ordinance by December 15.
Village Manager Janonis and F~nance Dir.e~6r 'David Jep~on
both ~lscusse~ the options as perceived by management.
Finance Director Jepson stated thst option 1 for 1993/94
shows a pro~ected deficit of $1,107,200. With only s water
fund transfer, $153,900 would draw down on the general~ fund
balance. Administration would then have to make ~ervice
reductions'~ in the amount of $595,700. This could eqt~ate to
e]im~nation of ~ up ~ to 15employees. Trustee George ¢lowes
commented that he wanted to revisit the ~992/93 budget for
further reductions before looking at 1993/94.~ Finance
Director Jepson commented that he understood ~ the 1992/93
deficit recommendations had been approved.
Trustee ~Clowes stated that his preference is to not raise
any taxes and that rcdu, t~on of service should be an oD=ion
considered. Mayor Farley commented that he felt the commu-
nity wants the level of service they now enjoy and stated
that he believed there was approval for the 1992/93 spend-
ing level.
t .Pros PJbiic bJorks ID'1-=08-257-9~?? DEC 0~1'92 15:50 , ~ -'
h~.~u4 '.Ob
,Villaqe Manager Janonis commented that, with our size commu-
nity ~nd u hume valu~ of $160,000, Lh~ total Lax, bumd~n to
a resident~ is approximately $500, which includes vehicle
:services. '~ ~e ~uggested to the Board that the~ move slowly,
and he dl~ no='ad¥1se any draconian cuts. A~ ~ tw~ tzu~t~
were not present, there was no call for a consensus of
opinion o~ the 1993/94 reduction op~lcns. I~ was ~ugges~e~
that the ~matter be brought ,back before the Board at the
December 8 cgw meeting. Nayo~ Farley th~n stated that this
~'tssue would-be discussed~at.the next scheduled meeting.
vi" ~anager~s Report~, '-. '~ ~
'~ V£11age Manager Janonis e~plained that,Public Works Direc-
t, tot Herbert weeks is ~e/ng requires Dy ~=he EPA to ma~e
~ p~blic notification to all water customers of some negative
water sample test-results. Subsequent samples were okay.
Both~'village Manager, Janonis 'and Director Weeks ~stressed
that this was,a procedure mandated by the E~A and ~that the
~ recent' water ~samples which had h~gh bacteria counts were
probably caused by contaminated bottles or tmproDer testing
procedures. There is no lead contamination involved in
~ - this notificat~on. Postcards w~ll be marled -to all, resx-
L~ ~d~nts the week of November 23, 1992.
VII~Any Other Business
Hoefert commented that he waBted to add land acqui-
~ztion as a subject for~the next executive session. , Trust-
xee Wilks'commented that the ~nformation the Village Manager
~orwards to the Board is very informative and she highlight-
ed the azticle by Solid Waste Coordinator Lisa Angel1 and
the architectural award-winning design for landscaDing
" alon~ the Chica~o and North Western railroad line.
VIII Adjournment'' ,' ,'
~:~ Mayor Farley announced there would be an' executive session
~ ]mmediarely followinu the meeting. The V~lage Board wgnt
· nt6 exeoutzve ~ession at 10:5§ p.m., for the purpose of
~ ~t~l~ng lt~g~Hon and la~d a~l~iglon, and was c~nclud-
· ' ed at ' 11:41~ p.m. ,The Commit%ce of the Whole meeting was
December 8 at 7:}0 p.m. ~ '~ ,-
'" * '~ a: ~' ' ~ Respectfully submitted
Director ~blie Work~