HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/08/1992 COW minutes . ' ~ '; f Minutes
,~-~, December 8, 1992
I. ROLL CALL ~t ~' ~
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gerald L. Farley at 7:35 p.m.
Trustees present were Mark Busse, George Clowes,' Tunothy Corcoran.'
Leo Floros, Paul Hoefert, and Irvana Wriks. Also present were: Village
Manager Michael E. Janonis, Inspection Services Director Chuck Bencic,
Fire Chief Edward M. Cavello, Planning Du-ector Dawd Clements, Finance
Dn'ector Da,ad C. Jepson, Human Semces Administrator Nancy Morgan,
Communications Division Adrmmstrator Cheryl L. Pasalic. Chief of Police
Ronald Pavlock, Personnel Coordinator Donna Russell and Public Works
Director Herbert L. Weeks. In addition Mr. Allen Saunders, Housing
Consultant for Catholic Charities, Mr. Fidel Lopez representing
Broadacre. Valerie Alexander, Mr. Ken Westlake, Chaim~an of the Solid
Waste Commission; Mr. Richard Bachhuber, Chau~uan of the Finance
Commission, Dennis Saviano representing School District #57 along with
four members of the print media in attendance.
The minutes of the November 24, 1992 were accepted as corrected
and fried
Five (5) trustees voted to accept minutes and.there ~vras one (1)
abstention. .
No citizens appeared before the Village Board.
Mayor Farley introduced the continuation of the discussion held at the
last Committee of the Whole Meeting on November 24, 1992, which had
to do with the merits, advantages and disadvantages of incorporating
into our downtown redevelopment project a facility that would house
income ehg~ble senior citizens and be built by Catholic Chanties.
Vrilage Manager Michael E. Janonis stated that the critical issue is to
determine the status of Catholic Charities with respect to the Pine/Wille
Redevelopment Plan that has been proposed by Bmadacre. Mr. Janonis
reviewed information that was distributed at the meeting of the 24th.
This information highlighted the ~impact the Plne/Wflle Development
proposal had on that block. It was expected that a three fold increase In
Equalized Assessed Evaluation,(EAV) from present levels would be
realized through the Broadacre development in the Pine/WIlle block.
There was approximately $400,000 anticipated lose in EAV if the
Catholic Chanties component was Included in the Redevelopment
scheme. He continued that there was additional information contmned
in this evening's packet. This information is based on questions raised at
the prewous meeting and during the ,week.
Mayor Farley asked for comments by residents in attendance.
Mr. Dennis Sawano, a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals and a
recent appointee to the School Board of District #57, expressed concern
about the Catholic Charities Senior Housing Development because of the
effect that additional tax exempt property could have on District #57.
Mr. Sav~ano commented that taking a,property off the tax roles was m
direct conflict with the purpose of a TIF District. ~ Discussion continued
on the concerns of District #57: ~ , _ , ~ ~ ~, ~
Mayor Farley stated the 'Board was very cognizant of the impact on
Dmtnct ,#57 'and ~would' factor Distnct~57's concerns into ,their
dehbemtions · ,'~ '
Mr Sawano clarified his position by stating his concern was hot so much
for a TIF District, but for additional tax exempt property within the TIF
District ' ~ ~ ; ~
Valene Alexander of 501 West Lincoln stated her understanding was that
Catholic Chanties would be~using~HUD funds, She questioned how
ehgiblhty could be restricted solely to Mount Prospect residents., Mayor
Farley stated that Mount Prospect residents would.have pre~ference.
Trustee Corcoran stated that he supports senior citizen housing and
Catholic Chanties and he initially s~upported the Pine/Wille location, but
after reviewing all the material and hstening to the comments, it is now
h~s opinion that this is ,the wrong location and that we ought'to be
looking at property that is already tax exempt.
Trustee Clowes supports senior housing at the Pine/Wille location. ~ His
reasoning is that based on best estimates the difference in EAV with the'
senior housing wa without the s-enior housing would be approximately
$400,000. Trustee Clowes ~later stated.that Catholic Charities is
expected to pay $300,000 for the property they use.' The Village will get
significantly more revenue from the sale of this property than they would
from the incremental revenue ff they didn't build senior housing. Trustee
Clowes ~ concluded by stating that he supporti senior housing'in the
downtown area. He stated that he does not necessarily support the Tax
Increment Financing District ' (TIF). Mayor Farley commented that the
Village has not negotiated a dollar f~gure. The figure was sh-nply utilized
by staff to give the Board some projection of the revenue in that area of
the TIF Distr~ct. There has not been any negotiation w~th Catholic
Chanties toward the price of the land.
Trustee Floros asked if we were to consider the sale of the property to a
private developer or to HUD, would the price of the land be the same?
Planning Dn-ector David Clements responded in the affirmative. Trustee
Floros-also inquired if it is possible that there could be' private,
developers around who would be interested in that property to do there
what was done at Centennial. Mr. Clements stated that he did not
think there would be that kind of interest in today's market. Mr. Fidel
Lopez representang Broadacre supported the comments made by Mr.
Clements stating that if there had been private developers who could
make a profit from such a senior development they would have already
been knocking on the Village's door.
Trustee Busse commented that h~ thinks that this is a very valuable
piece of property and should be on the tax role He feels that we have ,,
made a commitment in the past to have the property return to tax
producing status and thinks we should fulfill that comxmtment.
Trustee Busse stated he is sensitive to semors and supports Catholic
Charities through his business on an annual basis. However, it is just
too valuable a piece of property to be tax exempt.
Trustee Hoefert expressed his reservations about the Cathohc Charxt~es
port, on of the development because of comments that say Broadacre has
downs~zed then- units and they now do not have the amenities required
to someday be converted to condominiums. Trustee Hoefert restated his
position by saying that we need senior housing in this town and that the
Ptne/Wille s~te was a good place for it.
Mr. Lopez stated that at this time even if Catholic Charities is not built ~
the size of the Broadacre units would stay the same. Mr. Lopez
concluded his statement by explaining the difference in rental
apartments and condominiums and how they are designed.
Truste~ Hoefert concluded the discussion by stating that he would
support the Catholic Charities proposal because it's something that the
community needs. The Village has a good location in the Pme/Wille area
and ~t would a mistake to forego the opportunity to bring additional
senior housing to the Vdl~ge.
Mr. Allen Saunders, Housing Consultant for Catholic Chanties, made
brief comments about the program and the benefits other communities
have derived from it.
Trustee Wflks asked Mr. Saunders what would happen to his time table if
the V~llage said to you tonight that we have reservations about the tax
exempt issues in our TIF District. Can the clock stall be ticking for
· Catholic Chanties. can we stall apply and vail you do another project ~n
Mount Prospect for senior housing in another locataonO ~, , ' :i
Mr. Saunders replied that we would have to be given some assurance
what the tame table would be. ) ....
Trustee Wflks stated that she supports senior housing and Cathohe
Charities She stated that she came to the meetnng to support putting
the Catholic Chanties in this area, but ff we have some tn-ne, we can ask
staff to investigate other locations. Trustee Wilks' stated that she would
hate to see the·Village give away all of its options 'on downtown
development.' However, Trustee ~Wllks saw some merit in a brief delay
which would enable staff to investigate other locations. Trustee Wllks
concluded her comments by stating it is important for the Vdlage to keep
the tax base whole especially in this downtown area. IThe only way she
would be able to support a tax exempt project for 40 years is if the Board
made 'eertain that the other development in the area earned its 'own
weight ~and that the senior housing component added to',the
attraetaveness of the ove,rall project.
Mr. Hal ,Predovmh Chairman of the Business District
Development / Redevelopment ~ Commission stressed the n-nportanee of
getting something started in the downtown. He stated that the Village
can rnmntmn its cormmtment to senior housing and get something going.
Trustee,Leo Floros after some discussion on the matter stated that he
would support the request for senior citizens housing vath Cathohe
Chantaes and appealed to the Board not to delay any longer. Trustee
Floros stressed the n-nportance of getting something started downtown.
Trustee Clowes, in rewevang the list of options provided by staff stated
that there are no other good alternatives. He stated that this project
would start the process mowng and that this is a plan that can · work
and does get the project mowng. ~ -
Trustee Corcoran brought the board back to his original issue that there
are numerous properties that are tax exempt; such as Village owned
parking lots in the downtown area. He proposed that vath the right
mvestment the area over these parking lots could be better utilized. ~
At this point Mayor Farley polled the board to see ff there Was 'a
consensus to let Cathohc Chanties build on that locataon. Mayor Farley
polled the Board and there was consensus for further exploration bf~
potentaal sites as suggested by Trustee Con:oran.
Mr. danoms after some discussion on the matter stated that he will bmug
the lnfom~atton back to the B~o~ard ,~nleeUng of December~ ~:5th.
/ 4
Mayor Farley in his opening comments s{ated {o the Board that
thought it was prudent to prepare for something less than the possible~
economic turnaround. The Mayor stated that he would like the Board to
arrive at a consensus this evening Since the last meeting ~t was stated
that information was provided that enabled the Board to do hn analysis
and make some computatxon on their own so that we can expedite this
and move it forward rather quickly.
Village Manager Michael E: Jaxionis began the chscusmon by identifying
three important issues that needed to be resolved. · One is that we need
to determine what the 1992 tax levy wdl be. He continued that at the~
meeting of the 15th, there would be a public hearing as well as the
second reading of the ,Tax Levy Ordinance. Secondly, the deficit
reduction plan for 1993/94. Hopefully decisions made for FY93/94
would set the tone for 94/95 and 95/96 and so on. The final item
tonight for your consideration is to look at a rewsed schedule for the .,
budget preparation. ~
Mr. Richard Bachhuber Chmni~n of the Finance Commission'addressed
the Board by reading the report that was prepared by the Finance
Commission at their last meeting ,
Mr. Ken Westlake Chah'nmn of the Solid Waste Commission began his
discusmon v~th the review of the various issues pertaining to sohd waste
disposal. He summarized by.stating that the solid waste commassion
comes down pretty strongly on the side of increased reliance on user
fees ....
Trustee Hoefert could not see the wisdom of returning only a portion of
the taxes from a sticker system. Trustee Hoefert stated he could support
the transfer in the Water Fund and the ambulance fee. Trustee Hoefert
commented that the Village Manager said he could find an additmnal
$70,000 in reductaons. Mr. Hoefert stated that if his calculations were
correct there would be a $59,000 deficit remaining and he thought it
would be easy enough ~to lden,.tify $60,000 in service reductions. This
would total $200,000 in reductions. He could not support the increase
in sales tax or the gas tax. His plan would also utilize the General Fund
Balance · ~ -
Trustee Corcoran beg~ his discussion'b~, agreeing with many of the
positions stated by Trustee Hoefert on garbage collection adding that
there ~s a lot to be absorbed by households. He ~denttfled that some~
households are more resistant than others. His second point was that'
there are no secondary markets developed for the recycled materials to
speak of. Trustee Corcoran began Identifying the other options he would
support. First would be the reductions totallr/g $139,900, the Water
Fund transfer of $500,000 and unlike Trustee Hoefert. he supported the
1/4% sales tax increase 'rather than ambulance~ feb. ~' He proposed that
the sales tax be capped for three years The General Fund transfer is
something that should be considered Given all those factors, ,Trustee
Corcoran came up vath a $69,600 deficit.' ~ ~ -~ r - ;~- , ~, ~,
Tr~ustee Wdks began by taking the position to wait finial 1994 for the new
contract on garbage collection to make changes. In,respect to Vision
2000, Trustee Wflks stated that this wslon should be multi-faceted
Trustee Wllks stated that the Board has only discussed one side of the
issue. She stated the Board has not been given the,opportunity to see
how the Village delivers services and that ff the Board were to explore
every~possible option,' tax payers will see that the Board is doing its best
to'cut unnecessary expenditures. On'the other issues, Trustee Wflks
stated she would support the Water Fund transfer; not the sales~tax
lncrease~or the ambulance fee or the gas tax ~At this point it has not
been~prover~ that it is necessary. Trustee Wi!~s, finalized by,supporting
using exc?ss General Fund balance. - ~ ~ ~ -
At this point, Mr. Janonis offered that ff we can garner some dwechon
based on this discussion the Board will see the reductions as part of the
bu~dget presentations and they vall become very st~ecdic. ....
Mr. Jepson offered that Trustee Wilks'~reductions left a deficit of~
Trustee Busse stated that he was happy with the refuse disposal as
crests. He supported the Water Fund transfer and was opposed to the
property tax increase, as well as the sales tax increase. He also did not
support he ambulance fee or the gas tax. Trustee Busse supported the
General Fund and challenged staff to find ways to cut. The amount to be
recovered was the same as Trustee Wflks, $179,600. ~,
Trustee Clowes began by addressing the ,'tax levy. He supported the"
recommendation to exclude~debt semee from the maximum increase of
5%. However, he said the maximum should not exceed inflation, or 3
6.1 Yo. He
This approach w6uld result in a 1992 tax levy increase of o -- ·
would support going to the refuse~dlsposal system of one bag becau~se it
is a fairer system to all; business 'and residents., Trustee Clowes said he
supported the Water Fund transfer~ but that it shot~ld be spread over two
years. He supported the amount of $270,000 for 93/94 and $230,000
for 94/95. He supported an ,ambulance fee and the General Fund
transfer~of $143,850 in 93/94 and $143,850'1n 94/95: ~ He does not
support the imposition of the 1/4% sales tax unless ther~ is a quid
quo. Th~s pr~opos~ identifies a n~egaiave $71,450. ~ '~ ~, ' ~
Trustee Floros supported the exper/chture red{iciaon bf$139,900. ~He was~'
also reluctant to make changes in the refuse disposal at this tune He
supported the Water Fund transfer, but was 'opposed to the ambulance
fee, the 1/4% sales tax increase and the gas tax. He stated he had no
problem with the General Fund transfer. Trustee Floros' plan left the
same deficxt as Trustees Busse and Wflks and that was $179,600.
Discussion followed on the various ddferences and options that were
presented. Based on Board comment a consensus was reached that the
1992 Tax Levy be lirmted to a 5% increase including debt serwce.
Lengthy discussion followed. This discussion included comments about
methods for reducing the deficit further, about giv/ng direction to staff by
looking at the s~tuation long tem~ because the problem gets worse in a
few years. If not resolved, Trustee Corcoran stated it would neccesitate a
change in the way the VillAge does business. Drastic cuts would need to
be made in every department affecting even essentual sennces.
Trustee Hoefert suggested that the discussion focus on 94/95. The basis
of this discussion pertstned to refuse disposal and reducing the deficit.
Trustee Wfiks asked Mayor Farley where he stood on the issues of gas
tax, sales tax and other revenue. Mayor Farley stated he could support a
change in the sales tax, however he was not in favor of the gas tax or
Mr. Janoms offered his analysis of the situation and the direction given
by the Board. He stated that he thought that service cuts would be
necessary. He requested the Board review the schedule for the budget
process because staff will need more t/me.
Mayor Farley commended Mr. Janonis for the work that was done by
staff and his summary.
Mr. Janonis did not have any items for his report.
Mohon made to enter into Executive Session at 11:20 p.m. Another
motion was made to come out of Executive Session at 11:55 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Edward M. Cavello
Fire Chief