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04/18/1972 VB minutes
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 18, 1972 CALL TO ORDER Call to or~er Mayor Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:45 P.M. INVOCATION Invocation Trustee Furst gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Roll Call Richardson Scholten Teichert APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 4, 1972 Under communications and petitions amend the wording to Approval of read "withdraw its request". Trustee Scholten, seconded Minutes by Trustee Anderson , moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held April 4, 1972 as amended. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Scholten Teichert Pass: Richardson Furst Monroe Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved for approval of bills in. the fall,ow:in'g amounts: Approval of Bi] General $149,687.44 Parking System Revenue 1,062.55 Waterworks & Sewerage Bond & Interest 73,381.25 Depr. Imp. &Ext. 30,001.17 Operation & Maintenance 42,735.50 $296,867.91 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Richardson Scholten Motion carried. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Schalten, moved for approval of the financial report for March, 1972 subject to audit, motion to approve finan- Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe cial report fo~ Richardson Scholten March, 1972 Motion carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Jacob Martin, attorney for Addressograph Multigraph, Inc. appeared before the Board to apprise the members of an appli- cation pending before the Board of Appeals to seek a variation to permit installation of a temporary office approximately Addressogr~ 50' x 140' to be erected in an area use~ 'for parking at the Multigraph, Bruning plant on Cent~ral Road for engineering s~ervices. It Inc. applic~ is oro~p~sed to enect 14 prefabricated units transported totion to constr the site-and joined ~in a~ series to accommodate a staff of 45-vempo~ary 70 persons. This structure is to remain ~for' 6 to 12 months, office No action was taken by the Board. MANAGER'S REPORT The current balance of funds remaining in the Waterworks report on balance and Sewerage Acquisition and Construction Fund is of funds £or Water~161,837.87. The fund was created ~pon passage of works and Sewerage Ordinance No. 2176 in 1969 for expe~'d~g monies for the Acquisition acquisition of Utility Sewer and Water Company and the connection to the Village system. Section 18 of the above-mentioned ordinance provides that"any surplus remaining in said Acquisition and Construction Fund Account shall be transferred to Depreciation, Improvement and Extension Account." Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Ahern, moved that the balance of $161,837.87 remaining in the Waterworks and Sewerage Acquisition and Construction Fund be transferred to the Waterworks and Sewerage Depreciation, Improvement and Extension Account as provided in Section 18, Ordinance No. 2176. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Richardson Scholten Motion carried. The Village Manager reported he is reviewing the Prospect Plaza file and has ordered gravel to be gravel for Prospec~laced in the area in the interim and he is seeking Plaza token cooperation from Prospect Plaza. The Village Manager presented a one year lease wi~n Dr. Conrad Mazeski in the amount of $300.~00 per month for the premises at 201 W. Prospect for use in conjunction one year lease for© the CAP program. The Village Attorney has ad- Conrad Mazeski vised the lease ~s ~n good order. Trustee Anderson, CAP Program seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved to authorize execution of the lease w~th Dr. Mazeski. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Richardson Scholten Motion carried. A letter was received from Mount Prospect Public Library requesting permission to install a trailer as a tem- porary work space behind the northwest corner of the building in the staff parking area. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Ahern, moved to authorize the Village Attorney to appear before the Board of Appeals mobile trailer foron behalf of the Mount Prospect Public Li:brary to library petition for a variation for office space in a mobile trailer on a year-to-year basis. Uoon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Richardson Scholten Motion carried. A Novation Agreement between Prospect Enterprises, Inc. Kenroy, Inc. and the V~llage of Mount Prospect was Novation Agreementpresented. This pertains to the outlet sanitary outlet sanitarySeWer main extending from the location of certain sewer main properties south of Golf Road owned by the above to the Metropolitan Sanitary District interceptor ad- jacent to the Weller Creek north of Golf Road. Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Furst moved to authorize the Mayor to sign and the Clerk to attest the Novation Agreement. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe ~ichardson Scholten Motion carried. 4/18/72 eferring back to the Mount Prospect Public Library consideration, Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee Ahern, moved for~a waiver of the fees for a hearing before the Board of Appeals. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Richardson Scholten Motion carried. MAYOR'S REPORT Two announcements were made: Hike for your Neighbor Northwest Opportunity Center - April 23, 1972 and Hike for your Special Meeting, Tuesday, April 25, 1972 for pres- Neighbor- entation of a plan for the newly-annexed area by Northwest oppor- Thomas Murphy, Consultant Planner. tinuty Center M~yor Teichert directed a.memorandum to the Board regarding the Ci. vil Defense program. It appeared to be contradictory in the Manager-Council form of memorandum re~ government for the Civil Defense Director to be grading Civil appointed by the Mayor instead of the Manager and Defense program it was recommended that this method should be dis- continued. An ordinance creating the department of Civil Defense was presented and read for first.reading and the Clerk was requested place the ordinance on the Bgenda~of the 1st reading of Special Meeting to be he)d April 25, 1972 for final an ordinance reading, creating a dept. of Civil Defense It was reported that the di~splay cabin,et installed in the lobby of the Village Hall for exhi'bStin9 the police trophies had been erected in honor of former Police Chief George Whittenberg and the Lions Club had don- ated a check in the amount of ~450.00 toward the dedica- tion as well as $800.00 for furniture in the Firemens' Village Hall Lounge and $400.00 for Lions Welcome Sign for MoLnt display cabinet Prospect. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN REPORTS BUILDING COMMITTEE Second reading of the ordinance amending XI of the Building C-ode regulating swimming pools was defer~red pending review.by Mr. Buell Dutton, the newly appointed 2nd. reading of Building and Zoning Commissioner and the Clerk was ordinance amendi requested to place this on ~e agenda of-the May 2nd Building Code on meeting. Swimming pools ~UDICIARY COMMITTEE Case 72-5P Walter Harris property lcoated at Pine and Central petition for rezoning from R-1 to B-2 for erection of a medical building. Trustee Ahern, seconded Case 72-5P - by Trustee Richardson, moved to concur witch the recommen-walter Harris dation of thePlan Commission and deny the petition. Rezone from R-1 to B-2 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Monroe Richardson Scholten Trustee Furst was absent during rol-1 call. Motion carried. April 18, 1972 l 0© Case 72-7P Butch McGuire 300 E. Rand R-X to B-3. Trustee Ahern, seconded by Trustee Scholten, Case ?2-?? Butch moved the Board concur in the recommendation McGu~e R-x vo of the Judiciary Committee and override the Plan Commission recommendation for denial, to allow zoning the property at 300 E. Rand Rd. (Case 72-7P) to B-3. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Richardson Scholten Motion carrSed~ The meeting was temporarily adjourned at 9:50 P.M. and reconvened at 10:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Richardson Scholten Teichert At 10:00 P.MJ Trustee Monroe left the meeting. Trustee Ahern read for first reading an ordinance rezoning from R-X to B-3 the property known as 1st reading of Butch McGui. re's at 300 E. Rand and requested the ordinance rezon- ~ ,Clerk to place it on the agenda of the next regular ing Butch Mc~uire~eeting for final reading. from R-x to B-3 ~INANCE COMMITTEE Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved to waive the rules requiring two readings of an ordinance authorSzing transfers among appropriations. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Anderson Furst Richardson Sch¢lten Motion carried. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved for passage of Ordinance #2347: Motion for passage of Ordinance AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TRANSFERS AMONG APPROPRIATIONS 23~7 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Richardson Scholten Motion carried. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to waive the rules to cen~ider ~ second reading and adopt$on of the 1972 bus~ness regulation adoption ~f the code. 1972 business regulation code Upon roll.call: Ayes: Ahem Anderson F~rst Richardson Scholten Motion carried. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Scholten moved for passage of Ordinance ~2348: Motion for passage of Ordinance AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1972 BUSINESS REGULATIONS 2348 CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Richardson Scholten Motion carried. April 18, 1972 Trustee Furst, seconded bY Trustee Richardson~ moved for adoption of the 1972-73 Budget, in concurrence with the recommendation of'the Finance Committee. motion for adoption of 197 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson 'Furst Richardson1973 Budget Scholten r--- Motion carried. Trustee Furst presented an ordinance creating a Class W liquor license with the intent to issue to Carl's Pizza, and moved the Board concur with the recommendation of the creating a Clas Finance Committee. W liquor licen~ Upon roll call: Ayes: Scholten Anderson Furst Richardson(carl's Piz~ Nays: Ahern Motion carried. Trustee Furst advised that before second reading of the above ordinance the owner would give the administration a letter indicating what kind of remodeling to his estab- lishment he intended to do on the interior and exterior, and requested the Clerk to place the ordinance on the agenda of the next regular Board Meeting May 2, 1972. FIRE AND POLICE COMM}TTEE A proposed ordinance on site distance and another on stop and yield signs were plaCed on the docket of the review traffi< Fire and Police Committee for study and proposal to the study Board. The Crawford, Bunt'e; Rodin-traffic'study was r" also to.be reviewed by the Committee. : PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Mrs. Karney, DepUty Engineer, obtained permission from the Mount Prospect Plaza management to:Permit the parking lot to be used as a site for a recycling center. Mt. Prospect She also received a bid from Mr~ Jerome Langos of Langos Palza recyclinj Contracting Co. in the amount of $1,600.00 ~er year for center the glass bin. This bin woUld be divided into three sections for sorting colors. The Public Health and Safety Committee recommended that one recycling site be established at Mount Prospect Plaza and that the Mayor be authorized to enter into the contracts with Langos Contracting Company and the Container Corp. for the bins and hauling, and to sign the agreement with the Plaza Management for the site, and that a maximum expenditure of $1,600.00 for the project be authorized. Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to concur in the above recommendation to enter into~ the contracts with Longos Contracting Company an~d the Con- tainer Corp. and to sign the agreement with the Plaza Management for the recycling program, not to exceed $1,600.00. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Richardson Scholten Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE A memorandum was directed to the Board from Trustee Anderson regarding the proposed improvement of Rand, improvements o Central and Mount Prospect Rd. intersection. Cost of intersection o the work is estimated at $250,000. On the basis of Rand, Central the number of lineal feet of construction proposed, & Mt. Prospect an 83 17% split of the ultimate cost of construction Roads was agreed to by the City of Des Plaines with actual bids determining the ultimate dollar amount. It was further agreed that the two municipal attorneys draw up a formal agreement of joint participation for considera- tion at a later date. This is a TOPICS program and it is anticipated work will not commence until 1973. April 18, 1972 Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Richardson, motion for passage moved for passage of Resolutio~ ~8-72: of Resolution 8-72 MFT PROJECT 45CS $70,000. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Richardson SchGlten Motion carried. TrJstee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Richardson, motion for passage moved for passage of Resolution #9-72: of Resolution 9-72 ~FT PROJECT 46-CS - $68,000~ (S~abonee and Milburn between Wapella and Elmhurst resurfacing existing pavements) Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Richardson Scholten Motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS The pre-annexation hearing regarding property south convinu~d pre- of Algonquin and east of Nordic Road was continued annexation hearing to t.he next regular meeting. on propervy south of Algonqain Rd Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Anderson, and east of Nordic moved for acceptance of the sewer and water Road mains installed by St. Cecillia Church in the area of Lonnquist and Meier as recommended motion fo~ accep- by the Director of Public Works. vance of sewer and water mains in- Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Richardson stalled by St, Cecitlia Scholten ]hurch' Motion carried. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS BUILDING COMMITTEE April 26 ADJOURNMENT Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee Furst, Adjournment moved the meeting be adjourned. Time: 11:35 P.M. Unanimous. DONALD W. GOODMAN Village Clerk