proposed annexa- Mr. Patrick Link, avvorney representing the proposed annexa-
tion of "New people in the area petitioning for annexation, tSon of "New
Town" Prospecv spoke before the Board and presented the Clerk Town" prospect
Heighvs with a photocopy of the petition as submitted Heighvs
to the Court.
Several home-owner's associations were represented,
and spokesmen for the groups expressed their
support in the proposed annexation. Amom~ those
present were Marie Caylor, Secretary of the
Northwest Suburban Council of Associations, ~ames
Miller, President of River Trails Associatiom,
George Papp, President of Rainbow Ridge Home Own-
ers Association, Warren Shaminger, Castle Heights
Home Owners Association, and Mrs. Paul Sellinger.
Mr. Joseph Grittani talked before the Board
regarding a proposed increase in the populaticn
by approximately 9,000 people and its affect on
the vax dollar, and the advisability of acquiring
a private waver utility without further investiga-
tion of the costs involved.
President Teichert advised it has previously
been the policy not to acquire ~.'utility usin~
general funds but to allocate the specific cost
to the area w~ere it is located, but he could no~
speaK.on the policy vo be set by the present sit-
ting Board. He further stated the utility system
becomes no concern of this Board as a complete
entity unless annexation takes p~ce.
Mr. Grittani was presented with a copy of an
analyses stmdy and review by the administrative
staff, dated July, 1971, and it was his contention
that there would be a comparitive loss to the
Village of Mount Prospeev in the sa~es tax dollar,
if the annexation occurred.
Consideration of the proposed annexation was
then directed to the Board of Trustees for
induvidual comment.
Trustee Furst questioned whether there would
be a structural change on the organization of
Village government, what effect grouping of
well-organized,-svrong associations of 9,000
people would have on the rest of the Village,
items of cosvs which would result and whether
they would be dealt with immediately, problems
of low waver pressure and whether the Village~would
be able to provide the necessary connections vo
supply water during peak periods in the evenv of
problems with the private waver system. Ot~er
points touched on involving the Public Works
Department regarding snow removal, leaf pick-
up, salting, vree care, removal and spraying,
and svreet maintenance. He inquired whethe~
there were flooding problems.
Trustee Ahem felt the Board should set a
policy regarding the manner in whic~ the utility
would be purchased and its ultimave cosy ~o the
citizens, and if purchased by those im the area
of Prospect Heights, they should be advised of
an approximate cosy ~o them before annexation.
September 14, 1971
rustee Monroe discussed the advantages to the
petitioners for annexation, ~rt~cularly in having
Village ~olice and fire protection.
Trustee Scholten asked about the status of McDonald
Creek improvements and the acquisition of a fire
station and ambulance.
Trustee Anderson discussed traffic controls and
zoning in undeveloped areas.
Trustee Richardson inquired about the proposed
development of the northwest corner of Euclid and
River Roads, and was advised the County had rezoned
the property but permits were not issued.
Attorney Link gave a brief synopsis on the subject
matter, advising the Board that in,meetings with
th~ residents, they were informed explicitly about
procedures for annexation. The water supply is in
full compliance with Board of Health reqUi~nents ~/
and there is no complaint about water pressure.
Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee Monroe,
seconded by Trustee Monroe, moved that the question
of annexation be the subject matter of a special
Board meeting to be held on September 28, that the
Village Attorney be directed to draft a suitable
annexation ordinance for consideration at that meet-
ing, and that the Village Clerk make the proper legal
notices of this special meeting on the 28th.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Monroe Scholten Richardson
Motion carried.
President Teichert requested the Board to
indicate on a poll by a "yes" or "no" whether
they subscribe to the policy now in effect of
requiring persons served by private utilities
with the corporate limits of Mount Prospect to
purchase those utilities that service them, should
such an acquisition be deemed feasible by the
Yes: Ahern Furst Monroe Richardson Scholten Teichert
No: Anderson
Trustee Ahern moved to authorize the firm of Ross,
Hardies, O'Keefe, Babcock, McDougald and Parsons
to examine the records of the Illinois Commerce Illinois Commerce
Commission to determine what the original cost of Commission recor~
the water system was, to determine the extent of re water system
the franchise area, and to summarize complaints
over the past five years. Trustee Furst seconded
the motion.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern
Nays: Anderson Furst Monroe
Richardson Scholten
Motion defeated.
Trustee Ahern, seconded by Trustee Monroe, moved
the meeting be adjourned. Time: Midnight.
Unanimously carried.
Village Clerk
September 14, 1971