HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/1974 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING
March 5, 1974
Mayor Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M.
The invocation was given by Trustee Anderson.
Present upon roll call:
Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Absent: Link
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved
for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held
February 19, 1974 as submitted.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Hendricks Richardson
Pass: Gustus Scholte~
Motion carried.
Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved
for approval of bills in the following amounts:
General $124,835.17
Waterworks & Sewerage
Dept., Imp. & Ext. 358.64
Operation & Maintenance 18,895.09
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
The Village Manager reported' the newly ordered squ~
cars have been delivered and three of four are in
service and the rest should be in operation by March
The Villa§e Manager requested removal from the charge
she~t~ "Review of'Municipal Airplane Noise Abatement"
and gave a status report on the current situation.
His request was approved.
r. Eppley further reported on another item on the charge
sheet ""Renewal 6f M~nicipal Parkihg'Lot Leas'es C &
NW RR" and stated he was negotiating with the railroad
and would have a complete report for the next Board
Mayor Teichert ~advised the Board that Commissioner
Lawrence Ostlin9 had resigned from the Fire and Police
Commission but had indicated that during a pending case
before the Commission he wished his position held until
completion of the matter. For the unexpired term
(May 1, 1974) Mayor Teichert recommended the. appoint-
ment of Thomas Eeo, 6,13 S. Albert, and requested Board
concurrence. Truste6 Richardson, seconded by Trustee
Scholten, moved for approval of the Mayor's appointment
of Thomas Leo.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Mayor Teichert reported that Mr. Will'iam Demmert had
resigned as a member of the Drainage and Clean Streams
Commission for health reasons and elicited recommendations
from thle Board on ~a replacement.
The Mayor then reported on a proposed amendment to the
Firemens' Pension Law and explained the background Of
the pension fund and some of the inadequacies in the
current law, especially when involving former volunteer
firemen who became paid full time employees. Because
the Village is involved in sucn a situation, Mayor Teichert
stated the Attorney General has been requested to institute
suit against the Village in this matter because the law
is ambiguous and needs clarification.
The Public Works Committee met with representatives~and
parents of children of the Westbrook School regarding a
traffic signal. The Committee agreed with the following
recommendations of the Safety Commission:
1. That the Westbrook School signal proposal be included
in the 1974 MFT budget along with the school signal
pmoj~et for Route 83 and Lincoln. Further, that
Alstot, March & Guillou, Inc. be i~structed to
qualify this new project for Federal ass.istance
money, if possible. If not, then the Westbrook
School project should be first priority for 1975.
2. The County of Cook, through Mr. Richard Kanak, has
given the Westbrook parents assJrance that Cook
County would stripe the crosswalk as soon as possible.
3. The Public Works Committee recommends that Public
Works personnel install the flashing beacon facing
north and south to further mark the crosswalk area.
It was recommended that i~t operate from approx-
imately 7:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.~M. Also, to install
a street light so that children- can be seen more
easily going and coming between the playground and
Hatlen Heights.
4. Members of the School Board were to meet and arrange
to provide the'll5 volt. AC power to operate the
beacons and street light to help reduce costs of
getting power to the project.
March 5, 1974.
. Installation of a guard rail to replace the wooden posts
on the west side of Busse Rd. would be an improvement
and would as~sist the crossing guard during the wait for
a school signal installation to be completed.
Trustee Gustus, seconded by ~rustee'He'ndricks~, movedto concur
with the" above recommendations of the Public Works Commit-
tee for the Westbrook School traffic signal and make it a
priority item.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks
Richardso~ Scholten
Motion carried.
Case Nos. ZBA-24-Z-73 and ZBA-25-~SU-73 -. L & D Builders
petition to rezone from RX to R4-and special use fo, r a
PUD at 623 Golf Road. The Zoning Board of Appeals and
Building Committee recommended den4al. A letter from the
petitioner's agent had been receiced following such rec-
ommendation requesting that the matter be withd'rawn in its
Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to
dism4ss the petition pursuant to the request in the letter
dated February 26th.
Upon roll cal-l: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
The Public-Health and ~Safety Committee considered a
peti'tion from residents of South William Street regarding
increased traffic hazards. It was the recommendation of
the Safety Commission and the Village Engineer to:
1. Place additional stOp'~s at the intersection of
William St. and Berkshire La. to make it a 3-way
stop intersection with advance stop warning s~gns to'
be placed on William Street before each StOD sign.
2. Post speed limit signs of 25 miles per hour along the
entire length of William Stree~ from Golf Road to
Prospect Avenue.
3. Post "Children Playing" signs along the park and play-
ground areas on William Street.
4. Direct the Village Attorney to draft the appropriate
ordinances to fulfill the above recommendati-ons,.
Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trsutee Richardson, moved to
concur with the recommendation-of the Public Health and
Safety Committee concerning the above recommendations.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
The Committee discussed the possibility of posting speed
limit signs along Sunset Road from Edward Street on the
East to William Street on the West, and requested the Vil-
lage Engineer's recommendation.
March 5, 1974
Case ZBA~6-V-74 Henry Friedrichs, Jr. Peti,t'io'n for
variation at 320 W. Central Rd. for building addition
for residence in a business district. The Building
Committee recommended concurrence with the Zoning Board
of Appeals to grant the variation to allow residential
use within a B-3 zone and request the Village Attorney
to prepare the necessary ordinance to concur with the
recommendation to grant the variation.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Case No. ZBA-2-Z-73 Petition of owner of Winkelman's
Service Station to rezone ~rom B-3 district to B-4
to become a conforming use. The Building Committee
recommended denial but suggested a rehearing for a
special use in order to remodel the service station.
At the request.of th~ petitioner, this matter was
deferred and will be further reviewed at the next Build-
ing Co~mi,ttee meeting.
The Building Committee considered updating of the
Building Code, Pl~umbing Code, Electrical Code,
Elevator ~ode to'~lect the latest changes a~opted
on a national basis and/~r to place more restrive
provisions in certain areas of these codes. Those
changes were outlined in the Building C~mmi'ttee
memorandum d~ted February 21, 1974 and Trustee Anderson,
seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to concur with
the recommendations of the Building Committee re-
garding the adootion of the code updating.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Trustee Anderson, seconded by.~s~te~e~ Gustus, moved
for waiver of the rules requiring two readings of an
ordinance amending the Bu~l~ing Code.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved
for passage of Ordinance #2491:
Uoon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
March 5, 1974
Case ZBA-8-Z-74 and ZBA-9-~V-74 - Mount Prospect Stat~
Bank property in block bounded by Northwest Highway, Emerson,
Maole and Busse Streets"to be zoned B~2.1 and bank parcel
in block to the north i-s zoned P Parking. Petition for
variations in height, number of parking stalls, parking stall
size and loading'space reqaireme'nt~
Because of the complexity of this petition, the Building
Committee had requeste~d'the ma~te'r b~"considered before
the full Board. 'Testimony was presen~e~ by~Mr. ~R.D~ Pad,la,
President of'the b~'n-k, Mr~ Pe~'rson, Traffic Engineer of
Barton-Aschm~n Associates, and Mr. Lawrence Kern, Attorney.
The discussion was deferred to permit the petitioners to
gather certain exhibits.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. and reconvened at 10:15 P.M.
Present upon roll call:
Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Absent: Link
Case ZBA-6-V-74 Henry Friedrichs, Jr. 320 W. Central Rd.
whose petition nad bee~ approved earlier in the meeting,
requested the Board waive th'~ rules requiring two readings
of an ordinance because t~erewas a time element. Trustee
Anderson, seconded by Truste~ Scholten, moved to waive the
rules requiring two readings of an ordinance granting a vari-
ation for property located at 320 W. Central Rd.
Uoon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved for_~
passage of Ordinanc'e Number 2'~92: .
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carri, ed.
Case ZBA-8-Z-74 and ZBA-9-V-?4 Mount Prosoect State Bank.
An artist's rendering of the proposed six-story ba~k building
was presented along with the site plan and a Plat of
Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to
concur with the'-'recom~e~dati'on of the Zoning Board of Appeals
and approve'th~"r~'~o~in~~-o~:bot~~ ~'~the ~ubj"ect areas wi th
the follow'ing variations fop the~ain'parcel: a 96 ft. height
variation, (1 ft.) variation in stall size, reduced park-
ing from 1/200 to 1/300 sq. ft. of net space, and a vari-
ation of one loading space from three to.two.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
The Village Attorney was requested to draw the proper
documents to finalize this matter.
The, Finance Committee considered the request for a package
license for the A,& P Co. to be constructed at Rte. 83 and
Dempster but recommended denial because the location did
not meet the 100 feet requirement from a school (Dempster Jr.
March 5, 1974
High)~. ~ The second request for a liquor license for
E1 Presidente Restaurant, Inc. was withdrawn by the
Truste. e Scholten, seconded by Trustee Gustus, moved
to concu'r with the recommendation o.f the Finance
Committee to deny the request for a p6ckage liquor
license four th.e A & P
Upon ,roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus · Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion 'carried.
The Finance Committ~ee considered reduction of veh-
icle lice'ns~e fees, an item int'roduced by Trustee
Hendricks. After review of the matter the commit-
tee recommended against reducing the fees.
Trustee Hendricks presented material in support ~of
his recommendati'on. Considerable discussion ensued.
Trsutee Scholten, seconded by Trsutee Gustus~, moved
to concur with the recommendation of the Finance
Committee that there be no reduction in vehicle
license fees.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Richardson Scholten Teichert
Nays: Hendricks
Motion carried.
~U~~ Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee Richardson,
moved for passage of Ordinance Number 2493:
Uoon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
T~s,t~ Richardson, seconded by T'r~s~e Scholten,
moved to waive the rules to consider a matter not on
the agenda -- Prosoect'Heigqts Incorpor'ation,
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried,
~t~ Richardson, seconded by T'we~t~e~ Hendricks, moved
to file objection to the Prospect Heights proposed
incorgoration on the basis that, while Rob Roy was
deleted from the new boundary lines, the plan does take
in the southerly portion of Palwaukee airoort, and
the Village would oppose inclusion of that area.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
March 5, 1974
Roppolo's plat of subdivision of property outside the
Village limits at Belmont and Noyes in unincorporated
Cook County: Trustee Richardson, seconded by Tra~tee
Scholten, m~ved-~o approve Ropp'ol'o's Subdivision plat,
authorizing the Mayor an'd Clerk to sign and attest the
plat of subdivisi~on, subject to a contribution on the
already est'ablished~formula for that area towards Spec-
ial Assessment #70; plus a performance bond for install-
ation of the storm sewer and dedication of storm sewer
to the' Village.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Andersom Gustus Hendricks
Richardso~ Scholten
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved
to approve the plans and soecifications for the Alter
property, to be known as the Forest Cove Subdivision,
and a~artment development~on Busse Road ~south of the
Crystal Towers apart~ment~s,-wi't'h the added provisions
that "Standard specifications for water and sewer main
construction in IllinGis" be included in the soecifications
as required.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Gustus Hendricks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Ordinance Number 2473 amending Sec. 14.2001 of the Zoning
Ordinance scheduled to be read at this meeting was re-
ferred to Aoril 16, 1974.
JUDICIARY - Special Meeting- March 8
FINANCE - March-l~8
PUBLIC WORKS - March 21 at 7:30 P.M.
FIRE & POLICE - March 6 Agenda: Rte. 83 & Lincoln & Metron.
COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE- March 7 at 7:30 P.M.
COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - March 12 at 7:30 P.M. -
Executive Session re litigation and land acquisition
Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trsutee Gustus moved
the meeting be adjourned. Time: 1~:15 A.M. Unanimous.
March 5, 1973