HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/1975 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUGUST 19, 1975 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:07 P.M. INVOCATION Trustee Hendricks gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Teichert, Hendricks, Rhea Richardson, Wattenberg Absent: Floros, Minton APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Wattenberg moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, the minutes of the regular meeting held August 5, 1975 be approved as submitted~ Uoon roll call: Ayes: Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Pass: Hendricks Motion carried. Trustee Rhea moved, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, the minutes of the soecial meeting held August 12, 1975 be approved as submitted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Wattenberg Pass: Richardson Trustee Rhea moved, secended by Trustee ~endricks, to ratify action taken at the soecial meeting of the Village Board on August 12, 1975. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Wattenberg, Teichert Pass: Richardson Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Rhea moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, bills in the following amounts be approved for payment: General ..................................... $304,962.34 Parking ~tem Revenue ............ 1,406.13 Motor Fuel Tax ................................. 50,887.60 Corporate Purpose~ Const. 1974 ................. 68,739.00 General Oblig. Bd &Int ....................... 1,301.60 Waterworks & Sewerage Depr., Impr., & Ext ......................... 2,260.00 Operation & Maintenance .................... 41,928.10 $471,484.77 Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Rhea moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, that the Financial Report of July 31, 1975 be accepted, subject to audit. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Pg. 1.8~19-1975 COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Edward <oziol, 804 S. Candota spoke on possible contribution type of money raising for the village, suggested Trustees and Mayor meet at places other than Village Hall and use of vacant stores as youth centers. )R. HECK Dr. Paul Heck, 435 Prospect reouested the board to by pass 3YPASS REQUIRE~equlrements for building permit. Trustee Rhea moved, seconded FOR ~ERMIT by Trustee Hendricks, that the Village Board direct the Village Manager and the Building Department to issue.building permits, all other things being in order, exceot the recordation of the plat of survey. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carrieo. Mark ~asladynski, 452 Bob-O-Link Ln. requested asistance from police regarding traffic entering from Rand Road. Matter is in Fire and Police Committee: MANAGER'S REPORT MFT MAINT. Trustee Richardson moved, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, that a contract be awarded to the Arrow Road Company, Moun~ Pmosoect in the amount of $115,557.35 from the 1975 ~FT Maintenance Program. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for the authorization of' the return of all bid checks except for low bidder, Arrow Road Company. Uoon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenber§ Motion carried. The Manager reported on various Village programs and projects. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Teichert reported on the Sakowicz Subdivision located au SAKOWICZ Mt. PRosoect Road and Prosoect Avenue involving 17 acres of SUBDIVISION property in Des Plaines and 4 acres in Mount Prospect to be developed single family residential. James Muldowney, Pres- ident of the Fletcher Engineering Co. presented th~ plans. No formal action of t~e board was required, howeve'r, Mayor Teichert asked to ooll the board as to establishing a sense of order as to develooment of the 4 acres in Moun~ Prospect adjacent to the 17 acres known as the Sakowicz property as single family development and with a sense of the Board that the Village will cooperate with Des Plaines in all public services, wa~er, sewer, and other features insofar as possible to insure a compatible subdivision for all. Upon poll: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg, Teichert Mayor Teichert invited members of the board to preview the new proposed Cook County Zoning Ordinance and allieo m~ps shown for public officials at Elk Grove Townshi. o Town Hall, Thursday, Sept. 4 at 4:'30 P.M. and at Wheeling Township Hall, Monday, Oct. 6 at 3 P.M. He encouraged the Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Commission to review these items prior to public hearing to accummulate input. Mayor Teichert reported on attending the Mayor's Advisory Council of Cook County. Pg. 2 8-19-75 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN REPORTS BUILDING COMMITTEE Trustee Hendricks stated that inasmQch as the Building Committee LINCOLN had a tied vote, representatives From Lincoln Prooerty Co. (Case PROPERTY 2i-SU-75) will appear before the Board. He also reported the Zoni~.~ Board of Appeals recommended ~o deny ~etitioner's request 4 to1.C~L~NY Mr. Arthur Levey made the presentation, Uoon examination of the, Zoning Ordinance it was determined that a majority vote was necessary. Trustee HendricKs moved to app. eal ruling in Case 21 SU-75 and that a 2/3 majority be necessary to override the recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion failed due to lack of second. The following.spoke on change propos6d in the Colony planned unit development: Norma Murauskis, 1826 Pheasant Trail: Arthur Norden- berg, attorney, 77 W. Washington St. Chicago; Buell Dutton, Director of Building and Zoning for Village of Mount Prospect. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, to have the Village Board concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals 21-SU-75 recommendation and deny petitioner's request in Case 21-SU-75. Upon roll call: ~yes: ~~ ~enber§, Teichert mays: , Motion failed Trustee Wattenberg moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, that the Village Board recommend the Amendment of the Planned Unit Development known as The Colony for uses set forth in Case '21-SU-75. Upon roll call: Ayes: Richardson, Wattenberg, Teichert Nays: Hendricks, Rhea Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, the GEORGE Village Board concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals and SERA grant the variation requested in Case 27-V-75, (George Sera, var.27-V-75 air conditioner, 401 S, SeeGwun) Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved for waiver of the rules requiming two readings of an ordinance. Motion seconded by Trustee Richardson. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. ~r~s~ee He~dricks move~ seconded by Trustee Richardson for passage of Ordinance 2577 (Case 27-V-75) ORDINANCE NO. 2577 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A VARIATION FROM SECTION 21.1011 OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT BUILDING CODE Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Hendricks. Rhea, Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Nendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, the Village Boaro concur w~th the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Building Committee recommendation and deny variatio~ 22-V-75 request in the case of ZBA-22-V-75 (Rush-Hampton Ind. RUSH variation to building code for non-vented fan) ~MPTON ?g. 3 8-19-75 Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson Nays: Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee qendricks stated ZBA-29-Z-75 and ZBA-30-Z-75 are subject to a pre-annexation hearing and requested the Clerk to place both cases on the September 16, 1975 Village Board agenda. RANDHURSTTrustee Hendricks ~resented an ordinance relating to Case ICE ZBA-31-V-75 (Randhurst Ice Arena-'variation land use ~n 31-V-75 conjunction with existing building) ~nd that the administration proceed to analyze new uses relating to fire and police fac- ilities and the community at large. Case will be discussed further at regular meeting of the Building Committee in Sept- ember. NORB Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, that HUECKER the Village Board concur with the recommendations of the Zon- 32-Z-75 ing Board of Appeals and the Building Committee and grant the variation of zoning requested in Case 32-Z-75 (Norbert Huec~e~ zoning variation, l0 S. Main) Upon roll call: Ayes; Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to place the ordinance dealing with ZBA-32-Z-75 on the Village Board agenda for the September 2, 1975 meeting for second reading. GARRETT Trustee Hendricks presented an ordinance and moved, seconded BERGT by Trustee Richardson, that the Village Board concur with the 10-V-75 Zoning Board of Appeals and ~ne Building Committee and grant JUDITH AN~ne variation in Case 10-V-75 (R.R. Garrett & Dennis Bergt, ~R. H_~ and 3 Judith Ann Drive, air conditioner variation) Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for the waiver of the rules requiring two readings of an ordinance in the subject case: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carri'ed: Truste~e'~Hend~i'dkS oved, Trustee Richardson seconded, for ORDinANCE passage of Ordinance 2578: NO. 2578 ~N OR~N~NCE AUTHORIZING A VARIATION FROM SECTION 21.1011 DF THE MOUNT P_ROS~ECT BUILDING CODE (Case 10-V-75) Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendrick~, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion careied. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded ~y T~ustee Richardson, ANTHONY ~he Village Board concur with th~e~ recommendations of the PASOWICZ ~oning Board of Appeals and the B~ilding Committee to 25-V-75 grant the variations requeste~ in Case 25-V-75 (Anthony Pasowicz, air conditioner variati'on.) Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendrick~ Rhea, Richardson, Wa t t e n b ~y.!! Motion carried. Pg'~4 8-19-75 Trustee Hendrick$ moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for waiver of the rules requiring two readings of an ordinance in the subject case. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for passage of Ordinance 2579: ORDINANCE NO. 2579 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A VARIATION FROM SECTION 21.1011 OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT BUILDING CODE U~on roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg (Case 25-V-75) Motion carried Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved the Village Board concur with the recommendation of the W. F. LEMIEL Zoning Board of Appeals and the Building Committee in 26-V-75 granting the requested variations in Case 26-V-75 (W. F. Lemieu×, 1000 S. Na ~a Ta, air conditioner variation) Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, to waive the rules requiring two readings of an ordinance in Case 26-V-75. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for the passage of Ordinance 2580. (Case 26-V-75) ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A VARIATION FROM SECTION 21.1011 NO. 2580 OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT BUILDING CODE Upo~roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. RECESS The meeting was recessed at midnight. The Board reconvened at 12:05 P.M. Present upon roll call: Teichert, Hendrick$, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg FINANCE COMMITTEE No report FIRE & POLICE COMMITTEE Trustee Rhea moved, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, that the Village Board concur with the recommendations of the Fire and Police Committee to establish two hour parking from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday through Saturday on South Elmhurst between Milburn and Evergreen. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Pg. 5. 8-19-75 Motion carried. Trustee Rhea moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for the passage of Ordinance 2581: (1975 Traffic Code) ORDINANCE NO. 2581 AN ORDINANCE REVISING CHABTER 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE IN ITS ENTIRETY Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Ricnarason Wattenberg ~ Motion carried. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE No report Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Rhea, for passage of Resolution 25-75, as amended by the board: RESOLUTION 25-75 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AD-HOC COMMISSION RELATIVE TO THE PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES WITHIN TqE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF ~OUNT PROSPECT Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE No report PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE No report~ OTHER BUSINESS ~ Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for waiver of the rules requiring two readings of an OJIBWA T ordinance regarding proposed annexation Parcel 2 and 3 TRAIL - Ojibwa Trail (Tenuta) Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for the passage of Ordinance 2582: ORDINANCE NO. 2582 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF BUSSE ROAD, NORTH AND WOUTH OF WIGWAM TRAIL, AND WEST OF OJIBWA TRAIL Upo~/roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, for authorization of Mayor and Clerk to sign and attest the plat of annexation for the three parcels, the subject of Ordinance 2582, subject to the appropriate approval by the Planning Commission. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson Wattenber§ Motion carried. Pg. 6 8-19-75 rustee Hendrick$ moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign and attest the Three Homes plat of subdivision to Planning Commission approval and posting of public improvement bonds. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Wattenberg moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign and attest the plat of easement indicating utility easement for present Village Hall properties. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign and attest the Nuzzo plat of subdivision subject to payment of public improvement monies, if any, and public improvement bonds, if any. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks, Rhea, Richardson, Wattenber§ Motion carried. The Board directed the Clerk to place the resolution de- signating persons who shall be exempt from paying for Mount Prospect motor vehicle licenses on the September 2, 1975 Board of Trustee meeting agenda. Trustee Hendricks formally requested the Mayor to direct a letter to the oroper people supporting the acquisition of Rob Roy by the Forest Preserve District. ITEMS TO BE REFERRED TO BUILDING COMMITTEE Cheker Oil Company, Rand & Central, RX To B-4, Case 14-Z-75 COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS BUILDING CGMMITTEE September 10, 1975 FINANCE COMMITTEE August 28, 1975 Discussion of proposed tax levy for 1976 FIRE & POLICE NO REPORT JUDICIARY COMMITTEE - NO REPORT PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE August 20, 1975 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE August 22, 1975 Citizen's Utility ADJOURNMENT Trustee Hendricks moved, seconded by Trustee Richardson, the meeting be adjourned. Time 12:50 A.M. Unanimous. DONALD W. GOODMAN, Village Clerk Pg. 7 8-19-75