HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/21/1975 VB minutes MINUTES .OF THE REGULAR MEETING
January 21, 1975
Mayor Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM.
Trustee Anderson gave the invocation.
Present upon roll call: Teichert Anderson Caylor
Gustus Richardson Scholten
Arrived at 8:15 P.M. :~ Hendricks
Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved the
minutes of the regular meeting held January 7, 1975 be approved
as submitted. ~
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gustus ~
Pass: Scholten
General. .... . . . . .' $291,230.70
Parking System Revenue ..... 320.88
Motor Fuel Tax ..... <-~ ~ .
~ -'~..~. 7,467.21
Corporate Purposes Constr. 1973 . .~ . 2,389.65
Corporate Purposes Constr.' 1974 . . 6,792,57
General Obligation Bd. & Int. . 5,104.42
Waterworks & Sewerage FUnd- . , . . ~ . 44~752~75
Trustee Scholten, seconded by T~stee Richardson, moved to ap-
prove the above bills for payment,
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gustus
Richardson Scholten
Motion Carried
Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved t0
approve the ~nancial report for the month of December,..1974
subject to audit.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson caylor Gustus
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Letter received from Mt. Prospect Jaycees dated January 14, 1975
requested waiver of permit fees, except out-of-pocke~ expenses,
for carnival at Mt. Prospect Shopping Plaza to be held May 28 through
June 1, 1975.
Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee A~nderson, moved
waiver of fees for Mount Prospect Jaycees, except for out-of-
pocket expenses.~
Upon roll call: Ayes: A~%derson Caylor Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Mr. Brian ~orsfall, 214 N Russell, inquired about low and moderate
income~housingin the Village.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved to
waive the rules to bring to the.floor the subject of charging
committees with a community development plan and low ~nd moderate
housing, establishment of a housing ~uthority.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Caylor G~stus Hendricks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Scholten, m~ved the
Village Board charge the Planning Co~niss:ion wi~than annual
review of the Village Comprehensive Plan or the preparation C0mprehen$~ve
of a Con~nunity Development Plan on an annual basis, such as Plan
will be in compliance with the requirements of the Federal
Con~nunity ~velopment Act.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion Carried.
Trustee Schol~n, seconded by. Trustee C~lor, moved to charge the
Con~nunity Services and Mental. Health Co~ission with the
preparation of a housing assistance plan based on Village ~eeds,
on an annual basis, in compliance with the Federal Housing and
Deve~gpment A~ Of ,~974.
upon roll call: ~.Ayes: Anderson C~lor Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion Carried.
Under discussion, it was stated that Cook County wished to include
Mount Prospect in the County figure to control dens~ty~ Trustee
Caylor, seconded by trustee Richardson, moved to authorize the Mayor
to write a letter on behalf of the Village Board and, commUnity
to ~ook County, declining the offer of having Mount Prospect~ included in the
County count~
Upon roll call: Ayes: ;~nderson Ca~lor Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee A/%derson, moved to
retain outside counsel for a legal opinion on.whether the ~0w a~d M0derat~
Federal Government can force lower and moderate housing in ]nc0me
Mount Prospect without Village control.
Upon~oll call: Ayes: Hendricks
Nays: A/%derson Caylor Gustus
Richardson Scholten
Motion Defeated.
1-21-75 Page 2
Mr. Pat Bedar, 102 $. George voiced objection to any low or
moderate housing project in the Village. Mr. Hank Lacine,
207 N Russell, spoke in favor of the proposed housing, men-
tioning the need for location of senior citizens who are
unable to pay the current rental charges.
The Village Manager gave a report on various village programs
and projects and urged citizens to report vandalism ~n the
village, particularly to saplings planted in the parkwaFs
that are being ruined by cars deliberately being driven over
Mayor Teichert proclaimed February 2nd as "Save Our Sight Day"
in Mount Prospect.
~r~stee Caylor, seconded by Trustee Anderson, moved to concur
with the Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation to approve ZBA-47-
the variation in Case ZBA-47-V-74 - Petitioner David W. Tector, V-74
to erect a screen house at proper~y located at 222 N Williams. Tector
Upon roll ca~t: AYes:-Anderson~'~ylor ~us~us~-~e~dr~cks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Case ZBA-42-Z-74 - Petitioner, Michael Schiessle, 618.E~ Algonquin Rd.
r '
R-X to R-4. The Zoning Board of ~App~ats eco~ended gr~nt~ng the
rezoning. The B~ilding Committee expressed concern because of the ZBA-42-
narrow lot and the need for a fire lane with turn-around space,. V-74
There is a similar open strip of la~d adjacent to the subject prop- SCHIESS!
erty which could be combined with the proposed development for better
layout. The Building Committee reconunended non-concurrence with
the Zoning Board's findings, and suggests that the petitioner
pursue efforts to purcha~.e the adjacent-lot so that fire lanes and
better open ~pace provisions can be met.
Mr. Lommen Ely, representing the petitioner, appeared before
the Board and stated attempts had been made to purchase the
adjacent property b~t the owner, Albert Katz, did not wish to
sell. There was discussion between Mr. Ely and Mr. Katz.
Trustee Caylor, seconded by Trustee Anderson, moved to concur
with the recommendation of the Building Committee and over-
ride the reoom~endation on the Zoning Board of Appeals to deny
the request for R-4 zoning inlCa.se' ZBA-42-Z~74.
Upon roll call= Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gustus Hendr. icks
Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Case No. ZBA-48-V-74 - Petition of John. Mullowney for. side yard -.
~ariation of 13.44 feet at the southeas.t corner of Forest and ZBA-48-V-
Thayer. Trustee Caylor moved the Board concur with the recom- 74
mendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Building Com- MULLOWNE5
mittee to approve the variation. Trustee Scholten seconded
the motion.
Trustee Anderson submitted a minority report stating his objection
was due to the architectural design which was for construction on an
interior lot, but is to be erected on a corner lot.
1-21=75 Page 3
Upon roll call: Ayes: cayior Gustus Hendricks
aicha, rdson Scholte~
' Nays: Anderson
Motion carried.
Trustee Caylor reported on meetings with residents living
adjacent to McDonald Creek who would be affected by the pro-
posed opening of state constructed Soo Line Culvert at Euclid
and Wolf Roads.
The planned opening of the culvert is supposed to alleviate -.
flooding upstream from Euclid, to drop the ~ater level by four
feet. It is the opinion of the residents that corrective measures
should begin at the Des Plaines River and move upstream, with
special attention to the Hirer-Foundry culvert's size, prior F]00d
to opening the Euclid-Wolf culvert. C0ntr0]
Mr. Gene Quirini, 2003 Hopi, reported that the residents had
met with the Governor's .task force on this matter and he
requested the Village Engineer study the problem and make a
recommendation, to the State. '
Mrs~ Idyl Nipper, 1216 Meadow Lane also spoke on the flooding
and the tendency of the' land in thet area ~o always haveI had
flooding problems.
Trustee Caylor, seconded by Trustee Anderson, moved the Village
Engineer study this matter at,the earliest possible time and give
his opinion on what is proposed before the next meeting with the
task force scheduled on January 29th.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Cay.lor Gustus Hendricks RichardsOn Scholten
Motion Carried.
Trustee Caylor, seconded by Trustee Anderson, moved the Drainage
and Clean Streams Commission be authorized to send a representative
to the January 29th meeting with the State and the Village Engineer
at a place to ~e designated.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion Carried.
The Finance Committee reviewea~a"'liquor 13icense-re~t f0~ the C0]0ny Club
Colony Club at Oakton and Routh 83, also known as the Lincoln L~qu0~ k~c.
property. The proposal was to serve liquor on the second'floor
of the recreation building. Representatives of the Colony Club were
present and stated the building would be open at certain periods
to the public and at other times to the tenants exclusively.
Mr. Edward Rhea, 1829 Palm Dr. voiced opposition. The matter wa~"
deferred to the February 4th regukar meeting in order-to give
Trustees an opportunity to view the premises and consider the
Trustee Scholten requested "Licensing and regulation of various
professions and trades under home rule" be removed from the charge
Page,4 1-21-75
Trustee Richardson reportedon the Fair Labor Standards Act per-
t~ining to police and firemen and Senate B~IY 265 reducing
the sales tax collection charge from 4% to 2~. It is possible'that
municipalities will not be entitled to the benefits of the
legislation until July 1, 1975.
Trustee Gustus reported on several Committee matters.
The Public Works Committee recommended that the Village Board
pass an ordinance granting easements to the MSD subject to
improvements and/or n~difications after Law Dept. study.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Mr. Warren Hess, 1015 Meadow Ln, reported he had a deep well on lunne]
the property and wanted to know if he is protected from damage
or a dry well by the blasting of this deep tunnel.
Dr. Paul Heck, 916 S School in Golfhurst Estates, also inquired
about possible damage.
~rs. Idyl Nipper mentioned that there were many deep wells in
the Meadow Lane area that could be damaged by the deep tunnel.
The Public Works Committee considered the Huntington Commons
Agreement for traffic control and will bring the matter to the
Board for approval and authorization after execution of the agree-
ment by the owners.
The Pu.blic Works Committee agreed to defer action on the .1975
Maintenance Program, the Linneman Rd. project and right-of-way
acquisition until the next meeting.
George E. Crawford & Associates propose a study of all traffic
signs within the Village~tohdeterminet~eir~deqUacy and to lraffic
make recommendations to bring the Village into conformity with Sign Study
Federal andState specifications. The Public Works Committee
felt that in view of the fact that the entire cash outlay would
be reimbursed by State grant, approval should be given to start
the study immediately, and requested Board concurrence.
Trustee Gustus, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to direct
the attorney to draft an ordinance empowering the administration
to enter into a contract with George E. Crawford & Associates
and make all arrangements with the money involved with t~eHi~hway
Safety Act.
Upon roll call~ A~es: Anderson Caylor Gustus'Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Caylor, moved, for
passage of Resolution 2-75: Re$o]uti0n #2-75
Improvement of making a~'traffic control devi~e inventory and
developing a modernization plan, known as 52-E-C.S.
Upon roll call: Ayes:. Anderson Caylor Gu~tus Hendricks
Nays: Scholten
Motion Carried. 1-21-75 Pa~e 5
Trustee Richardson, seconded by:Trustee Anderson, moved to i. R0]f-$adecky
approve the. Rotf-Sadecky p!lat.of resubdivision on East Plat of
Northwest Highway subject to posting of public improvement Resub.
bonds, if any.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Ca~lor Gustus Hendricks
Motion carried.
Trustee Hendr~¢ks, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to
appreve the Keolyn Plastics, Inc. plat of subdivision on Ke0.~yn P]as.
Algonquin Rd. subject to postingilof public improvement bonds, plat
if any.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion carried.
Trustee Caylor, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to
ratify, the: actionlof, the Village clerkto advertise for~.
a public hearing February 11, 1975 for the purpose.of considering.
a report and recommendations of the Planning Commission re the
Comprehensive Plan..
Upon roll call: Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gustus Hendricks Richardson Scholten
Motion c rr:~ed.
The following items were ~eferred to the Building Committee:'~
Case ZBA~44-V-74 ~ Dr. Paul~Heck.
at 435 W Prospect Ave.
Hotter Than Mothers Music ,i~ Case ZBA-43-SU~74 - 2 E. Northwest
Hwy. , special use.for ~.in:operated derides. ZBA-43-SU-74
J. Kamysz, Jr? 720 E Rand~- variation for rear yard setback
· ~BA-~5-V-74
Case ZBA-45-V-74
Salvatore DiMucci~ 1440-1450' N River Rd - rezoni~g to Conform
to use R1 to B3 and Ri to B4 Case ZBA-46-Z-74 ZBA-46-Z-74
Randhurst Corp.~ 999 El~urst Rd, - allow more than-one building
on a single lot ZBA-49-V-74 , .~ ZBA,49-V-74
Public Health and Safety Committee - January 23, 197§
Fire and Police Committee - Request advertise for public~]hea~ing
Feb. 25th to review alternate proposals for Rte. 83 and Lincoln.
Trustee A~derson, seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved to
authorize the Village Clerk to publish a notice of public
hearing on FCbr~ary.25th as requested by the Fire and Police
Upon roll call.: Ayes: Anderson Caylor Gust~sHendricks Richardson Scholten
~otion carried~
Trustee Caylor,. seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved the
meeting be adjourned. Tim~: 12:50 A.M. Unanimous.
DONALD W. GOODMAN, Village Clerk
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