HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/1976 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 19, 1976 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. INVOCATION Trustee Hendricks gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present Upon roll call: Ayes: Teichert Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Absent: Wattenberg She Mayor, with the approval of the Village Board, diverted from the standard agenda and recognized the 4-H Club. ~he 4-H Club presented the colors. Donna Fay, member of the club, presented the Mayor with a 4-H jacket in recognition of the Village's support of 4-H endeavors. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ME.ETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1976 Trustee Rhea, seconded by Trustee Hendricks~ moved for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of O~ober 5, 1976 as submitted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for ap- pro,al of the minutes of the Special Board Meeting of October 12, 1976 as submitted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried, Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for ratification of the action take~ at the special Board meeting of October 12, 1976. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for approval o~ bills in the following amounts: General ......... $ 255,179.54 Parking System Revenue .... 1,805.90 Motor Fuel Tax. . . 107,758.08 Corporate Purposes Constr. 1~7~ . 2,180.50 Corporate Purposes Constr. 1974 . 104,599.41 Waterworks & Sewera§e Bond & Interest. . 37,856.25 Waterworks & Sewerage . Operation & Maintenance. 35,413.77 $ 544,793.45 Upon roll call: Ay~: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Trustee Floros, Seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for approval of the Financial Report subject to audit. Upon roll call: Ayes~~ Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion car~ed. COMMUNICATIONS & PETITIONS -- CITIZEN~ TO BE HEARD The Mayor presented certificates of merit for service rendered to the Village by the following: Gary Johns, G. Alan Julin, Donald Dobbs, Marshall Theroux, Bud Nelson. Public Education Officer Jackson of the Mt. Prospect Fire Depart- ment presented Fire Prevention Week poster awards to grammar school children and schools as chosen by the Fire Department. Kay Bellina, 1103 Hunt Club Dr., requested the Board reconsider its decision regarding the use of sprinklers as per building/ fire code concerning the M~. Prospect Bible Church. The Board chose to remain by its last decision. MANAGER'S REPORT The Village Manager expounded on the following subjects: 1. The P.A. system as it relates to the microphones used by the Board has been repaired. 2. Requested the Fire & Police Committee to study the pro- Oosed contract between the Mt. Prospect Police Dept. and the Cook County Sheriff's Dept. This will allow the Village to use sheriff facilities in exchange for the Village responding to calls for assistance in unincorporated Mt. Prospect. 3. Requested Board Concurrence of the River Trails Park District easement agreement for the Village sidewalk construction program. Trustee Rhea, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to have the Mayor sign and the Clerk attest to the River Trails School District easement agreement. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. 4. Announced Saturday, 11-13-76, at 10:00 a.m. there will be a bicycle auction for 40 unclaimed bicycles collected by the pol~¢e dept. The public may view the bikes from 9 - 10 a.m. that Saturday. 5. The Village has just completed its longest street re- surfacihg in the ~istory of the Village (13 1/4 miles). 6. The computer error qas been corrected regarding the billing for vehicle stickers. 7. Swin~ flu vaccination for the general public (people between the ages of 18 - 60) will take place 11-13-76 and 11-14-76 at Randhurst. Hours: 9:00 AM 9:00 PM. The Rotary Club has agreed to help. 8~ The Mt. Prospect Recycling Center to date has collected 220 gallons of oil and 14 tons of newsprint. Things are go~ng smooth with the center and citizens are urged to continue with their fine report. MAYOR'S REPORT The Mayor proclaimed the week of Oct. 17-23 as Bra~ ~Research Week. ~he Mayor announced Su~a¥, I0-31~76 between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and d~sk as Mt. Prospect's official Halloween Day. He urged all parents and children to cooperate by following the aforementioned hours. Pg. 2 10/19/76 ....... BUILDING COMMITTEE Trustee Minton, seconded Dy Trustee Hen.dricks, moved for concu~r~-nce' of the Building Committee's ~eport for case 45-V-/6. Upon roll call. Ayes. Floros Hendricks Minton '':'~ Rhea Richardson ~otion carried, Trustee Minton, seconded by Trustee He~dricks, moved for waiver of the rules requiring two readings of an ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros~ HendricKs Min~on Rhea Richardson. Motion carried. Trustee Minton, seconded by T~ustee Hendricks, moved for passage of Ordinance #2668: AN ORDINANCE~AUTHORIZ'ING A VARIATION-FROM SECTION 23.1011 DF THE MTn' PROSPECT BUILDING CODE (ZBA-45-V-76) Upon roll call: Ayes; Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Trustee Minton requested cases 58-Z-76 and 59-V-76 be placed ._ on the next agenda. Trustee Minton requested cases 5-V-76 and 25-V-76 be placed back on the Building Committee's charge sheet. Trustee Minton, seconoed by Trustee Hendricks, moved for concurrence of the Building Committee report for case 51-SU-76. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Trustee Minton, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for con- currence of the Building Committee repor~ for case 55-V-76. Upon roll call: ~ Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. This was considered a first reading for the proposed.ordinance. Trustee 'Minton, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for concurrence with the Building Committee meport for case 61-V-76. Upon roll cal2: Ayes: Floros Hendric<s Minton' Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Trustee Minton, seconded Dy Trustee Hendricks~ moved for concurrence of the Building Committee report for case 62-SU-76. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hen.dricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Trustee Minton, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for a waiver of the rule~ Yequir'ng two readings of an ordinance. Upon ro~l call:?'~'e~'~lo~os Hendricks Minto~ Rhea Richardson Pg. 3 10/19/76 or ur~lnance '#2669: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 805 BURNING BUSH (62~SU-76) Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea R:ichardson Motion carried. FINANCE COMMITTEE Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for a wai'ver of the. rules requiring two readings of an ordinance, Upon roll call: Ayest Floros...Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee B~cha~dson, moved for pBssage of Ordinance ~2670: 'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ANNUAL LICENSE FEES FOR CO~N~ IN-SLOT SELF-SERVICE DRY CLEANING MACHINES AN~ SELF- SERVICE LAUNDERING MACHINES Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richards. on Motion carried. FIRE & POLICE COMMITTEE Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved for con- currence of the Fire & Police committee report to re-iDstall "s~op" signs east & westbound on Aztec Lane at Aralia Dr, again making it a 4-way stop intersection. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros He'nd. ricks Minton Richardson Nays: Rhea Motion Carried, The removal of "stop" signs at the inter~ections of Indigo Ln, and Carib Ln. and Indigo Ln, and Corktree Ln. were referred back to the Safety Commission for further study. ~ Trustee.Richardson, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved for con- currence of the Committee!s report r~commending the designation of a bus parking area fo~ school daYs only, at Indiah Grove School, Upon roll calli Ayes: Floros Hen~.cks. M'i.nto~ Rhea Richardson Notion carried, Trustee Rt.chardson, secon~eo by Trustee Floros, moved to concur with the administration's recommendation of police exempt positions ~n the following manner: .... 1,20% salary increase above police officer for the 4 shift commander positions. 2.,30%:'sal'ary increase above police officer for.the 2 div4sion commanders, 3. 35%~s'ata~ i'~ff¢~.rease above police, offi.cer for the Deputy Chief will be recommended in tha 77 78 budge~, For a total estimated ~os~ of $7,000 annually, Pg. ¢ 10-19-76 Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hend~lck$~Mlnton Rhea Richardson Motion Carried. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to concur with the administration's recommendation of a $750 annual incentive pay for police officers WhO are selected to work as detectives. For the 7 detec,tive bureau members, this would cost $5250 annually. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved to concur with the administration's recommendation of a $350 annual incentive pay for those police officers who are presently qualified breatha- lizer operators. The total cost would be $4,200 annually, Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks M~nton R~'chardson Nays: Floros Rhea Motion carried. Richard Batchen, Vice President of J, Emil Anderson & Sons, Inc. presented a letter to the Board explainin,g how his firm would resolve the problems that have surrounded the Randhurst Twin Link rock concerts. J. Emil Anderson & Sons, Inc. has stated they will not hold any further rock concerts at said location. Barry Fox, owner of Biaz Productions (responsible for the rock concerts) stated h~ wished to continue putting on Concerts and had a contract through 1-12-77 for such. The Board, not seeking to eliminate the rock concerts, recessed for 5 minutes to d~scuss this surprise action by the parties involved. Time: 10;07 P.M. The Mayor cal'led the meeting back to order at 10:20 P.M. Present upon roll call: Ayes: Teichert Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson The Board felt the action described,by Richard Batchen eliminated the need for official Board action. Further discussion of said topic was referred to the Fire and Poli~ce Committee. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Trustee Rhea moved to discontinue the stuOy of removal of traf- fic signs by the traffic engineer and Safety Commission because their recommen,dations were not being executed by the Board. Motion failed for lack of second. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Rhea, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to~ have the Mayor sign and the Cl~rk to attest the C~ntury ResubdivisQon subject to .approva~ of all proper agencies and posting of public improvement bonds. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. Pg. 5 10-19-76 rustee Richardson, seconded by ~rustee Minton, moved to waive the rules and bring to the floor a release between Prospect Enterprises, Inc. and the Village of Mt. Prospect~ Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Ricnardson Motion carried. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to accept the release between Prospect Enterprises, Inc. and the Village of Mt Prospect. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Motion carried. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Works: Oct 21, 1976 Finance: Oct 28 Building: Nov. 4 ADJOURNMENT Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for adjournment. Unanimous. Time: 10:31 P.M. EEVIN O'DONNELL DEPUTY CLERK P.g. 6 10-19-76