HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/03/1979 VB minutes 5~INUTES OF THE REGULAR ~{EETING OF
July 3, 1979
Mayor Krause called the meeting to order at 8:09 P
The invocation was given by Trustee Murauskis.
Present upon roi1 call: Mayor Krause Trustees Farley Floros
Miller Murauskis Richardson V~attenberg
Trustee Miller, seconded by Trustee r4urauskis, moved to approve
the minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees
held June 19, 1979.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros 5{iller Murauskis
Richardson ~attenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Farley, moved to
approve the minutes of the special meeting of the Mayor and
Board of Trustees held June 26, 1979.
,... Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
~ Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee l%~urauskis, moved
to ratify the action taken by the ~,{ayor and Board of Trustees
at the special meeting held June 26, 1979.
~ Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Miller, seconded by Trustee Farley, reeved to approve
the following list of bills:
General 272,872.12
,.., Revenue Sharing Fund 4,649.00
Motor Fuel Fund 13,805.92
Community Development Fund 1,872.15
Waterworks & Sewerage Fund 94,695.48
Parking System Revenue 180.38
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros .~iller Murauskis
Richardson Waltenberg
Nays: None
5{ot~on carried.
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June Kerstein requested a status report on the recently approved
installation of the crossing signal at Burning Bush and Euclid.
Mr. Burghard stated that while he did not know the exact dates,
he would get back to Mrs. Kerstain with that information.
Mr, McDonald, 1426 East Emmerson Lane, requested consideration ~_~
of lifting the water sprinkling restrictions. :
Arthur Braband, 11 N. Pine, requested the administration look
into requiring a fence to be installed around the back lot of
Prospect Auto Body, located on Wille Street.
Village Manager Burghard presented the following bid
results opened June 28, 1979, for the 1979 MFT Resurfacing
Milburn Brothers, Inc. $265,231.80
704 W. Central Road
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
Allied Asphalt Paving Co. $257,826.52
P. O. Box 635
Hillside, Illinois 60162
J. A. Johnson Paving Co. $256,784.60
1025 East Addison Court
Arlington Heights, Ill. 60005 ~-~
Arrow Road Construction Co. $223,366.42 I
P. O. Box 334 - 3401 S. Busse Road -~
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved
to concur with the recommendation of the administration and
accept the low bid submitted by Arrow Road Construction Co.,
in the amount of $223,366.42
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Mr. Burghard then announced that the Mount Prospect Chamber
of Commerce is compiling a Community Profile publication and
the Village has been requested to participate. Mr. Burghard
explained that the Village could have 2 pages in four colors,
and would receive 290 copies of the booklet for $2,950.00.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to
approve participation with the Chamber of Commerce in the
Community Profile publication in the amount of $2,950.00.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros 5~Iiller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
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and emergency back-up ' ' ' ' J ,
service ~o~ld~e~ptEe uly 1, 1979 and
requesled Board concurrence with the action taken by the 5~anager
in granting a temporary exlension lo that agreement.
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Rich~dsofi, moved
to rafi~ the action t~en by the M~ager relative to the Elk Grove
Rur~ Fire Protection Dist~ct agreement and to authorize the
administration to enter into negofiaD, ons with the District to
negotiate a new a~eement for a period not to exceed
October 1, 1979.
Upon rot c~1: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller ~urauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion c~ried.
Mr. Burgh~d then presented a proposed field change to the
Planed Unit Development known as Huntington Estates relative
to a request received by Countryside Bank to install a fourth
drive-up teller window.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to
ra~ the field ch~ge by the Village Manager to ~low
Count~side B~k to install a fourth drive-up teller window,
subject to the renew of landscaping plans by the administration.
Upon rot c~l: Ayes: F~ley Floros Miller ~urauskis
Rich~dson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion c~ried.
Mr. B~gh~d expl~ned that Well $6 was in need of rep~r
~d requested the Board to authorize $27,000 to Wehlin~ Wet
Works, Inc., in order to m~e ~e neeess~ rep~rs.
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by T~stee Farley, moved to
au~orize the Village M~ager ~d Director of Public ~orks lo
nego~ate with Weh~ng Well Works ~ Ine. to repot Well $6,
in an ~ount not to exceed $27,000.
Upon roll cat: Ayes: F~ley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion c~ried.
Mr. Burgh~d ~nounced ~at Herb Mollenk~p, Sanit~i~ with the
He~th Ser~ces Dep~tment, had submitted ~s resignation, ~d that
the Village would initiate the process to r~Crult a replacement.
Mayor Krause brought up the maker of ac~on relative to the
Metropolit~ Sanita~ District vs. Village of Mount Prospect ~d
requested Board concurrence with the recommendation of outside
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to
authorize the Village to continue to hold the sum of $192,500.87,
together with the interest e~ned thereon, ~d to pay over to the
District ~I sums in excess of that ~ount without prejudice to the
right of the Village to m~nt~n in the pending ~ended eounter-
cl~m that all or part of such sums represent the collection of an
excessive and unlasvful rate and shou]d be refunded to the
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Upon roi1 call: Ayes: Farley Flores 5,qller ~Turauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Floro~., moved to authorize
an expenditure by the Village of an amount not to exceed $2,000.00
to engage an expert to review certain issues in the Citizens
Utilities Rate increase case.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Floros presented those items under the Building Committee.
ZBA 25-V-79, 2947 Briarwood Drive West
Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to waive
the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved for
passage of Ordinance No. 2919
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
ZBA 21-V-79, 1000 West Central Road
An Ordinance Granting Specified Variations For Property Located
at 1000 West Central Road had its first reading and will be placed
on the July 17, 1979, Village Board agenda.
An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Henry Street, Prospect Avenue,
and Alley Between Said Streets also had its first reading, with
2nd reading to take place July 17th.
ZBA 29-SU-79 and ZBA 30-V-79, 5~ount Prospect Plaza
Ordinances granting specified variations for property known
as the Mount Prospect Plaza, as it relates to K-~art, had their
first readings. These ordinances will appear on the July 17th
Village Board agenda.
ZBA 31-V-79, Southwest corner Golf and Elmhurst Roads
An Ordinance Granting Specified Variations for Di Mucci Property
at Golf and Elmhurst Roads had its first reading and '"'o?~d ~
pi. :-~ ! on ~_he July !7th Vii[a2'e Board agenda.
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Trustee Miller, seconded by Trustee RiChardson, moved to waive the
les in order to bring up an item not listed on the agenda (fee
established for K-Mart Industrial Revenue Bonds).
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Richardson
Nays: Murauskis
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Miller, moved to
approve the $25,000 fee as negotiated between the VillaEe Manager
and Maisel's representative, to be paid to the Village of Mount
Prospect for the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Miller Richardson
Wattenberg Krause
Nays: .Murauskis
Pass: Floros
Motion carried.
An Ordinance Authorizing the Village of Mount Prospect to Issue
Industrial and Commerical Project Revenue Bonds had its first
reading, to be placed on the July 17th Village Board agenda
for 2nd reading.
An Ordinance Establishing Procedures and Fees for Applications
for Industrial and Commercial Revenue Bonds also had its first
reading and would appear on the July 17th Village Board agenda.
Trustee Murauskis presented the June 25th Fire and police
Committee report.
Trustee ]~urauski$, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to concur
with the recommendation of the Fire and Police Committee to
increase the number of required parking spaces to two spaces per
dwalling unit, with the administration to file the necessary
petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance, at which hearings the
administration should consider the size of the required parking
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros A{iller Murauskis
Richardson ~¥attenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Murauskis, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to
concur with the recommendation of the Fire and Police Committee
to amend the Zoning Ordinance relative to reducing the density
allowed for multi-family dwellings to a maximum of 17 units Per
acre, and to direct the administration to file the necessary
petition for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller ~.urauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Murauskis, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to
concur with the recommendation of the Fire and Police Committee
to approve the M.E ~B.I.T. Program, subject to review by counsel.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson IVattenberg
Nsys: None
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~,.OiJO17 earl'led.
Trustee Richardson presented the June 22 report of the Legislative/
Judiciary Committee.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Wsttenberg, moved to
concur with the recommendation of the Legislative/Judiciary
Committee that topics of discussion during Executive Sessions
shall be listed and such list shall be kept by the Village Manager.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson ~Cattenber~
Nays: /<one
~.~OtlO.q carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee ~Nattenberg, moved to
concur with the recommendation of the Legislative/Judiciary
Committee to place the recommendation of the Village Clerk on
the November 10, 1979, referendum ballot, as to whether the
position of Village Clerk should be an appointed position or
an elected position.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenber g
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to
concur with the recommendation to have the Village Clerk
appointed by the Village Manager subject to the concurrence
of the Villag.e Board (provided the question receives a favorable vote
at the time of the referendum). ~-'
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Murauskis Richardson
Nays: Miller Wattenberg
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved for
passage of Ordinance No. 2920
Upon roll call: Ayes: Parley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Wattenberg presented the report of the Public Health
and Safety Com~a~t~ee meeting held June 28th.
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved
to concur with the recommendation to increase ~he fees charged
by taxi cab operators to 90e for the ~rst 1/2 mile and 10e for
each 1/10 mile thereafter, and directed the Attorney to draft
the necessary ordinance.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: Farley
Motion carried. (This motion was reconsidered later in the meeting.)
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Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by ~rustee Murauskis, moved to
concur with the recommendation Qf~the Public Health and Safety
Committee to amend the Traffic Cod~ to make Highland Avenue
between Elm and Rand a one way eastbound, and that no left turn
be permitted onto Rand Road from Highland Avenue.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: Floros
Motion carried.
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to
concur ~Tith the recommendation of the Public Health and Safety
Committee to allow a temporary barrack at Albert and Busse Ave.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Mursuskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, n~oved to
concur with the Public Health and Safety Committee to amend the
Traffic Code to ~efleot a 5 ton load limit on Wheeling Road.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Ftoros Miller Murauski~
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
The subject of outside use of the water testing laboratory was
referred back to Committee for further review.
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for
passage of Ordinance No. 2921
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to
re-consider the motion previously voted on during this meeting
relative to the taxi cab fare increase.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Miller, moved to
concur with the recommendation to increase the fees charged
by taxi cab operators to 90¢ for the ~rst 1/2 mile and 10~ for
each 1/10 mile thereafter, and directed the Attorney to draft
the necessary ordinance.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Farley Floros Miller Murauskis
Richardson Wattenberg
Nays: None
Motion carried.
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Trustee Farley noted that the subject of the crossing signal at
Council Trail and Route 83 would be discussed at the next Committee
The following items were referred to the Building Committee:
ZBA 33-V-79, 2010 W. Golf Road
ZBA36-V-79, 100 W. Northwest Highway
The following Committee meeting dates were announced:
Building July 9
Finance July 16
Fire and Police July 23
Legislative/Judiciary July 19
Public Health and Safety (Special Meeting) July i0
Public Works July 12
The Village Hall would be closed July 4th in observance of
Independence Day.
Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Farley, moved to adjourn
the meeting.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Unanimous
Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 12: 00.
Donald W. Goodman
Village Clerk
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