HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 49-90 11/20/1990RESOLUTIONS OF ~"'~lD OF DIRECTORS
Name. Village of Mount Prospect
(Pleaae Type or Print)
Carol A. Fields
I, _, Do Hereby Certify
that I am the duly elected and qualified Vi 11 a_qe 61 ark Secretary and keeper of the corporate records and corporate
sealofthe Village of Mount Prospect
a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of I l 1 i no i s
and that the following is a true and correct copy of certain resolutions unanimously adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation held in
accordance with law and charter and bySaws of said corporation at Mount Prospect
on the 20th day of November A.D. lg 90
at which meeting a quorum was present, and that said resolutions are set forth in the minutes of said meeting, have not been repealed or modified,and are now in
full force and effect:
¶ .l~selved,that LaSalle National Bank of Chicago,illinois, be and it is herebydesignated a depositaryin which the funds of this corporation may be deposited by
any officer, agent or employee; that any office~of this corporation is hereby authorized to open and maintain an account or accounts with said depositary and to
make and from time to time continue to make such arrangements and issue such instructions for the conduct thereof as to him shall seem proper: and that any
officer, agent or employee of this corporation is hereby authorized to endorse and deposit wrtn said depositary checks, drafts, notes and omar negotiable
instruments and orders for the payment of money which endorsement may be the written or stamped endorsement of this corporation w~thout des~gnahon or
s~gnature of the eerson so endorsmg, it being understood that on all such deposited items all srior endorsements are guarsnteea Dytnls cor¢oration irrescective
of the lack of an express guarantee in the endorsement of this corcorst~on.
2. FlesolYad f~t~#er, that said LaSalle National Bank is hereby authorized to honor, pay and charge to anyaccount oraccounts of this corporation all checks or
other orders for the payment of money arawn on said Ban k aha s~gned ~n the name of this corporation by any one of the
One. Two. Etc..
following officers, agents or employees of this corcoration: President any wce president, secretary, any assistant secretary treasurer, any ass~stam treasurer
Mayor or Treasurer
nser~ Titles of All Other Officers. Agents or Employees Authorized to Sign)
3. I~e~lved further that authority ~s nerecy g~ven to any one ct the following officers: Pres~aent. any wce pres~aen[
(One, Two, Etc.)
secretary, anyass~stantsecretary treasurer, anyass~stanttreasurer Ma,yor or Treasurer
(Insert Titles of All Other Officers Authorized to Sign)
for and on behalf of this corporation:
(a~ To borrow money and obtain credit from said LaSa~onal Bank, and to--ute and deliver drafts,acceptances and promissory notes (including
notes with a confession of judgment clause) and other o b r~g alia n~s c o r p~9,~¢o n for such amounts and for such time and at such rates of interest or discount
and containing such terms and provisions and such powers with res~..~collateral as such officer(s) shall deem proper; and to receive, receipt for. ssue
instructions and sign orders for the discosition and delivew~Droceeds~f.~uch promissory notes and other obligations: and
(b) To pledge, morlgage, enaorse, guarantee,a~li~es and accounts receivable bJlJs of lading,warenouse~'ece~pts,stocks,
oonds, delivery orders, commodities, foreign exchange, or oth~operties of the corporation whatsoever as security for any loan, credit or
accommodation and as security for any liability in~r to be incurred by this~,~ation in connection with any draft, accectance, note letter of credit.
guaranty, trust receipt, or otherwise: and
(c} To sell or d~scount the bills, notes ano a~counts rec~s co r p o r a[~.~l~.a~4~ y and sell foreign exchange,app~yforand purchase letters of credit.
travelers checks and similar instruments, to incur liab~~ the purchase, sale and negotiation of letters of credit, tr&velers checks, bills ol
exchange, acceptances, drafts, bills of lading and~nta and to ! e%~,,~ sign receipts and trust receiots therefor, and in connection therewith to
execute and deliver such applications, orders att~ a~ as such officertat sha~eem oroper: and
t/~-"-., ,
(d) To purcnase bonas.stoc '~t~es and other p~'r'Ot~,,~,,anolo selkpledge~r assign exchange,depositorc/~"~,e d~sposeofanyoonas,sfocks.
securities or other property belor this corporation or hel"~,~c ~o r the account of others,and in conn ~erewith to execute and dehver
such orders and issue such instruc.uns as such officer(s) m~ identify and guarantee assignments,Ira, _ vrs and endorsements for transfer
on bonds stocks, rights and other certihcates and sem.,.~s and to ~denhf!/an-d"~j~j.~ntee signatures on bond and stock vowers of attorney
(e( From t~me to t~me to denver and aeoos~t with said LaSalle National Bank I, an,/Ponds, stocks~nd
omar property owned or help Dy [n~S COrDorat~on.u Don such terms and conditions as such officer(si maydeem proper, and to w~thdraw.receive and receipt for and
Wlthciraw coon ~rusl receipt at the r~sk of th~s corDorason and lo execute orders and ~ssue mstruchons for the handling, delivery, SUDStlIUSOn exchange, sale.
transfer and registration of any Ponds, SIOCKS, secunses and propem/ pi whatsoever kind delivered GO, left with. or held by sa~d LaSatle Nahonal Bank for
safekeeping, dellve ry COlleCtion. as COllateral secun[~ or Otherwise. wn~cn Withdrawals SUDS~ItUSOnS. exchanges or delwerles may De made oy the bearer of any
sucn orDer receipt or instructions.
4. Reaolved further that each of the officers or Demons aumorlzed to act for this corporation ~n an, of the cases aforesaid is hereDy au[nonzed w~mouz me
concurrence of any other officer or person, for and on behalf of this coraorauon:
'a) To ~dentify, approve and guarantee me endorsemenl of any pg, ee or enDorser on any checKs,drafts or other orders for the payment of moneyorawn oytms
corporation: ara
(bi To waive oresentmenl =amana protest, and not~ce of dishonor or nonoa~ men[ w~tn resoecl to any negotiable or non-negotiaBle papers or aocumems
involved in any transacbons of th~s corporation: and
lc To act for this corporation - the transaction of ail other business for its account and in settlement of its accounts w~[n said LaSalle National Bank
5. Resolved fMrther [nag SaiD LaSalle National Bank sna nave no resoonsiDiil[~ whatsoever for. or Be reoulrea to see to, the aeolication of any of the funds
deposited w~th ~t or borrowed from it as herein authonzea, out snal~ day and charge to said accounl or accounts any and all checks or orders for the payment of
money drawn as aforesaid whether or nog cayaole GO. endorsed or negobated by, or depossed to the individual credit of any person s~g n~ng or countersigning me
same or an,~ other officer, agent or employee of this coroorason.
6. Resolved further that the Secretary or any assistant secretary of this corporanon nereoy ~s authorized to certlfyto sa~d LaSalle National Bank a copy ~f these
resolutions and from time to time to ced~tyto said Bank the names and s~gnatures of the officers,agents and employees of this corporation herebyauthorized to act
for and on behalf of this corporaz~on; and sa~a Bank is hereb~ aumonzeo GO rely upon such cedificates until ~t ~s forma ly advised by a subsequent cedificate or
certificates in writing under [ne corsorate seal of this coroorabon of any changes or alterations therein,
I further Certify that names of the present officers.agents anD employees of this corooranon aumonzed to act and s~gn for and on behalf of this corporation are
as follows and [na[ me genuine s~gna~iures of such officers, agents anD employees ac. Dear on tee accompanying signature cards identified by the genuine
s~gnature of the undersigned Secretary:
(Please print or type below names of all persons having signing authority.)
xx~( Gerald L. Farley Vice-President
Village Clerk
xx~ Carol A. Fields Treasurer II~vid C._ ,l~p~nn
Asst. Sec':,,. Asst. Treas. __
(Insert Title) (Insert Title}
(insert Title) (insert Title)
Affix Corporate Seal below: In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said coreoration this
20th day pt November ~-D. 19 go .
Village Clerk
The uedersignea,eelng a Director of said COrDorazlon. does hereby certifythat the foregoing is a correct copy of certain resolutions of the Board of Directors of said
coroorabon acloDted as above set forth
Director ~Nho Is Not Authonzed Go Sign. If Possible,