HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 01-64 02/04/1964 ~ IlESOLU'l'IOlI WOo k A RESOLUTION BY THE VILLAGE 0 F MOtmT PROSPECT OBJ'ECTIWG TO THE REZOWnm FROM .a..4: SIlIYGLE "I'll! MIT!Y RESIDENCE TO R...5 HULTI-Pk\f.['LY OF A FIF'ITY ACRE TRACT IN ELK GROVE TO_SHIP DESIGl'tfATE'D bY DO CKET NO 0 634 BY THE COOl[ COUWTY ZONHTG BO,~,fID OF APPEALS. ~.1 ~~..uo".~_"", ----.-__..~~.r=-.-........~"'"e~1'lIOl' WHEI-mAS# Max M. FleIsher and the Exooange National Dam! of Chicago as Trustee under TPuat Nos" 16421 and 15376:} have Gought the rezonin.g of 50.4 a01'ee of proport'1 located south easterly trom the Int e:raeotion ot Lbm.em8D. Rce.d a=ad Dempster- Street 1n r~lk Gpovo Township f'Fom ita present R-4 Sbgle ltlim111 Ree1doo~~ District to Rs5 Mult1-Faml1r Clamsif1caticn. whlch casa was heard by tba Cook Count,- Zoning ~d ot Appeal!i Dockā‚¬lt No" 6M!) Gurl WHEl7EAS" the Village of Mount P~speet has its co~pol?ate 11,m',ts within (mo and one-half" (li-> mlle~ of tho propart'1 sought to 'be ):Dew,oned; NOW$ THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Presldent &nd Boord If)t' TI-Uf!teea of' the Village of Mount pro3?Jeet, Cook Count7 It Il1iilo;L:~ 8 Section l~ Toot the Village of lieu.1A'j~ F~03p~~Ct does heT:eb;r QbjeQ1f~t:o~~he rezoning described abov~ s~d ~equa$ta the Oount~ Boatod to note its oft1cial objeetla.{"uJ tll'iJ dces hGx~Gby !itQia~ that the :rGaaons for the ob3 act iODS 9.ll?G t~[1 fcllow$: i},. ... That th@ hlg21k.~t41:;5>Jild lH~~r~n:al(j of ~;h~ tn:JJ,.]~}et "JPOI}&F'ty is R-4 Singl'3 HGLt.:llv Ik,wd.:.lf~ce; wbleh'i:oc.t:, is attGsted to ~.n that al:i\.1d PI;%)p:a~?t~Ji' ~;U.81 m":>lg~.nL\ll" z,~x?.ed R-4 by tl1s Comprehensiv0~X!3!~ldj1llr.)'fiXl'" ~:;o the Gook G~';'1:ffi.t~.,. Zon:tng Ordinanca and :!::ha& no rJ igr.a:'i, :i.',carrt ehang(? ~":a ~on~:.ng O:i? land \18 a ill th<3 imr\w.\.E~:tt~ (, v Ie ini ty bQ;;t oetntiL"[!'~d ." :fuat th'3 pl~OpGz>>.ty to ~~h.:: iII~j}3~d,it;;';;;"i~(!'l..th i~j J~a.l"gel~" 11tUH1J.:d:~ and what 1~~ developed f<H"i::)~,t;t;;] z- iSf...l:?,col ~i1d ~ii:1g1e faw.J:!'l" :~e2~~dc;nc.r:Js,) Th t;h~ -;'1' tel the 0;$i$)t ~lJ.i.~hfn:'f'h t1 ~tI ~<:';,} ""^""'"~~ R. t:: 't"" ..,.">'}:, ..^ ..,-~".,., ...:,.e'~>~y ".,.., ".,~"", ",,~"""'. '<.''''''"",<.\.1. ""'.., ,"-.... x..")',, ,""v ,. .. J;<:v."",,}} c;j;,:" oil _,to "", ')':~"~ ':. .;:'::' (;" 8.1.1.U &orosfcJ L:1'!m$!!l~.n:A :to :,'?C'. ~)y ti.1\i'. U:nj:G(~'(~ J.~.lz'.Ll:n.~)'3 .fo!' of fico~11 wh1<)h e.rG c.~mp:!l:~; "~he 2 :tngle feml1~fii.lf:!i ...... f' 'Vh.... .~""'=+, "",,,,,,t.^ ,............pC>..,,~,.,;:( """...,,<'1 >0,."."')"",,. ::- r"l ':.'hlJ: ;:, ,,,';)<:""?', r;: '':' l\ofI... .'.A4V ..w..I'...r.-t~t..!~\(.;'lI s.."'4 W u~ "~-:5 :'Cfi.;;',J.~ """'... UJ~- ~$'ii__.. Voi.J!,llI.. .?,~,.j;.p.,U,e.lt .....\,,} vae~nt af.~j u~1mprovcd~ B on '1llEd; th~ p1"er}f::n~ ,~it, the Cook C:',j',;(nt~. Bu:lJ.d:b1?!; oFdj:nancea are fjuoh t ~:.1:j>O::, il1te:;.io:i:' C .'u.e.\tr-uct ion 0~X'l ba 1"r.aw.3 and that a.lthough th.~ 191!fj};VJsed jila.':1. ea.lls j.'or 91i.t;e::r1o:>::.'1l b:~?1',;.k cOll,cJ;:ruet io:n the '.n ta:.:' 101" !i}ow.d;:puet Jon~111 b"OZtS :tce.:U.J1' t.U,,~ S8..m(..: as singl~ :taml1y J?8Ild.danl:-'ie;:; C':1>!l '/ihoUf}l it will hmJ.~J~ hun{1r~de of: poopleo 'Ihls !'ait~e,.' aOl'mi,da.hle q't;.;cation of: fh"'(:l ~at<3ty ~ C ". The pl~ln pro:p~'$ed ce11:,' tiCn." a Ill'ultitude t:d' atl?U)}"" turcs eaoh l!IE/pal"late and d13tj,t::C~; fl""t:$m the crther" inti:) \i'el'7 #' nature ~ tta. Cook CouatJ' ZOIltDs 01'd1_0. ,"rid.. tbat oa17 em. ab\1e'tUN MIl be nllt _ u. prop..q- Sa ques- tl_ lIDl... platted with .tNeU. ec...quent17 tlae propoae4 pleD OADllot be built UpGIl aad oamaot _te:plall... D - !'he p1aa pPop~.e4 0"_'"'" a laztge populatlO1l wlth no provision tor atreets 8Il4 :poade except pr1ftte at:pe".. allot _blob make. t:be pztOject a burden._. one tor tbe Count7 of Cook which 18 dut7 bound to provlde ad.quate .t..et. and I1mlta wbat fire proteotion 1a avallable from bavlng proper lngre.. an4 'ep-e8' to tbe development. E - The f1M t1gb.t1Dg taol11tle. avallable are provlded b7 a rural tipe d18tplot hav1ns neltber tbeequ1Jaeat nor tbe .. power to t1sbt a aap10118 tin 1D a projeot ot thla masnltude nop 18 It oapable to .0 40 __ ra1a1n.s ita tax lev. '!bera 18 no ahoIf1D.g tat tJae 8kt. ftpe llarabal 1. 1n . poaltlOll to provide 11" pm_ 10ft 1 t a.e 1. not looal17 available. P - Watep aa4 ..... faoUitS... lD the area _ve be. plumed tor .lD8le taml17 ...14-'181 deve1os-_t aa4 woul4 be 0"" taxed bJ' aulti-t_117 4e.elollll_t. G - 'lbe rllee P1'Oteot1oft a..llable 18 tumlabec1 bJ' the aherltt 0 Cook Count7 who beoa.8 of atatt I1m.ltatloaa ~8DIlot afford the tJp8 ot polloe serv10e neoea.8P1. B - The 1'..011188 ot the prope2't7 1Il qu..tlG1l will have 88 ad..... atteot upon the Stat.'s Att01'llq's det... 1rl a ne&1'bJ' oa.. designated b,. ea.. wo. "3- ~ - 111../ 71 .Moll 18 now pen4SDg aid undeo lded. SeotlOll 8. !h. V1Uase Clerk 1. h...bJ' autho:plaed to .ulalt oertlt1cM1 ociTe_ or thi. ~..olutloll to tbe Co1mtJ' Clerk ot Cook CountJ' t.. tNll8ll1t'a1 to tbe Count., Boar4 8D4 auoh other aseao1.. as are 4e_e4 appropl'late~ SeotlO1l S. 1'b1. H_olutlon _)aU b. 1ft full t0l'08 and ettect :troa _4 aner 1t. pa..ase and app1'O'V81 aooord1ns to law. PASSED and APPROVED thla Y 4&7 of Pebr11a17, 1964. ~-~~.- n-ealC181't ~---- At te.t t '~~,LJ~ _. 81'