HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 04-65 01/18/1965 It E SOL UTI 0 H ~-65 The VILLAGE OF 14T. PROSPECT acknowled... receipt of a propo.sd Ag......nt to coopente witb the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOUS AND JUILDIIIJQS of the STATE or It.LXHOIS in a continuous oompr6hensl.e . tl'ansportation p18lUllhg pAce... ";,i_q.in full accord witb the pUl'poesof the AlN.snt and .,ishes to enter into lald ....e..ot wlth tbe DEPARTMEJrrf. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that it directs its VII,... LAGE PRESIDENt to sign said Aar-e..ent 1n behalf of the VILLACE. ~. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th. VILLAGE CLElUC is h.r.... by directed, to tl'aD81d.t a "producible copy of thls r..olution along with tbs ex.cuted .r....nt to the DEPARTHUT OF PUBLIC WOJU<S AIIDBUILDIH4S throuah tbe Offlce oftheDlr.ctol' of the Cbicaso Ape. Transportation Study. PASSED: this 18 day of January, 1965. APPROVED: this 18 day of January, 1965. ~~~ Clarence ... c ., c' . _vel' . .s .. ant ,..--.----- ATTEST. \ ~.C~LJ~ Ruth c~ f!IIOhJ~lil... ~lerk ... .~ A G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMENT made this 18 day of Jaauary, 1965, by and betwe.n the VILLAGE OF MOUUT PROSPECT. herei.after called VILLAGE .lId the DEPARTMENT or PUBLIC WOIKS AND BUILDIIf8S OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, bereinafter called DEPARTMEMT. WIT N E SSE THI WHEREAS portio.. of Cook, - Du P.ge alld Will Counties, IlliDf>is. bave been ."l.lI.ted by the Bureau ottne Ce.us in 1960 .s part of the Chioago Northweaterll Indiana Urbanized Area; ud that a WHEREAS the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 provide. "After July 1, 1965. the Secretary .hall Dot approve under Section 105 of this title any program for projeots in any urban 8reaof Blot'e than flfty thousand population unl..s he finds that luob pro'.Ot8 are baaed on a oontinu!ngo-.prebenaive trans- portation planning proce.s carried on o.peratively by Statel en.d 10081 c~unlt1.. in oonformance with the objectives 8tated in tbia Section"; and WHElEAS the Seoretary of the Unite~State8Departm.nt of Commerce, referred to above, tbl'OUlh the Bureau of hb1.1o"J1['.l~ ha. interpreted "oooperatively" to .ean the ...tabliabme.tot a for- 11.1 procedure ...- supported by a 1Ir1,tt8n .......r-udullof underatanding- ... bet wean the State of Illinois thl"oughlts Departaent of Public Work. and Buildinls and tbe governing bodi. of the local communities within the "Urbani.ed Area"; and WHEJEAS the Northeastern Illinois Metr-opolitan ~- Plan- ninl COllds.ion i. an official Regional pianni. a.eney created by the State Legislature which by .pecial ..gt'eement will prepare a serie. of land us. plana for the Chicago ar.., .1vins consideration to an4 correlatin.all pertinent existing plan., projects. propo- sals and polici.. of units of government; and WHEltAS the Chicago ANa Transportation Study was created by tbe City of Chioago. County o.f Cook, .nd State of Illinois to ~ studies and prepare transportation plan. tor the Chicago area; a WHElEAS it is of mutual benefit to the municipalities within the "Urbanized Ar.." and the DEPARTMENT, and tnthe be.tfiUblic'inte- reat toc.plywith the t'~uir.ents otthe 1962 Federal-Aid Hiabway Acta NOW THEREFORE,_ in consideratien of the mutual pl"OIIi.e. cen- tained herein, it is eareed as follows& 1. The VILLAGE and the DEPARTMENT shall cooperate in . a oontil1\:&.1111 oOllprehen8i..e tr_por1:8tion planning proc... eati.fyial tbereq.l~llt. of :~~r:::r:;-::e:;::W~..:~oy~:.l;::;"cM~\~=:nee tor thisplun.l.DI proee.s. 2. The Chicago Are. Tr.n.port~t!on Stwiy ahall act as the principel 8tal'-'oyl. cOD84liaating andcoortinatiaathe plQ80tthe vtLLAOEother local e--.anltiu. tlieNorth..te", tllin01. Me'tropol1tanAr..'lantl1ngC_1.sia. _dthe DtPARTMEBT into a ccmprebe1!J.!ve resloDal traDti- portation plan. 8. The Ileana of provldlnl tb..o......a11 policy direction and 8upe...18i08.. well .-t,echnieal advice for the "Plannlng 'roc..." 18. -d,_.cribed in. the accOIIpanying booklet "Cooperat'lve .1itfort. ,T_ar4 ..a coIlpJ'ebuaive Transportation 'lan *ept Current I, Continuing Review" whieb is aade part of this Agte...nt. '\, " -.. To provide ~id."aDd coor4inetioD with respect to looal o__D1t,. loals andpolioi...te Regional CouDeils of Mayore and/or Vill... PN81d_~ will be ere.ted ,1n t;heCook andDu Pag. CoUtlty portiou of tbe "Urbaniaed .r..." E.e~ loc.l101'......t .daDl~g this Aa~...nt will ..~~~ it. .1Iayo.,,( 0., '"11.e PI'..1.e1)t) to a...' .. ... offbd.al ..~.rof the clpf)l'Opl'iate "Iional arou...."llo ahallect tor and it) beb.lf.of. ..i(.ilo:vem.ent In..fend .11 _'lters to COM before thepOtsp. aubjeet.to any ne....ary approval ..1ly the VILLAGE. Eacb' . RecloDal CWlioil wi1.1s81ect one .01.11:" m81ab&rs 1;0 a;erve on an area- wide Council ofMayonud. ViII.. . Pt-e.identa which willprovid..uidace to tbePol1., COliltaift.. of the Cbiee.o ANa TraIl8por'tatiQbStUdy.. Tb... cou.oils sball establJ,ahtbeir own rules of p1"OC;edure and .lect a eh.irMa. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto haVe executed tbis Alr....llt on the day and year above fll'st ~.n. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS or THE STATE or tUINors ATTEST, By ts1.rector dl!"~' *'., t.l..e. ATTEST. THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT By ~~~. N... at ~. e" lJ~ ,n::t..~Iel'~ .. . ... < o o A G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMENT made this 18 day of January, 1965, by and b~tween the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, hereinafter called VILLAGE and the DEPARTHENT OF PUBLIC HaRKS AND BUILDINGS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, hereinafter called DEPARTMENT. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS portions of Cook, Du Page and Will Counties, Illinois, have been designated by the Bureau of the Census in 1960 as part of the Chicago Northwestern Indiana Urbanized Area; and WHEREAS the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 provides that: "After July 1, 1965, the Secretary shall not approve under Section 105 of this title any program for projects in any urban area of more than fifty thousand population unless he finds that such projects are based on a continuing comprehensive trco.ns- portation planning process carried on cooperatively by States and local communities in conformance with the objectives stated in this Sect ion"; and WHEREAS the Secretary of the United States Department of Commerce, referred to above, through the Bureau of Public Reeds has interpreted "cooperatively" to mean the establishment of a for- mal procedure -- supported by a written memopandum of understanding- - between the State of Illinois through its Department of Public Works and Buildings and the governing bodies of the local communities within the "Urbanized Area"; and WHEREAS the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Plan- ning Commission is an official Regional planning agency created by the State Legislature which by special agreement will prepare a series of land use plans for the Chicago area, giving consideration to and correlating all pertinent existing plans, projects, propo- sals and policies of units of government; and WHEREAS the Chicago Area Transportation Study was credted by the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois to . make studies and prepare transportation plans for the Chicapo area; and WHEREAS it is of mutual benefit to the municipalities within the "Urbanized Area" and the DEPARTHENT, and in the best public inte- rest to comply with the requirements of the 1962 Federal-Aid Highway Act: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises con- tained herein, it is agreed as follows: . .,_." _.__~x;;~o ~~-__ _CO~'Y ; I_! I' '~; c o " 'I 'j li Ii !i , ~ j :1 :1 'I :; H ':1 ji :1 ;1 'I l! n " " il ~ ~ H )i\ I: 'I 1. The VILLAGE and the DEPARTMENT shall cooperate in a continuing comprehensive transportation planning process satisfying the requirements of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962. The VILLAGE will not be expected to provide financial assistance for this planning process. " 'I H '; :\ t, ,I H ,. ;; :! ~ ! " 2. The Chicago Area Transportation Study shall act as the principal staff agency in consolidating and coordinating the plans of the VILLAGE other local communities, the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, and the DEPARTMENT into a comprehensive regional trans- portation plan. [I Ii Ii ,I H i~ n d il 11 :, II H 3. The means of providing the over-all policy direction and supervision as well as technical advice for the "Planning Process" is described in the accompanying booklet "Cooperative Effort Tovlard a Comprehensive Transportation Plan Kept Current By Continuing Revievr." which is made part of this Agreement. ,; " H Ii " il " Ii i; n :1 q u il q ; ~ p ; ~ :',,1) I II ;l :1 II' " !I 11 4. To provide guidance and coordination with respect to local community goals and policies, ten Regional Councils of Mayors and/or Village Presidents wi:l be created in the Cook and Du Page County portions of the "Urbanized Area." Each local government signing this Agreement will appoint its Mayor (or Village President) to serve as an official member of the appropriate regional group, Hho shall act for e.nd in behalf of said government in any and all m~tters to come before the group, subject to any necessary approval by the VILLAGE. Each Regional Council will select one of its members to serve on an area- wide Council of Mayors and Village Presidents which will provide guidance to the Policy Committee of the Chicago Area Transportation Study. These councils shall establish their own rules of procedure and elect a chairman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year above first written. " 'l ii 11 H d !1 \1 ~~in~K=\ DEPARTHENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS By ~~c.~/ ATTEST: 'i ~ q :\ )0: '1 ;i , ( H \ ~ )j :j J H n , ATTEST: THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT By 0~\'0.'Y\r~ .~, r(:'i:;-. President r-.... \--4 1; ~ .".' l!,\ i' /\~V\! (,I'-t\_.\.~;~ <::-:"..... II :; II J " / (: i ' Villafc Clerk l'~ " ii II il '1 --- XERO: COPY '. ~_,_~.,___,.., \'j