HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 20-67 03/28/1967 II I , I II I II II I: ,I I r I II l, . I PESOLUTION NO. 20-67 A PESOLtJTION EXPPESSING TEF~ LEGISLJ\TIVE INTENTION PEGAPDING UTILI'l'Y SI1,'EP AND Fl\~:EP COPPOPPTION PUPCEASE OPTIONS VHlEPEPS, on December 11, 1962, the President and Board of Trustees of the VHlage of fifount Prospect adopted Ordinance No. 88Ll granting a franchise from the date thereof untH January 1, 1987, to the UtilHy Sevier and I'Tater Corporation, an Ill:lnois corporation, p:rantinr: the said corporation the franchise, right and privilege of owning, operating and maintaining a ","ateI' It,orks and water distribution system in 8 porUon of the Village of Fount Prospect described in a certain ExhibH 1', attached to the said Ordinance No. 88Ll; and FHEPEAS, under and 'by virtue of Section 16 of the sala Ordinance No. 884, the Villcwe of f'~ount Prospect vms given the right cmd option to purchase the said water ':lOrks Emd ':rater distribution system for the price of $350 per metered single-f3Jl1ily residence customer and S100 for each apartment unlt customer, and for industrial and comnercial customers in accordance wHr. a fOl'f'1ula set forth therein; and VHEPEJlS, on December 14, 1962, the President end Poard of Trustees of the VHlage of f~ount Prospect adopted Ordinance No. 885 granting a franchise fron: the date thereof until <Tanuary 1, 1987, to the UtHlty Sewer and I'Jater Corporation, an Illinois corporation, uanting the said corporat ion the frenchise, ri[ht and privHep;e of ov,]lling, operati np; and maJntai ning a sanHary sev!8r;e disposal system i n 2~ portion of the Village of f.~ount Prospect described i.n [; certain F.xh5bit {, attached to the sEdd Ordinance Fo. 885; and 1,!HEPEJI.S, under and by virtue of Section 13 of the said (~rdinance No. 885, the Village of Fount Prospect was given the rir;ht and opUon to purchase the said sanHary se1:J8['"e di.sposal system for the pri.ce of $250 per si.np;le-fmnJly unJt and per jndustri.al and comrrercial customer and "-"'I.t,~""""I"""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_~_,,,,,,,,,,,~ ,.. ~. " I' II I: ;i I, il I , " $100 for each apartment unit; and l:TEPFM~, the President and Poard nf r:':r'ustees of the VillaGe of Hount Pr02.pect in the consideretion of the exercising- of the above- mentioned options have determined thcit said options can only be exercjsed in the best inter'est::; of the Village of T'lTount Prospect if the indebtedness in aCQujring the above s~:stel'ls con be Hnuidated from the revenues derived from those systems; and F!!EREJlS, Charter 2LI, Section 11-139-8 elTpO'iJers the murdciI'81ity with the rifht to est2J)1:i sh varied rates for the charp:e of v:ater and seVIer services in a particular area so as to produce sufficient funds to satisfy the indebtedness of the extemdon or iT'1provement of its combined i'rater works and se':rage s,ystem or any part thereof servinr a particular area; and PllEPEJlS, the Presj.clent end Foard of Trustees of the ~Iillage of r~ount Prospect are of the opinion that the publjc health and general welfare of the resider:ts of the 'lillace of Fount Prospect v!Jll best be served by the 2.ccu:tstion of these p.,ysteT"'s herej.na.bove referred to; N0H, TIJEPEPOPE, Fl'~ IT PESIlVIED BY THE FRESIDFN'l' PND BOPPD OF TUHS'I'EES OF' THE VILLAGE OF f"OmJT PPOE;PFC'l': SEC'I'ION ONE: That should the V:i.llage of f'''ount Prospect exercise 1ts rip:ht and opUon to purchase the satd sewage disposal system ofUtili ty SeT'ler and \.rater Corporation and the vmtervlorks and water di stributi on system of Utility ;'e'ller and Fater Corporation under the terms of Ordinance no. 8811 and No. 885, It is the :i.ntention of the President and Board of Trustees to estab~ish rates for the users of the nevl1y acquired systems sufficient in nature to Jicuidate the jndebtedness so that the sat:tsfaction of the bond retirement necessary to accompHsh the purchase of these systems is achieved solely from the revenues derived from said systems. -2- 1m I~ ,I'. ...... -"_.__..~",.,....,~".~"~>"._-.,..,~,..,.,,..>.,.-...~_.,,..,"_..,.,.,.,."....,.~'""""""'._..,.."-.........--.,..,-,, SECTION ':['\1[0: This resolution shall be 1n full force CJnd effect from and after Us passap:e and approval in the manner prov1ded by law. AYES: 6 o NAYS: PJlSSFD THIS 28th day of JViarch, 1967. jlPPPOVFD TITIS 28th day of f'Tarch, 1967. ATI'EST: ~rk -3- ~, .., ......... .."'.._....,.'...........,_.-.~..,.,..,.,.,"~"'...,.,.,.._..:-"..~"~.,1'~..~"""_""'''f'......;~'_,<;''''"'''''_;"l-._"''.,...~.,,"''~''''