HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 35-69 12/02/1969
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AlO. 3,-~q
WHEREAS. 'mE CORroRA'IE AurIDRITIES on Noveni:>er 25. 1969. at the
hour of 8:00 p.m. J did hold a public hearinr. upcn the proposed annexation
agreerent for the regulaticn of an annexation of property to the Village of
r.t>tmt Prospect located on rra.ps 35S and 36S of the zooing ordinance; and
believe that such agr-eerrent is for the best interest of the Village of ~'Otmt
SECI'ION ONE: That the President of the Boaro of Trustees of the Villaee of
l'Ibunt Prospect is hereby authorized to sicr1 and the Village Clerk of the
Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized to attest the annexation agree-
rent made a part hereof arxi attached hereto as Exhibit "A". which annexation
agreerent subject to the provisions of Article 7 of the Illinois Municipal
Code of 1961, shall regulate the annexaticn of the follO\turw described property:
Beginrrlng at a point of the South line of the East 1/2 of
Northeast 1/4 of Secticn 14. Township 41 North, Range 11 East
of the 3rd Principal Meridian, said point being 854.70 feet
''lest of a stone at the Southeast comer of said quarter;
thence running West along the South line of said quarter to
the Soutm~est comer of said East 1/2; thence North along the
West line of said East 1/2 to the cmter of Public Road (at a
point 33.0 feet North of Split Field Stone. 20 inches long;
thence East along the center of said Rood. to a point 854. 7
feet vlest of the Fast line of said Northeast 1/4 (said 854.7
feet to be zreasured along the center of said Road); and thence
South 1016.4 feet to the place of berJl11ingj (excepting from
said tract that part thereof lying East of a line runninp:
North on a course forming a deflection anr-1e to the rigpt
with the South line of East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section
14 aforesaid of 91 defTees 03 minutes 48 seconds, which said
line corrmences at a point on the South line of said East 1/2
of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 14 aforesaid 1079.32 feet \tTest
of the Southeast corner of said Northeast 1/4 of Section 14 afore-
said, :in Cook County, lll:inois.
The Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 14, Township
41 North, Panpe 11 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, in Cook
County, Illinois.
'lhe South 10 acres of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 .
except the West 196.0 feet of the North 130.0 feet thereof,
together with,the North 10 acres of the South 20 acres of the
Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 J except the West 196.0 feet
of the South 130.0 feet thereof. all in Section lIt, Taomship
It1 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian. in
Cook C01.mty. lll1mis.
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All that part (except the West 477.89 feet, as measured
on the North line thereof), of the Southwest 1/4 of the
Southeast 1/4 of Section 14, Township 41 North, Range 11
East of the 3rd Principal Meridian lying North of the
Northerly line of the rieht of way of the ConmorMealth
Edison Canpany, being a line described as beginning at
a point in the East. line of said Southwest 1/4 of the
Southeast 1/4 which is 100.21 feet South of the Northeast
corner thereof, and nmning thence Southwesterly 1344.38
feet to a point on the West line of said Southwest 1/4
of the Southeast 1/4 which is 1010.48 feet North of the
South line of said Section 14, (as measured along said
West line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4),
together with that part of the Southeast 1/4 of the
Southeast 1/4 of Section 14, Township 41 North, Range 11
East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Southeast 1/4
of the Southeast 1/4; thence East along the North line
of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, 598.75 feet;
. thence Southwesterly a distance of 608.89 feet to a
point on the West line of said Southeast 1/4 of the
Southeast 1/4 which is 100.21 feet South of the Northt'lest
corner thereof; thence North 100.21 feet to the place of
beginning, in Cook Cot.n1ty, Illinois.
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That part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of
Section 14, Township 41 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd
. PrinCipal Meridian, described as beginning at the Northeast
corner of scUd Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said
Section 14; thence West 20 chains; thence South 14.35 chains;
thence East 8.50 chains; thence North 2.35 chains; thence
Fast 11.50 chains; thence North 12 chains to the point of
beginning (excepting from said pI'elJ1ises that part thereof
lying \-lest of a line 562.0 feet East of and parallel to the
West line of the aforesaid Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast
1/4, and also excepting from said premises that part thereof
lying Northerly of a line described as follows: Beginning
at a point in the East line of the Southeast 1/4 of the
Southeast 1/4 aforesaid, 210.03 feet (measured along said
East line) South of the Northeast corner of said Southeast
1/4 of Southeast 1/4, and runninp" thence West along a line
which is 210.0 feet South of (measured at rif/bt angles to)
and parallel with the North line of the said Southeast 1/4
of the Southeast 1/4 a distance of 702.09 feet; thence
running Southwesterly for a distance of 630.50 feet more or
less to a point on the West line of said Southeast 1/4 of
the Southeast 1/4, which point is 313.80 feet South of the
Northwest corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4)
in Cook County, Illinois.
SECI'ION '!WO: That the said annexation agreement shall be bincli.ng upon the
successor owners of record of the above-described land which is the subj ect of
the said agreerralt and upon successor mmicipal authorities of this Vill~ of
Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois.
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SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law.
AYES: '6
NAYS ~ 0
Village President
,2mJd --aJ ~
Village Clerk
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1tlHEREAS, the LaSalle National Bank, as Trustee, under Trust Number 28948.
is the owner of Parcels A and B, under Trust Number 19237, is the ovmer of
Parcel C and D, under Trust Number 33425, is the owner of Parcel E, which
parcels of real estate are legally described on Exhibit I (Survey Exhibit)
attached, and are referred to hereafter as the subject property, and Roy
Gottlieb is a beneficiary of said Trust, with the power of direction as to
said Trusts hereinafter collectively referred to as CMner; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect J a municipal corporation,
organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, hereinafter referred
to as the Village, has the power, under State law, to enter into an
annexation agreerrent such as set forth herein; and
WHEREAS, the CMner has heretofore filed a petition to annex the
subj ect property to the Village, contingent on the provisions of this
p,greerrent; and
WHEREAS, both parties believe it to be in the best interests of the
Village and the CMner that the property be annexed; and
1.oJHEREAS, the CMner has caused the land which is the subj ect 1'!1.atter
of this Agreerrent to be planned for the uses set forth in various Exhibits,
Numbers I to VII, inclusive, which Exhibits are incorporated by reference
and made a part of this p,greerrent and are hereinafter referred to as
the Plan, each of said docurrents being marked:
"Exhibits to Armexation Agreement,
dated I:ecember 2, 1969, between
IE.Salle National Bank as Trustee
by Roy Gottlieb as beneficiary
with power of direction, and the
Village of lVbunt Prospect."
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the CMner, in arrang,ing,financinv, and
producing the Plan on the subject property, to eli1'!1inate and restrict
future changes in the zoning, building and other laws of the Village
relating to construction, operation and maintenance of the planned project
so that the extensive and more detailed construction plans may be prepared
and so that the Plan may be produced on the subject property; and
1 "
1r<JHEREAS, it is beneficial to both CMner and the Village that the
project be constructed in accord with the Plan;
Nell[, THEREFORE, it is ag;reed by and between the Village and CMner
as follows:
1. That the Village agrees to annex the subject property. The
Village further agrees that it shall aid in the acquisition of such ease-
ments and rights-of-way as may be necessary to provide access of pUblic
utilities adequate to serve the subject property when fully developed in
accordance with the Plan. For this purpose, the Village agrees to exercise
its powers of condemnation, if necessary; provided that the Owner will
defray all costs in ccnnection with the acquisition of easements and
rights-of-way, including costs of conderrnation" if any.
2. That the Village pass such ordinances as will enable the
construction of the development as contemplated by the Plan and by this
Agreement. It is understood and agreed that a memorandum of the planned
unit development ordinance approving the within referred to planned unit
development and certified by the Village Clerk shall be recorded by the
Village in the Office of the Recorder of reeds, Cook County, Illinois,
which memorandum shall not include the recording of any exhibits, but
will include the recording of all necessary covenants guaranteeing
open space. Said recording shall be done wi thin ten (10) days of
passage of said ordinance. However, Exhibits made a part of the said -
text and! or made a part of this Agreement shall be recorded by the Owner
with the approval of the Village Engineer as the subject matter of said
exhibits is completed. Said exhibits shall be recorded as modified if
necessary as a result of the conditions set forth ll.Ylder paragraph 3
herein or in event of modification of the planned unit ordinance
passed for the subject development by agreement with the Village
of Mount Prospect.
3. The Owner shall cause the subj ect property to be improved
in general confonnance with the land uses a'1d standards shown on
Exhibit II (Site Plan) except as otherwise provided herein and as
necessarily modified to solve engineering layout and design problems
1 '
not :reasonably foreseeable at the time of the execution of this
Agreement. For each stape J prior to the issuance of building pennits J
the Owner may vary the apartment mix of the proposed residential buildings
as between studio, one- and two-bedroom units and may reduce the number
of three-bedroom and four-bedroom units J in confonni ty with the require-
ments of paragraph (C) "Standard" of the Planned Unit Ieveloprrent
Ordinance, with the understanding that in no instance will the total
number of units proposed herein be increased.
4. The Village will classify, under the provisions of its zoning
ordinance in the manner required by law, the subject property into such
zcn1ng districts (as will acccmnodate such proposed uses) as are shown
on Exhibit III (Zoning Exhibit), including the granting of such special
use pennits or the approval of such planned developrrents as are necessary
to effectuate the developrent of such land as herein provided substantially
m accordance with the Plan as sham on Exhibit II (Site Plan).
5. The CMner agrees to execute such public and carman open space
easements and covenants in such fonn as the Village Attorney may require,
which deSignate, with particularity, the land marked as recreational
open space on Exhibit IV (Recreational Plan), with the object and purpose
that S~d land so designated be operated not-for-profit and be used
for the following purposes and none other: Landscape gardens-arboretuns,
parks and PJ.8ygrounds - public or private, golf courses, tennis courts,
swirrming pools, skating rinks and other athletic courts or fields,
driveways, Parking areas for recreational facilities, public utility
facilities and easements, lakes J storm water retention basins and
accessory uses incidental to the above including recreaticnal struc-
6. 'Ihe Village agrees that any amendnents or changes to building,
housing, SubdiviSion, or zoning ordinances during the tenns of this
.Agreezrent shall not apply to the subject property without the Owner's
consent, and further agrees not to interpret any such ordinances so as
to prevent canmencement of ccnstruction of the buildings or the develop-
IlE11t of the Plan by the OWner or his assignees, provided that all plans
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OS2t t:he requirements of all applic2ble orclinances except as may be modi-
tied by this Agreement.
7. The Village agrees that amendments to the present Building
&'1d Zoning Code in force as of this date as 1,r.J"ell as to the laws re-
lating to and regulating the construction of this planned mit develop-
!rent shall not apply to the subj ect proyerty without the consent of the
Owner" and that in any event, should stop orders have to be issued,
such amendments shall not be so interpreted that the s11bject property
may not be construc.:;ed in general accordancevr.i.th the Plan, provided,
h:')Vlever, that if there are ch8nges of said laws a'!d the s2t'TIe are less
restricti ve in their application to other simiJarly situated property,
then the O\^lDer shall be entitled to the benef5.t of the change if it
8. The Village agrees to issue without 1J..l1due delay necessary
permi ts for the construc"tion and operation of the development as set
forth per stages as sho"Jn in the Stage Plan Exhibit so that the (A.mer
may develop the subject property at such densities, with such mixtures
of uses, at such building heights and per such other speciticatims as
arc outlined in the Plen en Exhibit IV (St[~ge Pla'1).
9. The Village agrees not to Ch2~"'ge the O\'ffier for building permit
or Dther fees DeCeSSar;y for the cO'1strlJ.ction of the pla.'1l1ed unit develop-
ment or portion thereof in an 2.'TIOlUt g:r'<.;Elter thEtYl those fees presently
charged under existinr; Ordinances 0n thE' date hr=recfo Hitl1 respect to
all other license or business license fees, lKJW<,;w.=or. the Village aGrees
not to charge the Owner or occupants of premises located vTi thin the
planned unit development fees in 3D a'TIount greater than those fees
charged other licensees in the Village at that date.
10. That the Villag;e Hill issue no stop orders directing work
stopp8.6~ on building or parts of the proj eet without detailing correc-
tive action necessary to be taken by the armer and setting forth the
section of the Village Code violated by the OiTner 2nd the o.\1l1er may
.p ....'~~.'.l..h n 1- t h. 1 ' .
.,-ort,l 'cv procee~, ,,0 correc sue! V:1-0 .3'Sl0':' "", 25
exist or take aI1
, .
appeal as set forth in the Village Code.
11. The Village agrees to issue certificates of occupancy within
thirty (30) days of application or issu= a letter of denial informing
the OWner as to what corrections are necessary as a condition to the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy and quoting the section of the
Code relied upon by the Village in its request for correction. Provided,
hOtleVer, that completion of an entire building shall not preclude the
issuance of occupancy certificates for any finished floor, floors, or
portions thereof, not otherwise in conflict with Section 21. 218 of the
Municipal Code of the Village of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended.
12. The Village will not require, of the Owner, a storm water
retention pond or lake having a surface area greater than four (4)
acres and a retention capacity greater than 13.5 acre feet as shown
by Exhibit V (On-Site utility Plan) attached, nor will it change or
Cilllend its public improvement ordinances as it affects the regulaticn and
installation of public improvements on the subject property during the
term of this Agreement.
13. In the return for the OWner's participating to the extent of
$37,500 in the erection and installation of a one-millicn or greater
capacity low-hat water reservoir near the subject plarmed unit develop-
ment site, construction of which reservoir shall begin upon the can-
pleticn of at least 500 apartment units or cOI11Illercial use occupancies
in the subject plarmed unit development, the Village agrees:
(a) '!hat the Owner shall be treated as one user for the pur-
pose of determining water rates and that all water COrlSUl'J'Ed in the
proj ect area of this plarmed unit development shall be treated as if
it were measured by me master rreter;
(b) That the water rate charged to the Owner shall be the saroo
as the minimum rate charged to other water users in the Village, but that
for the pUJl:>oses of determining a minimum charge to the OWner per
quarter the minimum charge by ordinance made to all other water users
in the Village shall be multiplied by the total number of dwelling units
and ccmrercial use occupancies in the development;
( c) That at least fifteen (15) d"'ys:"G."1d no more than thirty (30)
days prior to each of the existing quarterly billing dates the Owner
agrees to notify in writing the Finance Department of the VillaE~e of
r,1ount Prospect as to any change in the number of actual individual
users within the plarmed unit development, that is, the actual number of
dwelling units ?.nd commercial use oCCUp2nCl.CS;
(d) 'TI1at a water tap-on fee, charged per lot, shall be deter-
mined on the basis of four (4) lots per acre within the planned unit
development, 1. e., $100 per acre; and that a \^later deposit shall be
payable to the Villae;e in advance of any such tap-ons in an amount
cOI1l>uted by multiplying the nUT]'1ber of acres involved with such tap-ons
by the sum of One Hundred and Forty Dollars ($140.00);
(e) That nothing herein contained shall be construed to con-
filct with ordinances of the Village establishing general charges for
water based on consumption which ordinances are of general l\'Jplication
\^lithin the Village;
(f) That for the purposes of sprinkling and irrigation only the
Otmer shall have the right to install his Ol\lrl viells and to use the
drain water on the premises to water or sprin.1{le the grass ~ and pro-
vided the Owner shall not intennix such l^later Hith Village 1:later or the
Villao;e system.
14. The Owner agrees to install and the Village agrees to receive
the ovmership of certain on site ~~~\tJ'~r and water lines, together with
the necessary easements for access thereto a.'1d maintenance thereof, as
required to serve the project as set forth in Exhibit V (On-Site utility
Pl2n) attached. The Vill8.c~e, however, shall have the right, in the
event excess capacity is desired, to require the oversizinc; of mains
and facilities; provided, hovlever, the Village pays the additional costs
of materials made necessary as a result of said oversizinf~ a.'1d, if the
depth must be increased because of oversizing beyond those depths shown on
the said Exhibit V (On-Site lJtility Plan) attached, the Village pays
the additional costs thereof.
15. The Owner agrees to install and the Village %~s to re-
cei ve the ovmership of a certain outlet trunk sewer line as required
to serve the project as set forth in Exhibit VI. (Off-Site Exhibit)
(a) The Ckmer agrees to operate and maintain the lift station
desigpated in Exhibit VI. (Off-Site Exhibit) for a period of two (2)
years from acceptance of the installation by the Village. Tne Village
agrees to provide maintenance personnel when requested by the Owner and
the Owner agrees to pay to the Village the cost for said persormel for
the time for labor and material costs allocated to servicins the said
lift station. It is understood that the Village will assume the said
operation and maintenance of the said lift station after two years
from acceptance.
(b) The Village agrees to participate with the Owner cmd other
interested parties in the cost of materials used to install an over-
sized outlet trunk line :mdlift stc:~t::'')n l:.:.r;er than those shDwn on
the Off-SiL, Exhibit VI attached, in order to serve additional proper-
ties other than those of the subj ect tract herein, the Davm Fresh
properties, and the Richard Braun properties.
i. In the event such oversizing is made necessa.ry J the Village
shall pay any additional costs of material in order to provide an
installation adequate to serve properties in addition to those set
forth above J with the O-,.mer paying all labor costs therefor.
ii. If the depth of the said installation must be increased
because of cr.'] oversizing beyond that shown on the said Exhibit VI.
(Off-Site Exhibit) attached, the Village shall pay the additional
labor and materials costs therefor.
iii. The Village agrees to adopt tap-on ordinances in order
that the Villa~e meW be reimbursed from others for any amounts it
may spend under the tenns of this paraGraph 15.
16. The Owner will install, and the Village will permit to be
installed, private roads per Village subdivision ordinances and
specifications as set forth in the Plan marked Exhibit II (Site Plan);
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the same to be maintained by the Owner or its successor in interest
without expense to the Village.
17 . The Ovmer will provide a m.1nimum of 1.5 parking spaces for
each multi-family apartment unit and 2.0 parking spaces for each town-
(a) All parkinp- spaces shall be a minimum of 8 1/2' X 19' and
an average of 9' X 19' or @Teater.
(b) The Owner may, in addition to the foregoing, provide addi-
tional parking areas on the Corrmomvealth Edison right-of-way or. any
other area approved by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount
18. The Owner may mound dirt, and the Village will permit same,
along Route 83 and fence portions of the property with a fence. not
exceeding six (6) feet in height or design appropriate to the develop-
ment as determined by Ottmer; said moundimr along Route 83 shall not
exceed ten (10) feet in heig:.,ht from existing grade and shall not ob-
struct the view of traffic exiting to Route 83 as shown on Exhibit IV
(Fence Exhibit). Mounding within the development at other locations
shall not be so restricted in heivht.
19. In order to safeguard the residents of multi-family dwellings,
the Owner agrees that it will install double or "jimmy-proof" locks on
all apartment unit entrance doors in subject buildings for protection
against burglary.
20. It is understood that construction in stages or in any
separate stage of the Plan may proceed provided the allocation of
money and/or security deposit is made for the public improvements for
that construction phase and need not wait the deposit of funds and
bonds for the public improvements necessary for other stages; provided
further, however, the security deposit equal to 15% of the estimated
cost of such improvements for each stap:e shall be returned tv-lenty-four
(24) months after the said improvements in each star:e have been
- 9 -
21. It is the agreement of the parties that all provisions,
conditions, and regulations set forth in this Agreement and the Exhibits
to which it refers shall supersede all Village ordinances, codes, and
regulations that are in conflict therewith as they may apply to the
subject property. Where this Agreement is silent, the Village ordi-
nances shall apply and control.
22 . The (),.mer shall have the riptlt not only to install corrmer-
cial sie;ns as per sign ordinance of the Village in effect as of date
hereof, but shall also have the right to install signs as per Exhibit IV
(Sit?Y1 Exhibit) attached.
23. Upon receiving a building pemit therefor, the Owner shall
have the irrmediate rigtlt to construct building NO.~,.. or the Recreational
Building, a rraximum t1,'Jo-story building whose temporary purpose shall be
to provide the O>mer with a sales office and to act as model apartments
so that prospective purchasers cmd tenants may visualize interior apart-
ment layouts. Said buildinp- shall be constructed in accordance with the
Village code and shall, during its use for a temporary purpose which shall
not exceed the duration of this agreement, be provided water and seweraage
through a well and septic tank facility. It is understood that before
said building can be used for a permanent use, other than prescribed
above, it shall be connected with Villa['"e water and sewer. The perm::ment
use shall comply with the Plan as approved herein.
24. It is understood and ar:ree'Cl by the parties that building
permits shall bE: issued forthwith upon application and submission of
plans drawn in accordance with the ~~cipal Code of flount Prospect,
provided, however" that appropriate provisions" as herein provided" have
been met to insure installation of public improvements" even though
said public improvements may not exist at the time the application
for permit is sought. IssillJrlce of occupancy pemits" however, shall
await installation of public improvements in that stage in ",hich the
subj ect building is located or as the part ies J1lc'lY apree.
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25. This Agreerrent shall be effective for a tenn of five (5) years from
date hereof and that thereafter all properties in the Planned Unit Development
shall becorre subject to Village ordinances. It shall bind heirs and successors
and assigns" the Village" its corporate officials.. successors in office" and be
enforceable by order of court pursuant to the provisions of the statutes made
and provided. Nothing herein shall in any way prevent alienation or sale of
the subject property or portion thereof except that said sale shall be subject
to the provisions hereof and of the Planned Unit Developrrent Ordinance of the
Village of l\'!ount Prospect and the new CMner shall be both benefitted and bound
by the condition and restrictions herein and therein expressed.
26. It is understood that should the boundary lines of the Villa,Q'e of
Mount Prospect be able to be extended to any point contiguous to properties under
the ownership or control of the CMner, which properties during the term of this
agreement a..~ not within any nunicipality.. but included within the April.. 1968
Comprehensive Plan for the Village of l\'bunt Prospect.. the Owner shall forthwith
within thirty (30) days petition the Plan Commission of the Village of l\'bunt
Prospect for a pre-annexation zoning hearing for the ultimate cmnexation of
said properties; and should the recomrrendation of the said Plan Commission on
zoning and conditions of annexation based upon the said hearinl! and annex-
ation agreement within sixty (60) days be agreeable to both the President and
Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect and the Owner, a rrutually
acceptable Armexation Agreerent be approved" such annexation to the Village of
Mount Prospect shall take place, provided the contig,uity"annexation" and zonin,er
can be conpleted within 120 days from the date of petition by Owner. Provided
that in the event such contiguity, annexation, and zoning does not take place with-
in the said 120 days, then the Owner may at any time thereafter withdraw the
said petition without any liability on its part whatsoever.
27. It is understood that in the event any provisions of this A~reement
shall be deerred invalid, then the invalidity of said provision shall not affect
the validity of any other provision hereof.
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IN WITNESS v]J1EREOF, the parties hereto have entered their hands and
seals, this 2nd day of Decerrber, 1969, the same being done after public
hearing, notice, and statutory requirements having been fulfilled.
under Trust Nunber 28948, Trust
Number 19237, Trust Nunner 33425,
by ROY GOITLIEB3 its beneficiary,
with pow.cr:;:> Bl-rection. ,
" ..7 . 7
VILLAGE O~:~1~~~/PRO~~~CT . r' ,~/~;'
13, .,?~. '~~ ~,
1./"':"':'7-~ .et:"..._~ ,_~"~,,.fi_~...-: -c~_.-K- "'C-- [_~/
Village President
Village Clerk