HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1 04/28/1917 r \ Ordinance No.1. of the ~ILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT COOK ~ounty, Ill. " AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZA'l'ION OF,THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, AND REGULATING ITS CORPORATE PROCEDURE. , , , i Be it ORDAINED by the Fresident and ~oard of Trus- tees of the Village of Mount Prospect, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois: - SECTI0N 1. - The officers of this Village ahall J consist of a Pres1dent , elected for a term of Two years, Six Trustees, who shall be elected Three each year and hctd office for a term of Two years, a Village Clerk, elected for a term of Two years, and a Police Magistrate, elected" for a term of FOur years, and a Village Treasurer , a Village Attorney, a Village Marshal , and assistant marshals and such other police and officers as ~ay be deemed neceooary wpich officers, except those hereinbefor designated to be ' eiected, shall t'3 appointed by the President of the Village, and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustee~, at the fi~t regular me'eting of said Board held after the annual electiori ~n ~ach y~ar or as soon thereafter as may be, and each of which appointive officers shall hold their' offices for a term of One year and until' their ~ucceesors are 'appointed and duly qualified. In the ev- ent of a vacancy in any appointive office the same shall be filled for tLe unexpired term by the President; and "~, Board of Trustees in the manner above specified and as soon as pQssible after the occurrence of said vacancy. SECTION 2. - Before entering his respective duti~ the President shall execute" a bond in 'the amount of Three Thousand Dollar~ ($);000.), the ~illage Clerk shall ex- ecute,a bond in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars (~500.) the Village Treasurer shall execute a bond in the: amount of Five Thousand Dollars (st ~,OOO.) , each of said bonds to be conditioned upon the faithful preformance of the duty of the off1cer giving the bond and the payment of all public moneys received by him, according to law and for a compliance with all ordinances, orders or resolutions of the Board of Trustees and each bbnd and'the sureties thereon shall be" subject to the approval of the President and Board of Trustees. The amount of the bond of the Police Magl~trate ie hereby fixed at the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.) , which shall be executed as provided by law. SECTION 3. - The..1uties of each of the officers herein provided shall be the ueual and custernary dt':ties of said oft1~ere respectively and each officer shall perform such other and futh~r duties and be subject to such rules and regulations ae f'l"'om time to time the Board of Trustees may require or by ordinance. establish. ----continued--- '1,.~. ,.... '- t, " ,.~ -'"." ,.-~~~..~.~_..,~._-----_.~--- Ordinance No.1. (continued) . ( Se~tion . - The President shall receive as compensa- tion r r nlsservic~~ the sum of $1,50 f9r" each meeting of the Village Board a~tually attended by him, and each mem- ber of the Board of Trustees shall receive as compensation for his services the Bum of $1.50 for each and every meet- ing of said Board actually attended by him, and the VillaeJ3 Clerk shall receive as compensation for his services an annual salary of ~100.00, and the Village Treasurer shall receive as compensation for his services a salary being two per cent (2%) of all Village Moneys doming into bis hands, and the other officers shall receive such compensa- tion as shall from time to time be determined by said Pre~ Ident and Board of Trustees. ..... .. Section~ - The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees shall be held in the Village Board Room on the first Tuesday of each month during the year at S o'clock P. M. unless otherwise provided, and special meetings may be held from time to time at the written call of the President pr any three members of the Board of Trustees. Section 6 The majority of the Board of Trustees or Three memDers and the President shall constitute a quorum. . ..... Section 7 - - The order of business for any regular meeting shall oe as follows:- 1. The reading of the journal of the proceed- ings of the last meeting or meetings, amend~ent and approv- al of the same, unless dispensed with by the council. 2. Reports of Village officers. ,. Reports of standing committees. 4. Reports of special committees. 5. Presentation of petitions, communications, resolutions and ordinances. 6. Unfinished business. 7. Miscellaneous business. I \. Section 8 - The concurrence of a majority of all the members elected to the Village Board of Trustees, or of Three members and the President, shall be necessary to the passage of any ordinance. Section 9. - Any member who votes with the prevailing eideor any Trustee who was absent at the time a vote was taken may move a reconsideration , but no such moticn shall be in order after the expiration of the next regular meet-. ing of the Village Board. ( continued ) ..... "..t' --------.., 0.' -: i~-!' r '~---__'"_~""_"_'-,_M"'_,^' "">'__>'''''''''''''--_''_ r"'. Ordinance NO.1. (continued) Section 10 -All bills before being paid shall be appr~ed in wri tingb'Y"the commi ttee under whose jurisdiction the -. liability was incurred, or the Yillage officer who has a~ thority to incur such liability and by them examined and checked , who shall then return said bills properly checked and approved to the committee on finance at its next regular meet,lng , and upon the wri t ten approval of a majority of tlhe commit.tee on finance, any bill se submitted shall be ready for payment upon the lawful vote of the Council, and in no case otherwise. Section 11 - There shall be appointed annually by the PresIdent, standing committees, each consisting of three members , to be known as Committee on Finance, Committee on Judiciary, Committee on Police and Lighting, Committee on Fire and Water Committee on Str-eets and Side walks, and Committee on Health and Drainage. Section 12 - The seal of the Village of Mount Prospect shall contain-the followin[ words:- ( tillage of Mount Pros- pect , Corporate Seal, Cook County, Illinois, Incorporated 1917 ). Section It - The fiscal year of the Village shall commence May st of eact and every year and close April 30th, of the calender year following , except where other- wise specially provided by ordinance. Section 14 - This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Passed April 28th, 1917. Approved April 28th, 1917. . Attest: dlW1{.Afjo/l 0/ ViI Clerk. h;~~ President. \..'i I ""'n' , .)