HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 8 06/05/1917
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Ordinanoe No. 8
An Ordinanoe conoerning oontagious dis-
eases and health of the Village.
SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the President and Board of
Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospeot, that it is hereby
declared the duty of every practioing physician who shall
have a patient within the territorial jurisdiction of said
Village, sick or affected, or supposed to be affe~ted with
a oontagious, infectious, cr pestilential disease, to forth-
with make report thereof, in writing, to the President of
the Village or Village clerk, desoribing the locarity of suoh
patient, so that he or Ahe may be readily found; and the
President of the Village or the Village Olerk shall i~mediate-
I)" cause a suitable notice, with the name of the disease
printed or written in large letters thereon, to be posted
up in the most conspicuous plaoe, on or near the building
or dwelling in which such contagious disease exists and re-
quire the oocupants thereof to maintain and so keep up suoh
notice until, in the opinion of a competent physician suoh
notice may be safely discontinued; and any physician failing
to make report as aforesaid, and any person failing or refus-
ing to maintain or keep up the notice aforesaid, shall be
~bjeot to a penalty of not less than five dollars or more
than fifty dollars. .
SECTION 2. Any person having, or raving had th,e small-
pox, soarlet fever, or other like malignant or infectious
disease, who shall go about in any public place, while in
danger of giving such disease to others, shall be subjeot
to a penalty of not less than twenty nor more than one hundred
doll.ars.PROVIDED, t.hat this shall not apply to cases where
such persons shall have first consulted Borne respectable
physician, and obtained frcm him a written statement that
SUCh person is in no danger of givtng the disease to others.
Any person attending or being about any other person having
the sinalh..pox, or other infectioue disease, who shall not
ohange, or purify his or her wearing apparel, before going
into anypublio place, or shall otherwise conduot himself or
herself as to endanger the spreading of the disease, or giv-
ing it to others, shall be subject to a penalty of not less
than twenty~five nor more than one hundred dollars for eaoh
SEC~JON 3. Whoever shall keep, sell or deliver any
poison usually known or used as deadly poison, without legi-
bly marking the name thereof, and the word "Poisonftupon the
phial, wra.pper, box or other enclosure containing the-'same;
or whoever shall sell or deliver any arsenio, strychnine,
prussic aeid, or ether poison usually known or used as deadl~
poieon, to any person without registering the name of suoh
person and the kind and quantity of poison $0 Bold or deliv-
ered, and the purpose for which the same was obtained, shall
be subjeot to a penalty of not less than five nor more than
twenty-five dollars for each and every Offense.
SECTION 4. The storage within the corporate limits
9f said Village, of gunpowder; t.a.r, pitch, rasin, coal ofl,
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ben~ine, turpentine, hemp, ,cotton, hay~ straw, nitro-glycerine,
petroleum, or any of the products thereCf, and other combusti-
ble or explosive material, in any ca~, or upon any premises,
bY,..l1n, person in Auch quantity, or bUlk, as to endanger serious-
ly the lifo or property of any person, shall subject the offender
(after reasonable notice by some official of said village to
abate the Bame) to a penalty of not loss than ten dollars or
more than one hundred dollars.
SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful ~for any druggist or
other person to sell or give away any cocaine, hydrochlorate,
or any salts of or any compound thereof, excepting upon the
written prescription of a licensed phys~cian or dentist,
licensed under the laws of the State, which prescription shall
only be filled once, and must have written plainly upon it the
name and address of the patient;" also, whoever shall retail
or sell any cocaine, hydrochlorate, or salta or compounds there-
of, or any preparation containing cocaine, Cr salts or compounds
thereof, to any person, in violation of this act, and any
druggist or other person who shall presoribe any cocaine, hydro-
chlorate, or salts or compound thereof, to any person addicted
to the habitual use of cocaine, or any compound or preparation
thereOf, in any form, shall for the first offense re fined
the sum of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two
hundred "dollars and for each subsequent offense not less than
two hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and if the
person so offending shall be a licensed physician, dentist'
or pharmacist, such license shall be revoked.
SEOTION 6. the President of the Village shall annually
during the month of May, cause printed notices t~e posted
up commanding all persons in said village, within fifteen days
from the date of said notices, to thoroughly cleanse and purify
their yarde, barn lots, pig styes, cellars, privies and the alley 8
and stree~, adjacent, of all trash, filth, manure, and other
noisome substances likely to occasion disease, or prove offen-
sive to the health of any person in said village, under penal-
ty oft'ailure eo to do, or rigid pros~cution under the ordinan-
ces ot said village; and it is hereby declared the duty of the
vill~e ~ar.hal and village superintendent of streets, to in-
spect the yards, barn lots, pig styes, cellars and priVies .
of every person"in said village (using no force however tor
that purpose~, as well as all the streets and~lleys of said
village, andehall make complaint and cause to be prosecuted
every person who fails to ccmply with such notices: PROVIDED,
that the notices aforesaid shall not be construed as acondi-
tion'precedent to fixing the liability of any person for the
violation of any ordinance of said village, but simply aa a
warningtoalJipersons as their duties and liabilities under
sai4 ordinanQ~S. '
~~TIOR 7. This ordinance shall be in force and effect
after it passage, approval and publication.
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Passed June 5th, 1917.
Approved June 5th, 1917.
Published June 'th, 1917.
Att.est :
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~ Preeldent
Posted at the rollow1ng places, to wit:
Busse's Hardware Store
Post Office
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