HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 11 07/03/1917
BE IT ORDAINED, by the President and Board of Truste..
of The Village of Mount Prospeot, Cook Oounty, Illinois.
SECTIOI 1. That Chioa~o Telephone Oompany,-l ts suooessors,
les8e.. and assigns, are-hereby granted ~ha right to oon-
struct,ereot, renew, maintain and operate in, upon, along,
aoross, under and over the streets, alleys and publio-ways
of the Village of Mount Prospeot, lines of pOles, wires,
oables, conduits, vaults and laterals and to use the same
for the transmission of sounds and &gnals by means of
electricity for a period of Twenty-five (26) years"from
and after the date of the passage of this ordinance.
SECTION 2, The looation of the lines of poles now exist-
ing is hereby approved and any change therein or extension
thereOf, as well as the construction of conduits, vaults
and laterals shall be under the direotion of the Ohairman
of the Oommittee on Streets and Alleys of said Village,
who shall issue written permits therefor. Said lines of
poles and conduits, with vaults and laterals, shall be ~
placed and maintatned'as not to interfere with ordinary
travel on said streets, alleys and public-ways, or with
any municipal water or sewer pipes now existing or which
may hereafter be laid by said Village, and in case of bring-
ing to grade or change of grade 'of any street, said Company
shall change its struotures so as to conform thereto, and
said Chioago Telephone Qompany, its sucoessors, lessees ahd
assigns, shall hold said Village harmless from all damages
resulting from the oonstruction or maintenance of the
structures hereby authorized, provided that said ~i11age
shall give said Oompany prompt and adequate notice of the
beginning of any suit, or the filing of any claim with said
Village ,for such damage ana shall moreover furnish said
Oompany with all information in its possession concerning
the same. The right-of-way hereby granted shall not be
exclusive, but said Village reserves the right to grant a
lik,s right-of- way to others, the same, however, not to inter-
fer.e with the privileges hereby given, and the privileges
hereby granted are to be taken and exercised, subject to
any ordinance or regulation of a police nature, which the
Board of Trustees may have power and see fit at any time
hereafter to adopt, not destructive of the rights hereby
SEOTIOlf'. Said Ohicago Telephone Company will permit
the Village of Mount Prospeot, or its legal sucoessors,
the use of sufficient apace for carrying its pOlice and fire
alarm wire. at the top of all poles erected hereunder pro-
vided that said wires sha.ll be so placed and maintained.
. by sa.id Village that the use of same will not impair the
operation of said Oompany's wires. All suoh police and .~
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fire' alarm wires' shall be under the direction and supervi-
sion of said Oompany's authorized representative and upon
the to~lolfing oonditions: No sllchpolioe and fire alarm
wire sh_l~ be attaohed to any of said poles of said Qom-
pany'itany suoh wire shall carry a voltage of more than
100 volts, nOr if in any part of the oirouit of suoh wire
it is supported upon a pole on whioh there is any wire
carrying a voltage of 5000 volts or more. In case any
such police and fire alarm wire in any part of its oircuit
is supported upon a pole on which there is any wire carrying
a voltage of less than 5000 volts and more than 100 volts
then suoh police and fire alarm wire shall be attached to
such pole at a point not less than five feet below such
wire oarrying such voltage of not less than 5000 volts
and more than 100 volts.
SECTIOR 4. Said Ohioago 'felephone Oompany; its suooessors,
lessees and assigns, after the establishment of an exchange
hereunder and so long as said Oompany furnishes exohange
servioe in said Village, shall furnish the said Village
free of oharge with looal exchange service for Village
business only one telephone in the residence of the Village
President, one in the residence of the Village Olerk, one
in the Village Hall and one in eaoh 'ire Engine House
maintained by said Village. ~he Company's usual oontract
for eaoh telephone so furnished shall be previously signed
for said Village by the President thereof having endorsed
thereon the terms of oonoession herein provided for.
SECTIOR 5", Said Oompany's rates for telephone exchange
servioe within the oorporate limits of the Village of Mount
Prospect shall not exoeed its regular sohedule of rates
for like service in other plaoes under like conditions
in said Oom~an~'s territory in the State of Illinois.
SECTION 6. In the event that the Illinois State Public
Utilities Oommission or any body, board, commission or court
of oompetent jurisdiotion shall adjudge any provision
or provisions hereof invalid, illegal or void, such invalid-
ity orillegali~y shall in no way effeot the validity or
legality of the remaining provisions of this ordinanoe and
this ordinance in all other respects shall continue in full
foroe or effect as if such provision or provisions had not
been adJudged invalid, i~legal or void.
SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage and the filing in the office
of 'the\'i'llage Olerk of a wri t ten and unconditional acoeptame
of its prOVisions by said Chicago Telephone Oompany.
Passed this ~rd day of JUly, 1917.
Approved this'rd day of JUly, 1917. ~.
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