HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 17 07/02/1918
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OrdiQanoe for the levy and assessment of taxes for the ourrent
fisoal year, oommenoi~May I, 1918 and ending April 30, 1918.
Be it orlain'ad,by the Presideat and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Kouat Prospect, Oook Oounty, Illinois.
Seotion 1:- That the sum of tIOOO.OO for general Yil~ge p~oses,
the sam. being the total amount of appropriations hereto~cr. lelal17
made for said oorporate purposes by the said Villale of Mount Prospeot
in the Oounty of Oook and state of Illinois, from whioh is deduoted
all unexpended balanoes and. all sums derived from lioenses and other
misoellaneous souroes, which sum is to be oolleoted from the tax levy
of the ourrent fisoal year of sai4 Village, be and the same is hereby
levied and assessed on all real, and personal property within said
Village, subject to a taxation aocording to the valuation of suoh
property a8 the same shall or may be assessed for state and Oounty
purposes for the ourrent fisoal year,the said tax so levied and assessed
being for the ourrent fisoal year of said village, and the appropriations
the total amount of which has been ascertained as afo~esaid, being as .
An ordi~ance making appropriation for oorporate purposes in the
Village of Mount Prospeot, Oook Oounty, Illinois, for the fisoal
year beginning May I, 1918 and ending April 30, 1919.
Be it orlained by the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Mount Prospect, OOok Oounty, Illinois;....
Seotion I: - That the fOllOwillg sums, or so much thereof!... may be
authori.ed by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated fol:' the
oorporat. purposes af the Village of Mount Prospeot, for the fisoal
year beginning May. I, 1918 and ending April 30, 1919, to wit:-
For Street Lighting---------__________________~______ 500.00
lor Salaries----------____________ ----------- -__ _____ 350.,00
lor lire Proteotion---...;-----_________________________ 100.,00
For Polioe Protaotion--------________________________ 100.00
'or Heal1ih & Drainage----------______________________ 100.-00
lor neotion Expenoe---------------_________________ 50.00
Jor Br14ges and Sidewalks--------____________________ 200.'00
For I_014en1ial expenses, postage, printing,
~ft1ag of ordinanoes, oontingenoies eto.------_ 150.00
For Jud!oiary Department -----------------------_____ 100.,00
For J4aintenano8 and Repair of Streets---------_______ 900.34
Matias a total appropriation for the purposes
aforesaid of--------------__~_____ -----------------t2650.34
From Whioh is to be deduoted all unexpended balanoes and all sums
derivet frOm lioenses and other misellaneous souroes aggregating $1560.34.
Seotion 2;- All unexpended balanoes of any item or items of any
appropriat1oa _de by this ordinanoe may be expended in making up a
defioienoy in any item or items in this appropriation.
Seotion 3:- This ordinanoe shall be 1n full foroe and effeot from
and after its passage/ approval and due publioation.
( Oontinuedl
Passel Juae 4th, 1918.
Appro.e' Juae 4th, 1918.
Publi8het JUDe 5th, to 15th, 1918.
(Village Seal-)
William Busse
. Prelident!
Hem J ihard
. lage 0111rk.
seotio. 2:- The Village Clerk is hereby direoted to til..ith the
County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois on or before the t~ ,....iaJ
of Septe~.r , A. D. 1918 , a oopy of this ordinanoe, duli oertified by
said clerk. " .
Sectio. 3;- This ordinao. shall take effeot and be in full foroe
from and after its passage, approval and publioation.
Palsel July 2, 1918.
ApproTed July 2, 1918.
Published July 3 to 13, 1918.
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