HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 26 06/01/1920
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Aa or41nano. amending ~ ordtaaao. fo~ 11oeas1ns ..tomeb11..,
wago.. ani other Tehiol.. in the T1l1a,e of Mount P:toapeot, Cook
Ooun~" Illtaoi..
Be it oJ-4aalei b7 tu President and members of the Board of
fr..t.e. of the Village of 14oqfnPro ape ot , Oook Count,., Illi.o1..
Seotio. 1:- That part of seotion thre. (3) of an ordinanoe tor 11..n8i~
automobile., wagons and other vehiole. in the Village of Mount Jres-
pe.t Oook Oountt, Illinois as written therein as follows
"fhat the 110ense tee to be paid annUal17 to the Tillage olerk
-shall be as tOllows:-
0.. ho:r se wagon, 0* vehiole-- ----------------------'2,.00
!wo horse wagon or vehiole---------_______________ .~OO
faree ,horse wagon or veh1ole---------------_______ 6~0
Four hotse wagon or veh101e ----------------______ 8~0
Automobiles (Pleasure Oars) '.
26 H. P. or less--------------------_____________~-U6,00
35 H. P.' and more than 26 H. P. ----------------_ 9.,00
46 H. P.' and more than 36 H. P~' -----------------_ '12.00
Over 46 ,H. P. ---------------------------------___ 16~'OO
,AutomObiles (fruoks)
Light delivery truoks oonveying loads of less
than one ton in we1ght----------------------.6.00
Motor ~ruoks- 1 ~on oapaoity----------------------f7.00
Motor ~rueks- 2 ~on oapaa1 ty and more than 1 ton--J9!'OO
Motor ~ruoks-3 ton oapaoity and more than 2 ton---12.00
Motor ~ruaks - more than 3 ton oapaci ty----------- 16,,00
Dealer8 in automobiles
110.00 per plate and flO.OO for eaoh additional plat.
~tor oyoles-------------------------------______ia.oO"
be and the same is hereby amented to read as follows
.~hat the liaense fee to be paid annual17 to the village
~olerk shall be as follows,
On,' e horse, wagon or vehiole------------______ ---- --1,2' 00,
fwo horse wagon or vehicle ---------------------_ 4:.-00
f'hree horse wagon or vehiale-----------------_____ 6~OO
Four horse wagon or vehiole---------_____________~ 8~OO
' Automobiles ( Pleasure Oars),
36 H. P.or le88-------------------------------___$6.00
OT81" 36 ,H. P. ----------------------------------....10..00
AutomObiles (Truaks) ,
Light deliver7 trucks oonveying loads of less than
one ton------------------------------------_t6,00
liotor !rllok.- One ton oapaaijy -------------------t'1.,OO
Motor Tnok.- !rwo 1;on oapaoit7 and more tun 1 ton .9.00
Motor truok.-3 ton capaoity and more than 2 ton-~-.12..0Q
Motor !rnoks- more than 3 ton oapaoity------------t16,OO
Dealers in automobiles. '
.6.00 per plate and i6,OO for eaoh additional pla1;e,
Moto~ Oyol.. -------------------------------------$5.00 "
Slat1_ 2s- !his ordinanoe shall be in full toroe and effe.t trom
and after its passagl, approTal and publication,
pas.et ~~.1..~920.
A.ppr".C~I_:,.lfJ.,l'20 .
PUblishe' Jun.3~~to June 16th 1920.
Village President.
Bussels Hardware Store.
Posted at Post-offioe, Depot, .
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