HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 27 07/06/1920
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Or41nano. lIfo; 2'/~.
Ordinanoe for the levy an4aas__"'en1; ot taxea fer the our..t
lisO&1 yeaI', oemme.oing lIlal'la" ~.e20 ad endilll A.pril 30, 1921.
lor lil'e Proieotion---------___________________________
For POlio. Proteotion---------_________________________
'or a.alth and Drainage-------_________________________
For EleotioD Expenoe-------------______________________
For Ino1b.1ral expenoes, postage, printing, drafting
ordinanoesti oontingenoies eto.---------------------i 100.00
FOr Ju410iary Department-------__...____________________... 1QO.'OO
'or maintenanoe and repair of streets,B~i4ge8 & S1de- .
Kalt1:ag a total appropriation tor the purposea afOre8&1.tol-------1O!6.81
Irom .h1oh ia to be deduoted all un.xpended balanoes ant all suma '
derived trom lioenae. and other misoelaneoua souroe. agregating *1544.81
Seot1on 2:- All unexpended balanoes of any item or items ot &Jl7
appropr1atioll maie by this ordinanoe may be expendedj.in makilll up a
detici.ncy in aDT item or items in this appropriation.
Seotio. 8:~ fh1. Ordinanoe shall be in full foroe and etteot from
and after ita passage, approval and publioation.
Pass.d Juae 1, 1920
Approved Juae 1, 1920~ William Buase,Villag. President
PUblished Juae & to 18, 1920.
( Villa,e Seal)
Be it or4&inde4 by the President ant ~'~4X'of frus..... Of the Village
ot KOUDi Pl'o~peot, Cook Coun~F, Illinoi8.
S.otioJl: ..1.. Dat to sum of '1982.00 tor "general Tillage p'lIl"pose8,
the sam, betQg the total amount of appropriations heretofore legally
ma4. tor sa14. oorporat. purpOse8 b, 88i4 village of Mount Pro'P...., ill the
OOUJl1;7 of Oook ad atate of Illinoi8, fromwhioh i8 484uote4 all lUlU-
penie4 ba1".es and all sums d.rivet trom lioense. and oth.r ~...11aaeou8
soure., whioh 8'111 is to b. 0011eote4 trom the tu: levey ot the GUZ'ent
fisoal year of laid Vill.ge, be and the same is hereby 1.vie4 ana aS8e8aed
on all real &Jllper.onaJ.~pro~erty within said Village, sub~.ot to taze....
tion aooordiDi t. the valuat~on ot 88i4 property as the same shall or
ma, be asses8e4 tor stat. ant oounty pu~oa.., SR. the ourre.t t1soal
year, the 8&i4 to so levie4 antJ:'asseeaet bei~'ti.e OUr.nt f:lsoal ,ear
of eai4 Tillage, and the appropriation8, the total amount ot whio& has
be.. aseertaine4 as aforesaid, being as follows:-
An ordinanoe making appropriations for COrporate purposes in the
Tillage ot Mount Prospect, Oook Oount, Illinoi8, for the fi'oal y.ar
begining Ma, 1 1920 and endi~ April 30 1921.
Be it orlainded by the Presldent and Boar.d of frustee8 of the village
ot MDunt Proepeoi, Cook Oounty, Illinois;-
Section l~- fhai the fOllow11l1 aum., or so muoh ther.ot as may be
authorised by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the cor-
poraie purpo8e8 ot the Village of Mount Prospeot, for the fisoal y.ar
beg1niDg May 1, 192Q and en4ing April 30. 1921, towit:-
For Street Lighting-------____________________________ 600.00
lor Salari..-------____________________________________ 5iO~00
Henry J. Eba.4, Village Olerk.
Se.t1o. 2:- fAe Village Clerk i8 hereb, 4ireoted to file witb the
Oount, Olerk ot Cook County, Illinois, on or b.fore the third tuesday
of September A. D. 1920 a oopyof this Ordinanoe d~7 .ertified b, said
Seotion 3:- This Ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in full foroe
from and after its passage, approval and publioation.
J1 ) ~~.1 (J-t(/<;l-,~~/
Village President.
Passed July 6th, 1920
Approved July 6th, 1920.
Published July 8th to 19th, 1920.
Posted at the following plaoes towit:-
Post offioe.
Busse I.S Hardware Store.