HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 30A 05/03/1921
Ordln8Jlce Bo. 30.01)
Aa Ordinance for lieeD8iB8 alltomobile., ..tor track.
all" _,or c7ele. in the Villa.. .f Mount Pro.,..", Cook e01U1t7
Be it ordained by the pre.ident and Board of Trastee. of
the Village of .ount Prospect, Cook County. Illinois:
Section 1.- That it shall be unlawful for' any p.r80D,
:firm or corpora tioD to use or .."t1.oau8e O~ p...1 t tc ,. ...4
b1 any of his or its agents or employees any automeeil., ..tor
tnek or motor eyele in the transportation of persons or
property upon the streets. avenue. or alley. of the Till.,.
.f Mount Prospect. unless such automobile. motor tnok or
motor cyole be licensed as hereinafter provided.
Section 2.- That any person. firm or oorporatioll. ae.ir-
ing a lioense for any suoh automobile. motor truck or motor
cycle shall file an application with the village clerk. upon
form provided by him, setting forth the name and address of
the applicant. a discription of the automobile, meter truok
or motor cyole for which the license is desired. and the place
where such automobile. motor truck or motor cyo1e is to b.
kept when not in use; also the number'j and kinds o'f other
.utomobile',!!',m.~.z::, tnaks"('or motor cycles kept by suoh appl1..
oant at suh place. and such other information as ., be l>>4t..
saribe4; s11ch application shall be transmitted to the Pr.......,
of the Beard of Trustees of said Village of Mount pro.,.._. .
anel upon the payment by the applicant of the licen.. tee .e'ii
hereinafter provided. to the Village Clerk. the preslcle."!_.
the Village shall issue or cause to be issued a lice.... .'l.li
shall be attested by the Village Clerk authorizing the... of'
saeh automObile. motor truck or motor cycle within the Vil1.,.
until the .xperation of said license.
Seotion. 3- That the lioense fee to be paid annually te
the Village Clerk shall be as fOllows:-
Automobiles (Plessure Care)
31 I. P.o. 1ess--------------------______________.._.&.00
oYer 36 H. P. ----------...-...---------------...--------..-tl(),.OO
Jlo'tor Truoks.
1.1..,"4el1.....r7 trucks conveying loads of le.s than
....\,...~,.:iJl' ...i8ht-------------------------------_____I'tOO
=. ~:,,"''''~.'.,,:.,: ~,~:: ::~::ii:-;;d-;;;-th~--;;; -;;;:::. .'::=,.
_.t, a- 3 tOil capaa1 t;y &lilt more th8l1 2 tcn-----le.oo
..to~.. more than 3 t.. ~apac1t7--------------. 16.00
< .,"" ])eelsrs 1a .4.11""...1>>11...
....oei.~",..$. _4 $15.00 fOl" e.ol a4cU:tional pla'te.
. .
All nohlf...... shall expire OD the thirtieth 48:Y of April
followiDr tk. late of issue, aD4 whon l1sue4 for . peri04 ot 1...
thall 0.. J'eu, tIl. ..e to bo pall paU 'beu the -same ratio," the
81Dl required tor tile hll :year that the Duiber of mOD tile .....taiD'
(bel..t".. .:1 the ...th in whioh the application i8 .....l;...u.
to tll. whol._\e2' of _nth. 1n tll. ,..r, pro.,,140" h...... ""t
in DO .... ~.ll ~. 11cens. f.. for the traction ot a ,.ar .. l..s
th.. ODe ctellu (tl.OO).
411 r.v..... derived trom suoh 11cense t.e shall 'b. kept ~
· sopuat. flmd. aDd 1I.sed only for paying the cost 8d oxpen.e ot
.treet or alley improvement., repair. or maintenanoe.
Section ~:~ That upon the exeoution of said 1ic8nse the Villa,.
clerk skall deli.,.er to the applioant a metal plate bear1Jlga .""'er
and tke .ame of the olass to whioh said automobilek ..t.r trao_ or
_tor 0701. beloD8. and the year for whioh said lioeB.o i. 1......,
.... it .hall be the dllt7 of .1I.ch applicant to afflx .ueh pIaN ..1B
a oonepl.uo.8 plaoe upon sald a.tomobl~. , motor truok or ..t.~
0701. wllo2>o it oan 'be rea4117 .oen. aDd 1 t shall be lUllawftl foJ.-
...,. auto.ltl10, IIOtor truok or motor cyole, although dull' Ii.......
t, be .se4 upon the streetSt avenues or alle7s of the .,.111..,. ale..
..oh plate is attaohet thereto, as atoresaid.
Pro."iled howeTer, that it shall not be neoeasar,r tor.., ..t-
ollO.ile, .",01' tnek or motor eJele to have the atore.aid .et.3.
plato .t1;..'84 to it except wh":naotl18l1J in use UpOD the ._.....
a.,.enues or al1.78 of aai4 Villa,..
...110n I:~ that any '.reen, firm or oorporation violat
-., of the. proVisions of thls or4inanee shall be flnet not :Lt
than t.,.o a.ollars (t,.OO) nor more than two hundred dollQ.(
tor .... al e...er7 otfenoet and eaoh day any automobil., ."'.. "
tnet '.r .tor 0701e is used upon. the streets, avenue. or &11...:
of the Tllla,. .~J1ount Pro.epeot wltl10llt haTing oompl1o. w1". ~.
pro."isi... of this ordinanoe, shall be eOllaidered a se~arat."1
distinct ofte.oo. ....
Se.tiOD 6:"1' All ordinanoes or parts of ordinanoe., o-Df,11.'bl,.
wi th. the pr.vilt~.n8 of this ordinanco are hereb,. :pep_al.. as 1... ..
they cOBtliot her.with.
S_.'~~.. .,:~ a:l.. ordinanoe. shall be in full toroe and eft.."
/ :f'r'.lJl)~'ktier ita ;P&8ap approTal and pllblicatioJl accortIi.., te'law.
At~8~YJ;';, 1M
.~ k,-
p"~' ~ t~{ I'll
~Jtt*mi to _ lIS.
Posted at the tollowing places. Busse's Garage, Post Office and Depot.