HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 34 07/05/1921
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<:rrcilnanoe No~ -3"4~. -" .
An O~diDanee for the levy and assessment of taxes for the ourrent
fisoal year, oommenoing May 1, 1921 and ending April 30, 1922.
Be it ordained by the President and Board of trusteea of the Village
of Mo~t Prospeot, Cook County, Illinois.
Seotion 1:- That the sum of $2000.00 for general Village purposes
the same being that portion of the total amount of appropriations
heretofore legally made for oorporate purposes by the Village of Mount
Prospeot, in the County of Cook and state of Illinois, after having
deduoted all unexpended balanoes and all sums derived from licenses and
other misoellaneous souroes, whioh sum is to be collected from the
tax 1~v8Y of the current fisoal year of said Village, be and the same
is hereby levied and assessed on all real and personal property within
said village subjeot to a taxation acoording to the valuation of said
property as the shall or may be assessed for State and County purposes,
for the current fisoal year, the said tax so levied and assessed for
the ourrent fisoal year of said Village, and the appropriations, the
total amount of whioh has been assertained as aforesaid, being as
"An ordinanoe making appropriation for oorporaje purposes in
the Village of Mount Prospeot, Cook County, Illinois, for the fisoal
year beginlt-qrMay 1, 1921 and ending April 30, 1922.
Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Mount Prospeot, Cook County, Illinois.
Seotion 1:- That the following sums, or so muoh thereof as may be
authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the
- oorporate purposes of the Village of Mount Prospeot, for the fisaal
year begining May 1, 1921 and ending April 30, 1922:- towit:
For street Lighting-------------------------<J~700.<.00
For Salaries--------________________________ 350.'00
For Fire Protection------___________________ 250.'00
For Polioe proteotion-------________________j' 50.,00
For Health and Drainage-------______________ 700.00
Bor Eleotion Expenoe----------______________ 75,,'00
For Judioiary Department-----_______________ '100.'00
For Inoidental expenoes, postage, printing,
drafting ordinanoes, oontigenoies, etc.-$lOO.OO
For maintenanoe and repair of Streets,
Bridges and Sidewalks-----------------_~1200.00
Mak~ng a total appropriation for the purposes .'
. aforesaid of--$3525.00
Seotion 2:- All unexpended balances of any itemror items of any
appropriation made by this ordinanoe may be expended in making up
a defioii.nay in any item or items of this appropriation.
Passed June 7th- 1921.
Approved June 11, 1921.
Published June 11, 1921 to
(Village Seal.) .
Seotion 2:- The Village Clerk is hereby direoted to file with
the County Clerk of Cook Oounty, IllinOis, om or before the third
TueSday of September, 1921 a copy of this ordinance,
Section 3:- !{IiLis ordinanoe shall be in full force and effect
from and afle~ its passage, approval and publioation.
Signed: William Busee
V~~lag8 ~rea14eBt
Attest:=____ Henry J. Ehard.
June 22, 1921. Village Olerk.
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duly oertified by said Clerk;
3eotion 3: - This Ordinanoe shall be in full foroe from: atit,:;after
its passage, approval and.publioation.
Att., st
Village Clerk.
~d&~ ~
illage President. .
Passed JulyL6th, 1921.
Approvel July 6th, 1921.
Published July 6th, 1921 to luly 17th, 1921.
Posted at the fOllowing plaoes towit:
Post offioe/
Depot. -
Wm. Busse & Son Hardware store.