HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 35 02/07/1922 ,P'- ., - OBDIIIJICI BO. II BE IT ORDA1IBD BY THE PUBIDJm! AND BOARD OJ' !BUS!U8 O:P mR VILLAGE 01' .:>UNT PR08.PKCT: Seotion 1. That for the purpole of proYi4ing for a Iup!'ly of water for fire proteotion, and for the ue of the inhabitants of said Yillage, by the e%8ct10n, con- Itruction, and maintaining of a sys,em of water works for l.i4 village, including necessary site, wella, pumps, reservoirs, and all necelsarf equipment and oonneotions for the use and operation of the same, there are hereby aU'hori.ed to be il8ued Eighteen w.ter Bonds of ~iV8 Hundred Dollara, ft500.00) , each, to be dated APril fir8t, 1922, eaoh bearIng intere.t eYidenced by coupons at the rate of six (6) per centum, per annum, payable annually. c one Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in amount of 8aid bonds shall become due on the first day of April , in eaoh of the years of 1923 to 1931, both inclusive. 8ection 2. The bondl hereby authorized shall be substantially in the following form: 10. $500.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF ILLINOIS, VI~LAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, WATD BOND. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Village of Kount Prospect, in the County of Cook and state of Illinois, acknowledge. to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer Five Hundred DOllars ($500.00), on the first day of April, 192 ,with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of Six (6) per centum per annum, payable annueIll, On presentation 8nd surrender of the annexed interest coupons a8 they severally beoome due. Both prinoipal end interest of this bond are hereb, made payable in gold ooin of the unite" States of the present standard of weight and finenesa at the Mount Prospect Bational Bank, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. "....".--"'-""'-""'-.,~---.,~.'_,-~-- ..... . ". "" r~~.-""'.~""""""""~~~~~ ( \ Thi8 ~ond i. one of . seri.. of l1k. t.noJ"..~el't maturity, i..ued for the ,urpo.. of providi~ for a suppll of water for fire proteotion a~d for the uae of the inhabiteuta of aaid village. by the erection, oonstruotion, and main'ta1.n1ng of a system of water works tor sa1cl village, inoluding neoe.aary ~ite, wells, pumps, reservoir8, and all neoesBarl equipment and oonnections for the uae and operation of the S8me uncleI' the authority of Chapter 24 of the Revised Statute. of the state of Illinois, and of an ordinance of the Village of Kount Prospect duly pas8ed, and is further .lthorized by an e1eotion duly call- ed and ~e1d. It 18 hereby oertified and recited that all aota, conditions and thin~s required to be done precedent to and in isauing of this bond have been done, happene. and been performed in regular and due fo~ as required by law, and the total indebtedness of the Village of Mount prospeot, ino1uding this bond, does not exoeed the statntory or oonsti- tutional limitations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, has caused this bond to be sealed with its corporate seal, .igned by its President, attested by its Village alerk, and haa caused the annexed interest ooupons to be exeouted with the fao-aimile signature of said offioers this 1st. day of April, A. D. 1~2a. President Atte.t: VIllage Qlerk ~OUPQI On the first day of April, l~a ,the Village of Kount prospeot, Illinois, promises to ~7 to bearer Thirty Dollar. (lao.OO) in gold coin of the United states at the Mount Prospect lational Bant in the Village of Mount Proapeat, Cook Count" Illinois. for interest due that day on its ... i I L ",11i J ...1. _-~ ., """"'___~ ... ~. l<i I Water Bon4 dated. April 1st, 1922. No, Pr"lct.n'. Attest: Village Clerk, Section 3, !hat for the purpoee of prov1d1ng for the pay,ment of the principal and interest on bond. hereb, authorized 88 they respectively become due, there eha11 be and there is hereby levied and there shall be oollected . direot annual tax upon all the taxable property 1n the Vl11age of .ount lTospeot, 1111n01., sufficient to produce the follow- ing aUlDe for th~ following years. For the year 192.2 the SUlD of 1540,00 j lor the year 1123 the sum of 1480.00 I C 'or the year 1924 the sum 0 f 1420.00 For the year 1925 the SUlD of 1360.00 'or the year 19!6 the sum of 1300~OO Jor the year 192'1 the sum of 1240.00 -'0 r tlte year 1928 the sum of 1180.00 'or the year 1929 the sum of 1120,00 ",or the year 1930 the sum 0 f 1060.00 And the vl11a~e of Hount Prospect hereb, obligate. itself annuall, in due tim., manner and season to perform a~d take all action required by law to carr"out the provisions of thie section. section';4, 'he bonde authorized by th'. ordinanoe shall not be issued unless this ordinance is approved at a special election which is hereby called to be held on the Fourte.nth day of March, A. D. 1922, fhe ballot to be ueed at such eleotion shall be substantially in the following form: k _......J ~ " } '''',' , ' ~__,<o.i ..,,~. "..,~,~,~:.' ' , ,~ ' . ,y-.-~~" ~,,,,'~'r"'"\ -;.J','~ ''''''~'~'::''':~';~;i +.<~,:(. t.! .~ _~.t*;I'.")l. "\."~<\'~:'f~",~4i*B ',1,'. ~",,:'~~.f,w,at..~r f1~. ",G*e.~ t1.. aaI to:r t-.e1l8. of tk, iaJaa'b1...t. ., "'-'llla".' ..nmt Pf.'''.., b7 t.. ....t1o.., '.;!I..tnotio!).. saA ~4.n"alas of . .,."'.. ot water wOl'k. '101' sa14 "11- lap, 1..1diJqr ......al',. 811;1, ..,.lla, ,~a, r...wyol:rl, ani all .....sarl' equip..... u.I oGanecation. for the ~e. M4 opent10Jl fIt lUll. 1n the llUIl of ,tooo~OO 'b. 1....t b7 the 8&14 T11lag.. , . '. , L,.l.... ",;:lh_l'" : . . ....~,; '. . . .. & . f . .: Ie, . . . : . : :.. ......:.. .. ....... ... 'I . . : . . 10 . ; . . . . . . a.ot1.. 6. !hi. 01'41..... eb411 b. 1n toro. trom ant ait.r 11;, pa....., .pproyal, ani pu'b11oat1o.. ~~.~.. ./ " pa...' Jebua:r1 7t~, 1922. Approve' Jebuary 'th, 1938. Pub118Ae4 Febuarr 8th, 1922 to l.bua" 18~h, 1922. poat... ... th. follow1ng p1ao.. tow1t: poa.. ofti.. in Kount PI'O 8j)eot. 01l1oaS' & Jo~t__este~ Ra1lwa, Station at ~unt Pro~.ot. 11111.. I.... & SOD'. Barl.are Store 1n MOunt :ro~.c~, ~.